King of Gods

Chapter 1320

At this moment, Kun Yun was struck by lightning, his body was stiff, with an incredible look on his face, staring at Zhao Hui.

According to Zhao Hui, Kun Yun can be sure that the other party is from the Great Heaven Dynasty in the Continental domain, and even has some connection with Ruler Palace.

But Kun Yun couldn’t remember how such a person was in Ruler Palace.

After all, there are only a few people who want to come to the Wild God Region.

However, since the other party knew himself, there was no malice, and Kun Yun couldn’t control so much.

His situation at this time was very embarrassing. He was played with by True God Broken Cloud and may not be able to get rid of it for life.

Now, suddenly, Zhao Hui, who is out of the ordinary, is also very friendly to himself, maybe he can use his hand to help himself out of the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

“This person gave me sound transmission identification, which means that he didn’t want anyone to know about it!”

Kun Yun’s thoughts moved quickly, and then looked towards True God Broken Cloud.

Although I don’t know what Zhao Hui means, Zhao Hui may help himself. Kun Yun did not take it apart, but cooperated very well.

“You know how to come and see me …”

After a while, Kun Yun said with a smile, haha.

all around Waifeng Disciple, watching this weird scene very doubtfully, I don’t know which one it played.

Why are people who are with True God Broken Cloud so kind to Kun Yun?

“Why are you hurt so badly? This is the cure for my wounds …”

Zhao Hui had already treated Kun Yun’s injury, and Already had almost treated him, but he still said so.

Immediately, Zhao Hui turned over the palm and took out more than a dozen precious medicine ingredients and medicine pill.

There are indeed two of them used for healing. Even the injuries of Fourth-Rank and Fifth-Rank True God have great healing effects.

Otherwise, it’s all cultivate Precious Materials.

“I’m not mistaken, it’s red lotus fruit, True Dragon leaf, Yin Yang Yuan Sheng Dan …”

Treasure taken by Zhao Hui, immediately attracted the greedy look of the nearby Devil Path disciple.

The ranks of outer peak disciplines are at most Third-Rank True God, and every item Zhao Zhao has come up with is extremely valuable.

“This kid, I’m afraid he’s unusual in Spirit Clan!”

True God Broken Cloud looked towards those treasures, and I was a little excited.

But he did not like Zhao Hui, especially Zhao Hui also knew Kun Yun.

And Kun Yun was completely dumbfounded.

The stranger who suddenly appeared not only called himself brother and brother, but also helped him to treat his injuries, and finally gave him so many valuable treasures.

Kun Yun wondered if he was dreaming or not, how could there be so many pies in the sky.

Although you don’t understand, don’t give up.

Kun Yun was rude and accepted all of them.

“With these Precious Materials, it won’t be long before I can assault Third-Rank True God …”

Kun Yun was so excited.

In the Continent domain, with the help of Zhao Feng’s, he entered the Wild God Region when he was at Half-God cultivation base.

What’s more, he is a drip of blood recultivation, and for thirty years of guarding, he has been consolidating the details.

Therefore, in the fifth year of the Wild God Region, he assault God Position directly proved the Second-Rank God Position.

However, by chance, Arrived 5-Star power Black Devil Peak, his cultivation base has been stagnant, all because of True God Broken Cloud.

All the outer peaks are disciple, watching Kun Yun take away those treasure, with great excitement in his heart, but dare not move.

“Brother Zhao has countless treasures in his hands. I believe strength should be extraordinary too!”

Just then, the True God Broken Cloud murmured.

The rest of the outer peaks, can’t help looked towards True God Broken Cloud, I don’t know what he means.

“so so!”

Zhao Hui answered briefly.

“Brother Zhao is too modest. Spirit Clan is a stronger 5-Star force than Black Devil Peak. Most of Black Devil Peak’s Third-Rank True God should not be your opponent!”

True God Broken Cloud elevates Zhao Hui.

“People from Spirit Clan, they must be from the battleship they were in before!”

At this moment, Zhao Hui’s identity was completely clear.

All talents understand that Zhao Hui and True God Broken Cloud are not a group.

But they also did not expect that Kun Yun, who had been insulted by them, would know the Spirit Clan person, and the status of the other party should not be ordinary.

“Spirit Clan!”

Kun Yun lowly mumble.

These two words can only remind him of Zhao Yufei, but even Zhao Yufei, it is impossible to know his exact whereabouts.

“In Black Skull True God, I would like to ask Spirit Clan genius, enlighten me one or two!”

Just then, a youth who resembled a skull stood out.

As a follower of True God Broken Cloud, Black Skull True God knows his mind very well.

As soon as this remark came out, the people present were immediately interested. Obviously, because of Kun Yun, True God Broken Cloud was also somewhat hostile to Zhao Hui.

Black Skull True God Third-Rank True God, the first person in the outer peak discipline, strength is no small matter.

“Brother, I’m not his opponent, you might as well fight for me!”

Just then, Zhao Feng said to Kun Yun.

As soon as this was said, everyone in the complexion was present.

You know, the black skull True God is Third-Rank True God, and Kun Yun is just Second-Rank True God.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng, who is Third-Rank True God, actually wants a Second-Rank True God to fight for himself.

If it weren’t for True God Broken Cloud’s apparent hostility towards Zhao Hui, the off-peak peak even thought that Zhao Hui and True God Broken Cloud had deliberately rectified Kun Yun.


Kun Yun’s head fluttered.

Zhao Hui, who was so friendly to me just now, pushed himself into the fire sea the next moment. What happened?

“If Kun Yun fights, the black skull big brother won’t have to do it, let me do it!”

A black clothed youth in the crowd said with a smile.

Kunyun’s complexion sank, staring at the man.

This black clothed youth is the Second-Rank Peak True God that taught him today.

“Brother Zhao, if you don’t appreciate your face, let your friends fight!”

True God Broken Cloud words are threatening.

If Zhao Hui were to play, 80% would be lost to Black Skull True God. If they were not to play, Kun Yun would have to play. In this way, the relationship between the two of them would naturally break down.

“I’m a physician and I’m not good at fighting!” / P>

Zhao Hui said her identity, which surprised everyone.

Even True God Broken Cloud did not expect that Zhao Feng was actually a physician. In this case, what he said just now is a bit inappropriate.

Challenge a doctor, I’m ashamed to say it, and Zhao Feng is a distant guest.

However, the words are already to say, and it is not the case to take back now.

“That being the case, Kun Yun, let’s play again!”

Just then, the black clothed youth was again on the test bench, with a playful look towards Kun Yun.


Kun Yun complexion suddenly became red.

He had just fought a battle with the black clothed youth and was defeated by fiercely. He was seriously injured.

Even if the injury is almost recovered, it is definitely not the opponent of this black clothed youth.

“Kun Yun, when I came here, I happened to see you in a test and found you Divine Weapon who was not at all. It would be better for me to borrow some weapons from you and go to fight with him.”

Zhao Hui started with a smile.

The black clothed youth complexion remains the same, even if Kun Yun has one more Divine Weapon, it is not his opponent.

Kun Yun was also silent, fiercely stared at Zhao Hui, not sure what he meant.

But the next moment, Zhao Hui turned over the palm, the three brilliant Divine Tool, suddenly appeared.

These three treasures are a black sledgehammer, a golden dragon armor, and a red cloud cloak.

The moment when the three Divine Weapon appeared, they sent out an amazing aura, which attracted everyone present.

“This is … three middle grade Divine Tool!”

Black clothed youth complexion startled on Challenging Platform, swallowed.

“Suddenly took out three middle grade Divine Tool!”

The others also sighed, eyes were extremely stunned.

“This … then I will fight you again!”

After a brief moment, Kun Yun showed ecstasy.

The middle grade Divine Tool corresponds to Fourth-Rank to Sixth-Rank True God, which is a Divine Tool that he usually does not see.

Give him three middle grade Divine Tool.


Kun Yun took three middle grade Divine Tool and jumped directly to the Challenge Platform.

Slightly urged the body’s Divine Tool, Kun Yun immediately felt strong and invincible strength, blessing In the body, a terrifying power, crushed away to black clothed youth.

“These three Divine Tool are top-notch in the middle grade Divine Tool, at least Fifth-Rank True God can completely control!”

The True God Broken Cloud complexion sank.

With three such middle grade Divine Tools, attack, defense, and support, Kun Yun is almost invincible in Second-Rank True God, and can even challenge Third-Rank True God.


Unsurprisingly, the two fought less than five strokes. The black clothed youth was smashed by Kun Yun and spit out a few mouthfuls of red blood before they got up.


Kun Yun laughed heartily and walked down the battle stage.

He has never been so happy when he came to Black Devil Peak.

Get a lot of resources and use the middle grade Divine Tool to defeat your enemies …

“Kun Yun, these three Divine Tool are so suitable for you, I will give them to you!”

Zhao Hui started with a smile.

Kun Yun, who just stepped down, almost fell down.

These are three of the middle grade Divine Tool.

Although he was very reluctant to accept these three Divine Tool, it was too expensive.

However, under Zhao Feng’s strong request, Kun Yun finally accepted these three Divine Tool.

Nearby outside peaks, each and everyone looks like a fool, watching this scene.

With those cultivation resources, plus three middle grade Divine Tool, Kun Yun will soon be invincible, and enters into the


The Kun Yun complexion was decadent.

An innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

Moreover, he himself has many enemies. Once Zhao Hui leaves, True God Broken Cloud will definitely try his best to target him and recapture all these things.

But at this moment, a voice appeared in Kun Yun’s mind: “When the Spirit Clan people leave, you go with them to Spirit Clan!”

“Hehe, Brother Zhao, let me take you somewhere else!”

True God Broken Cloud smiled evil.

Zhao Hui is here, Kun Yun will be fine, and once Zhao Feng leaves, he will not hesitate.

These cultivation resources and Divine Tool will be his.

“it is good!”

Zhao Hui ordered nodded and was ready to leave.

“Who is your Excellency? Why should you save me?”

Kun Yun was very excited, but then calmed down, Soul sound transmission.

He didn’t believe that someone who had nothing to do with him would do these things to him.

“Little Kun Yun, your memory is really bad, even I forgot!”

Zhao Hui left this sentence and left here with True God Broken Cloud.

But Kun Yun was Divine Soul’s tremor. He stood still and stared at Zhao Hui as he stared away.

In his life, there was only one person who called him Little Kun Yun, and that was Zhao Feng who had helped him Blood Rebirth!

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