King of Gods

Chapter 1317

After confirming that this ancient copper coin could sense the Small Thieving Cat, Zhao Feng began to observe it carefully.

This copper coin was a gift from Liu Qinxin when he broke through the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

Therefore, after the strength in it was exhausted, Zhao Feng did not discard it or let Small Thieving Cat take it away.

At that time, Zhao Feng had also confirmed several times, and the strength already in this copper coin had completely dissipated.

But when the copper coin will have strength again after a few decades, this is really strange.

And this strength is different from the strength it once had. At this time, the strength in the ancient copper coin is a deeper Dao of Destiny strength.

Zhao Feng, together with destiny, does not have any innate talent, and does not think about it or think about it.

However, this copper coin gave Zhao Feng great help again, and he thanked Liu Qinxin or Liu Qinyin who was born again in Samsara.

“When these things are done, go back to the Continental domain!”

Zhao Feng’s face was affirmative.

Based on the spirit of Spirit Clan, a Channel to the Continental domain can be opened, but the ordinary person is not qualified to use it.

But Zhao Feng is now an Ancient God and the most dazzling genius of Spirit Clan, so that Spirit Clan can send him back to the Continental domain without any difficulty.

Although Zhao Feng spent more time in the Wild God Region than in the Continental domain.

But he has a different feeling for the Continent domain, Green Flower Continent.

He wants to go back with his parents, see his classmates, see if the Green Flower Continent is peaceful, how the Great Heaven Dynasty and Serene Moon Dynasty are, and what Liu Qinyin is now …

If returning to the Continent domain, Zhao Feng would definitely stay a little longer.

So we have to settle the Small Thieving Cat issue before we talk about it.

However, the dangers to rescue Small Thieving Cat are not ordinary.

The other party values ​​Heavens Secret Cat so much, and will surely hide it in the most hidden and tight place.

“In my current strength, it’s too dangerous!”

Zhao Feng shook the head.

First of all, members of the opponent’s power control the God Eye unification method, which is a huge obstacle to already.

If it weren’t for Zhao Feng’s God Eye, who would have been able to deal with this strength, he is absolutely afraid to participate.

Secondly, the six people from Ancient God Xuan Mo can see each other’s power, which must be extraordinary, and the experts as common as the clouds.

Although Zhao Feng has the help of the Bloody Flame Quilin Race, if it is positive, it is definitely not the opponent ’s opponent, and it is not necessary, and Zhao Feng does not want to use this strength.

In short, the trip was full of crises.

“If your strength is strong, nothing is a problem.”

唰 Shua!

All kinds of Crystal of Profound Truth and Profound Truth cultivate Rare Treasures suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Feng.

He controls the Profound Truth strength of Five Elements, Wind Thunder, Time and Space, etc. The resources required for cultivate are bound to be amazing. Just the ones used by Zhao Feng right now, it is estimated that even if it is all of the Seventh-Rank Ancient God.

The price is high and the results achieved are also extremely amazing.

In more than two months, Zhao Feng upgraded Five Elements, Wind Thunder and Space Profound Truth to 6th Layer.

Correspondingly, “Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art” has also been upgraded to the second layer. Primordial Divine Power is more powerful and can almost match the Divine Power of Eight-Rank Ancient God.

So far, Zhao Feng stopped insight cultivation of Profound Truth strength.


He turned over the palm, and a black triangle iron appeared on his palm.

“Let me see what secret you are hiding!”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye started.

Ancient God Seal belongs to the top grade of the low grade Divine Tool. When Zhao Feng first came to the Wild God Region, it played a very important role. It could crush ordinary low grade Divine Tool.

But as Zhao Feng directly broke through to Ancient God, this Divine Tool has no effect.

But Ancient God Black Sky came to pursuit Zhao Feng to get away the Ancient God Seal.

This shows that this Divine Tool is not so simple on the surface.

“In terms of hardness, Ancient God Seal is exactly like high grade Divine Tool!”

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

A low grade Divine Tool has the hardness of a high grade Divine Tool. It is no wonder that in the low grade Divine Tool, Ancient God Seal is the existence of Peak Level.

However, the Divine Tool rank classification is not simply based on hardness.

“I remember, there is a seal inside the Ancient God Seal!”

The idea penetrated into it, and Zhao Feng felt again, a seal inside Ancient God ?.

Unsurprisingly, it was a seal related to Heavens Secret Clan, and it was very complicated. The seal also involved the Soul level.

If you control special means, you can easily break open.

However, Zhao Feng did not research this, and it is even more impossible to promote the secret of Ancient God Seal with unexpected. Only brute force was needed, so it took some time.


Zhao Feng runs Primordial Divine Power and Soul Strength into the Ancient God Seal, assault the seal.

During the seal of Zhao Feng assault, he also copied many cultivation resources in his God Eye Space.

Ten days later.

“The seal is broken!”

The Ancient God Seal in Zhao Feng’s hands suddenly sent a huge wave of energy.

On the other side, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has been shocked because the strength obviously belongs to the level of Ancient God.

Weng weng!

Words of cyan flowed out from the center of the Ancient God Seal, swirling around the Ancient God Seal.

“Curious, seems to be transforming the Ancient God Seal!”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, watching the Ancient God Seal carefully.

Ancient God Seal is hard, reaching the high grade Divine Tool, but Ability is slightly lower.

At this moment, after this strong source of gush emerges, it seems to be transforming the Ability of Ancient God Seal.

After a long time, the movement of Ancient God Seal slowly disappeared.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness flooded into it instantly and took a closer look.

Where the seal is broken is a single small space, another huge energy source in the space, together with the entire Ancient God Seal.

“Hey? Is that?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes stared at the wall in front of this small space.

I saw a simple small map engraved on it, with Heavens Secret Clan written next to it.

“Don’t tell me Ancient Soul Palace, what is this small map?”

Zhao Feng was a little confused.

This map is not too big and the structure is not complicated.

Where a map is really needed, it is usually a large area or a place with complicated terrain. A simple map like this is completely unnecessary.

The text Heavens Secret Clan next to the map, Zhao Feng couldn’t understand it, I don’t know if there are other reasons.

The secret of Ancient God Seal was unlocked and was of little use to Zhao Feng.

The only benefit is that after the seal was lifted, the Ancient God Seal was transformed, the rank was improved, and it entered the ranks of the God Level high grade Divine Tool.

In this way, Zhao Feng has a good Divine Tool, and strength has increased by a few points.

“High grade Divine Tool!”

Eyes narrowed as World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Zhao Feng knows this Divine Tool.

It was originally a low grade Divine Tool, but it suddenly changed to a high grade Divine Tool.

“It’s time to start!”

Zhao Feng got up to end the retreat.

Small Thieving Cat was arrested, already has been more than three months, and the Ancient God Xuan Mo six people are almost returning to their old nest.

Based on the induction of the ancient copper coin, Zhao Feng determined the approximate direction of the Small Thieving Cat, and he and the Heavens Secret Clan ruins he explored were in one direction.

That place is very close to the periphery of Purple Spirit Territory.

Presumably, Zhao Feng felt that they were likely to leave the Purple Spirit Territory already.

In that direction, the domain next to the Purple Spirit Territory is the Dark Sky Region!

Decided to leave, Zhao Feng first visited Zhao Yufei.

Spirit Clan Third Elder, in the forbidden area of ​​Spirit Clan, even if it is Zhao Feng, he needs to report before he can enter into it.

“Brother Feng, are you leaving again?”

Zhao Yufei was reluctant.

Zhao Feng had just returned to Spirit Clan and didn’t stay long. This was the first time the two had met, and Zhao Feng had to leave again.

Zhao Feng can only say that he lost the Small Thieving Cat at the God Eye rally. According to the induction, the Small Thieving Cat is likely to be in the Dark Sky Region.

“That damn Thieving Cat … I’ll go with you!”

Zhao Yufei was also very impressed with Small Thieving Cat. She saw Zhao Feng going to the Dark Sky Region. The journey was so far and the journey was so far, she said very reluctantly.

“Yufei, remember you promised to be a teacher!”

At this moment, a voice of vicissitudes and ethereal voices came from deep in the forbidden area.

Hearing this, Zhao Yufei was helpless.

Zhao Feng had a weird face, and I learned that Zhao Yufei had promised the Master that he could cultivate to Ancient God Realm in order to step out of Spirit Clan.

As for the reason, it was actually because Zhao Feng had rejected Third Elder’s admission, and Zhao Feng is now an Ancient God cultivation base, so Third Elder asked his disciple to catch up with Zhao Feng as soon as possible, and even to surpass it.

Zhao Feng can’t help I looked at Zhao Yufei and found out that she had just broken through Fifth-Rank True God, but the cultivation base had already reached Fifth-Rank Peak.

“The worthy to be called is Spirit Clan Bloodline, and this Third Elder has high hopes for Zhao Yufei, and almost cultivates it!”

Zhao Feng sighed inside.

He believes that even if he worshiped Third Elder as a teacher, he would not be able to enjoy Zhao Yufei’s treatment. After all, Zhao Yufei is Spirit Clan Bloodline, which is what Spirit Clan values ​​most.

“I’m not going, Brother Feng, take care …”

Zhao Yufei immediately changed his mouth.

“Brother Feng, Spirit Clan In the near future, there should be a team to go to the Dark Sky Region, and you will be safer with them!”

Zhao Yufei seemed to think something, and said directly.

“it is good!”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded and left Spirit Clan’s forbidden area.

This time leaves Spirit Clan, the time is uncertain, so Zhao Feng decides to say hello to the top of Spirit Clan, and by the way ask what Zhao Yufei just said.

“Yes, this is indeed the case. The 5-Star forces ‘Black Devil Peak’ in Spirit Clan and the Dark Sky Region have always had trade contacts. After one month, Spirit Clan will send a batch of goods to Black Devil Peak! “

Ancient God Fu Ling tells the story.

In the end, Zhao Feng also joined the team.

Because of the long distance, the teams that went to trade all flew by large battleship.

And Zhao Feng is not in a hurry to rush past, taking a battleship can not only hurry, but also squeeze a lot of time to cultivate and improve strength.

So Zhao Feng asked to join this team.

Before set off, Zhao Feng strolled around Spirit Clan, met Pan Hao, and brought Zhao Hui with him.

Before he brought Zhao Hui to Spirit Clan, he arranged it directly to the ranks of his children. During this time, Zhao Hui cultivation base grew a lot, and Dao of Medicine also entered the door.

At first he didn’t have time to manage Zhao Hui, but this time he brought him in, he wanted to quickly improve his cultivation base, maybe he could come in handy.

A month later, Zhao Feng took the Spirit Clan’s blue and white steel battleship and set sail for the Dark Sky Region!

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