King of Gods

Chapter 1316

“Leave here first!”

Zhao Feng put down the Small Thieving Cat, put away Space-Time Robe, and quickly went away.

Such a big noise here will surely attract the attention of nearby forces.

In addition, Fiery Gold Clan knew this place, and the Ancient God expert they sent in was wiped out.

I believe it won’t be long before Fiery Gold Clan’s expert will arrive here.

If he sees Zhao Feng at that time, the other party will definitely try his best to detain the crime in Zhao Feng body.

Moreover, the God Eye rally is long over, and he still needs to return to Spirit Clan.

More than two months later, Zhao Feng returned smoothly to Spirit Clan.

On the same day, many senior executives from Spirit Clan visited.

Today, Zhao Feng has a very high status in Spirit Clan, but after the God Eye rally, Zhao Feng did not return. After inquiring about Life Holy Land, he learned that Zhao Feng left halfway through.

Up and down Spirit Clan, also let the intelligence personnel collect intelligence clues related to Zhao Feng everywhere, but none came to fruition.

“It bothers you!”

Zhao Feng cup one fist in the other hand said.

“Zhao Feng, don’t take it easy, now Zhao Yufei already is a descendant of Third Elder!”

Ancient God Fu Ling said with a smile.

“Well, Yufei is Spirit Clan Bloodline, plus the guidance of Spirit Clan half-step Ancient God, his cultivation base, Bloodline, strength will be advanced by leaps and bounds!”

Said a black clothed Ancient God.

In his opinion, Zhao Feng is a believe oneself infallible after breaking through God Position.

With Eye Bloodline, but not paying attention to the God Eye rally, the conflict left.

You know, other Eye Bloodline owners are anxious to stay a bit longer at the God Eye rally.

There are also Eye Bloodline owners who do not meet the training base. They are even more eager for God Eye and want to enter into it.

When Zhao Feng participated in the God Eye rally for the first time, he actually left halfway!

“Third Elder, a child?”

Zhao Feng complexion froze slightly.

Spirit Clan Third Elder, is not the Half-Step God Lord who wants to take himself as an apprentice after breaking through God Position?

Unexpectedly, after leaving, the Third Elder accepted Zhao Yufei as an apprentice.

However, the innate talent exhibited by Zhao Yufei is truly extraordinary.

“I’m leaving now!”

Zhao Feng said goodbye to the public Elder.

Zhao Feng did not tell Spirit Clan about the incident of Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others.

First of all, the other party seems to be only focusing on the God Eye descendants, and has little to do with Spirit Clan. Even if he and Spirit Clan talk, it may not be of much use.

Secondly, if you tell the story of Heavens Secret Clan’s legacy, there will be a lot of trouble coming to your door.

For example, the treasure obtained by Zhao Feng will be peeped by others.

There are others who entered into the, and they are all dead. Fiery Gold Clan, the forces of the Dark Sky Region, etc. will also target Zhao Feng.

So this matter, Zhao Feng did not intend to speak up.

Upon returning to his residence, Zhao Feng immediately began to retreat.

enters into the Space-Time Robe Internal Space, Zhao Feng first began to adjust the injury.

While repairing the injury, he took out all the gains from exploring ruins this time.

On the other side, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, which is being cultivated, suddenly opened both eyes and stared at Zhao Feng.

In the corner of this space, Zhao Wang is cultivate with Death Curse Staff in both hands.

At this moment, Zhao Wang, Already is recognized by Death Curse Staff.

Coupled with the legacy of Heavens Secret Clan, he has harvested many Death Water Liquid and Death Curse Staff to help refining. He has successfully broken through to Sixth-Rank True God.

Zhao Feng took out a thick crystal test tube from the many items in front of him.

The red blood in it is lava-like.


The moment it was opened, a scorching Immemorial Bloodline threatened, and assault came out.

“A little worse than the Bloodline of Fiery Gold Clan, but stronger than the Bloodline of the Bloody Flame Quilin Race!”

Based on aura alone, Zhao Feng cannot determine what kind of Bloodline this is, and can only make a rough estimate.

“Master, this is the 48th Flame God Clan Bloodline in Immemorial Ten Thousand Race!”

Said World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon immediately.

“Ranked 48!”

Zhao Feng was shocked inside.

I didn’t expect this do as you wish to be loaded in a test tube? It was such an advanced Bloodline.

“Master, can you reward me? With this Bloodline from Flame God Clan, I will be able to break through Seventh-Rank Ancient God in one fell swoop!”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon shows a hint of prayer.

He was a Sixth-Rank Peak during the Peak period, and now the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has been restored to cultivation base, but it is not enough to assault Ancient God.

The World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline is powerful and powerful, and it also has the property of Dao of Fire, which can refining and absorb the Bloodline energy of Flame God Clan.

“Let’s talk later!”

Zhao Feng said coldly.

This Flame God Clan Bloodline is also useful to him.

And such a high-level Bloodline, of course, copy a few copies before talking.


Zhao Feng sucked it into God Eye Space and started copying.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon showed disappointment, but didn’t dare to say much, just stared at the other items in front of Zhao Feng.

“The value here is equivalent to the Immemorial Bloodline of Flame God Clan Bloodline. There are at least four more, and there are other precious potions …”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon looks greedy.

He was very curious, how did Zhao Feng arrived so many precious items at once.

Then Zhao Feng one after another looked at the other items.

Although he didn’t know much, he had God Eye and could at least see something.

“The medicament in these small test tubes is more precious than those Immemorial Bloodline!”

Zhao Feng carefully looked towards a row of tiny test tubes in front of which contained potions, powder, or Consolidated small pieces.

After careful observation of Zhao Feng’s, he found that each of these medicines has an incredible medicine efficacy.

The ice-cold viscous substance in one of the tiny test tubes can promote the evolution of Ice Dao Bloodline. It can also be used as a cultivate for Ice Dao cultivation technique, and it can also be used as a cultivate Rare Treasures for Profound Truth.

There is also a test tube, the medicine in it is for Soul, and there is a chance to transform the ordinary Soul body into a special soul body.

For example, Zhao Feng’s Thunder Soul Body has great resistance to Thunder Calamity, is almost immune to ordinary lightning, and can even swallow lightning and increase Soul Strength.

Soul is the root of a person. The fleshly body can be reshaped, and Soul is gone.

It can be seen how precious this can promote Soul’s transformation and increase the potion of Soul Strength.

In addition to these two, there are two more precious medicines.

In the end, there was a potion left, and Zhao Feng couldn’t judge its effect.

In addition to these, there are many cultivate Precious Materials that rarely exist outside the world, such as Rainbow-Colored Samsara Grass, Void Sky Holy Spirit fruit, and so on.

After putting all the items together, Zhao Feng already was thinking about how to allocate them.

First, a large number of Profound Truth of Death crystals were obtained and handed directly to Zhao Wang.

Previously, Zhao Feng had obtained a Crystal of Profound Truth with Eye of Death.

“Look if you can receive and use for oneself in Eye of Death in this Crystal of Profound Truth!”

Zhao Feng left the matter to Zhao Wang.

If he needs it, he refining himself, and if he doesn’t need it, he is free.

After all, Eye Bloodline isn’t great when it’s large. For example, the one-eyed Ancient God Xuan Mo. Although there is only one Eye of Myriad Forms, the Battle Strength is the strongest in their team.

“Flame God Clan Bloodline Copy is good!”

Zhao Feng took two copies of the Bloodline but did not give them to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“Bloodline of Flame God Clan should also be of great benefit to the Bloody Flame Quilin Race!”

Zhao Feng’s consciousness touches the Illusory Silver Ball of God Eye Space.

The next moment, he disappeared directly here.

“This is Flame God Clan Bloodline!”

Bloody Flame Quilin Race shivered.

The same is Dao of Fire Bloodline, but his Bloodline is far worse than Flame God Clan Bloodline.

In addition, Zhao Feng also came up with a few Dao of Fire cultivate Rare Treasures for the Bloody Flame Quilin Race.

After all, in order to save himself from danger, Origin Energy was seriously injured.

鈥渕any thanks adults!鈥?/p>

Bloody Flame Quilin Race took everything with excitement.

In his opinion, it was totally worth the effort to save Zhao Feng’s life.

Zhao Feng then went to Space-Time Robe Space.

“These things are too precious. For me, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Zhao Wang, Zhao Wan, and Zhao Hui and the others are of great use …”

Zhao Feng is going to copy some of these resources before allocating them.

Although his Copy Ability has been greatly improved after the transformation of God Eye, the quality of these treasures is extraordinary, and it takes a lot of time to copy them.

Fortunately, there is more space in Space-Time Robe.

For more than a month, Zhao Feng copied all the items successfully.

And the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has to arrived the Flame God Clan Bloodline he dreamed of.

After successfully copying these things, Zhao Feng couldn’t wait for the enters into the cultivate state.

“If you want to save the Small Thieving Cat and get close to the forces behind the Ancient God Xuan Mo, the strength is not strong, that is walking right into a trap!”

Consolidate it a bit, and then took a few cultivate medicine ingredients, and Zhao Feng’s cultivation base took it a step further, approaching Seventh-Rank Peak.

Zhao Feng did not rush to improve the cultivation base, but stopped and cultivated Profound Truth strength.

One day, Zhao Feng shivered, eyes opened directly.

“Not good, the contractual relationship with Small Thieving Cat was covered up!”

Zhao Feng complexion slightly changed.

Ancient God Xuan Mo’s six-person approach cannot be measured by common sense.

Through the contract of the Small Thieving Cat body, they may have learned that Zhao Feng is still alive.

But Zhao Feng is in Spirit Clan. It should be impossible.

But, without the induction of the Spirit Pet contract, how should Zhao Feng find Small Thieving Cat?

At this moment, the same item in Zhao Feng Storage Space flickering from a faint starburst.

It was a rusty ancient copper coin.

“How come? This copper coin …”

Zhao Feng immediately picked up the copper coin.

This coin was originally left by Liu Qinxin at Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

He remembered that the strength in this copper coin had been exhausted.

But at this moment, the copper coin somehow had strength.

“I remember when the Great Lake City fled the marriage, Liu Qinxin used this coin to sense the position of the Small Thieving Cat, and finally caught up with me …”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flashed.

Although he contracted with Small Thieving Cat’s previous contract, it was covered up by others by special means.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng can use the guidance of this ancient copper coin to determine the location of the Small Thieving Cat.

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