King of Gods

Chapter 1315

Before Zhao Feng and the others were pursuited, the core land was almost turned around, so the terrain of this place was clearer.

After escaping from the central hall, Zhao Feng determined a nearest route, destroying it with the Blood Flame Kirin, trying to escape.

“They went somewhere else in the core and got the items!”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, can see through some distance, observe some situations.

However, the six were separated by a three-member squad, and even if Zhao Feng fights back, it may not be successful.

So, he escaped here to say it again.

After all, this place is Heavens Secret Clan ruins, and the other party is not affected here, just like his own back garden.

Regarding the Small Thieving Cat, it can be seen from those who value the Small Thieving Cat that they will not easily harm the Small Thieving Cat.

In addition, Zhao Feng also figured out why Small Thieving Cat was intentionally arrested.

There is a contractual connection between him and Small Thieving Cat, even if there is a distance between the domains, there can be a slight connection.

Once the Small Thieving Cat was sent back to their nest, Zhao Feng was equivalent to learn about the strongholds of these God Eye descendants.

In addition, this force knows the secrets of Heavens Secret Cat. It is likely that there is something that Small Thieving Cat needs, otherwise it will not be caught in danger.

And the forces behind these people seem to be doing research on God Eye, and maybe there is something that Zhao Feng needs.

Because of this, Zhao Feng did not use the strength of the Bloody Flame Quilin Race too much, otherwise the six God Eye descendants are not their own opponent.

Although all this is dangerous, the Small Thieving Cat has the ability to divination and should be certain.


At this moment, Zhao Feng and Blood Flame Kirin made another small gap, and the two quickly passed through.

“Sir, this seems to be the legacy of Heavens Secret Clan!”

The blood flame unicorn really wondered in the help of the heart, and asked.

“It’s important to escape!”

Zhao Feng didn’t explain much.

the other side.

The Ancient God Hei Ji team successfully recovered some important research results and data quickly.

“Abominable, there are many research results, all thrown to Zhao Feng by Heavens Secret Cat!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo was a little annoyed.

“What use is there in his hands, once Space is broken, he will die!”

Said another coldly snorted.

Having said that, it is really a pity that those many precious research results are just wasted.

“Not enough time, go back!”

The thin woman immediately said.

The self-destructive program has only one breath time, and now there are only twenty breaths.

In order to avoid unexpected, they had better hurry up.

In a small steel room, the Ancient God Hei Ji three were waiting a long time.

“The teleportation formation here is completely preserved, we just adjusted the teleportation orientation appropriately, and now you can use it with confidence!”

Ancient God Hei Ji said with a smile.


A team of six people boarded the teleportation formation.

“Let’s go, let the kid be buried here!”

The face of Ancient God Hei Ji gloomy and cold, a yin smile.

The biggest stain on their mission this time is Zhao Feng.

If it were not for Zhao Feng, their task would not have been done smoothly.

And in the end, they couldn’t kill Zhao Feng, they could only borrow the self-destruct program of Heavens Secret city.

“It’s really cheap that kid!”

Said the skinny Eye of Space-Time descent.

“Although he caused us a lot of trouble, anyway, he also sent us a Heavens Secret Cat!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo said coldly.

“By the way, this cat and that kid should have a Spirit Pet contract …”

“Whatever it is, that kid is dead, and the contract will be eliminated automatically!”


The formation started, and the silver lines rune out.

A layer of simple and unadorned silver white light rose suddenly, covering Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others.

On the other side, although Zhao Feng was looking for a way out, he still observed the actions of Ancient God Xuan Mo.

“Teleportation formation! Are they leaving?”

Zhao Feng was surprised.

“Just let me go!”

Zhao Feng can’t help with a smile, it seems that these people can’t help themselves, so they didn’t delay time and left directly.

But Zhao Feng still felt wrong, can’t help meditate.

“No, I learned so many secrets from them, how could they let me go so easily?”

Zhao Feng complexion changed abruptly and panicked.

At the same time, Zhao Feng looked again towards the octagonal installation of the central palace.

The light red light barrier above the device is constantly flickering.

Although Zhao Feng couldn’t understand the above text, he saw a band of red light, extending from the left to the right, and was about to end.

“The strength of the core, all around, seems to flow into it!”

Upon closer inspection, Zhao Feng found that the energy in the octagonal device was abnormally large and fluctuating very sharply.

“Not good, they are going to ruin this place!”

Zhao Feng expression changed greatly, exclaimed.

From the perspective of Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others, all important things in this ruins have been excavated, so what else does this ruins stay for?

That would only leave clues, allowing other forces to find out about the six people of Ancient God Xuan Mo.

Moreover, Zhao Feng, a person who knew so many secrets, had no reason to let Zhao Feng go.

Combining the two, Zhao Feng wanted to arrived a possibility!

Ancient God Xuan Mo Six people, to completely destroy this space, but also to kill Zhao Feng!

The octagonal device in the central hall is the most advanced mechanical device in the core land, and even the ancient God Xuan Mo cannot control it.

Therefore, the octagonal device must be the core device of the entire ruins, which can be used together with the entire ruins space.

Just now, the octagonal device appeared a natural phenomenon …

“Not good, this place is to be completely destroyed!”

Zhao Feng hurriedly said to Qilin Qilin.

“Is there any way to quickly escape from this Space?”

Zhao Feng hurriedly asked.

Now, it’s time to alive or death.

“Escape from this Space?”

Blood flame unicorn eyes narrowed.

Nowadays, they have some difficulties trying to leave this core place. How can they escape this Space at once?

Zhao Feng knew that this blood flame unicorn could not do so, and it was directly taken back to Immemorial Dreamland.

“In that case, I can only fight!”

Zhao Feng showed his determination.


Zhao Feng’s figure suddenly disappeared on the spot.

But then, a violent Space volatility occurred.

Hoo xiu xiu!

Zhao Feng and Bloody Flame Quilin Race are long and appear directly here, while Bloody Flame Quilin Race is long all around, and suddenly there are tiny space cracks.

With Zhao Feng’s cultivation base, if you are close to the crack in Space, you will be torn apart.

But his body has top grade defense Divine Tool Space-Time Robe, which has a very good defense effect on Space cracks.

“Sir, is this here?”

Bloody Flame Quilin Race is doubtful.

Zhao Feng didn’t say anything, so he dragged him directly here, leaving him scratching his head for a while.

But in the split second, the Bloody Flame Quilin Race has long felt the signs of Space being broken.

“Sir, this Space is too inferior to accommodate me!”

Bloody Flame Quilin Race Chief immediately said.

“Every way, no matter what the cost, let me leave this Space!”

Zhao Feng hurriedly said.

At the same time, the red light band on the octagonal device is about to end.

The Bloody Flame Quilin Race was long and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

How could Lord Ruler easily call him if he had not encountered a deadly crisis that was difficult to resolve.

“it is good!”

Bloody Flame Quilin Race has a majestic look, a great Desolate boundless and powerful aura, starting from his within the body.

Hoo xiu xiu!

Along with the Bloody Flame Quilin Race’s long-term display of strong strength, all around Space was twisted, and numerous large and small Space cracks were torn apart, tearing everything to destroy the Space storm, blowing out from it.

噗chi chi!

On the long body of the Bloody Flame Quilin Race, dozens of scars of different sizes appeared instantly.

Although his life force is strong, his resilience is not as fast as the increase in injuries.

At the same time, Zhao Feng urged Space-Time Robe’s ability “space-time barrier” as long as the Bloody Flame Quilin Race commanded him!

Space barrier has an excellent defense effect on Space strength, and “space-time barrier” is an upgraded version of it, which is naturally more outstanding in this regard.

Under the protection of the space-time barrier, the long injury of the Bloody Flame Quilin Race has temporarily stabilized.

Zhao Feng has the dual protection of Space-Time Robe and “space-time barrier”, which is relatively safer.

At this moment, the red light band on the octagonal device finally came to the end of arrived!

The whole core place, including all around the size of the place, a destructive strength, undulating.

split second, Zhao Feng felt extremely depressed, and the crisis of death suddenly came!

“Sure enough to destroy this Space!”

Zhao Feng’s heart trembled, even his God Eye was beating.

But his strength escaped the weak, and there was no way.

Just at this time.

The Bloody Flame Quilin Race is long all around, flowing around a marvelous flame text, and accompanied by strong Profound Truth strength, it swings violently.

split second, all around Space is completely broken.

At the same time, the strange layer of flame text surrounds the Bloody Flame Quilin Race with Zhao Feng.


The two turned into a ball of blood, flame light, and thundered, and the burst disappeared.

Purple Spirit Territory, an empty wilderness wood, suddenly twisted and confused.

Chichi chi!

Suddenly, a large number of Space cracks were torn apart, and a terrifying storm of destruction energy was released.

With a radius of more than ten ten thousand li, it suddenly became a restricted area.

The devastating Space storm strength, mixed with huge energy assault, is raging.

On the edge of the destruction zone, two silhouettes appeared suddenly.

“Close call!”

Zhao Feng’s sudden heartbeat finally calmed down. His body ’s Space-Time Robe and flickering were faintly bright, apparently to protect Zhao Feng, and he suffered a certain amount of damage.

Thanks to Zhao Feng, Enron survived.

However, the Space storm strength still had some impact on Zhao Feng.

There is also the powerful mystery of the Bloody Flame Quilin Race, which also has a certain burden on Zhao Feng.


The Bloody Flame Quilin Race spurts a long mouthful of hot blood, with a faint layer of flames on it.

Where the flames splattered, immediately burned a blazing fire.

“how about it?”

Zhao Feng immediately asked.

Compared to him, the Bloody Flame Quilin Race grew up in an unstable Space, and performed a powerful Space Escape technique, and suffered extremely serious injuries.

There is no whole body in his whole body.

“It’s okay, although it hurts Origin Energy, it’s not a big deal. It’s just that in the recent period, it may not be able to help adults cope with some major crises …”

The Bloody Flame Quilin Race is long-immediately working on healing secrets, before speaking.

“Go back, I remember what you did today!”

Zhao Feng said with emotion.

This time it is really thanks to the Bloody Flame Quilin Race. If it were not for him, even if he had Space-Time Robe, he would be twisted into a powder by endless void storm, Divine Soul Entirely Extinguished.


Zhao Feng grows the Bloody Flame Quilin Race into Immemorial Dreamland.

“Small Thieving Cat!”

Zhao Feng closed his eyes slightly, and felt a certain direction in his heart.

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