King of Gods

Chapter 1311

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are focused on the Small Thieving Cat body.

Ancient God Xuan Mo The six of them are shocked, and they can actually meet the real Heavens Secret Cat here.

The others were surprised. The Thieving Cat was actually act recklessly, daring to touch the Eye Bloodline of eight pairs of God Eye descendants.

But when they saw the expressions of Ancient God Xuan Mo, they were surprised and confused.

Looking at their appearance, this cat seems to be very out of the ordinary, and seems to be able to meet the eight pairs of God Eye descendants’ eye pupils on equal terms.

“Small Thieving Cat!”

Zhao Feng was at a loss.

Heavens Secret Clan’s item device cannot be easily touched by outsiders. There will inevitably be any mechanism traps.

Secondly, the eight pairs of God Eye descendants are the first goal of the Ancient God Xuan Mo. At this time, the Small Thieving Cat jumped on it, and it will definitely irritate each other.

But the next moment, the action of Small Thieving Cat shocked everyone and Zhao Feng again.

I saw, Small Thieving Cat pouted, swallowed a translucent crystal under its claw, and swallowed it.

“Not good, Heavens Secret Cat swallowed the research!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo complexion slightly changed.

“Worthy to be called is Heavens Secret Cat, and it directly affects the important instrument item of Heavens Secret Clan, and it has no effect!”

Eye of Heavenly Punishment in the Ancient God Xuan Mo team, sighed in surprise.

“Why is this cat so powerful?”

I’ve seen Lin Chengwu of Small Thieving Cat, expression for a while.

“However, it’s a courting death, and I don’t know what its Master thinks!”

The yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land laughed.

In his opinion, the actions of Small Thieving Cat must have been directed by Zhao Feng.

But Small Thieving Cat offended the Ancient God Xuan Mo six, and it must be their next goal.

And anyone who faces that mysterious Void strength has only one dead end, and Small Thieving Cat is no exception.

call out!

Small Thieving Cat swallowed one of them, cleared with Eye Bloodline, and then quickly left.

“Catch it!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo immediately shouted.

“Without you saying, this is Heavens Secret Cat, naturally you can’t let go!”

Black Vine Divine Eyes flickering.

The other people’s eyes are also staring at Small Thieving Cat, which is bound to be obtained.

Weng weng!

Six people simultaneously formed hand seals, which caused the Void Eye Strength on the top of the head, constantly twisting.

Suddenly, three Void bands of light extend inside.

call out! call out! call out!

At the moment the light band was gushing out, it was sweeping towards the Small Thieving Cat at the speed of thunderclap.

However, after the transformation of the Small Thieving Cat, the method of already reached the achieved perfection. Even Zhao Feng’s God Eye was worthy of capturing its movement track.

call out!

Small Thieving Cat disappears into a Void’s dark silver awn.

However, the ancient God Xuan Mo six people, I do not know what ability, can also capture the escape trajectory of Small Thieving Cat.

They control three light bands, and immediately change direction, wrapping the Small Thieving Cat from three directions.

“Everyone, this is an opportunity!”

Undead Ancient God’s eyes sank, giving the others sound transmission.

Needless to say, everyone is immediately clear.

At this moment, most of the attention of the Ancient God Xuan Mo six people is on the Small Thieving Cat body, which is the perfect time for their counterattack.

Sou sou sou !

The descendants of God Eye and Fiery Gold Clan rushed straight out.

“Death Spear!”

“Extreme Blade!”

“Flaming fist!”

For a time, the two teams aimed at the Ancient God Xuan Mo and simultaneously launched a powerful attack.

“Hmph, I expected you to do this. If it weren’t for the appearance of Heavens Secret Cat, you would not have had a chance to jump here!”

Ancient God Hei Ji sneered.

In addition to the three who control the three Void light bands, the other three immediately activate Void strength to form a layer of defense barrier.

Although the number of attackers is very large, they are very confident about the strength produced by God Eye’s unity method, and will not have any effect unless it reaches a certain level of strength.

Boom bang!

All the attack, all descend on the Void barrier, but still unable to shake it in the slightest.

楸 “What the hell is this? Actually, it can withstand so many people’s full attack!”

The complexion was embarrassed after the undead Ancient God was shocked.

The rest were very upset.

The strength of the strength, alert is beyond common sense.

“It seems that these six people should often cultivate this Secret Technique. Otherwise, how can the God Eye unite the strength and use it so skillfully and carefully!”

Zhao Feng was shaking inside.

Moreover, these people are also good at mechanism formation and can use the machinery of Heavens Secret Clan.

In Zhao Feng’s view, these people should belong to a certain force.

“Continue to attack, this strength will never be unlimited!”

Lin Chengwu low roaring sound.

This sentence was immediately recognized by others present.

If you do nothing, then equivalent to wait for death, and Lin Chengwu’s words are very correct.

That strength is definitely not infinite, otherwise, the Ancient God Xuan Mo six people, why not immediately kill Ancient God Ju Ling.

Boom bang!

God Eye descendants and Fiery Gold Clan, cheer up again, use powerful Battle Skills, and constantly strike the Void barrier.

“Damn, these people …”

Ancient God Hei Ji groaned.

God Eye unification method is to extract the Strength of Source from the eyes of six of them.

The more Strength of Source is consumed, the more damage is done to Eye Bloodline.

If the Strength of Source is used up all at once, it will cause a devastating blow to Eye Bloodline and even lose Eye Bloodline.

Ancient God Xuan Mo’s silent response made the two parties more convinced.

For their own lives, everyone worked together to attack madly.

However, some people started to notice Small Thieving Cat.

After all, they can have the opportunity to attack the Ancient God Xuan Mo six, which were all won by Small Thieving Cat.


Small Thieving Cat is flying like a dark silver Void Glow in the center hall.

And its behind, three Void light bands, as if there is a tracking system, is chasing after Small Thieving Cat behind.

Boom bang!

Every time the three light bands fail, they hit a building all around the temple, leaving a sharp mouth directly.

You know, the buildings here, even Seventh-Rank Ancient God, have some difficulties trying to damage them.

“That cat is so good, it hasn’t been caught yet!”

“These three Void light strips are faster than the previous chain attack. At the time, Ancient God Ju Ling was almost a winner, but this Small Thieving Cat can deal with these three Void light strips by itself!”

As the crowd attacked, can’t help observe the situation on their Small Thieving Cat.

Those who know that Small Thieving Cat is Zhao Feng Spirit Pet, and even more envy.

It would be great if such a powerful Spirit Pet could be used by them.


As if hearing the compliments of the crowd, the Small Thieving Cat escaped and smiled at the crowd compntnt, seemingly compostnt.

Everyone was amused by the actions of Small Thieving Cat.

However, the next moment, their complexion changed abruptly. If they were struck by lightning, their bodies were stiff.

I saw that Small Thieving Cat was slightly slower because of the split second move.

The three strips of light suddenly increased speed and entangled the Small Thieving Cat.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat entangled by the Void light band, struggling desperately.

But he couldn’t escape from it!

However, the three bands of light seem to restrain the Small Thieving Cat, not at all causing any harm to it.

“Not good, that cat!”

Everyone can’t help remorse, they should not influence the Small Thieving Cat.

“So Thieving Cat?”

Only Zhao Feng was surprised when he was surprised.

In his opinion, Small Thieving Cat would never make such a mistake, but it was more like an intentional arrest.

“Heavens Secret Cat, finally caught!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo Six people, excited eyes.


They controlled the light band and would pull the Small Thieving Cat past it.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat shouted pitifully, suddenly opening his mouth wide.

At the same time, Zhao Feng ran quickly.

“It’s useless……”

Ancient God Xuan Mo chuckled, but his gaze was fixed on Zhao Feng.

In addition to research results and data, as well as Heavens Secret Cat, Zhao Feng is also one of the more important capture targets.

After all, it is strange that it is not a descendant of Eight Great God Eyes, but has a quasi-God eye pupil.

And Zhao Feng’s eyes are not weaker than those of Eight Great God Eyes.

At this point, as long as Zhao Feng goes up to rescue the Small Thieving Cat, he will immediately control one of the light bands and restrain Zhao Feng.

However, after Zhao Feng approached the Small Thieving Cat for a certain distance, he did not continue to approach.

At this time, several items were flying out of Small Thieving Cat’s mouth.

There are test tubes with thick arms containing unknown Immemorial Bloodline, as well as very small test tubes that look like special medicine.

In addition, there are other items that are scoured from the core.

“This is all the treasure in the core that we can’t get!”

“Heavens, this Thieving Cat, when has this been stolen!”

The descendants of God Eye and Fiery Gold Clan were shocked.

They all understand that almost all of these precious items have protective measures, and outsiders touch them to activate the mechanism trap.

But Small Thieving Cat can top secret, steal these things, how does this work?

At this moment, even the ancient God Xuan Mo are all surprised and angry. Those are all important resources in the core place.

“That is……”

Lin Chengwu’s eyes flickered, and he stayed on one of the items.

It’s a translucent crystal with a pair inside, close to the quasi-God Eye Bloodline!

The rest of the God Eye descendants were also immediately attracted to such items.

But they wanted to seize it. Already was too late.

When these items were spit out by Small Thieving Cat, Zhao Feng directly put all of them into Storage Space.

On the other side, Small Thieving Cat did all of this and was dragged directly next to Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others.

Immediately, the three strips of light turned into a layer of Void liquid, attached to the body surface of the Small Thieving Cat, and completely confined it.

“Heavens Secret Cat captured!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo hummed and put Small Thieving Cat into a special Storage Space.

“There is still a lot of strength left, enough to solve all of you!”

On the face of Ancient God Hei Ji gloomy and cold, a gloomy smile appeared.

Opposite, the descendants of God Eye and everyone in Fiery Gold Clan, once again felt a crisis of death, can’t help shudder all over!

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