King of Gods

Chapter 1310

“Stuck away!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo’s bland voice, breaking the silence of the scene.

“What exactly is that strength?”

The purple man in the Fiery Gold Clan team trembled in shock.

Kill a Seventh-Rank Ancient God, so that the opponent can’t even struggle, and Soul directly kills.

Anyone present, as long as they are penetrated by the Void chain, I am afraid it will have the same result.

Not far away, the Ancient God Ju Ling complexion was utterly white and lingering.

Even if he was Eighth-Rank Ancient God, if he hadn’t escaped just now, he would probably be killed like the other person.

Zhao Feng complexion.

At first in the Continental domain, the Secret Technique of Saint King Samsara consumed almost all energy only once. Therefore, the power is huge and it is extremely difficult to dodge.

The Secret Technique exhibited by these six people now, after using it once, doesn’t seem to consume much and can continue to be used.

However, the ability and power of all aspects of attack have been weakened accordingly.

“How come? How could they be so strong?”

Undead Ancient God is shocked.

Before he also said that with Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others, nothing could be done.

But now, the ancient God Xuan Mo six people show a mysterious strength with God Eye aura, kill Seventh-Rank Ancient God, with no difficulty, no suspense.

“Next time, you won’t be so lucky!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo coldly snorted.

At the same time, Ancient God Hei Ji formed hand seals among the six.

In the mass of Void strength on their top of the head, a chain was extended again, exactly the same as the first one.

“Not good !”

Ancient God Ju Ling complexion.

This time, the opponent’s goal seems to be him, and there is one more chain, so it is more difficult for him to dodge.

“Everyone, they are blocked here, and we will all die here if we don’t remove them!”

Faced with anxiety, Ancient God Ju Ling immediately made a joint proposal to the descendants of God Eye on Zhao Feng’s side.

“Right now, that’s it!”

The Undead Ancient God complexion sank.

In the beginning, the goal of Ancient God Xuan Mo was their descendants of God Eye.

Although the ancient God Xuan Mo six people now deal with Fiery Gold Clan and the others first, they will never let them go.

“Well, they must Deciphering their Secret Technique!”

azure clothed old man flickering.

Ancient God Xuan Mo The Secret Technique performed by six people has the strength to destroy everything. Even Ancient God Ju Ling is extremely fearful.

But once their Secret Technique is broken, the six of them are just ordinary Seventh-Rank Ancient God. Whether it is Fiery Gold Clan, azure clothed old man, Undead Ancient God, Zhao Feng’s temporarily joining the team, they can be solved.

In addition, azure clothed old man is also very interested in the Secret Technique of Ancient God Xuan Mo.

Zhao Feng is not shy about joining forces with Fiery Gold Clan, after all, the most important thing now is to go out alive.

Zhao Feng felt that he was also one of the main targets of the Ancient God Xuan Mo, so he urgently hoped to eliminate this threat.

Gradually, Fiery Gold Clan and Zhao Feng and the others moved closer to center.

“Hmph, useless!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo complexion is bland and doesn’t seem to care.

Purine Ding!

In that Void strength, the two chains were fired quickly.

Seeing these two chains like death poisonous snakes, everyone’s mind can’t help chill.

“Get away!”

azure clothed old man cried out in surprise.

Once hit by this Void chain, it is almost certain to die.

“The goal of the chain is me, and you take the opportunity to attack them and destroy their Secret Technique!”

Ancient God Ju Ling loudly shouted, casting speed Secret Skill, turning into a Golden stream of light, flying away.

“it is good!”

Many God Eye descendants went straight to the Ancient God Xuan Mo.

The other members of Fiery Gold Clan tried their best to attack the Void chain, causing some obstacles to it and giving Ancient God Ju Ling a chance to dodge.

“Finally there is something to do!”

In the Ancient God Xuan Mo team, three other God Eye descendants, simultaneously formed hand seals, sense the Void strength above.


In the group of Void-like twisted strengths like eyes, immediately poured out a layer of Void curtains, enclosing six of them.

“Light of death!”

“Light of Annihilation!”

In Zhao Feng’s team, Death and Eye of Annihilation owner, run Eye Strength Will and perform powerful Eye Technique.

I saw that a layer of dim black light waves and a dazzling Golden light fell on that layer of Void light barrier in an instant.

However, the imaginary picture did not appear.

The powerful attack of the two God Eye descendants, when they fell on the light barrier, just splashed a ripple.

Jeer converge

Destruction and Death Strength, assaulting the light barrier with all its strength, trying to break it.

But in the end, both strengths were exhausted and failed to work.

“How can this be? Even Profound Truth of Death and Profound Truth of Destruction are useless?”

azure clothed old man expression

Death and destruction is one of the most powerful Profound Truth strengths.

But the attack of the two of them did not have any impact on the Void light barrier.

“Let me try it!”

Lin Chengwu figure flickering, Eye of Space-Time already works.

“Extreme Blade!”

I saw a Gold and Silver Void Blade condensing in front of his eyes.

call out!

The Gold and Silver Void Blade suddenly disappeared, and when it appeared again, the alert reached before the Void light barrier.

“Even Space Profound Truth is useless!”

Lin Chengwu complexion was startled.

Just now, he wanted to let his time and space Eye Technique directly penetrate the Void curtain, one of attack.

But when his “Ultra Blade” approached Void, he was forced to show up.

噗chi chi!

The penetrating Gold and Silver Void Blade collided with the Void curtain, and eventually the strength was exhausted and slowly dissipated.

“Earth Explosion to Alarm the Stars!”

Zhao Feng also launched a few moves Eye Technique.

But no doubt blocked by that Void light barrier.

On the other side, Ancient God Ju Ling is powerful and has many means. With the help of Fiery Gold Clan and others, those two chains have never taken their lives.

Giant Spirit A escaped from time to time, observing the progress of Zhao Feng from time to time.

“How can this be so that even the Profound Truth strength of God Eye’s descendants can’t break their Secret Technique defense?”

Ancient God Ju Ling complexion.

The Ancient God Xuan Mo six people can be said to have the strongest spear and the strongest shield.

“Ancient God Xuan Mo, don’t save strength anymore, just kill the Eight-Rank True God, and the rest will be easy to solve!”

Eye of Destiny, a thin woman, swept across the globe and spoke directly.

“it is good!”

The Ancient God Xuan Mo complexion sank, and cold eyes bloomed.

Suddenly, the two chains contracted back.

“what happened?”

Ancient God Ju Ling expression Wei Wei, a look of grave towards Ancient God Xuan Mo six people.

Tell him directly that the other party will not stop so easily.

“Not good, they want to change the attack!”

Zhao Feng sank inside.

He is very aware of the true attack power that this Secret Technique can produce.

Weng weng!

At this moment, a mass of mysterious light glow filled the Void strength.

The faint light glow outlines a pupil that can’t see clearly.

“Not good ……”

The Ancient God Ju Ling body shook.

When staring at this Void’s eye, he felt that his flesh, Divine Power, and Soul had given up resistance and surrendered directly.

At this moment, Ancient God Ju Ling felt arrived the unprecedented crisis of death, his Soul shivered …


Suddenly, the eyes of Void bloomed with a light glow, and then a group of Void strength burst out from it!

“No, I don’t want to die …”

Ancient God Ju Ling both eyes almost stood out, exposing despair in terror.

He can clearly feel that no matter where he flees, he cannot avoid the attack from the opponent.

But Ancient God Ju Ling didn’t want to fall down, he burned the source Divine Power and turned it into a Golden Sun, ready to escape in other directions.

However, he has just acted.

The Void mysterious, Ruler’s strength, descended directly in front of him.

“Do not……”


The explosion of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth engulfed the scream of Ancient God Ju Ling.

In the center of the explosion, there were a few Space cracks, tearing all around.

In the end, when the destruction of the storm stopped, there was nothing left!

Ancient God Ju Ling, be killed in seconds!

“Ancient God Ju Ling!”

“This is impossible!”

Fiery Gold Clan as a whole, and after a shock, immediately screamed.

The leader of their squad, the strongest Ancient God Ju Ling in strength, was killed by the opponent directly!

“What kind of strength is this …”

Many of God Eye’s descendants near Zhao Feng were also on the spot, shocked, and swallowed.

“Even if I’m Immortal Samsara Body, it’s inevitable!”

The beautiful young woman can’t help tremble all over.

She was never afraid of death, and for the first time felt terrifying of death.

“That’s it. Don’t give them a color to see. I really think that I’m so great!”

Ancient God Hei Ji grinned sneer.

“The move was too powerful just now, I almost destroyed the precious research results of this place. Take the things first!”

The thin woman said flatly.

The blow that killed Ancient God Ju Ling a moment ago, Already destroyed a nearby mechanical device, and almost reached the center of the octagon.


The rest also ordered nodded.

The main task of their operation was to take away the research results and data in this ruins, and capture the descendants of God Eye, which was just a incidental task.

shua shua Shua!

The six of them took out many strange items and activated them.

At the next moment, many instruments in this central hall suddenly had a reaction and started to operate.

Ding Ding Ka!

Many instruments began to change and shrink on their own, then moved in front of six people.

“They can actually control the equipment of the aircraft family!”

“How is that possible? Don’t tell me they’re from Heavens Secret Clan?”

Everyone present was amazed at the scene.

However, the Ancient God Xuan Mo, six people, ignored others and did their own things.

It didn’t take long for this central hall to look a bit empty, leaving only the octagonal installation of center.

“This device, we can’t drive it, take the results above and the data inside!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo said directly, and then tried to control the octagonal device.

Only a few strange sounds were heard.

The octagonal device was loaded with transparent crystals of eight pupils of God Eye descent, and separated from the device.

“God Eye Descendants Close to God Eye!”

The Undead Ancient God twitched inside.

If you get a pair of Eye of Death that is close to the quasi-God Eye, his Eye of Death may be able to draw the strength within it and produce great transformation, and it is not impossible to evolve to the quasi-God Eye.

But at this moment, he didn’t dare to do it!

The rest of the God Eye descendants present were very eager for those eight eyes, but they did not dare to get rid.

But at this moment, there was a dark silver gray flash at a certain entrance of the central hall.

call out!

split second, the rays of light came over a transparent crystal, and then the slender and muscular body of Small Thieving Cat was revealed.

“Not good, it’s Heavens Secret Cat!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo immediately shouted.

“Is it really Heavens Secret Cat?”

Eye of Heavenly Punishment, who arrived here in the Ancient God Xuan Mo team, was shocked.

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