King of Gods

Chapter 1312

“There is still a lot of strength left, enough to solve all of you!”

The face of Ancient God Hei Ji gloomy and cold?

At this point, the Eighth-Rank Ancient God Ju Ling was killed, mysterious and unpredictable, and the highly capable Small Thieving Cat was also arrested.

And listen to the other party’s tone, and will not let anyone be present.

“Small Thieving Cat!”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

Before the Small Thieving Cat was completely imprisoned by Six God Ancient Xuan Mo, he received a message from the Small Thieving Cat so he didn’t have to worry.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng has to worry about himself first, how to escape.

“God Eye descendants capture, the rest, kill without mercy!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo whispered.

Immediately, the six of them simultaneously formed hand seals, controlling the Void strength of the top of the head.

Weng weng!

Three Void light bands and three chains extend from each side.

“Capture God Eye descendants?”

The Godion descendant complexion changed slightly.

At this moment, they finally knew that the Ancient God Xuan Mo, who brought them to this ruins, wanted to capture them.

As for the ultimate purpose, they have no idea whatsoever, it will never be a good thing.

“kill without mercy !”

The Fiery Gold Clan trembled, his eyes filled with fear.


From that strand of Void strength, three chains and three bands of light extended towards Fiery Gold Clan and God Eye descendants.


In Fiery Gold Clan, the man stared at by a Void chain screamed and fled.

“No, find a way!”

Lin Chengwu low roaring sound, figure flashed out, avoiding a light band.

If everyone dodged blindly, they would eventually be wiped out by the Ancient God Xuan Mo.

But today, no one present can delay the time with the Ancient God Xuan Mo six people dealt with, like Ancient God Ju Ling or Small Thieving Cat.

call out!

A strip of Void light swept towards Zhao Feng at a very tricky angle.

Zhao Feng reacted, using Space Flickering to avoid it.

However, as soon as he appeared next, the Void light band arrived almost.

“Zhao Feng, obediently surrender, with your Spirit Pet, come with us!”

Ancient God Hei Ji sneered.

It turned out that it was Ancient God Hei Ji who controlled that Void light band and captured Zhao Feng’s at this moment.

“The reason why you didn’t give you to Fiery Gold Clan just now is because you are one of our main goals, but we can’t let you die easily …”

Ancient God Hei Ji said again.

“Why grab me? I’m not a God Eye descendant!”

Zhao Feng asked.

They wanted to catch the God Eye descendants, and Zhao Feng could think of some reasons, but they grabbed themselves for what reason.

“You are not a descendant of God Eye, but you are cultivating your eyes to a quasi-God level, and you are also the Master of Heavens Secret Cat. Your value is no less than those of God Eye Eye!

Ancient God Hei Ji seems to be inevitable, and he doesn’t mind revealing this information.

“What? Quasi God Eye?”

Complexion shocked the rest of the God Eye descendants present.

“This is impossible!”

Lin Chengwu shook his head with the beautiful young woman, his face was incredible.

Zhao Feng is really too young, and he is not a descendant of Eight Great God Eyes. How did he cultivate ordinary Eye Bloodline to a quasi God Eye level?

In addition, before they were a team with Zhao Feng, they did not feel the level of Zhao Feng Eye Bloodline at all.

“A quasi-God eye pupil?”

Zhao Feng expression was a little hesitant.

At this moment, when he suddenly thought of the Continental domain, the five of Saint King Samsara applied the God Eye unification method, because of his sudden participation in God Eye, a major change occurred.

Maybe at this moment, my God Eye can do something …


Zhao Feng’s God Eye Space, the seal enclosing Illusory Silver Ball, was torn off.

At the same time, the color of Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly brightened, and the stream of light was reflected in it, and his hair was restored to illusory silver, flying in the air, like water flowing.

“Seal the strength of the pupil!”

Lin Chengwu was shocked.

Before, Zhao Feng’s previous eye-pupil abilities could be taught to him, so he never thought about it. At that time, Zhao Feng sealed some of his Eye Bloodline abilities.

“Is it really God Eye?”

The eyes of the rest of God Eye’s descendants gathered towards Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, including the ancient God Xuan Mo six, as well.

Everyone may have seen people who have reached the level of near God Eye, but have never seen it. Eye Bloodline other than the descendants of Eight Great God Eyes can reach the level of near God Eye.

Just then, the other side.


A descendant of God Eye, accidentally, was entangled in a light band.

Subsequently, the Void light band turned into a layer of Void liquid, covering the entire body of the descendant of God Eye.

Suddenly, the descendants of God Eye were unable to move even a little bit and couldn’t do anything. They were dragged back.


azure clothed old man cursed.

Once they relax, they will be entangled in mysterious Void light bands, and there is no way to escape.

In contrast to God Eye’s descendant, Fiery Gold Clan had two people in Already, who were directly killed.

“Zhao Feng, obediently surrender, at this moment, even if you show the true strength of your eyes, what’s the use?”

Ancient God Hei Ji sneered.

call out!

Although he was talking, Ancient God Hei Ji never relaxed and kept controlling the Void light band in an attempt to restrain Zhao Feng.

However, Zhao Feng’s Body Movement is extremely clever, and it is impossible to catch up with Zhao Feng by only a light band controlled by him.

“Maybe it works?”

Zhao Feng lowly mumble, he also tried to try it, even if it is useless, he will not lose anything.

“Hmph, ignorance!”

Ancient God Hei Ji smiled coldly.

Until now, the God Eye unity method they have worked together has never been defeated by any strength, unless it is an expert with a higher level than them.

“Lent me your strength!”

Ancient God Hei Ji said to an Eye of Space-Time companion.

Immediately, Black? Ancient God felt that a deep Profound Truth of Space-Time strength emerged from the Void light band under his control.

“Hehe, see where you run this time!”

Ancient God Hei Ji both eyes Yi Ning.

call out!

That Void strip of light doubles in speed, blends into void, penetrates it, and suddenly hits Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng, that kid is over!”

Whispered the yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land.

The enemy controlled only three light bands to capture God Eye’s descendants, and he was temporarily ignored.

Seeing that Void light band, it will be wrapped around Zhao Feng body.

At this time, the Eye Technique of Zhao Feng Left Eye was also successfully brewing.

“Source Eye Fire!”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, locks the Void light band in front of him, and a ball of illusory silver purple flame, turns around.

“Haha, it’s stupid, your strength is useless!”

Ancient God Hei Ji was funny and stupid about Zhao Feng’s behavior.

But the next moment, he froze in place to, his face stiff.

Hum pu!

A group of fantastic silver-purple thunderbolt flames burst open on the Void light strip in front of Zhao Feng.

Suddenly, the Void light band twisted and swelled, and eventually turned into several powerful Profound Truth strengths, dissipating between heaven and earth.

“Sure enough!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flashed.

He knew that ordinary attack had no effect on that Void mysterious strength.

So after solving the unseal seal, Zhao Feng mobilized a part of the Strength of Source into the Eye Technique.

At first in the Continental domain, the appearance of the Strength of Source in his God Eye instantly overshadowed the Strength of Source of other God Eye descendants and became the dominant strength leader.

And this time, the Eye Technique incorporating God Eye Strength of Source also has a significant effect on this mysterious Void strength.

“How can it be!”

Ancient God Hei Ji shocked.

How could the strength created by God Eye unification be destroyed.

“God Eye’s aura …”

Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others is also a look of astonishment.

This kind of thing, they really saw it for the first time.

And in the strength Zhao Feng just showed, there is an aura that has the same Void strength as their top of the head.

On the other side, the descendants of God Eye and Fiery Gold Clan, seeing Zhao Feng’s attack, are effective on that Void strength, and they are suddenly surprised.

They thought they wanted Annihilation, but at the critical moment, there was another glimmer of dawn.

“Zhao Feng, your Eye Bloodline is actually effective for their Secret Technique!”

“Zhao Feng, help us!”

For a while, many people issued a call for help to Zhao Feng.

At this moment, Zhao Feng became the hope of everyone present, and the last hope to survive.

Hum pu!

Zhao Feng had a slight side of his body, and a Eye Technique started suddenly.

Not far away, the beautiful young woman who was almost entangled in the Void light belt escaped.

In fact, Zhao Feng was unwilling to save these people, after all, there was no benefit, and they would also leak their secrets.

Things like the Heavens Secret Cat, and the precious treasure for Zhao Feng’s before the small Thieving Cat was caught, and the secret of Zhao Feng God Eye …

However, it is most important to go out alive right now, so Zhao Feng still rescues these people and increases his own Battle Strength.

“Thank you!”

Beautiful young woman is immediately near Zhao Feng for safety.

At this time, everyone present saw that Zhao Feng destroyed that Void strength.

“God Eye aura …”

Many God Eye descendants were shocked and the complexion sank.

Faced with a huge crisis before and the situation was chaotic, they didn’t notice it.

But at this time, everyone was staring at Zhao Feng, so they clearly felt that when Zhao Feng was performing Eye Technique, the aura belonging to God Eye was emitted.

However, even if they are dissatisfied with Zhao Feng again, or despise the treasure in Zhao Feng’s hands, they are curious about Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline.

But at this time, they must rely on Zhao Feng’s strength to survive.

Gradually, the others moved closer to the peak.

But at this time, there are only five of God Eye’s descendants and four of Fiery Gold Clan.

“Change your plan and capture Zhao Feng first!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo complexion Tie Qing, staring at Zhao Feng, his eyes were extremely cold and severe.


The rest were immediately nodded.

The task of this time, this kind of change, is something they absolutely did not expect.

But even so, they will not fail, and they are not allowed to fail!


The two Void light strips destroyed by Zhao Feng grew up again.

And, the three Void light strips rushed towards Zhao Feng from three directions!

(Please ask for a monthly pass ~~~)

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