King of Gods

Chapter 1309

“Having played with you for a long time, now it can finally be over!”? / P>

Ancient God Xuan Mo said coldly.

Originally, their three people were thinking about letting the team members meet in the core, and then fighting for killing each other, and finally winning all God Eye descendants in one fell swoop.

But the appearance of Fiery Gold Clan broke their plans.

Even if the two sides fight each other and finally make a double-double wound, their three people cannot clean up the mess.

So halfway through, the thin woman quietly left, looking for other companions here.

Now that the six of them are together, they finally don’t have to flee.

Five other people, simultaneously stood out.

Six people stood in a row, and everyone’s Eye Bloodline suddenly burst into amazing source strength.

“Not good ……”

Zhao Feng complexion changed abruptly, his heart pounded.

For some reason, the moment he saw this scene, when his can’t help surfaced in the Continental domain, the descendants of the five God Eyes performed the Secret Technique to recreate the picture of True God Tian Fa!

However, others disagreed.

“I don’t know why you brought us here, but your plan failed. What’s the use of your strength today?”

Undead Ancient God sneered.

Ancient God Xuan Mo, Ancient God Hei Ji, and the Cold Woman are the leaders of their three teams and the initiators of the mission.

Now they are walking with another group of people.

Many God Eye descendants, naturally understand that this God Eye ruins has been a trap from the beginning.

Without the appearance of Fiery Gold Clan, in the core place, their three teams would probably kill each other.

But the appearance of Fiery Gold Clan prompted the 3 sides to unite and broke their previous plans.

However, the situation today is not very good.

Originally they were not the opponent of Fiery Gold Clan, but now Ancient God Hei Ji and Ancient God Xuan Mo have left.

But Ancient God Xuan Mo’s team also has only six people, of which Eye of Destiny has no battle strength, which can be said to be the weakest of the 3 sides.

But the mysterious mission initiators were the most arrogant party present.

In front of Fiery Gold Clan, he said that Ancient God Ju Ling was dying, and now he said, let it be over!

On Fiery Gold Clan’s side, many people were angry, but they were stopped by Ancient God Ju Ling and Purple Robe old man.

They can’t beat everyone present, and they must proceed with caution.

“Whatever you want to do, but now everything is over!”

The eyes of Ancient God Xuan Mo, lightly glanced at the people in front of him, without placing any one in their eyes.

As soon as the words were finished, the source strength of the six God Eye descendants was mobilized.

“Strength of Source, what are they going to do?”

The descendants of God Eye were surprised.

Strength of Source is the foundation of the eye pupil. It is rarely used as a last resort.

On Fiery Gold Clan, expression is unchanged.

The Strength of Source of the six descendants of God Eye is not enough to pay attention to them.

Among the crowds in the field, complexion changed the largest, which is Zhao Feng.

“Sure enough, they will be God Eye in One!”

Zhao Feng was so shocked that he could’t help step back.

God Eye has seen the power of the Oneness.

Even if it is a higher-level expert, it can be spiked directly.

“However, this God Eye unity method should not be used for a long time!”

Zhao Feng calmed down slightly.

God Eye’s method of unity is huge and time-consuming, and it is impossible to solve everyone present.

But the next moment, Zhao Feng’s gaze suddenly rose.

I saw that the six God Eye descendants headed by Ancient God Xuan Mo, simultaneously formed hand seals, controlled their Strength of Source and blended with each other.

“It seems they are underestimated!”

Zhao Feng was nervous again.

He remembered that in the Continental domain, there were five God Eye descendants, four of whom just released the Strength of Source and left it to Saint King Samsara for control.

But at this moment, the other six are controllers.

This means that the strength after God Eye’s unification will be more refined and perfect.

Fiery Gold Clan, Ancient God Ju Ling and Purple Robe slightly man brows slightly wrinkle.

They always feel something wrong.

Ancient God Xuan Mo Six people, too confident and calm, and their actions at this time are also strange.

“Can’t act act blindly without thinking, if we get rid of Ancient God Xuan Mo’s team, Zhao Feng’s team will definitely join us to deal with us together!”

Old man in purple robe gave sound transmission to everyone.

But the next moment, Ancient God Ju Ling hummed and turned into a group of golden glow, shot directly at the six people led by Ancient God Xuan Mo.

Although it seems that the team headed by Ancient God Xuan Mo, not at all poses a threat to them.

But Ancient God Ju Ling felt that what they were doing was not simple. If it was not stopped, I am afraid that there would be terrifying things.

“Broken Heavenly Flame Palm!”

Ancient God Ju Ling blends physique and Bloodline Divine Power, hits a Golden Flame Mountain, and blasts away to the team of Ancient God Xuan Mo.

“go with!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo noticed the action of Ancient God Ju Ling, mobilized an idea, and took out a triangle metal piece from the Storage Space.

Ding Ding Ka!

The triangular metal plate was activated, and several complex textures emerged from it.

Immediately, light barriers of dark silver projected from three sides to form a flawless barrier, enclosing six of them.


Ancient God Ju Ling’s powerful palm, fiercely hit on the dark silver light barrier.

However, his full blow was blocked by the dark silver barrier.

Boom hu hu!

Two strands of strength, fiercely collided together.

After a long time, the dark silver barrier gradually faded, but the power of Ancient God Ju Ling also completely disappeared.


The triangular metal piece fell to the ground.

Obviously, this is a one-time use item. After using it, it is equivalent to scrapped.

Everyone present, including Ancient God Ju Ling, was shocked.

It’s easy to resist a full blow from the Eighth-Rank Ancient God, which is totally a life-saving hole card.

“Stopped it …”

Embarrassed by the Ancient God Ju Ling complexion, he immediately started strength again, getting ready to get rid.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a strength above all things, a crisis of death, coming to his body.

Boom weng weng!

On the top of the head of the Ancient God Xuan Mo, there is a twisted mysterious strength of Void.

This strength Void is one piece, as if it does not exist, but it affects everything on heaven and earth, just like the ruler in the world!

From a distance, you can even see that inside this Void strength, there seems to be a faintly discernable eye.


Ancient God Ju Ling quickly retreated and returned to the Fiery Gold Clan team.

“This aura…”

On the other side, many God Eye descendants, complexion to simultaneously change.

Their eyes stared at the Void strength above Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others.

“How is that possible? It is God’s aura!”

All God Eye descendants can clearly perceive that Heaven and Earth is the only God Supreme aura of Supreme Supreme.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, the other six had performed mysteries to show this strength.

They would even think that one of the six had God Eye, or behind them, a God Eye Ruler.

“Not good, retreat first!”

Ancient God Ju Ling low roaring sound, took the lead to fly away.

That strength is so terrifying that it can definitely pose a lethal threat to him.

Re-associating with his previous actions, the Ancient God Xuan Mo six will not miss Fiery Gold Clan.


The rest of Fiery Gold Clan, seeing Ancient God Xuan Mo all gone, and immediately followed.

On the other side, Zhao Feng also resigned.

“No one can escape here today!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo sneered under Void strength.


Six people simultaneously formed hand seals, it seems that Void strength is above the induction.

Suddenly, a layer of Void’s light barrier blooms in that Void strength, extending towards heaven and earth.

split second, the Void’s light barrier, envelops the entire central hall!

“barrier ?”

The Ancient God Ju Ling, who was about to escape, noticed the barrier strength in front, and immediately operated the strength, merged with Space Profound Truth, and punched out.


When the flame fist fell on the Void barrier, it was intercepted directly.

Even more strange is that the power of that punch gradually weakened.

In less than two breaths, the flame light like Sun changed into a tiny Fire Insect and eventually disappeared completely.

“this is……”

On the other side, Zhao Feng complexion was also heavy.

One punch of Ancient God Ju Ling did no damage to the Void barrier, and its strength seemed to be absorbed.

In this case, even him, it is difficult to escape.

The God Eye unification method is also used, but the Ancient God Xuan Mo’s Secret Technique is obviously higher-end.

And six people can control the strength, and the means by which they can be displayed are also very varied.

“You are already among the babies!”

Ancient God Hei Ji gloomy and cold said with a smile.

“You broke into our territory without our permission. Your ending is only death!”

The eyes of Ancient God Xuan Mo fell on the Fiery Gold Clan group of people.

Weng weng!

formed hand seals, the Void strength of their top of the head, seemed to induce, beating like a heart.

Suddenly, a Void chain shot out of it, and at the front of the chain, there was a sharp awl.

call out!

The chain fired directly at Ancient God Ju Ling among Fiery Gold Clan personnel.


Ancient God Ju Ling complexion Tie Qing, took out a square Golden shield.

Ding bang!

The awl at the front of the Void chain pierced directly into the Golden square shield.

“How is that possible? This is a high grade Divine Tool!”

Ancient God Ju Ling complexion panic.

He couldn’t feel the strength of that Void chain.

But this strength gave him a sense of death crisis and easily pierced his high grade defense Divine Tool.

Although this is only a low-grade defense Divine Tool, it is also a high-grade Divine Tool!


After a while, the chain drove straight in, directly penetrating the Golden square shield.

But before that, Ancient God Ju Ling already dodged.

The Void chain passed through where his body disappeared.


A Fiery Gold Clan man behind was penetrated by a Void chain.


The moment his body was penetrated, it burst directly.

And his Golden Soul body within the body was also pulled by the Void chain, no matter how struggling, he couldn’t break free!

Eventually, his Soul body faded and disappeared.

One hit, no suspense!

all around everyone, witness the whole process.

They stiffly place to, like fossils trapped in an icehouse.

Let the Eighth-Rank Ancient God escape, break the high grade defense Divine Tool, and directly kill Seventh-Rank Ancient God. What kind of strength is it?

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