King of Gods

Chapter 1308

Fiery Gold Clan’s sudden onslaught caused the descendants of God Eye to be completely unprepared.

“Broken Sky Flame Palm!”

Ancient God Ju Ling bears the brunt of this, running Divine Power, wielding a golden flame that burns the sky, giant palm.

At the same time, other members of Fiery Gold Clan stormed.

“The goal is me!”

Zhao Feng was at a loss.

He found that Fiery Gold Clan’s side, everyone’s attack goal was biased towards himself.

Of course, other people on the God Eye’s side also found out.

“They want to kill Zhao Feng!”

Shouted the yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land.

The grievances Fiery Gold Clan and Zhao Feng saw were clear.

“Damn, this kid!”

The undead Ancient God glanced at Zhao Feng a glance and cursed.

It turns out that Fiery Gold Clan forcibly attacked in large part because of Zhao Feng.

But at this time, facing the fierce onslaught of Fiery Gold Clan, they had no time to escape, and could only get rid to resist.

“Death Spear!”

“Void Sky cut!”


Many God Eye descendants re-run Eye Bloodline to resist.

God Eye’s descendant, the thin woman of Eye of Destiny, has long since disappeared, apparently anticipating an emergency and retreating first.

After all, Eye of Destiny battle strength is extremely low. If you stay near the battlefield, you may be killed by the aftermath.


Members of Fiery Gold Clan, each fighting spirit is awe-inspiring, with great battle strength.

Although Fiery Gold Clan’s main goal was Zhao Feng, Fiery Gold Clan didn’t let others go.


Ancient God Xuan Mo loudly shouted.

Many God Eye descendants have come all the way, constantly urging Eye Technique. Most of them have used extremely expensive hole cards before entering into the core place.

Not only are they expensive for Divine Power, but Eye Bloodline is also exhausted.

“We retreat first, restore a certain strength, and then come back!”

Ancient God Hei Ji said.

After resisting a round of Fiery Gold Clan offense, God Eye descendants immediately chose to back. 楸>

However, Fiery Gold Clan people still refuse to let go.

Until many God Eye descendants left the core, Fiery Gold Clan was still in chase.

In addition, the route for everyone to escape must be free of mechanism traps, otherwise it will be equivalent to the dead end.

So God Eye descendants always circle around the core.

“Abominable, Fiery Gold Clan must be crazy. When will you be pursuit?”

The beautiful young woman whispered.

“It is better to surrender Zhao Feng. The main pursuit target of Fiery Gold Clan is Zhao Feng!”

One person in the team gives sound transmission to everyone except Zhao Feng.

The others thought for a moment, only the complexion of Ancient God Hei Ji and Ancient God Xuan Mo was a little different.

“Even so, Fiery Gold Clan won’t let us go!”

Suddenly, Ancient God Xuan Mo and everyone sound transmission.

The rest appeared incomprehensible.

“If we surrender Zhao Feng, Fiery Gold Clan can let us go. They have made this request directly. From the pursuit they have been pursuing, we think they want to push us out of this place!”

Ancient God Hei Ji also spoke.

Everyone was puzzled, and it stands to reason that the two did not maintain Zhao Feng’s possibility.

However, they were right.

Although Fiery Gold Clan’s main goal is Zhao Feng, they will not let others go so easily.

After all, after God Eye’s descendants resume Peak strength, their Battle Strength is definitely far beyond Fiery Gold Clan.

Therefore, Fiery Gold Clan’s operation has only two primary goals: the first kill target is Zhao Feng Zhao Feng, and the other is to drive out the remaining God Eye descendants.

Sou sou sou ……

A series of silhouettes flew into a huge central hall.

“here is?”

All of God Eye’s descendants were a little stunned, they were just in the core, fled without any recognition of the route at all.

At this time, the hall where they entered into the hall was very large. All around was also carved with some solemn murals and the words of Heavens Secret Clan, which was completely different from other rooms before everyone passed by.

> The palace all around, there are still large mechanical devices that everyone can’t understand.

But what attracted them most was a huge octagonal device in the center.

The octagonal device all around extends eight transparent crystals respectively, and a pair of eyes are floating inside.

The eyes of the descendants of Eight Great God Eyes are all in it.

“Here, it should be the most expensive place in the core!”

Beautiful young woman immediately said.

The eyes of the rest were all fixed on those eight pairs of eyes.

“That Eye of Space-Time is close to God Eye level!”

“Eye of Death is also close to that level!”

All God Eye descendants, can’t help take a breath.

The eight pairs of God Eye descendants here are actually close to the quasi God Eye level!

“This research base, what exactly is being researched, actually made eight, close to the eyes of God Eye descendants of quasi God Eye level!”

Lin Chengwu is shocked inside.

But based on their cognition and thinking, they can’t guess what Heavens Secret Clan wants to do.

Boom hu hu!

At this moment, a coercion of burning everything came.

“Broken Heavenly Flame Palm!”

The moment Ancient God Ju Ling appeared here, aimed at many God Eye descendants, it was a direct palm.

Then he looked at the situation here.


Ancient God Xuan Mo low roaring sound.

Many God Eye descendants flee again while observing behind.

This temple is the most critical part of the core place. I don’t know if Fiery Gold Clan will give up the pursuit and choose to seek treasure.

But the results were unexpected, and Fiery Gold Clan chose to continue pursuit.

Pursuit lasts a long time.

The God Eye descendants, which consume a lot, are even more out of state.

Even a few people were attacked by the Fiery Gold Clan while in the pursuit, and suffered considerable injuries.

Once again, everyone came to the central hall of the core.

Many God Eye descendants looked at the pupils of the God Eye descendants on the octagonal device in the center, and their heartbeat was extremely high.

“This is not the way to go!”

The beautiful young woman’s eyes were a little dim.

Her own battle strength is not strong, and her ability to escape is weak.

Early Stage to explore God Eye ruins, Immortal Samsara Body is used as cannon fodder.

Immortal Samsara Body can continue to recover without being completely killed, but once it is completely killed, it takes Eye of Samsara to expend the cost and time to summon it back.

“Unless we leave this ruins, they won’t let us go!”

The yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land had some hesitation, and Already had a plan to retreat.

“Fight with them. Just kill the Eight-Rank Ancient God first, and the other Seventh-Rank Ancient God will be fine!”

The Undead Ancient God was fierce and angry.

“Then stay, fight with them!”

In the crowd, Ancient God Xuan Mo chuckled.


Undead Ancient God stared at Ancient God Xuan Mo for a moment.

The sentence he said just now is completely angry.

But the always calm Ancient God Xuan Mo, actually agreed with him, which made him somewhat unexpected.

The rest can’t help looked towards Ancient God Xuan Mo.

At this moment, everyone from Fiery Gold Clan followed.

“Don’t you run?”

Ancient God Ju Ling sneered.

In fact, he was also a bit annoyed. These God Eye descendants have been pursuited by them for so long, but they still refuse to give up the treasure in this core place.

“Haha, you don’t know before you die!”

Ancient God Hei Ji suddenly laughed, ice-cold gloomy eyes, directed at Ancient God Ju Ling.

At this time, many descendants of God Eye stared at Ancient God Hei Ji in amazement.

Earlier, Ancient God Xuan Mo didn’t speak right, but at this time, Ancient God Hei Ji was like a lunatic, speaking without thinking through the brain.

Even if their owners return to Peak and want to kill the Eighth-Rank Ancient God in Fiery Gold Clan, it is a bit unrealistic.

However, Zhao Feng’s eyes were suddenly grave.

He knew that Ancient God Hei Ji, Ancient God Xuan Mo, and the thin woman belonged to the same group.

The three God Eye descendants are also organized by them. Their purpose, Zhao Feng, is unknown.

However, the appearance of Fiery Gold Clan should be unexpected.

“What are these two people capable of saying to Ancient God Ju Ling?”

Zhao Feng thought about it.

Although I don’t know what will happen next, Ancient God Hei Ji and Ancient God Xuan Mo.

But Zhao Feng’s mind was inexplicably disturbed!

“By the way, Eye of Destiny is gone!”

Zhao Feng suddenly realized what!

“Haha, I was thinking about it, just driving you out of this ruins, but now you take the initiative to die, it’s no wonder I am!”

In the eyes of Ancient God Ju Ling, the cold light was magnificent, and his golden body was immediately dyed with a layer of Golden stream of light flame.

An endless fiery oppression rushed towards the descendants of God Eye.


The rest of Fiery Gold Clan members, each and everyone excite physical strength, and the golden flame is soaring, just like one after another Golden Little Sun.


At this moment, a shadow of Daoist suddenly appeared in the Channel at the side of the central hall.

That was the thin woman who did not know where she had fled before.

“You finally came!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo sneered.

Sou! sou!

Ancient God Xuan Mo and Ancient God Hei Ji, get rid of the line of God Eye descendants, and come to the thin woman.

“Three of you?”

Many God Eye descendants looked at the three of them, and their faces suddenly became embarrassed.

Ancient God Xuan Mo, Ancient God Hei Ji, and thin women are the leaders of the three teams.

Among them, Ancient God Hei Ji is the initiator of Zhao Feng’s team.

Zhao Feng and the others, at a loss, faintly smelled a conspiracy aura.

“What do you want to do? Leaving the team now will only destroy us here!”

Beautiful young woman is immediately coquettish.

“Who says we only have three!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo chuckled.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

At the same time, behind the Channel, three black robed sillhouettes flashed, all of which are God Eye descendants!

“Hehe, you guys really are, our three teams have long been leveled!”

A black robed man from Eye of Heavenly Punishment, grinning.

“However, you have encountered the Arrived Fiery Gold Clan and the plan is not smooth and normal!”

Said another tall figure, bland.

“There are other people?”

Fiery Gold Clan Ancient God Ju Ling complexion sank suddenly, without rushing to get rid.

I don’t know where the Eye of Destiny’s woman found three helpers.

If the opponents unite at this time, Fiery Gold Clan will definitely lose.

But depending on the situation, it seems that something is wrong …

“They actually have six!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were slightly surprised.

The six were three black robed men, Ancient God Hei Ji, Ancient God Xuan Mo, and thin women.

However, Zhao Feng was thinking about the other person’s conversation.

“Those three squads have long since been settled. What does this mean?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes gradually became full of shocked.

He can’t help think of these six as leading a squad to explore this ruins.

But before that, the other three members of the three-member squad, allayy died!

“Hehe, I played with you for a long time, and now it’s finally over!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo said coldly.

Five other people, simultaneously stood out.

Six people stood in a row, and everyone’s Eye Bloodline suddenly burst into amazing source strength.

“Not good ……”

Zhao Feng complexion changed abruptly, his heart pounded.

For some reason, the moment he saw this scene, when his can’t help surfaced in the Continental domain, the descendants of the five God Eyes performed the Secret Technique to recreate the picture of True God Tian Fa!

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