King of Gods

Chapter 1307

“They should all be in there, just kill them when you go in!”

In the Fiery Gold Clan team, Ancient God Ju Ling showed a cruel smile.

“hehe, good!”

Ancient God Liu Jin’s face was excited, and the rest of Fiery Gold Clan were also flexing their muscles, ready to start.

They did not expect that they could find the core of this ruins along the path of others.

Now, as long as they enter into the core place and kill all others into the core, this ruins is Fiery Gold Clan.

Sou sou sou !

Fiery Gold Clan, speed forward to the heartland ahead.

At the same time, inside the core place, the complexion of the three squadrons changed suddenly, especially the azure clothed old man and yellow clothes youth in the Ancient God Xuan Mo squadron.

Putting it in perspective, they also understand what Fiery Gold Clan is going to do now.

“What to do? Fiery Gold Clan dispatched nine Ancient Gods, and the leader was an Eight-Rank Ancient God!”

The yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land, anxious.

Normally, as the Core Disciple of Life Holy Land, even if the children of Fiery Gold Clan want to end him, they all have to look at his mood.

But at this moment, the other party will absolutely kill him without mercy.

“Fiery Gold Clan is coming along our route. We must leave immediately and unite with other teams in the core place to have a chance!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo expression is equally anxious.

Once overtaken by Fiery Gold Clan’s team, their three people would be severely wounded if they died.

“Yes, meet other teams here!”

azure clothed old man agrees very much.

If Fiery Gold Clan wants to swallow this ruins alone, he will certainly not let any other team go.

The three teams that arrived here previously, fighting alone, are not the opponent of Fiery Gold Clan, but if they are united, they will have a comparison.


The three immediately moved away and hurried forward, alerting what treasure was in the core.

It’s important to save your life now. What’s the use of others?

However, there are countless large, tangled and complicated rooms in this core area, and all buildings can also isolate the shrines. It takes some effort to find a team.

At the same time, the other two teams in the core place, although the crisis of distance Fiery Gold Clan is far away, but also know that the situation is extremely optimistic.

“Why would Fiery Gold Clan from Purple Spirit Territory know this?”

Lin Chengwu looked resentful.

At first, he also suspected that it was the Ancient God Hei Ji who revealed it.

Now it seems that this place is not a place of absolute seclusion. Many people can find it there.

“So it turns out, I said that Ancient God Liu Jin of Fiery Gold Clan, how could he have a destruction strength …”

Zhao Feng was not so surprised.

When the two races gambled, he also heard a lot of stories from Ancient God Liu Jin.

Come to think of it, Ancient God Liu Jin is in the middle of a journey, inadvertently break into this piece of ruins, and get a certain opportunity.

“Let’s go find the other two teams that enter into the core. Only by joining forces with each other can we fight Fiery Gold Clan!”

Ancient God Hei Ji said immediately and then took the lead.

Lin Chengwu and beautiful young women also know that this is the only way that works today, and the two immediately follow.

Zhao Feng followed in the footsteps of the three.

The Small Thieving Cat on his shoulder flashed away, not sure where he went.

the other side.

“Going this way, a squad is about to face the death crisis from Fiery Gold Clan. We must rescue them and unite each other to be able to contend with Fiery Gold Clan!”

The thin eyes of the thin woman flashed a flash of color light and then she suddenly opened her mouth.


The rest of the team understood the situation at the moment and acted immediately.

Under the guidance of Eye of Destiny, the people shuttled back and forth between the tangled and complicated room, and finally heard the voice of fighting.

Boom bang!

The Fiery Gold Clan nine were running like nine Suns burning with Golden flames.


Ancient God Xuan Mo screamed and ran Eye of Myriad Forms to create numerous Ice Storms on behind to stop Fiery Gold Clan.


Among Fiery Gold Clan, Ancient God Ju Ling loudly shouted.

He was like the body of fierce sun, blooming a golden light like the Great Desolate beast, went forward assault, and instantly broke the extreme Ice Storm.

“Eighth-Rank Ancient God!”

azure clothed old man complexion.

The huge terrifying Bloodline Divine Power aura made him feel a huge crisis.

“Ancient God Ju Ling, are you going to kill me?”

Yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land, roaring angrily.

“hmph! ”

Ancient God Ju Ling coldly snorted, said nothing, and continued pursuit.

If he wasn’t very good at speed, the three men in front were afraid that Already would be won by him.

However, the Eighth-Rank Ancient God is, after all, the Eighth-Rank Ancient God. Concept is deep, Profound Truth is powerful, and Divine Power is pure. Even if it is not good at speed, it is far superior to Seventh-Rank Ancient God in speed.

Slowly, the Ancient God Xuan Mo trio felt a hot coercion, oppressed, and kept getting stronger.

They understand that the Fiery Gold Clan people are about to catch up with them.

“Broken Heavenly Flame Palm!”

Ancient God Ju Ling suddenly started strength and slammed.

I saw, a group of fierce and hot fire flame light palm, Wuthering oppressed to the Ancient God Xuan Mo three.


As soon as Ancient God Xuan Mo low roaring sound, immediately released “Myriad Forms,” ​​and protected himself and the other two.

At the same time, azure clothed old man and yellow clothes youth struggled to attack to weaken the powerful blow of Ancient God Ju Ling.

Just then, Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others behind shot a dark spear of death and attacked Ancient God Ju Ling with their attack.


A huge energy storm raged and bombed in the core.

This ruins was completely destroyed, but the core land was completely preserved, which shows that the core land is solid.

But at this moment, under the fierce collision between the two parties, a slight twist appeared in all the surrounding buildings, and many small instruments were directly destroyed.

At the same time, the all-around measures in the room were launched directly to make an indiscriminate attack on everyone in the room.


Ancient God Ju Ling low roaring sound.

The mechanic trap in this core of ruins, even the Eight-Rank True God, has to be careful.


On the other side, the team of Ancient God Xuan Mo and the thin woman escaped.

“Fast chase!”

Ancient God Ju Ling immediately ordered.

If not for another squad just now, the Ancient God Xuan Mo trio, I am afraid that Already died in the hands of Fiery Gold Clan.

There are now seven people on the other side, and it is a bit more troublesome to kill them, but as long as they are chasing after them, there is still hope to wipe out the other side.

Sou sou sou ~

The people of Fiery Gold Clan rushed out and continued to chase.

However, after chasing them for a long time, they found that the seven people stopped in a certain room and did not intend to continue to escape.

“Be careful!”

purple clothed old man reminded.

In his opinion, the other party could arrive here safely, and there must be a mechanism formation Master among them.

It is not excluded that the other party can use the mechanism trap in this core place to deal with them.

However, before the crowds of Fiery Gold Clan approached, the Ancient God Xuan Mo of the seven said directly: “We now have seven people. If you want to kill us all, it will be very difficult and you will have to pay a heavy price. Let’s talk about it! “

Ancient God Ju Ling froze, but did not expect the other party to stop, but actually came to him to negotiate.

“Fiery Gold Clan has been discovered here for a long time. If you are willing to surrender your explorations, Fiery Gold Clan will let you go!”

Ancient God Ju Ling showed a negotiating look, and slowly approached the other seven.

That being said, if there is a chance, Ancient God Ju Ling will not leave a living.

“Fiery Gold Clan’s requirements are too high, can we continue to talk!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo showed a look of indecision.

“Hehe, give it XNUMX%!”

Fiery Gold Clan everyone, slowly approaching.

“Ninety percent is fine, it depends if you dare to take it!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo The tangled look suddenly changed.

At the same time, several others released powerful Eye Strength Will fluctuations.

“It’s really act recklessly. Just the seven of you want to fight Fiery Gold Clan?”

Ancient God Ju Ling sneered.

But at this moment, in the back room, four Daoist shadows suddenly burst out, which is Zhao Feng entire group.

The core building is very special and is almost completely isolated from Spiritual Sense, so Fiery Gold Clan is unaware of it, and other enemies are hidden nearby.

“Extreme Blade!”

“Death entanglement!”

“Light of Annihilation!”

“Five Elements Yin and Yang!”


split second, all descendants of God Eye, simultaneously launched the ultimate Eye Technique, a fierce attack on Fiery Gold Clan.

Fiery Gold Clan, who still had the absolute advantage just now, never expected that the battle situation would become like this.

Unexpectedly, Fiery Gold Clan suffered a big loss.

Nine people suffered injuries of varying sizes.

Fortunately, Fiery Gold Clan is good at defense, otherwise the loss just now will be bigger.

However, even with the sudden attack, Zhao Feng’s battle strength is still not as good as Fiery Gold Clan.

“It’s you, Zhao Feng!”

In the Fiery Gold Clan crowd, Ancient God Liu Jin pointed his finger at Zhao Feng for a while while gnashing teeth.

On the other hand, the two families lost to Zhao Feng’s Ancient God Jin Nu directly in the gambling battle, and they were equally shocked.

“He is Zhao Feng?”

The eyes of Ancient God Ju Ling immediately fell on Zhao Feng body, without any concealment of the killing intent.

Some time ago, the two races gambled, and Zhao Feng reversed the war by himself, leaving Fiery Gold Clan to lose all face, and Fiery Gold Clan went up and down, and even mixed up with Zhao Feng.

Everyone here Fiery Gold Clan, each and everyone killing intent Teng Teng, looked towards Zhao Feng, seems to be swallowing it alive.

“Although Zhao Feng’s eye pupils are not descendants of Eight Great God Eyes, they are also mysteriously powerful and must not give him any benefit here, otherwise this person will definitely be a huge obstacle to Fiery Gold Clan in the future!”

The sound of the giant spirit ancient sounded in the minds of all Fiery Gold Clan people.

“And the dozen or so people in front of us just consume too much. Once they recover, we lose instead!”

The purple clothed old man complexion was a little heavy, said sound transmission.

Soon the opinions of Fiery Gold Clan were unified …


Suddenly, eight people from Fiery Gold Clan stormed directly.

“what happened?”

azure clothed old man looked shocked.

Just now the Fiery Gold Clan’s face was still calm, but suddenly he became a murderous aura, and killed him directly.

Regardless of death and injury, they must fight against them.

“They’re crazy!”

Undead Ancient God cursed.

He thought the three teams could unite Fiery Gold Clan and just relaxed.

But Fiery Gold Clan is like going crazy, the strength of the two parties is almost the same, and they are coming.

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