King of Gods

Chapter 1306


Ancient God Hei Ji low roaring sound?

At the same time, the other two teams that came here were also ready to fight.

“Must be before them, enters into the heart!”

Beautiful young woman stared.

In the core place, I do not know what kind of opportunity and treasure exist.

But in any case, before entering the other two teams one by one, they are equivalent to controlling the opportunities.

The other two teams, too, think so, and must enter into the core of this ruins before the other teams.

“Depending on the situation, our team’s Battle Strength should be the highest!”

Lin Chengwu took a closer look at the other two teams and came to this conclusion.

Ancient God Xuan Mo’s squad consisted of only three people.

One of the teams of Undead Ancient God is Eye of Destiny, which does not have combat capability.

Overall, the team of Ancient God Hei Ji has the highest Battle Strength.

“Don’t worry, which team can reach the core first has great variables …”

Eye of Destiny’s skinny woman said to the other three in her squad.

“Hmph, be the first, enters into the heart!”

Undead Ancient God angrily snorted, both eyes gloomy stared at Zhao Feng.

At the beginning of the God Eye competition, he had lost to Zhao Feng. This time, his team and Zhao Feng’s team had another invisible battle.


The other two teammates ordered nodded.

Only by being the first to enter into the heartland will it be possible to get the most out of it.

“Death entanglement!”

Undead Ancient God Eye of Death In the operation room, all around the dark mist of death swelled, from which numerous black tentacles were stretched out, waving forward.

Hoo xiu xiu!

Split second, there are a few Sixth-Rank Demon Gods, which were immediately spiked by the Undead Ancient God.

On the other side, the team of Ancient God Xuan Mo also rushed into the Channel and collided with many eye pupil Demon God.

“Annihilation Aurora!”

In the Eye of Annihilation of azure clothed old man, an extremely golden light is emitted, and it penetrates directly to the front …

On the side of Ancient God Hei Ji, Zhao Feng and the others have already acted.


Lin Chengwu runs Eye of Space-Time, and she has a strong Eye Strength Will in her eyes.

Xiu xiu xiu!

Suddenly, from his eyes, he flew countless Pure Crystal blades, ignoring void distance, and hit directly on the eye pupil Demon God in front.

“Light of death!”

Ancient God Hei Ji is also the assault at the forefront, launching a deadly Eye Technique attack on Demon God, regardless of life and death.

The center of the team was Zhao Feng, who occasionally used the Spiritual Illusion Technique to confuse Demon God, making their weaknesses easier to be killed.

And the beautiful young woman’s Immortal Samsara Body rushed forward to serve as a meat shield, and she herself stood at the end.

Soon, the Ancient God Hei Ji team led all the teams.

But gradually, the speed of the advancement gradually slowed down.

After all, no one wants to expose their hole cards, and the situation here is special, meaning that when there will be any changes, they always have to save strength properly.

But this way, the other teams slowly caught up.

Therefore, the distance between the three teams is always small, and they are closer to the core.

“The number of Demon God eyes has not increased, which proves that the number of Demon God on each Channel should be fixed!”

Ancient God Hei Ji said suddenly.

As soon as this word came out, several other members of the team immediately became motivated.

Before, everyone was worried that they rushed too fast, and the Demon God on other Channels would flock to them.


The team of four broke out suddenly, pushing forward a distance.

“Not good, their squad are all battle-type personnel, and they also have descendants of Eye of Samsara. They are advancing too fast!”

A squad of Eye of Myriad Forms in the squad of Undead Ancient God was amazed.

“Even so, they can’t be thrown too far by them, let alone to be sursured by another team!”

Undead Ancient God loudly shouted, death black fog in front of both eyes, like a deep black hole of death.

Xiu xiu xiu!

Strips of dark and spooky death spears scattered from it, with no difficulty killing a group of pupils Demon God.

Ancient God Xuan Mo’s team also began to speed up the process.

But in the end, it was the team of Ancient God Hei Ji who took the lead in entering the core.

“Kill it!”

The other two teams witnessed this situation, and desperately put out some hole cards in an effort to kill Demon God.

They couldn’t see the scene inside the crystal ball, but there was always a kind of illusion that once it was late, all treasures were taken away by the Ancient God Hei Ji team.


The Ancient God Hei Ji team, through a strange aperture, came to the heart of God Eye ruins.

Deep inside the core, everyone can see the situation outside.

But at this moment, no one cares what’s going on outside, all with their eyes widened and looking at everything in shock.

Everyone is only in a small room inside the huge round ball within the body. There are all kinds of mechanical instruments that everyone has never seen. In addition, there are many sealed test tubes. It contains a variety of liquids.

“I’m afraid it’s not God Eye ruins!”

Lin Chengwu complexion sank slightly.

“I guessed!”

Ancient God Hei Ji explained.

“This must be Heavens Secret Clan ruins!”

Beautiful young woman both eyes flickering.

Although not God Eye ruins, the ruins of Heavens Secret Clan is no less valuable than the land of God Eye ruins.

Meow meow!

At this moment, the Small Thieving Cat also came out, with silver star eyes in the black, sweeping all around himself.

The eyes of Ancient God Hei Ji, can’t help stare at the Small Thieving Cat body, not at all speaking.

“In that row of test tubes, all are loaded with Immemorial Bloodline!”

The eyes of the beautiful young woman suddenly stared at a row of test tubes of different colors, as thick as arms.

Everyone is a Bloodline descendant of God Eye, and has a weaker connection with Immemorial Ten Thousand Bloodline. In addition, there is test tube isolation, which is generally undetectable.

But beautiful young women have Immortal Samsara Body, and they are all powerful Immemorial Bloodline races in front of them.


Lin Chengwu was surprised.

Because of the isolation of the test tubes, they could not perceive exactly what Bloodline was inside.

But would the Immemorial Bloodline that can be placed here rank low?

Every test tube here can create a powerful Immemorial Races expert.

At the same time, everyone’s eyes moved to another place.

It was a tiny test tube, each of which was filled with a very small amount of liquid, or powder, which seemed to be made of some special Precious Materials to make special medicine.

“go with!”

The beautiful young woman immediately ordered an Immortal Samsara Body near the test tube suspected of containing a rare potion.

However, the immortal palm of Samsara just touched the test tube.

Around the room, a sudden flash of white aurora shot out, shattering the Immortal Samsara Body completely.

“This place is almost completely preserved. The precious items here are definitely far beyond your imagination, but they are not available with do as you wish!”

Ancient God Hei Ji is bland.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat stood on his shoulders, revealing a drag.

But no one except Zhao Feng could understand what Small Thieving Cat was saying.

“Ancient God Hei Ji, treasure here, only you can take it out, let’s do it!”

The beautiful young woman laughed and said directly.

At the same time, Lin Chengwu and Zhao Feng, also simultaneously looked towards Ancient God Hei Ji, as if united together, threatening Ancient God Hei Ji in general.

Just then, the other two teams also entered into the core.

Everyone showed shock at the first scene.

“Don’t worry, get everything you can take, then go inside and see!”

Ancient God Hei Ji looked indifferent, walked all around this room, and looked around.

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