King of Gods

Chapter 1305

“Digging it out might be useful, or get some information from it.”

Ancient God Hei Ji low roaring sound.

The others immediately reacted.

This mechanical puppet of Heavens Secret Clan is likely to be one of the members of this God Eye ruins.

And there is almost no Lifespan restriction on the mechanical cymbals. If the mechanical cymbals buried underground are still alive, everyone can even know from his mouth the true face of this ruins.

If it is God Eye ruins here, the appearance of Heavens Secret Clan 傀儡 is not very normal. Perhaps the true face of this place is not what Ancient God Hei Ji said.


Lin Chengwu complexion slightly moved.


He immediately runs Eye of Space-Time, and has a strong Eye Strength Will in his eyes.

Xiu xiu xiu!

Countless Pure Crystal blades, ignoring void distance, hack directly on the metal ruins in front of them.

However, the buildings here are very special. The huge silver steel ruins in front of everyone are huge and heavy.

Lin Chengwu’s Eye Space-Time Eye Technique just cut a few pieces.

At the same time, the beautiful young woman released more than a dozen Immortal Samsara Body, facing the steel ruins in front of them, blasting.

On the other side, Ancient God Hei Ji runs Eye of Death, aiming at that huge piece of ruined steel.

Profound Truth of Death can gradually fade everything to death, and it is most effective against a huge piece of silver steel ruins.

Together, the duo quickly dug out half of the Heavens Secret Clan mechanical cymbals that were crushed underground.

“It’s useless to be smashed like this!”

The beautiful young woman was slightly disappointed.

Nowadays, this mechanical cymbal has only the head and upper body, which has been excavated by everyone.

However, the face of the mechanical hoe, the smashed adolescent shape, and the chest part also had an incomparable gigantic pothole, and all the mechanical parts inside it were destroyed.

“Let me try it!”

Ancient God Hei Ji stood out, approached the mechanical cymbals, and then squatted down.

“What do you want to do?”

Lin Chengwu asked in confusion.

“Each part of this machine is severely damaged. Even the Refining Array Master in the Wild God Region, it is impossible to repair it, but the head area of ​​this machine is not badly damaged. Try to steal any information from it! “

Ancient God Hei Ji answered briefly, without waiting for everyone to say anything, he took out a few items, ran the Secret Technique, and put one hand on the head of the mechanical cymbal.

I saw, in the hands of Ancient God Hei Ji, a light wave composed of black text rune was passed on, and enters into the head of the mechanical sting.

At the same time, a few “zhi zhi” sounds were heard from the head of this instrument, and Ancient God Hei Ji already closed his eyes and seemed to be exploring something carefully.

After a long time, the beautiful young woman whispered, “How’s it going?”

“Arrive most of the map information here!”

Ancient God Hei Ji retracted his hand and put away some items before he said.


Lin Chengwu expression was shocked.

In his opinion, everyone started walking aimlessly in this ruins at the beginning.

With map information here, everyone can plan their goals and get the most benefits in the shortest possible time.

“Nothing but the map?”

At this time, Zhao Feng stepped forward and asked.

“His memory was sealed by very sophisticated means. I couldn’t see it at all, but the map information was a separate piece of information on the brain of the machine, and it happened that the protection failed, so I could get this map information …”

Ancient God Hei Ji looked frank.

The beautiful young woman and Lin Chengwu complexion changed slightly. They guessed that Ancient God Hei Ji definitely got more than this, but he concealed some important information.

So the two of them decided to keep an eye on Ancient God Hei Ji.


Ancient God Hei Ji waved his hand and presented a rough map information to the crowd.

“This map …”

The eyes of all the people focused on the map, and then slowly gathered on one point.

“This is the heart of God Eye ruins!”

Beautiful young woman cried out in surprise.

Everyone can roughly see that in the center of the map, there is a huge ball, which is marked with a red color as the restricted area, and in the center of the ball, there is an eye mark.

“Yes, and we are not too far away now, the core of distance!”

Ancient God Hei Ji nodded.

Everyone’s expression changes slightly, and it’s hard to hide the excitement inside.

This huge ruins, in its complete period, must be extremely brilliant.

Take the Precious Materials cultivation site where everyone is at this time, although there are only two crystal chests, the cultivate Rare Treasures in it are also withered.

But still attracted seven Ancient God experts, mad scramble.

It is hard to imagine what kind of treasure or opportunity is hidden in the center of this ruins.

“Hurry up!”

Beautiful young women can’t wait.

They then picked a closest route and headed directly to the heart of the map.

After the crowd left this place, no one noticed that a dark silver mane of Void passed gently in Space.


The silhouette of the Small Thieving Cat suddenly appeared, and in a jump, came to the broken mechanical puppet.

He waved his claws, a mysterious complex figure and text, forming a dark silver halo, which was shrouded in the brain of the mechanical sting.

After a long time, Small Thieving Cat put his hands down, and after a moment of contemplation, he disappeared and left.

In the Ancient God Hei Ji squad on the way, on the shoulder of Zhao Feng’s, Small Thieving Cat appeared again.

“This cat!”

The beautiful young woman glanced at Thieving Cat a glance enviously.

Lin Chengwu and Ancient God Hei Ji, not at all also care about the fascination of Small Thieving Cat.

Small Thieving Cat, standing on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, conveys a lot of information to Zhao Feng through Soul awareness.

Finally, Small Thieving Cat got into Storage Space again.

“That’s it. This piece of ruins is not Godly ruins originally …”

Zhao Feng was shocked in his heart, but there was no emotion on the surface.

Based on the information he got from Small Thieving Cat and the doubts he had seen during this time, Zhao? Felt that this was likely to be a trap.

But now, approaching the core, Zhao Feng wants to find out.

Of course, Zhao Feng had a life-saving method, so he knew it was dangerous and dared to go into it.

“Be careful, there is Demon God!”

Ancient God Hei Ji reminded.

“It seems that there is a very important treasure and opportunity in this core place!”

Excited beautiful young woman.

When everyone was walking in the subterranean ruins before, I rarely met Demon God in the channel.

But as we approached the core, Demon God appeared in the Channel.

But it actually made everyone more excited.


The Seventh-Rank Demon God of Eye of Myriad Forms, roared at everyone.

“Get out of here!”

Seventh-Rank Demon God all around surging strong impatient strength, in those huge colorful eyes, the colors run wildly, as if to show its anger.

Ancient God Hei Ji A team, without speaking, rushed towards it, everyone’s eyes and pupils flickering with Eye Strength fluctuations.


The split second where the two collided, then Seventh-Rank Demon God was directly bombarded by everyone.

“There is still a lot ahead, the advanced Crystal of Profound Truth of Demon God within the body, take turns!”

After finishing this sentence, Ancient God Hei Ji put the Crystal of Profound Truth of Eye of Myriad Forms into Storage Space.

Sure enough, the crowd did not move long before they met another Seventh-Rank Demon God.

After the beheading, the higher Crystal of Profound Truth was captured by Lin Chengwu.

As we continue to deepen, this Channel gradually widens.

But the Demon God that everyone encountered is getting stronger and stronger, and even before the first Demon God is resolved, the second eye pupil Demon God is approaching.

The speed of the entire group finally slowed down.

“Centre, 1000 meters ahead!”

Ancient God Hei Ji low roaring sound.

Lin Chengwu and the beautiful young woman suddenly flashed sharp eyes, and Battle Strength suddenly became stronger.

Boom bang!

A team of four people fought fiercely with Demon God in front of Channel.

After a long time, everyone finally arrived at the end of this Channel.

In front of everyone’s eyes, an incomparable gigantic semi-transparent ball, but the scene inside it is not clear, and the Spiritual Sense cannot penetrate into it.

There are eight roads around the ball. There are eight roads leading to all around. One of the roads where everyone is.

The biggest treasure of this ruins is right in front of the eyes, but everyone suppressed their inner excitement and stood on the spot.

Because, on their way to the center sphere, there is an amazing number of Demon God.

Of these Demon Gods, the lowest is the well-know figure in Sixth-Rank, and the strongest, almost reaches Sixth-Rank Peak.


Many Demon God, when they found a team of Ancient God Hei Ji, roared and rushed directly.

“The amount of terrifying, if you are not careful, you will be buried here!”

Beautiful young woman complexion is a little embarrassed.

“If you no longer hide the means, there is still a great opportunity to walk through this Channel!”

The eyes of Ancient God Hei Ji gloomy and cold glanced at everyone.

Any expert will have one or two cards.

And this mission is special, other members are prepared for Ancient God Hei Ji, and there are more hidden means.

Just as everyone was hesitating, one of the eight Channels in the Heart of the Ball suddenly appeared a huge energy fluctuation.

Immediately, four Daoist shadows appeared on the Channel port.

“It’s them!”

Beautiful young woman cried out in surprise with Lin Chengwu.

The team that suddenly appeared, the official team of Ancient God Xuan Mo.

“Someone arrived before us?”

Yellow clothes youth in the team, surprised.

However, just as the two sides looked at each other, there was another blast inside the Channel.

Soon, a four-man squad appeared before the Ancient God Xuan Mo and Ancient God Hei Ji squads.

“There are other people?”

A man in black gold and bright armor, with flickering * sen cold glow.

“Ancient God!”

In the other two squads, many people knew the black gold Liangjia man very well.

In addition to the Undead Ancient God, their team also has descendants of Eye of Myriad Forms and Eye of Space-Time, and at the last of the three, there is a thin woman of Eye of Destiny.

Three teams appear on a channel.

And on each Channel, a very terrifying number of Demon Gods are gathered.

At this point, these eye pupils Demon God, alert launches an attack on the Outsider on the Channel where they are!

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