King of Gods

Chapter 1304

“This cat? How is it possible …”

Those God Eye descendants of Small Thieving Cat, both eyes wide open, are shocked inside.

Lin Chengwu’s Eye Technique clearly hit the Small Thieving Cat, but did not cause a small amount of damage to it.

Moreover, the Small Thieving Cat has no absolute physical defense, nor does it use the deep body movement to dodge.

That Space Eye Technique was passing through its body inconceivably.

“Don’t tell me, isn’t Thieving Cat an entity?”

The beautiful young woman was whispering in surprise.

azure clothed old man complexion sinks slightly and seems to see something.

“No, this Thieving Cat has a very deep Space Profound Truth!”

Lin Chengwu complexion grave’s looked towards Small Thieving Cat.

He played the attack just now, and he owns Eye of Space-Time.

So for the situation just now, only he knows best.

On the surface, the tiny Pure Crystal Space blade passes through the Small Thieving Cat within the body, but it is not.

When the Pure Crystal blade touched the body of the Small Thieving Cat, the Small Thieving Cat applied the deep Space Profound Truth to transfer the Pure Crystal blade from one side of its body to the other.

So to an outsider, the Pure Crystal blade seems to penetrate directly from the Small Thieving Cat within the body.

This is the ability of short distance Space Teleportation, so will Lin Chengwu.

But Small Thieving Cat has done a better job. The Space Profound Truth displayed is extremely subtle, and the Space Profound Truth is low, which is hard to detect.

From this point of view, the Space ability of Small Thieving Cat seems to be more powerful than Lin Chengwu of Eye of Space-Time.

“So it turns out, this kitten is so amazing.”

The yellow clothes youth looked at the Small Thieving Cat with a look of amazement.

“Hmph, in this way, all cultivate Rare Treasures in the crystal box will be consumed by this Thieving Cat!”

azure clothed old man hummed.

As soon as this word came out, everyone also showed embarrassment.

They are all descendants of God Eye, the Renowned Ancient God expert, but now they are being played to this extent by this cat, which is really a bit hateful.

But everyone is an Ancient God expert after all. The youngest yellow clothes youth are hundreds of years old, and the azure clothed old man may be countless years old.

Their eyes are very pungent and they think deeply.

Compared to the cultivate Rare Treasures here, if you can tame this kitten, it will undoubtedly be more useful.

“This Thieving Cat, let the old man handle it!”

azure clothed old man figure suddenly rushed out to the Small Thieving Cat in the crystal box.

“Can’t let him succeed!”

Beautiful young woman showing anxious face.

She naturally knows the mind of azure clothed old man.

“Ancient God Hei Ji?”

Lin Chengwu watched a glance Ancient God Hei Ji.

It seems that when Small Thieving Cat appeared, Ancient God Hei Ji became silent and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Ancient God Xuan Mo on the other side seems to be the same.

At the same time, he also found that Zhao Feng’s expression was a bit weird.

Sou! sou!

At this moment, the azure clothed old man and the beautiful young woman’s Immortal Samsara Body came to the Small Thieving Cat.

“Kitten, you stole so many of our treasures, unless you follow the old man, you will die today!”

Golden both eyes of azure clothed old man, emitting terrifying aura of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth.

Moreover, this aura oppression is targeted at the Soul level.

Ordinary creatures, under the pressure of this soul-destroying Soul, the Soul Strength will gradually weaken, eventually surrendering to the other side.

However, the Small Thieving Cat seems to be completely unaffected, just looked at the azure clothed old man a glance in contempt, then jumped to another place, and swallowed several treasures again.

“How come, this Thieving Cat turned a blind eye to the Soul coercion of the old man Eye of Annihilation!”

azure clothed old man twitched slightly.

Zhao Feng Left Eye looked through, and he found that just above the Soul body of Small Thieving Cat, a strange dark film suddenly appeared, enclosing its Soul body.

Because of this layer of mysterious Soul defense, Small Thieving Cat is not affected at all.

This Soul mystery, Small Thieving Cat wouldn’t have done it before …

“Hehe, tame pets, it’s not like that!”

A beautiful young woman laughed at the rear.

Just then, the beautiful young woman took control of the Immortal Samsara Body and came near the Small Thieving Cat.

The Ancient God expert holding a golden sword, as the beautiful young woman ordered, said: “Kitten, if you follow my Master, there will be countless treasures like this in the future. You can eat as much as you want …”


Small Thieving Cat stretches its gets rid claws and waves impatiently, as if to say that he is having a meal, don’t bother it.

Immediately afterwards, yellow clothes youth and Lin Chengwu also successively got rid, trying to tame this mysterious and powerful Thieving Cat.

In the end, everyone touched a gray nose.

But they refused to give up.

In the eyes of everyone, this Small Thieving Cat must be a creature in this God Eye ruins. Mysterious is unknown, powerful, and has special skills.

Tame it, maybe it can tell some important news from it.

“Let me catch you!”

The yellow clothes youth was a bit annoyed, running secrets, trying to catch the Small Thieving Cat.

I saw, all around this Space, there are twisted tenacious green rattan, entangled towards Small Thieving Cat.


Small Thieving Cat, which is swallowing medicine ingredients, sees this situation, and the complexion is a little angry.

Suddenly, mysterious silver rune and text on its limbs twisted and twisted, and its body physique seemed to have changed slightly, becoming strong and strong, full of strength.

At the same time, everyone present again felt the bloodline coercion of the Megatron heaven.

“Really strong Bloodline Power, this cat must get it!”

azure clothed old man complexion is extremely excited.

Xiu xiu!

Small Thieving Cat 鈥檚 double claws become dark silver sharp, it waves as a few times, and numerous silver blades appear in void, like a gorgeous storm, all spiritual vines are cut and destroyed .

“Don’t you try it?”

Beautiful young women looked towards Zhao Feng and Ancient God Hei Ji.

Everyone except Zhao Feng, Ancient God Hei Ji, and Ancient God Xuan Mo have tried to tame Small Thieving Cat.

“This cat … is hard to tame!”

Ancient God Hei Ji cheeks hesitantly, then says.

The beautiful young woman ordered nodded. In her opinion, Ancient God Hei Ji was observing, looking for the weakness of Small Thieving Cat, and then getting rid.

At this moment, Small Thieving Cat already swallowed all the cultivate Rare Treasures in the crystal box.

“This guy has eaten all the Precious Materials!”

yellow clothes youth

This small-faced Small Thieving Cat did not advance in oil and salt, and their tame plan did not make any progress.

When they wanted to ingest the cultivate Rare Treasures in the crystal case, they were attacked by the Small Thieving Cat.


Small Thieving Cat seemed to be full, took a nap, and pats his belly.

“This cat is already full and may find a chance to tame it!”

azure clothed old man eyes flickering.

The rest are eager to try, and now cultivate Rare Treasures is swallowed up by this cat. Whoever successfully tames this cat is the final winner.

However, at this moment, Zhao Feng, who had been silent, opened his mouth.

“come on!”

Zhao Feng was helpless.

As soon as the Thieving Cat came out, he took all the remaining treasures into his mouth, and the others tried desperately to please him.

“Hehe, you call it over and it’s over?”

yellow clothes youth can’t help grin.

“Little younger brother, you Beast Tamer method, not work!”

Beautiful young woman smiled lightly.

But the two of them just finished.

The silver gray Thieving Cat in the crystal case suddenly stood up.


Silver gray rays of light flashes, Small Thieving Cat appeared on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, then lay down.


The azure clothed old man and Lin Chengwu, who have always been calm and confident, have been dumbstruck for a while and do not know what to say.

And yellow clothes youth and beautiful young women are more like fossils and look ashamed.

Ancient God Hei Ji and Ancient God Xuan Mo stared at Zhao Feng with a shocked expression, and Xu Xu flashed in his mind.

After a long time, the azure clothed old man looked at flashes.

“Boy, is it your pet?”

azure clothed old man yelled, and was extremely angry.


Everyone else stared at Zhao Feng in shock, with an incredible color.

But in fact, according to the phenomenon just now, it is enough to show that Small Thieving Cat is Zhao Feng’s pet.

In other words, more than XNUMX% of the Rare Treasures in those two crystal chests were arrived by the main pet.

No one can accept this.

“Zhao Feng, your pet, eat up all the remaining benefits here, as its master, you have to take responsibility for this thing!”

yellow clothes youth immediately shouted.

Lin Chengwu and the beautiful young women would like to speak in agreement, but they are in a team with Zhao Feng anyway, not at all clearly shows.

“To fight for treasure, depending on the ability. Besides, when my pet gets rid, I do n鈥檛 have gets rid, even if you ca n鈥檛 rob it. And in my opinion, you deliberately let it eat those Rare Treasures, the real intention Want to grab my pet! “

Zhao Feng first faintly sighed, slightly demeaning everyone, then he turned his tone and directly questioned those who wanted to rob his pet.

For a while, everyone had nothing to say.

They even regretted it very much. If Feng reached an agreement earlier, Zhao Feng would be responsible at this time.

At the same time, everyone is still angry, so mysterious and powerful cat will actually be Zhao Feng’s pet.

The Ancient God Hei Ji and the Ancient God Xuan Mo just stared at Zhao Feng tightly, not sure what they were thinking.

“let’s go!”

After a long time, Ancient God Xuan Mo left the team with him.

Lin Chengwu and the beautiful young woman looked towards Zhao Feng, and there was nothing to look at.

“Zhao Feng, you have this pet, why don’t you take it out early …”

Ancient God Hei Ji reproaches slightly, but it is actually exploring the details of Small Thieving Cat.

“This guy is not very obedient!”

Zhao Feng casually explained a sentence.

But everyone is convinced of this reason.

“Let’s go!”

Ancient God Hei Ji didn’t know anything, and said directly.

“Slow, there are good things here!”

Zhao Feng stopped everyone.

“There are good things?”

Lin Chengwu didn’t believe it.

There is something good, why didn’t Zhao Feng swallow it alone?

Under everyone’s attention, Zhao Feng came to a certain corner, both of his hands gathered a group of Primordial Divine Power, and blasted to the edge of a certain piece of steel silver ruins.

Several times under the attack, the edge of the huge ruins was cut off, revealing something, it was a palm.

“This is the hand? Anyone else inside?”

The beautiful young woman was shocked.

“No, this is a mechanical encounter!”

Ancient God Hei Ji also showed a shock, and then said.

Everyone immediately thought of the highly emulated and intelligent machinery created by Heavens Secret Clan. Rumors also include battle strength Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth-level mechanical experts.

“Dig it out, maybe it’s useful, or get What!”

Ancient God Hei Ji low roaring sound.

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