King of Gods

Chapter 1303

The moment the two crystal chests opened, Ancient God Hei Ji and Xuan Mo Ancient God fight with.

On the other side, the other members of both parties, simultaneously gets rid.

That azure clothed old man both eyes suddenly changed golden light, aura that destroyed heaven and earth, permeated from it.


Zhao Feng figure flashes, near the crystal case.

His Insight’s Profound Truth is more extensive, and there are also three major Clones, and any of the cultivate Rare Treasures here is of great use to him.

“Hehe, Zhao Feng, let me meet you!”

The yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land inspired the strength in the physical, ran Eye of Life, and rushed towards Zhao Feng directly.

The battle strength of Eye of Life is weaker in Eight Great God Eyes, but the growth of cultivation base is easier, because most cultivate Precious Materials contain Profound Truth.

So, for yellow clothes youth, everything here is also suitable for him.

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

When meeting with Life Holy Land’s squad, the yellow clothes youth expressed dissatisfaction with him.

Zhao Feng heard Xiahou Wu said that because he refused the invitation of Life Holy Land, many disciples and Elders in the clan didn’t wait to see Zhao Feng.

Jeer converge

There is a pair of Golden wings behind Zhao Feng.

He interleaved the Golden Thunder Light Wing numbers with Space Flickering, avoiding the yellow clothes youth, and approached the crystal case.

“Hmph, get me off!”

The Ancient God Xuan Mo fighting with the Ancient God Hei Ji, Left Eye turned, releasing a Golden long spear and heading for Zhao Feng assault.

“really strong !”

Zhao Feng uses Clear Eye’s clearly understood power and dodge technique to dodge the attack.

Among all the people present, the one-eyed Xuan Mo’s Ancient God has the strongest strength, suppressing the Ancient God Hei Ji, and still has the strength to fight against Zhao Feng gets rid.

On the other side, Lin Chengwu collided with azure clothed old man.

But even Lin Chengwu of Eye of Space-Time, in front of azure clothed old man, can’t take any advantage.

At the beginning, Ancient God Xuan Mo’s team had the advantage.

The three of them are also trying their best to ingest cultivate Rare Treasures in the crystal box.

Although the crystal box is sturdy, its repair Rare Treasures can’t withstand their attack.

So everyone is trying their best not to spread the fighting power to the crystal box, so the difficulty of taking cultivate Rare Treasures will increase.

Just at this time.

Sou sou ~

Count Daoist and rush to the battlefield.

These are all beautiful young women’s Immortal Samsara Body.

One of them has a strong Seventh-Rank Ancient God, another has just reached Seventh-Rank Ancient God, and the rest are Sixth-Rank True God.

The beautiful young woman herself retreated to the rear, and occasionally launched a remote sneak attack on the enemy.

When these Immortal Samsara Body joined the battle, the Ancient God Xuan Mo side gradually fell into a disadvantage.

“Myriad Forms!

A colorful light cover appears around all around Ancient God Xuan Mo, which contains heaven and earth Myriad Forms strength, which doubles Ancient God Xuan Mo Battle Strength, and also has a strong defense effect.

“Heaven and earth annihilation!”

azure clothed old man both eyes moved quickly, Profound Truth strength, which destroyed everything, permeated in front of his vision, making everything slowly die out.

“Two people, strength is really strong!”

Aside, the beautiful young woman was surprised.

But that’s why the opposing team is good.

Ancient God Xuan Mo is good at defense, azure clothed old man attack is the strongest, and Eye of Life of yellow clothes youth has a powerful healing ability.

“No matter who they are!”

The eyes of the beautiful young woman fell in the crystal box, the “Rainbow-Colored Samsara Grass”.

She immediately controlled several Strong-Sixth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body with strong strength, with the primary goal of gaining resources.

Just at this time.

call out!

Above the crystal case, a golden light flashed.

The beautiful young woman saw the cultivate Rare Treasures in the crystal case disappear.

“Zhao Feng that kid!”

Beautiful young woman with surprised look.

What collided with Zhao Feng was the yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land.

But Zhao Feng did not fight with him at all, but kept dodging and walked beside the crystal box.

Even if a gold clothes man approached, Zhao Feng escaped every time.


An Immortal Samsara Body of a beautiful young woman, avoiding the crowds, and approaching the crystal box.

Just at this time.

A golden phantom flashed, and Zhao Feng took a colorful plant with many rings of exotic herbs directly ingested.

“My Rainbow-Colored Samsara Grass!”

The beautiful young woman suddenly screamed.

Although she and Zhao Feng are in a small team, everyone’s allocation strategy for treasure is based on their ability.

“Damn, this person is too fast!”

The yellow clothes youth knew that if he had no way to take Zhao Feng, he would not continue to fight with Zhao Feng and rushed to the crystal box.

“This is not yours!”

Seeing that yellow clothes youth no longer aimed at himself, Zhao Feng directly snatched treasure and immediately obstructed it.

Hum pu!

A ball of purple silver thunderbolt bombed on his Soul level.

Then Zhao Feng gave another shot, knocked it back, and then approached the crystal box.

“Hehe, Void Sky Holy Spirit Fruit, I accept it too!”

Zhao Feng chuckled and picked away a small silver-white fruit and a dark Golden fruit next to it.

“My perish divine fruit!”

The azure clothed old man saw Profound Truth of Destruction cultivate Rare Treasures in his fancy, was taken by Zhao Feng, and was suddenly furious. The Profound Truth of Destruction in both eyes was frantic.

Lin Chengwu complexion is also extremely ugly, and the Void Sky Holy Spirit Fruit that he needs is also one step ahead of Zhao Feng.

“How about our truce, peacefully distribute the treasure within it!”

Lin Chengwu calmly gave azure clothed old man sound transmission.

azure clothed old man expression Slightly hesitant, seems to promise, with yellow clothes youth, and Ancient God Xuan Mo sound transmission.

The yellow clothes youth of Life Holy Land is very depressing. In the fight with Zhao Feng, he did not get any benefits, but he repeatedly suffered losses.

So he agreed decisively.

“You guys, we are not your opponent, here treasure you 60% of us, we 40%, how about this allocation?”

All the players agreed, and Ancient God Xuan Mo had to speak.

The beautiful young woman and Zhao Feng froze slightly.

“These people see me too much and want to negotiate?”

Zhao Feng can’t help depressed inside.

But it seems that Lin Chengwu and the beautiful young woman will not refuse.

He is only a member of the team, and if most people choose to agree, there is nothing he can do.

But it is at this time.

There was suddenly a powerful Immemorial Bloodline aura in Space. The Bloodline aura solidified the bloodline and trembled.

The descendants of the ordinary Eight Great God Eyes are only equivalent to the Bloodline around 40 before the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race.

The quasi-God level is equivalent to the Bloodline of the top XNUMX of Immemorial Bloodline.

But now, this particularly unknown Immemorial Bloodline aura makes everyone on the scene feel a powerful Bloodline coercion.

“Are there other powerful races coming here?”

Ancient God Hei Ji and Ancient God Xuan Mo were shocked.

They invited the descendants of Eye Bloodline.

In addition to Eight Great God Eyes, are there other Eye Bloodlines that can produce such a large assault force on their Bloodline?

call out!

A dark silver rush quickly passed, and a silhouette appeared in the crystal box.


azure clothed old man, yellow clothes youth and the others, eyes reveal surprise, staring at a silver-grey cat in the crystal case.

The cat has a dark gray complexion and slender limbs. The only difference from ordinary cats is that the gray Thieving Cat’s limbs and tail roots spread a lot of bright silver rune and obscure text, making it look a bit mysterious and spiritual.


Small Thieving Cat looked towards everyone, the thief snickered, and the silver rune and the long tail with dense text were twisting back and forth like a crystal silver whip.

“Small Thieving Cat!”

Zhao Feng expression for a moment.

In front of this cat, there is no small change in form from the former Small Thieving Cat, as if it has grown up.

If it weren’t for the connection between the contracts, Zhao Feng would hardly recognize it.

But at the same time, Zhao Feng is also surprised that the transformation of Small Thieving Cat is not small.

The Immemorial Bloodline coercion that shocked everyone just now is truly extraordinary.

However, even though Small Thieving Cat has undergone an unknown transformation, the face of the thief remains unchanged.

“Heavens Secret …”

Ancient God Hei Ji was shocked, shocked.

On the other side, the complexion of Ancient God Xuan Mo also changes back and forth several times.

“He knows Heavens Secret Cat?”

Zhao Feng’s glanced at Ancient God Hei Ji a glance.

The term Heavens Secret Cat, Zhao Feng also heard the mechanical puppets in the city of Heavens Secret.

And at this moment, this Ancient God Hei Ji actually knew Heavens Secret Cat.

Even though Ancient God Xuan Mo didn’t call it an exit, he also knew from the expression.


Small Thieving Cat showed a thief-like appearance, then opened his mouth and swallowed a precious fruit directly.

“Damn, where’s the cat?”

The azure clothed old man suddenly shouted, and the Thieving Cat actually stole such precious cultivation resources.

Lin Chengwu’s eyes looked towards Zhao Feng. Just now he felt Zhao Feng’s position, and a vague space wave came out.

“This cat Bloodline is so out of the ordinary, if it can be accepted as a Spirit Pet …”

The beautiful young woman raised this idea.


Small Thieving Cat showed doubts, as if to show that these fools didn’t care about it?

Small Thieving Cat The slender cat’s claw suddenly flickered, like the Snow White Spirit Mushroom, appeared in its hands, and then swallowed down.


Small Thieving Cat figure flickering directly to the other side, opened his mouth and swept away, and five samples of Precious Materials disappeared.

“Not good, this greedy Thieving Cat!”

yellow clothes youth suddenly shouted.

Beautiful young women, azure clothed old man and Lin Chengwu are also surprised and angry.

They just fight for your life. Everyone gets at least one or two treasures. But the appearance of this Small Thieving Cat directly swallowed a few valuable cultivate Rare Treasures, and there was no intention to stop.

Only Ancient God Hei Ji and Ancient God Xuan Mo looked contemplative, standing to place, wondering what they were thinking.

“This guy!”

Zhao Feng took a forehead.

The behavior of Small Thieving Cat directly caused the anger of the two sides.

However, the Small Thieving Cat is not large, and in the crystal box, the crowd did not directly perform a powerful trick to avoid destroying the cultivate Rare Treasures.

唰 Shua!

Lin Chengwu figure flickering again and again, first to approach the crystal box.

“Flash Blade!”

Lin Chengwu urged Left Eye, locked Small Thieving Cat, and launched a Space Eye Technique directly.

call out!

A small crystal white blade appeared directly next to the Small Thieving Cat, and it seemed to penetrate its body.

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

The tiny white blade passed directly through the Small Thieving Cat body without leaving a trace.

call out!

The crystal white blade is submerged in the special soil, and the strikes leave a shallow trace on the crystal wall of the ground.

The Small Thieving Cat, with a look of low laughed and a body jumping, swallowed four or five cultivate Rare Treasures into swallows.

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