King of Gods

Chapter 1192

In front of Zhao Feng, there are many precious golden cultivate Precious Materials floating. Fortunately, Zhao Feng used a small world to cover up these, otherwise other experts could see it, and I’m afraid it would directly get rid to compete.

The medicament efficacy in Golden Road cultivate Precious Materials was inhaled by Zhao Feng within the body, operated by Holy Force, and entered into the Holy Force light circle.

At a certain moment, the Golden area in Zhao Feng’s five-color Holy Force light circle shone to the peak.


Zhao Feng all around’s Wind Thunder of Metal is equally dazzling, faintly piercing the cover of the small world, and shining to the outside world.

This phenomenon attracted the attention of many experts on all mountain peaks all around, but seeing that Zhao Feng was only breaking through the half-god, he ignored it directly.

Zhao Feng breakthrough The movement to Half-God is really big, but is Half-God useful here?


Golden Thunder Light slowly converged, and the small world cover of Zhao Feng all around gradually disappeared.

“Quasi-God Kong Yuan, Quasi-God Tun Tian, ​​Quasi-God Si Kong”

Zhao Feng opened his bright eyes and chewed these three names softly.

Although he was cultivate, he shared some ideas and observed all around.

“Worthy to be called is Quasi-God Chosen by Divine Realm Holy Land”

Zhao Feng sighed from the heart.

Divine Realm Holy Land, Ruler above 5-Star exists.

The details and strength of any of the three are far more than Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng estimates that if these three people are now assault Heaven Rank God Position, they can basically become Fourth-Rank True God.

Some people ca n’t improve in the slightest, so they have to assert God Position, become First-Rank True God, and then climb slowly, but they also have difficulty climbing the threshold of Ancient God in the end.

These Chosen can directly become Fourth-Rank True God, and the probability of being promoted to Ancient God in the future is also greater.

This is the gap of innate talent

That’s why that many people suppress the cultivation base and don’t directly assault Heaven Rank God Position.

“Now I have a big gap with them, but I have just reached the level of Half-God, and I have greatly improved the Space.

In Zhao Feng’s mind, an indomitable determination appeared.

The three geniuses of Divine Realm Holy Land are all targets of Zhao Feng’s. If possible, Zhao Feng will also surpass them.

“Congratulations Master, cultivation base goes one step further and becomes Quasi-God”

azure clothed old man smiled, respectfully.

With Zhao Feng’s strength, as long as you break through to Half-God, you can call it Quasi-God.

“Haha, just reach the level of Half-God, you dare to call it Quasi-God”

At the top of the mountain peak where Zhao Feng was, a young Quasi-God laughed arrogantly.

Compared with the forces here, there are only four people in Zhao Feng, which is arguably the weakest group here.

Zhao Feng glanced a little, the power at the top of the mountain peak was only nine, and there was only one Fourth-Rank True God, which was one of the bottom forces here.

At this moment, a team was driving in the distance. At the front of the team, Quasi-God Di Lin gloomy and cold stared at Zhao Feng fiercely.

This time Quasi-God Di Lin didn’t act blindly without thinking. At the time, Zhao Feng had only one person, which made them suffer, not to mention that there are three more people around Zhao Feng now.

However, Quasi-God Di Lin showed a gloomy smile, as if to say: You are waiting.

Quasi-God Di Lin flew directly to the large team of Golden Jade Clan here.

“True God Tian Hua, when we arrived, one of the team was killed by the blond kid …”

Quasi-God Di Lin came to True God Tian Hua, said with a slight smile.

True God Tian Hua is the only Fifth-Rank True God of Golden Jade Clan in this secret realm. Even if Quasi-God Di Lin is noble, he still has to converge in front of True God Tian Hua.

“Hmph, you asked me Fifth-Rank True God to deal with a junior who just broke through Half-God?”

True God Tian Hua angrily snorted.

Even if he really ran over to kill Zhao Feng, I am afraid it would only attract the laughter of all around forces.

“You five, solve them”

True God Tian Hua sighed and said to five Third-Rank True God.

Among the four Zhao Feng, there is only one Third-Rank True God, the remaining Second-Rank True God, and two Half-God. Five Third-Rank True Gods against Zhao Feng

But Zhao Feng was able to kill Golden Jade Clan and leave directly, certainly not a general generation. True God Tian Hua considered comprehensive, so five Third-Rank True God were sent.


The Golden Jade Clan five rushed directly to the mountain peak where Zhao Feng was.

“Boy, wait for death”

Quasi-God Di Lin had a sinister smile.

And on top of the mountain peak where Zhao Feng is located, just now mocking Zhao Feng’s youth, said again with a smile: “It seems that you already have no chance to see the treasures here”

“Master, what do you do?”

azure clothed old man look anxious.


Zhao Feng condensed a pair of golden light wings and darted away.

“Hehe, Master, you want to play overcast again”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has a sly smile.

However, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon also likes to play Yin, and the Bloodline of his World Extinguishing Dragon Clan cannot be exposed in front of so many people.

sou sou sou

The other three immediately followed Zhao Feng’s pace.

“Chasing, killing all”

Golden Jade Clan a Third-Rank True God immediately shouted.

Their five Third-Rank True God gets rid, if they let the other run away, what face would go back.

call out

People of Golden Jade Clan, catch up directly.

Among Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng has the fastest speed, Zhao Wan and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon. Secondly, Third-Rank True God’s azure clothed old man is the slowest.

“What’s going on? The cultivation base is weak, but so fast”

Golden Jade Clan scolded.

The five of them could at best catch up with the azure clothed old man, and the other three could not catch up at all.

But suddenly, Zhao Feng and the others, who fled ahead, stopped.


Golden Jade Clan naturally will not miss this opportunity and directly gets rid.

The three True Gods attacked Zhao Feng, Zhao Wan, and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and the remaining two True Gods killed the azure clothed old man.


azure clothed old man lamented, some helpless, the people around the Master, like playing the pig to eat the tiger.

His strength is far inferior to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and after Zhao Feng breakthrough, strength may be equivalent to him. If he shows his hole cards, he is definitely better than him.

“Boy, are you the one who killed me Golden Jade Clan?”

A Third-Rank True God, complexion slightly angry, aloof and remote gesture, overlooking Zhao Feng.

“There is a lot of nonsense”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted, running Saint Thunder Body, activating Immemorial Blood Devil Sun.


Zhao Feng’s body was raised a bit, and the dark gold Thunder Light bloomed, and then surrounded by a layer of Scarlet Blood Yang Yan, as if it became a person instantly.

The Third-Rank True God in front of Zhao Feng, the complexion was slightly sinking. He understood that this person in front of him was not simple.


Thunder Light flashes, Zhao Feng rushed directly to the Third-Rank True God.

At the Half-God level, Zhao Feng has to see if he can fight Third-Rank True God.

“Jade law golden light”

Third-Rank True God directly stimulates the Golden Jade Clan Bloodline. With one wave of his hands, numerous Golden Jade Talisman texts appear suddenly in void.


These Golden jade runes form a spiral vortex to meet Zhao Feng.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

A huge red thunder holy light palm shadow, strikes on the Gold Jade spiral vortex.

Bang bang

Most of the Gold Jade spiral was destroyed, and a destruction golden flame directly ignited the remaining Golden Jade spiral and burned it.

This is the ignited feature of Immemorial Blood Devil Sun, and the power of the first layer Profound Truth of Fire.

“After breaking through Half-God, Already is able to continue to Third-Rank True God.”

Zhao Feng was slightly happy.

Zhao Feng still remembers that when facing True God Gui Sha before, he couldn’t even take a trick from the opponent, and he could only rely on Divine Tool or God Eye Copy to resist.

But in just a few months of Immemorial Dreamland, Zhao Feng already grew to the point where he could continue to the Third-Rank True God.


Zhao Feng figure flashes, from the other direction, directly attacked the Third-Rank True God.

“This kid, Profound Truth of Fire reaches the first layer Realm”

Third-Rank True God is slightly shaken, and Zhao Feng’s Bloodline seems to be stronger than him, and he has cultivated a deep Body Tempering Cultivation Technique.

Had it not been for his Profound Truth of Metal to reach the first layer for a long time, I am afraid that it would not be Zhao Feng’s opponent.

Bang Bang

After a short fight with, Golden Jade Clan Third-Rank True God found that he couldn’t help Zhao Feng.

On the other side, the azure clothed old man was indeed crushed by two Third-Rank True Gods of Golden Jade Clan, and Zhao Wan was slightly suppressed by a Third-Rank True God.

But the black-scale man of Second-Rank True God, with a deep Profound Truth of Destruction, attacked fiercely overbearing, completely pressed Golden Jade Clan’s True God.

“Abominable, killing this rubbish is so troublesome”

The Third-Rank True God complexion was furious, and a Golden fan appeared in his hand.

“Jade Burning”

With a wave of gold fans, a gorgeous Golden storm swept away towards Zhao Feng with a ferocious tendency to destroy everything.

Jingle bang

A golden light storm emerged from heaven and earth, accompanied by countless crisp sounds like jade rupture.

“Now that you have the Divine Tool, end the battle.”

Zhao Feng complexion was cold.

The reason why he fought this Third-Rank True God head-on was purely breakthrough, and he wanted to verify his strength.

call out

Zhao Feng runs the Golden Thunder Light Wing Technique to dodge the blow.

With one hand waving, huge silhouettes appeared in all around, emitting Heaven shaking Immemorial Monster Qi.

“You are … Beast Taming Master”

The Third-Rank True God was stunned.

The original Golden Jade Clan only had a slight upper hand, but at this moment Zhao Feng released so many Spirit Pets. Although these Spirit Pet strengths are not strong, they are enough to change the situation.


Zhao Feng ordered.

“World Extinguishing Dragon Breath”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is rude, inspires a hint of Bloodline Power, and runs to destroy the Strength of Source.

“Myriad Forms Space”

Zhao Wan directly used the trump card, released Myriad Forms Space, and trapped the Third-Rank True God in it.


All the other Demon Beasts attacked the two True Gods who besieged the azure clothed old man.

“Jade Burning”

There was a smile on the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth, and the Left Eye surged with the amazing Eye Strength Will.

Boom hu hu

A gorgeous Golden storm swept away at that Third-Rank True God with the ferocity of destroying everything.

When this Third-Rank True God performed this trick just now, Zhao Feng calmly completed the copy and kept “storing but not sending”, only then released.

“How is that possible? This is my move”

The Third-Rank True God whole body was shocked, and expression was shocked.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

After releasing this move, Zhao Feng immediately launched Thunder Calamity attack Eye Technique.


The power of Thunder Calamity Eye Flame came into play first, bombing Soul of Third-Rank True God, making him unable to fight normally.


Then, the “Yu-Fen” from Zhao Feng Copy frantically struck the Third-Rank True God.

On the other side, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon already killed that Third-Rank True God. Zhao Wan relied on Myriad Forms Space and Eye of Myriad Forms and equalized to each other. The azure clothed old man has many Immemorial Races to help push the two Third-Rank True God into the desperate situation.

On a mountain peak, True God Tian Hua is cultivate cross-legged.

With his Fifth-Rank True God’s strength, in the face of this treasure, he dare not care.

Suddenly, he took out a piece of messaging command token, and then the True God Tian Hua complexion changed greatly, furiously shouted: “This bunch of waste”

“Come with me”

True God Tian Hua stood up directly, the majesty and anger of the complexion led the owner of Golden Jade Clan, leaving this place aggressively.

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