King of Gods

Chapter 1193

Golden Jade Clan’s indignant departure left the attention of other forces on the mountain peak.

At this point, everyone in Golden Jade Clan rushed in the other direction, which is really confusing.

“Golden Jade Clan, didn’t he just send five people to pursuit those people? Why are they all gone now?”

At the top of the mountain peak that Zhao Feng had just inhabited, the name mocked Zhao Feng’s youth twice, said in surprise.

“Shut up, no one can come here”

At this moment, the Youth-Rank True God of the youth’s force snarled.

“True God Tian Hua, what happened?”

Quasi-God Di Lin asked curiously.

Just now True God Tian Hua received a message and took everyone directly away. The others didn’t know anything.

“Shut me up, there’s so much nonsense”

True God Tian Hua fiercely glared at Quasi-God Di Lin a glance, unwillingly reprimanded.

Seeing True God Tian Hua so angry, the rest of Golden Jade Clan didn’t dare to say anything more.

But soon they realized why True God Tian Hua was so angry.


A weak, dark gold Soul body flew towards Golden Jade Clan and the others.


A terrifying Thunder Calamity electric fire fell on this Soul body and completely destroyed it.

Golden Jade Clan and the others were sluggish on the spot. I didn’t expect them to come over and see such a picture.

“If you come faster, maybe you can save him”

At this time, Zhao Feng’s leisurely voice came into the ears of Golden Jade Clan and the others.

Everyone at Golden Jade Clan was shocked, the whole body trembled, and the invisible anger almost solidified all around heaven and earth.

“Zhao Feng, you dare to kill me, Golden Jade Clan”

Quasi-God Di Lin expression changed dramatically, immediately shouted.

Zhao Feng coldly watched Quasi-God Di Lin a glance, is this person an idiot? I killed myself all the time and said such stupid things.

“True God Tian Hua, save us”

Not far from Zhao Feng behind, the voice of Golden Jade Clan True God came.

At this time, the Golden Jade Clan True God besieging Zhao Feng and the others, and there were only three remaining. They were besieged by World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, azure clothed old man, and many Immemorial Races.

“You are in courting death”

True God Tian Hua glared at Zhao Feng and asked directly.

He couldn’t see that Zhao Feng had the ability to kill the three, but he was trapping the three and brought everyone from Golden Jade Clan. It’s the first time he has seen such a crazy young man

“True God Tian Hua is really righteous, regardless of the life and death of clansman, he will kill me”

There was a smile of evil looking in the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth.

As soon as this word came out, the three True Gods of the besieged Golden Jade Clan, the whole body was cold, as if they were in an icehouse.

And the rest of the Golden Jade Clan’s mind is also a little hesitant. True God Tian Hua doesn’t care about the life and death of the three Third-Rank True Gods. The next battle for heavy treasures will certainly not care about their lives.

True God Tian Hua Killing intent Teng Teng, Zhao Feng This is the relationship between him and the rest of the members.

True God Tian Hua As Fifth-Rank True God, naturally disdain to care about these lower-order True God. However, this time fighting for heavy treasures, there are too many opponent and huge power, he must borrow the strength of clansman, and even use their lives to pave the way for himself.

“That being the case, then friends who are hiding in the dark, come out and help me.”

Zhao Feng turned his head and looked directly into the depths of Ancient Forest.

“This kid still has a helper?”

True God Tian Hua His eyes are as deep as standing water.

Deep in the Ancient Forest, a blue-violet flame light flashed, and a woman in a blue-violet long dress slowly emerged.

“Actually found by him”

little Ling is a little angry.

She originally came here to inquire about the news of Chong Bao, but suddenly felt the familiar flame of Flame Qi. Following this aura, she discovered Zhao Feng.

So, Little Ling was hiding in the dark, ready to wait for Zhao Feng and Golden Jade Clan, five True God expert both sides suffer, and then to Zhao Feng gets rid to regain the tail feathers of the bird.

What was unexpected was that Zhao Feng and the others had strong strengths and defeated five Third-Rank True Gods.

So she continued to hide and waited for the big army of Golden Jade Clan. The strength of this large force is very powerful, and there is even Fifth-Rank True God. Little Ling was still worried that Zhao Feng would be killed directly by Fifth-Rank True God.

But suddenly, Zhao Feng exposed her hiding place.

“That being the case, I joined him to fight the enemy, gain his favor, and wait for the opportunity to capture the tail feathers.

Little Ling’s mouth was lightly raised, and I think this strategy is very good.

A blue-violet flame flashed, and a pretty woman in a blue-violet dress fell beside Zhao Feng.

“I didn’t expect Master to have a helper”

azure clothed old man

“What a nice view”

Both the enemy and us were immediately attracted by the beauty and temperament of this woman, and the atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent disappeared instantly.


Little Ling tenderly snorted, glaring at a glance Zhao Feng, then looked towards Golden Jade Clan and the others.

“Fourth-Rank True God”

True God Tian Hua complexion.

Zhao Feng and the group of Spirit Pets, Battle Strength is already very strong, and at this time there is another Fourth-Rank True God.

On Golden Jade Clan side, except True God Tian Hua is Fifth-Rank True God, the rest are Third-Rank, Second-Rank True God and Quasi-God. If you hit it hard, the odds of success of Golden Jade Clan is still large, but even if you win in the end, Golden Jade Clan’s loss is very heavy, it is impossible to participate in the next treasure hunt.

“True God Tian Hua, I believe you are a reasonable person, and you will not let the entire Golden Jade Clan suffer for a waste”

Zhao Feng’s glanced at a glance Quasi-God Di Lin.


Quasi-God Di Lin whole body trembles, both fists hold tight, and the nails are embedded in the flesh.

Cultivation to this day, no one has ever called him waste

“You’re right, as long as you let go of my three Golden Gods, Golden Jade Clan, this will be the case.”

True God Tian Hua complexion eases slightly.

Chongbao is about to open. How can it hurt Origin Energy before this, and it is not too late to resolve Zhao Feng after competing for Chongbao.

“I believe True God Tian Hua is a trustworthy person and will not deceive young people”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled and waved.

Suddenly, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and the others released the three besieged True Gods.


True God Tian Hua’s gloomy gaze swept the three True God a glance, shouted in a low voice.

Sou sou

Later, True God Tian Hua led everyone away from the place.

“Many thanks girl gets rid and rescued, This Zhao is grateful”

At this moment, Zhao Feng looked towards little Ling, with a mild smile on his face.

Zhao Feng has long noticed that little Ling has been hiding in the dark.

“If the girl is willing, you can cooperate with us to compete for the treasure in the land of treasure”

Zhao Feng offered to invite.

The reason he forced little Ling out was to use her strength.

Little Ling expression Wei Wei, she was just about to speak and joined Zhao Feng’s team, but did not expect Zhao Feng to invite him first, which gave her the illusion of being seen through by Zhao Feng.

“I’ve been secretly tracking, he can’t know my true purpose”

little Ling hesitated.

“Okay, I’m also interested in the place where the treasure is”

A little resolution flashed in little Ling’s eyes and promised.

On the side, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon expression startled, even he didn’t understand, why this sudden woman appeared to help Zhao Feng, and even joined Zhao Feng’s team.

sou sou sou

Zhao Feng, who followed the Golden Jade Clan team, returned to the continuous mountain peak just now.

On the mountain peak near Zhao Feng and Golden Jade Clan, many experts were stunned.

They all knew that Golden Jade Clan and Zhao Feng had a contradiction, and just now Golden Jade Clan Fifth-Rank True God left in anger.

But at this moment, the two sides are returning from one after the other. This phenomenon is really weird.

However, interested people will find that the first group of pursuit Zhao Feng’s five Third-Rank True God, only three returned. In Zhao Feng’s team, there was a beautiful woman with a nearly perfect appearance.

“Please don’t mind, my young people just now have no cover”

At this time, at the top of Zhao Feng mountain peak, the Fourth-Rank was really God Lord.

Before the young Quasi-God in his team, satirically Zhao Feng twice, he did not care. But at this moment Zhao Feng let Golden Jade Clan eat, and another Four-Rank True God was added to the team before he spoke.

Subsequently, the Fourth-Rank True God led the rest from the top of the mountain peak of Zhao Feng.

“Under Zhao Feng, it’s a pleasure to work with a girl”

Zhao Feng smiled mildly.

Little Ling is also slightly smiled, and she is ready to speak with Zhao Feng, but Zhao Feng’s next sentence makes her expression suddenly change.

“Girl, are you here to get your tail feathers back?”

Zhao Feng looked towards little Ling, and seemed to see everything through her.

“Do you actually know?”

little Ling was shocked.

Now that Zhao Feng knows her purpose, what does Zhao Feng invite her to join her team?

Little Ling feels that the current situation, and alert is completely under the control of Zhao Feng.

“The girl has been peeping at me secretly since I left the Phoenix Nest. I was embarrassed by the beautiful woman.”

Zhao Feng cheeky shameless.

“what do you want?”

A little Ling complexion sank, and there was a killing intent in his eyes.

“Girls don’t get excited, watch out for your identity”

Zhao Feng expression is free.

Little Ling’s killing intent disappeared, looking towards Zhao Feng, for a while gnashing teeth.

This is all an expert from the Wild God Region. If her identity is revealed, everyone here has a reason to get her rid.

“I just want to cooperate with the girl. The girl helps me. I can also get a lot of benefits myself. After the incident is completed, I can return it to you.

Zhao Feng was serious.

Fengline’s Bloodline Power, Source Fire, and medicine efficacy were all absorbed by Zhao Feng, and nothing was returned to the girl.

Little Ling stared at Zhao Feng, very depressed, she felt as if she had hit the whole set.

“it is good”

little Ling thought for a moment and agreed directly.

If she refused, it would be a question of whether she could leave safely, and promised Zhao Feng that there would be no harm except to take some risks.


At this moment, the distant sky, the transparent palace caused a huge space storm.

For the entire palace, two thirds of the already are exposed.

“Well? This Space is volatile …”

Two dragon-head antler, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, whole body covered with huge immemorial races of scales, staying at midair.

“Come here, what’s going on?”

One of the black flame unicorns both eyes glared at an Immemorial Races below.

“Yes … there are a lot of humans, and a place of treasure hidden in Space has been excavated, and now this place of treasure will soon be born”

This Immemorial Races trembled non-stop, and threw itself to the ground.

As the Immemorial Races, he saw Bloodline Power for such a powerful race for the first time.

“Young Master, there are many humans out there, it is better not to get involved in this matter”

The other one is huge, said Aura’s restrained red unicorn.

“Hehe, you are Seventh-Rank Ancient God, with you, what are human beings?”

Black Flame Kirin both eyes.

True God Ninth-Rank. Once the Sixth-Rank is True God, this red unicorn is actually the Ancient God on Sixth-Rank True God.

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