King of Gods

Chapter 1191

“Everything here is done by Space-Time Holy Land”

Zhao Wan also looked far away and said immediately.

Only the Experts who specialize in Space Profound Truth in Space-Time Holy Land, will it be possible to find the Treasure Land hidden in void.

But it is clear that with their ability, this transparent palace cannot be fully drawn out.

Fortunately, the palace itself is slowly emerging from void.

The square of the transparent palace is ten thousand li, and there is no one, because all the surrounding of the transparent palace is filled with terrifying turbulence of space. Torn.

“At first there were not so many people here. It was because the Expert of Space-Time Holy Land discovered the building and summoned all the people who could gather to stay here, even preventing all outsiders from approaching. They did, but attracted Caught the attention of others “

Zhao Wan has been here for a while, and he is quite familiar with the situation here. He continued to add: “Later, people from Heaven Devourer Holy Land also came here, and heard that there was a collision between the two, and then the more The more and more expert teams are attracted, even if the two Holy Lands are extremely powerful, it is impossible to block all other forces, so as to form the current situation. “

Zhao Feng listened to Zhao Wan’s narration, and a pale gold ripple appeared in his eyes, and he continued to stare at the transparent palace.

Although the palace is transparent, each wall is a space barrier. The space inside the palace is also very unstable, and many places have tiny space cracks.

“It’s all treasure”

After observing for a long time, Zhao Feng was surprised.

The palace has the same furnishings as the ordinary great hall, but every piece of furnishings and decoration in the palace looks extremely precious.

This is just the result of Zhao Feng’s vision alone. After all, he cannot feel the aura of these items.

In the great hall in the center of the palace, there is an unknown object shrouded in layers of space, and even Zhao Feng can’t peek into its true colors.

“Hehe, it is indeed a place of amazing Supreme Treasure, but it is too difficult for the Master to get a little benefit from it.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon slightly smiled, but he is also full of longing for the opportunity in that transparent palace.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon can’t see the scene inside the palace, but with his experience, this is definitely a shocking Treasure Land. Once you get a big opportunity in it, the whole life may change.

However, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was too weak at this time, and did not have much hope at all.

“This is not necessarily true. Treasure depends on chance, that is, opportunity and fate. Opportunity needs to be grasped by oneself, and fate is destined in the dark.”

Zhao Feng indifferently said.

But the concerns of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon are right. Every force gathered here is terrifying.

The top ones, including the two Divine Realm Holy Lands and several 5-Star forces, any one of them can easily kill Zhao Feng and the others.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon expression shook slightly, and Zhao Feng’s self-confidence and demeanor made him ashamed.

“If you had me come here earlier and give me all my strength to restore strength, this time may still have some benefits.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon complained.

“If you go out this time, you will gain a lot.”

Zhao Feng indifferent expression.

With the ability of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, it must have plundered many precious resources, and now dare to complain to itself.

Facing this place of opportunity, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is indeed a big help, but it is not the main help.

With a wave of Zhao Feng right hand, Zhao Wang appeared beside him.

Then, Zhao Feng and Zhao Wang directly entered the small world in the Zhao Wang Bewildering Space Realm.

“I help you control this Divine Tool”

Zhao Feng released the death scepter from God Eye Space.

If Zhao Wang can use this death scepter, not only his own Battle Strength can be increased, but also a strong hole card at a critical moment, which may play a role to reverse alive or death.

“Refining it”

Zhao Feng handed the scepter to Zhao Wang.

Zhao Feng runs Left Eye and always locks this death scepter. As long as it changes something, Zhao Feng immediately takes corresponding measures.


Zhao Wang runs the Divine Power of Death, constantly infiltrating into the death scepter, and refining.


The death scepter naturally knew what Zhao Wang was going to do. It immediately trembled and resisted Zhao Wang’s strength and Will.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

Zhao Feng didn’t say a word, just hit it and say it again.

Three days later, Zhao Wang got in touch with the death scepter and successfully left Soul’s mark inside it.

“Death Curse Staff”

Zhao Wang held the Death Curse Staff, the whole body lingered in the dark mist, and occasionally a few screams were heard, terrifying.

Zhao Feng found that the aura of Zhao Wang body suddenly climbed several times. His whole body was dark and misty, and his face looked evil looking gloomy and cold.

“Death Curse Staff, is this its name?”

Zhao Feng was at a loss.

As can be seen from the name, this scepter not only contains Profound Truth of Death, but also the more profound mysterious curse Profound Truth.

“Entrust this Sealed God stone to you. When not using this Divine Tool, use the Sealed God stone to suppress it.”

Zhao Feng took out the largest Sealed God stone and gave it to Zhao Wang.

Although Zhao Wang already refined Death Curse Staff, Death Curse Staff also infects and erodes Zhao Wang’s temperament and reason. If Death Curse Staff was originally extremely weak, I was afraid that when Zhao Wang refining Death Curse Staff, he would be completely demoralized, and even Zhao Wang as a whole could be controlled by Death Curse Staff.

Zhao Wang took the Sealed God stone, and pressed it on the Death Curse Staff. Immediately, he felt that the evil thoughts in his heart were weakened, and his mind was can’t help.


Zhao Wang immediately sat down with his knees crossed, dispelling the evil thoughts in his heart, while using Death Curse Staff, cultivate to comprehend.

Zhao Feng leaves Zhao Wang’s Bewildering Space Realm small world.

“It’s not easy for Death Curse Staff to defile Zhao Wang”

There was a smile on the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth.

Zhao Feng’s three clones of Soul and Zhao Feng’s ontology are all connected. Any situation of Zhao Wang’s Soul can be detected by Zhao Feng and other clones.

If Death Curse Staff wants to completely erode Zhao Wang’s consciousness, unless Zhao Feng and the other Clone consciousness are completely eroded.

“I should breakthrough too”

Zhao Feng sat cross-legged in the cave.

In this place of treasure, there are too many experts. Only when Zhao Feng breaks through to Half-God can he have a chance to compete with it, otherwise he can only be reduced to cannon fodder.

Zhao Feng released the strength of the small world, wrapped himself, and then took out many Precious Materials for cultivate.

If you look closely, you can see that this continuous mountain peak, in fact, many people are cultivate.

Everyone realizes that this place of great treasure is absolutely extraordinary, otherwise how can the experts of the two Divine Realm Holy Lands stay here.

Such a precious and valuable place, only if its strength is strong, can it have the opportunity to win some opportunities.

And on top of this continuous mountain peak, there is a strength of the contain Space Profound Truth, which is very suitable for comprehending the Space Profound Truth.

distance On the nearest mountain peak of the transparent palace, with nearly twenty experts cross-legged, each aura is strong and extraordinary in temperament.


These people’s bodies are filled with a layer of space ripples.

In front of these twenty people, there is a white-haired youth. The fluctuation of Space Profound Truth in his body is the most obvious.

At a certain moment, behind the white-haired youth, a dark silver Void eye condensed.

Suddenly, the white-haired youth opened the eyes of the dark silver, and the eyes of his behind Void condensed for a moment, blooming the dark silver gloss, that deep pupil, overlapping as if leading to the endless space.

“Quasi-God Kong Yuan, your Space Profound Truth has reached the 4th Layer. Now you should be able to see some sights in that palace.”

White hair youth behind, a deep old man from Aura, quietly speaking.

“4th Layer Space Profound Truth”

Many experts present were shocked.

It’s just Quasi-God, Space Profound Truth is already reaching the 4th Layer. In the entire Space-Time Holy Land, only Quasi-God Kong Yuan can reach such a level in the new generation.

“Saw some, treasures everywhere, and most of them are Space Type treasures”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan’s dark silver eyes changed for a while.

After hearing this, all around the others were all excited.

On the other side of the mountain peak, not far away, there are also nearly twenty celebrities. Their figures are tall, and many people have strange black inscriptions on their faces.

“I didn’t expect Space Profound Truth from Quasi-God Kong Yuan. Already has reached the 4th Layer.”

A middle-aged man, shocked.

Space Profound Truth is a type of Profound Truth that any expert will try to cultivate. Mastering this Profound Truth can perform magical powers such as teleport and large teleportation. It is very useful whether it is to run away, chase the enemy or hurry.

“It is rumored that Quasi-God Kong Yuan’s’ Eye of Space-Time, Bloodline is very pure, and even got ‘Ruler of Space-Time, adults’ guidance”

Said Quasi-God of Another Heaven Devourer Holy Land.

“Even so, he is not my opponent”

An ice-cold mad voice came out, and he did not evade anything, as if to say to Quasi-God Kong Yuan.

Many people present did not refute.

Because this sentence is spoken by Quasi-God Tun Tian, ​​Heaven Devourer Holy Land’s Quasi-God Chosen.

“This is natural. Space Profound Truth is used to hurry. It is comparable to Senior Brother’s devouring Profound Truth.”

A youth immediately flattery.

Suddenly, Quasi-God Tun Tian seemed to feel something, looking towards a certain direction.

On the other side, all the experts on the Space-Time Holy Land side also found something.


In the distance, the sky was surging, and a huge battleship up to thehundred zhang came like lightning.

Ahead of the battleship, a scholar, youth, faced the wind, with a mild smile on his face.

“What is that? Great battleship”

“Which power is this”

Many of the experts in the mountain peak were stunned by this huge battleship, and their hearts were shocked.

“Worthy to be called is the person of Heavenly Fate Holy Land.

Quasi-God Tun Tian stood up, his eyes flickering and staring at the dark yellow battleship.

Heavenly Fate Holy Land, a Divine Realm Holy Land established later in the Wild God Region, although not as good as other Holy Lands, it should not be ignored.

“Heavenly Fate Holy Land, Quasi-God Si Kong”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan indifferently said that he was more interested in Quasi-God Si Kong than Quasi-God Tun Tian.

“It’s not because I’m afraid to be late. I just use the travel tool. If you don’t get anything, it’s not easy to explain to the Master when you go back.

Quasi-God Si Kong nodded with a smile and a calm peace between words and deeds, quite different from Quasi-God Chosen of the other two Holy Lands.

At the same time, on a dwarf peak.

Zhao Feng’s small world suddenly dazzled with a dazzling golden Thunder Light, faintly exuding a thrilling Divine Power aura wave.

“Master is about to break through”

azure clothed old man cheeky.

Zhao Feng’s breakthrough this time can be called Quasi-God, just don’t know how many levels of True God’s strength he can have.

(Two more arrive, fight for three more at night, ask for monthly ticket support)

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