King of Gods

Chapter 1190

Since Xi Feng sees himself in the Wild Immemorial secret realm, Zhao Feng must not let him go out alive. Once Xi Feng tells Sky Feather Island Lord about this, the other party can certainly guess that Zhao Feng can enter and exit the Wild Immemorial secret realm at will .

If Sky Feather Island Lord talked about it, I am afraid that people in the Wild God Region will not let Zhao Feng go.

Therefore, Xi Feng must not be allowed to go out alive, or even kill Xi Feng now to block this secret.

“Xi Feng, what are you talking about, keep up”

In Golden Jade Clan, a leading Golden Armor man was coldly shouted.


Hearing the Golden Armor man’s voice, Xi Feng trembled and agreed quickly, like an instinctual reaction.

From this we can see how respectful and fearful Xi Feng is to this Golden Armor man.

Like Xi Feng, many people in the team are very awesome to this Golden Armor man.

Because this person is Golden Jade Clan’s strongest Chosen Quasi-God Di Lin, Golden Jade Clan’s future hope.

call out

At this moment, the far sky, streaks, a light gold awn, went straight to Xi Feng.

“What … how dare you”

Xi Feng expression was shocked. Zhao Feng actually got rid of him directly, and he felt arrested intent

He was still wondering why Zhao Feng appeared here. Don’t tell me to use teleportation formation to leave and join other 4-Star half forces.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng was alone and killed him directly.

Even if Xi Feng is not Zhao Feng’s opponent, but he is in Golden Jade Clan’s team, Zhao Feng’s behavior is undoubtedly provoking Golden Jade Clan

“Who is your Excellency, and why is Golden Jade Clan gets rid to me?”

Quasi-God Di Lin just drink it.

Xi Feng saw the voice of Quasi-God Di Lin, showing a touch of joy.Although Quasi-God Di Lin didn’t wait to see him, at least he was a member of Golden Jade Clan. Quasi-God Di Lin was proud and arrogant. Your face will not stand idly by.

“I have some grudges with this person, his life, I want it”

Zhao Feng’s cold voice came out.


The light golden light suddenly burst into the hot flame of heaven shaking, as if it turned into a flame meteorite.

call out

After urging Immemorial Blood Devil Sun, Zhao Feng’s speed suddenly increased.

“Really strong power, terrifying Immemorial Bloodline”

Zhao Feng’s sudden outbreak of power shrank the complexion scared by Xi Feng, and the whole body trembled.

He clearly remembers that Zhao Feng’s Bloodline was not very powerful when he played against Zhao Feng before.


Zhao Feng is too fast. Xi Feng can only rely on Profound Truth of Wind, which he is good at, to move away from a distance.


Zhao Feng immediately came to Xi Feng’s side, running Saint Thunder Body and Immemorial Blood Devil Sun, and threw a punch.


terrifying the fiery flame power, hit Xi Feng’s body directly.


In the fierce screams, Xi Feng’s body shattered.

Zhao Feng directly gets rid, and is a killer, and directly wipes the fleshly body of Xi Feng. In this scene, Xi Feng did not expect that everyone beside Golden Jade Clan did not expect it.

Boom hu hu

terrifying the fiery scarlet flame, igniting Xi Feng all around, the fiercely hot flame, devouring Xi Feng’s body.

call out

A blue Soul body escaped from the scarlet flame.

Although Zhao Feng’s violent impact, coupled with the yang inflammation of Immemorial Blood Devil Sun, caused some injuries to his Soul, it was not enough to kill him.

“How can it be”

Xi Feng’s Soul body was shocked and he couldn’t stop Zhao Feng from hitting him.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, Thunder Calamity is branded with flickering, forming a twisted Thunder Calamity flame.


I saw a bright thunderbolt exploding on Xi Feng’s Soul body.


Xi Feng’s Soul issued a scream of horror. The Thunder Calamity Strength bombed wildly on his Soul. Wherever he passed, Soul disappeared completely.

Eventually, Xi Feng’s Soul and Thunder Calamity Strength disappeared into void.

Xi Feng, dead

Even Xi Feng himself didn’t expect that he would die so suddenly and so easily

“Not bad, Immemorial Blood Devil Sun, Profound Truth of Fire first layer”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body alone is enough to crush Xi Feng, coupled with the outbreak of Immemorial Blood Devil Sun and the power of Yang Yan, Xi Feng cannot bear Zhao Feng’s full blow.


On the Golden Jade Clan side, everyone can clearly hear their heartbeat.

Even Golden Jade Clan’s strongest Chosen Quasi-God Di Lin is shocked.

Although he can easily slay Xi Feng, he must not be like Zhao Feng, so he can kill the body with one stroke and destroy Soul with one stroke.


The blond man stood to place, covered with red glass, burning fierce flames, like the same flame demon, overbearing uninhibited.

At this moment, everyone at Golden Jade Clan feels that their Bloodline has a burning sensation in front of this person, which shows that this man’s Bloodline is stronger than them

“Who are you? Why did you kill me Golden Jade Clan?”

For a long time, Quasi-God Di Lin both eyes condensed and said directly.

The man in front of him may be better than him, but the opponent is alone, and his team has nine Golden Jade Clan people, including two Third-Rank True God.

Zhao Feng killed the Golden Jade Clan in front of them all. This was playing against Golden Jade Clan and his face. Naturally, Quasi-God Di Lin would not remain silent.

“It has nothing to do with Golden Jade Clan, he has enmity with me, so I take his life”

Zhao Feng looked towards Quasi-God Di Lin, expression indifferent.

“Di Lin, let’s forget, this person has excellent innate talent, I am afraid that it is a disciple of some powerful force, and Xi Feng is not a person of Golden Jade Clan.”

Quasi-God Di Lin behind, a Third-Rank Quasi-God sound transmission advises.

The blond man in front of them faced a team without any fear, which proves that the opponent has either an outstanding life or a card.

Based on his experience of hundreds of years of experience, it is better to stop there.

“Have you killed my Golden Jade Clan like that?

Quasi-God Di Lin coldly snorted, without listening to the old man’s advice.

How can a person whom Xi Feng know be a powerful genius, even if Zhao Feng is really a powerful genius, there should be many expert protections, how can one walk alone in the Wild Immemorial secret realm?

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base is too low.

“what do you want?”

Zhao Feng expression Indifferent.

Zhao Feng did not kill Xi Feng at the speed of thunderclap. If Xi Feng leaked his secret, it would be even more troublesome.

Although there are nine players in front of the team, at Zhao Feng’s speed, the nine players do not show their hole cards, and none of them can catch up with themselves.

“As long as you give me a confession, I don’t think this happened.”

Quasi-God Di Lin said directly.

Quasi-God Di Lin has always been Chosen within the clan, admired by all people, but at the moment Zhao Feng ignored him to kill Xi Feng and shocked everyone present, which made Quasi-God Di Lin very unhappy.

But as long as Zhao Feng bows his head in front of him, it is intangible proof that Zhao Feng is inferior to himself.


Zhao Feng brows slightly raise, a cold glow shot in the eyes.

Quasi-God Di Lin originated from not waiting to see Xi Feng, and would not care about Xi Feng’s death. At this moment, I just want to use my own power that’s all.

call out

Zhao Feng converged on Bloodline Power, a pair of dazzling golden light wings condensed behind him, ready to leave directly.

“Block him”

Quasi-God Di Lin immediately drank and rushed out with two Third-Rank Quasi-God in the team.

“Jade Light Binding”

The three directly run Will and Profound Truth strength.


Three Gold Jade light bands, carrying the brilliance of the Gold Jade, entangled towards Zhao Feng.

“courting death”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted and was very displeased.

With a right hand wave, a black robed man and a few fierce Immemorial Races appeared next to Zhao Feng.

The Immemorial Spirit Pet that can be taken out by Zhao Feng alone has at least a Strength of Second-Rank True God or above.


All Spirit Pet and Zhao Wang get rid at the same time, the terrifying power attack, instantly destroy the Golden Jade Clan’s Battle Skill attack.


The aftermath of the attack went towards Quasi-God Di Lin assault.

“Be careful, Di Lin”

The two Third-Rank old man immediately gets rid, blocking the aftermath attack for Quasi-God Di Lin.

“Don’t force me to kill you”

Zhao Feng’s gaze was like the cone of ice cold, piercing the mind of Quasi-God Di Lin.

With a wave of the sleeve gown, Zhao Wang’s all Spirit Pet disappeared.

call out

And Zhao Feng also turned into a golden light, disappearing into the distance

“Di Lin, told you not to mess with this person”

An old man said immediately.

“I didn’t expect the other party to be a Beast Taming Master, tame the heart had so many Immemorial Races, and a black clothed person was not easy, but he realized Profound Truth of Death to the first layer Realm.”

Another old man sighed, so young and powerful Beast Taming Master, it is difficult to find one person in the entire Ancient Long Region.

“You guys are really waste”

Quasi-God Di Lin gritted and shouted.

If he is walking with the Four-Rank True God in the clan, or the Fifth-Rank True God True God Tian Hua, he will be able to capture Zhao Feng.

Although Dafa thunderclap, recalling Zhao Feng’s indifferent look just now, Quasi-God Di Lin had a fear in his heart, as if the other party was going to take his own life, it was very easy.

“Let ’s go and meet the main team of Golden Jade Clan. Do n’t miss the shocking treasure. At that time, if True God Tian Hua is willing to get rid, you want revenge, also with no difficulty.”

Old man continues.

He does not prevent Quasi-God Di Lin from revenge, but to revenge, he must kill the other party directly and never suffer later.

After killing Xi Feng and getting rid of the Golden Jade Clan, Zhao Feng continued to hurry.

On the way, Zhao Feng also met a lot of teams. These teams were generally large in number, and all had Third-Rank True God, and even Fourth-Rank True God met a lot, and their goals seemed to be consistent with Zhao Feng.

call out

Zhao Feng can’t help speed up.

Decades later, Zhao Feng came to a mountain peak.

Zhao Feng found that there was more or less a team perched on all nearby mountain peaks.

And the Space here is very unstable and has a great disturbance to the flight. The distant sky is even more hazy and blurry, and nothing can be seen clearly.

call out

Zhao Feng flew directly to a dwarf peak.

“Master, you are here”

azure clothed old man said respectfully.

Next to it, Zhao Wan and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon are here.

After coming here, Zhao Feng turned on God Eye’s perspective ability and looked into the distance.

His eyes penetrated through the turbulent flow of Space, and finally he saw a transparent palace with only half in void, and the other part of this palace was still hidden in void.

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