King of Gods

Chapter 1157

Zhao Feng came directly to the retreat of True God Sky Fire, and Grand Elder was here too.

“What’s Patriarch looking for?”

Zhao Feng asked directly.

As soon as he returned to Blazing Golden Sheep Clan, a message came from True God Sky Fire. From this we can see that True God Sky Fire has been paying attention to Zhao Feng, waiting for him to return.

Therefore, True God Sky Fire is looking for Zhao Feng, and there must be something important.

“What does Zhao little friend think of Trading Spirit Palace?”

Aside, Grand Elder asked with a smile on his face.

“Trading Spirit Palace?”

Zhao Feng expression Wei Wei, thinking that Grand Elder knew that he had left Blazing Golden Sheep Clan to go to Trading Spirit Palace.

However, according to Zhao Feng, Trading Spirit Palace is indeed a very good place to live.

In the large-scale Wild God Region, there is only fairness there. Whether it is to avoid enemies or experts who travel alone, they should always enter and exit the Trading Spirit Palace.

“Zhao little friend should know that the owner of Trading Spirit Palace is Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan.”

Grand Elder continued.


Most of the guards of Trading Spirit Palace are from the Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan. How could Zhao Feng not know this?

Moreover, Zhao Feng went to the auction hall to auction the item, but was remembered by the Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan behind the auction hall. He secretly sent someone to assassinate himself. This is not so easy for Zhao Feng to forget.

After Zhao Feng has enough strength in the future, Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan will definitely look good.

“In fact, the owner of Trading Spirit Palace is not fixed. Every thousand years, there will be a battle for Trading Spirit Palace. It will be decided that the owner of Trading Spirit Palace will be one thousand years later. Now, there is one more year. The battle for Palace … “

At this time, True God Sky Fire spoke. He originally thought that Grand Elder was talking about this, and Zhao Feng should know what his purpose was, but Zhao Feng was still unclear.

Zhao Feng expression Wei Wei, he has never heard of the battle for Trading Spirit Palace.

“Patriarch means, let me fight for the Trading Spirit Palace on behalf of Blazing Golden Sheep Clan?”

Now, Zhao Feng instantly understood what True God Sky Fire and Grand Elder meant.

However, Zhao Feng was also shocked by Blazing Golden Sheep Clan’s appetite. Blazing Golden Sheep Clan was only the bottom of the many 4-Star forces on Sky Feather Island. He wanted to dye this big fat.


True God Sky Fire smiled awkwardly.

He also had some doubts whether Zhao Feng was a creature in the Wild God Region. He didn’t even know it.

“Zhao little friend has been to Trading Spirit Palace. It should be understood that such a huge trade supply land can generate huge profits in a thousand years. Moreover, if Blazing Golden Sheep Clan controls Trading Spirit Palace, Zhao little friend will be able to Exercise some privileges … “

True God Sky Fire immediately seduced by interest.

“In addition, all those participating in the Battle for the Trading Spirit Palace are under Half-God. With Zhao little friend’s strength, there must be no problem.”

At this time, Grand Elder slowly opened his mouth and sang with True God Sky Fire to induce Zhao Feng.

Sky Feather Island is full of 4-Star forces, True God expert is almost a Peak expert in the forces.

If True God expert gets rid to compete for Trading Spirit Palace, once injured or severely damaged, this force is likely to fall into crisis.After all, there are contradictions between many forces in Sky Feather Island. Once a certain race is in a weak position, it is very May be immediately attacked by hostile forces.

Therefore, it is stipulated in Sky Feather Island that Experts under True God will compete for Trading Spirit Palace, regardless of age.

From True God Sky Fire’s point of view, Zhao Feng’s strength is almost invincible under True God. Except for Sky Feather Island Lord’s discrete Xi Feng, I am afraid it will be difficult to meet an opponent and win a Trading Spirit Palace. There is absolutely no problem.

“Trading Spirit Palace, I’m interested. I can promise you, but …”

Zhao Feng spoke slowly, bringing True God Sky Fire and Grand Elder’s hearts to their throats.

“However, I want 60% of the total profit of Trading Spirit Palace.”

As Zhao Feng spoke, True God Sky Fire almost jumped out of his seat.

For a 60% profit, Zhao Feng needs 4%, and Blazing Golden Sheep Clan has a huge 40-Star power, only XNUMX%. Zhao Feng is really a daylight robbery.

Grand Elder 愣 on the spot, complexion looked shocked towards Zhao Feng, and he did not expect Zhao Feng to open such terrifying conditions.

“The 60% is not just my compensation for the Trading Spirit Palace for you …”

Zhao Feng complexion said coldly.

True God Sky Fire and Grand Elder, complexion resumed as usual, they naturally understood the meaning of Zhao Feng.

Blazing Golden Sheep Clan, who has only one True God expert, even if he has the Trading Spirit Palace, he has no ability to keep it, but it will cause the genocide.

For example, Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan, which ranks fourth among all forces on Sky Feather Island, has three True God experts to eliminate Blazing Golden Sheep Clan with no difficulty.

However, Zhao Feng’s strength is likely to reach First-Rank True God. As long as Zhao Feng is willing to help, Blazing Golden Sheep Clan is equivalent to the Battle Strength with two True God experts, and the power in Sky Feather Island can be Ranked in the top ten, so there is a certain deterrent.

In fact, at the beginning True God Sky Fire and Grand Elder were struggling with this point, otherwise they saw Zhao Feng’s strength and made this request long ago.

They just didn’t expect Zhao Feng to be young, but to think things so clearly.

“This point, Old Man can promise Zhao little friend, Zhao little friend will break through the God Position in the future, but don’t forget Blazing Golden Sheep Clan.”

True God Sky Fire hesitated for a moment and immediately agreed.

In his opinion, Zhao Feng has Divine Physique, which should be able to break through at any time, and assault Heaven Rank God Position, but he suppresses Realm to consolidate strength, certainly for the higher God Position of assault.

If Zhao Feng arrives at Half-God Realm, he can get a very dazzling title-Quasi-God.

In the Wild God Region, there is a class of top genius.They arrive at Half-God Realm, they can assault Heaven Rank God Position at any time, and even have complete assurance success, but they suppress the cultivation base Realm, accumulate strength, and only for the higher God of assault Position.

These top geniuses, in Half-God Realm, have the terrifying strength of First-Rank True God, Second-Rank True God, and even Third-Rank True God.

For such genius, it is a bit wrong to call them Half-God, so people call them genius.

According to True God Sky Fire, once Zhao Feng reaches Half-God Realm, he can get the title.

For such a peerless genius, he naturally tried his best to win, once Zhao Feng breakthrough God Position, it is even possible to directly prove the second-class God Position.

“That’s it. When the Trading Spirit Palace is fighting, Patriarch can notify me directly.”

Seeing True God Sky Fire agree, Zhao Feng left.

The battle for Trading Spirit Palace is all experts under True God, which is not a little challenging for Zhao Feng.

I want True God Tian Fa to come to the Continental domain, suppress Realm, and single-handedly battle nearly XNUMX Half-God experts and dozens of Saint Kings. What an overbearing maggot and awe-inspiring.

Although the Wild God Region’s expert is stronger than the Continental domain, with Zhao Feng First-Rank True God’s strength, even if it faces seven or eight powerful Half-Gods at the same time, they are all cutting vegetables.

How can Zhao Feng refuse good things that can get a lot of resources without any danger?

After returning to his own palace, Zhao Feng began to retreat.

In Xianzhen Tower, Zhao Feng heard about other huge forces, as well as things about Wild Immemorial secret realm, which greatly stimulated Zhao Feng’s mind to become stronger.

The entire Sky Feather Island is not eligible for enters into the Wild Immemorial secret realm. For the entire Blue Bay, only Golden Jade Clan has it.

And in a wider area, there are 4-Star semi-power, 4-Star Peak, and legendary 5-Star power.

“Only when strength is strong can I enjoy the scenery of the Wild God Region …”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were unshakable, and his Soul’s power was improved invisibly, more refined.

Shua shua shua

In front of Zhao Feng’s, a large number of earth, Wind, and Thunder attribute resources emerged.

After running “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, Zhao Feng crazy absorbed its attribute strength.

At the same time, Zhao Feng wholeheartedly is multi-purpose, insight “God Transformation Secret Art”, “Wind Thunder Wild Finger”, “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, and strengthen Immemorial Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.

On a certain day, the Wind Thunder Strength of Zhao Feng all around the earth suddenly raged, and the momentum of Zhao Feng body also directly climbed to a level.

This is exactly the sign of Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art Ninth Layer Wind Thunder of Earth breakthrough to Perfect Realm.

This is exactly what has obstructed Zhao Feng’s a small bottleneck. According to the theory, only Wind Thunder of Earth cultivated to Perfection, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base should also step into Mystic Light Perfection.

However, at this time, Zhao Feng breakthrough Wind Thunder of Earth while suppressing cultivation base Realm.

Breaking through the little bottleneck, Zhao Feng did not stop, but immediately took out many cultivation resources and continued to cultivate Wind Thunder of Earth.

A month later.

With the accumulation of huge resources, Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder of Earth goes one step further.

Wind Thunder of Earth arrived at Perfect Realm, and Zhao Feng’s foundation is also very stable. It won’t be long before Zhao Feng can assault the tenth layer of Wind Thunder of Metal.

However, Zhao Feng strives to increase his strength to the greatest extent, in order to assault higher God Position, so he still spends a lot of Immemorial resources, cultivate to consolidate Wind Thunder of Earth.

This day.

In Blazing Golden Sheep Clan’s forbidden area, True God Sky Fire expression changed slightly, and he opened his doubtful both eyes.

He took out the communication command token, and after speaking a word, he flew directly.

I saw that the sky in the distance was fiery red, as if the sky was burning.

A raging flame of red light, carrying terrifying pressure, descended on Blazing Golden Sheep Clan.

The leader, the whole body is burning with red flames, scattering amazing red light, like a round of Scarlet Bright Sun.

“Skyfire, come out for This Majesty”

The old man drank abruptly, and a scorching wave rushed towards Blazing Golden Sheep Clan, as if to melt everything.

Just then, True God Sky Fire and Five Grand Elder rushed out.


With a big wave of True God Sky Fire, a wave of red golden flames came out, extinguishing the terrifying gas of the old man.

“True God Yang Yan, what are you doing?”

天 火 真 身 looked towards True God Yang Yan, complexion gloomy.

True God Yang Yan is the Patriarch of Scarlet Yang Clan.At this time, he actually led another True God expert in the family and most of the high-level experts, approaching Blazing Golden Sheep Clan.

Scarlet Yang Clan is also among the top ten powerful races among the many 4-Star forces on Sky Feather Island. Blazing Golden Sheep Clan is by no means able to continue.

“Hmph, True God Sky Fire, surrender Zhao Feng, otherwise today is not over”

True God Yang Yan eyes cold and severe, aloof and remote face, did not put True God Sky Fire in his eyes at all.

He believes that Blazing Golden Sheep Clan will be very familiar, and obediently surrender that human named Zhao Feng’s.

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