King of Gods

Chapter 1156

After leaving Xianzhen Tower, Zhao Feng went out directly from the north gate of Trading Spirit Palace.

call out

Zhao Feng turned into a Wind Thunder lightning arc and disappeared into the distance.

“It didn’t come to nothing this time, I learned such important news and tasted the food of Xianzhenlou”

Zhao Feng smiled.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat also agrees very much, saying that the food at Xianzhenlou is very good, so Zhao Feng should come and visit.

“OK, next time we have a chance, we will go again”

Zhao Feng promised the small Thieving Cat’s unreasonable trouble.

“Hmph, I’m afraid you won’t have this opportunity in the future”

The next moment, there was an ice-cold voice in the woods thousands of miles behind Zhao Feng.

call out

A Golden Light Arrow with ice Cold Qi, such as bolt of lightning, strikes Zhao Feng directly.


The golden light burst, and a gorgeous layer of Golden storm spread to all around.

“The worthy to be called is Senior Lu Wei, and the arrow is full.”

“Senior Lu Wei, this arrow is expected to kill him, we don’t need to do it at all, the senior members of the clan are overestimating this kid”

Deep in the forest, next to Lu Wei, who was expressing cold and severe, two experts of Mystic Light Realm Perfection giggled.

The three had the same physical features, all with a pair of blue eyes, and a touch of white hair on the surface of the skin.


Just then, the golden storm in the distance burst suddenly.

I saw a figure standing tall and straight up to youth, his skin was covered with a layer of dark yellow lines, and flickering platinum leis on it.

“It seems this person is cultivate a Body Tempering Cultivation Technique”

“It’s really not easy, go together and kill him completely”

The two of Mystic Light Perfection’s Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan appeared figure, rushing out of the woods below.

Only Lu Wei was slightly dull, his eyes looked slightly towards Zhao Feng with confusion.

However, all of his clansman rushed out, and Lu Wei’s eyes calmed down immediately, and he raised the golden bow in his hand.

A golden arrow came out of the condensate, hesitated, and shot out.

“It didn’t come to nothing this time, I have all left the Trading Spirit Palace, Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan actually gave gifts, then This Zhao is welcome.”

Zhao Feng laughed and urged Saint Thunder Body to greet him.

“To boast shamelessly”

A Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan person, seeing Zhao Feng speak out, can’t help ridicule.

But the next moment, in front of him, there was a dark yellow Thunder Light, a terrifying lightning, and strikes down suddenly.


Under the weight of Zhao Feng’s force, the Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan’s body was scorched by the strikes and fell down.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

Zhao Feng runs Wind-Thunder of Fire, mixed with a trace of Divine Power, and strikes down.

Bang bang bang

That palm is like a five-finger giant mountain. Strikes shattered his body and Soul in the body of this Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan person.

“this is……”

On the other side, the white-eyed ice wolf tribe, 愣 on the spot, trembled with violent legs.

Once face to face, you can instantly kill Mystic Light Realm Perfection’s expert. How is this possible, and how can Mystic Light Realm great accomplishment be achieved.

Now, the only possibility he can think of is that the youth in front of him must be a True God expert, but he has concealed the true cultivation base.

“This person’s strength …”

In the distance, Lu Wei’s complexion suddenly trembled, revealing the color of terror.

The moment Zhao Feng showed the true strength, he felt an arrived oppression and crisis.

Run, this is the single thought head in Lu Wei’s mind at this moment.

call out

Lu Wei turned into an ice-cold dark mang, and darted toward heaven and earth in the distance.

“Just go back to Trading Spirit Palace and this person would never dare to do anything to me”

Lu Wei’s flustered complexion gradually showed a touch of calm.

Behind Zhao Feng’s, expand a pair of Scarlet Thunder Saint Light Wings.

call out

Zhao Feng displayed Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique and rushed directly to Lu Wei.

“Go after Lu Wei?”

The frightened and overwhelmed Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan, seeing Zhao Feng chasing Lu Wei directly, suddenly relaxed.

But the next moment, a silver gray line flashed in front of him.

Jeer laugh

A dark ripple flashed, and the body of the clansman was cut in half, as was Soul.

“How is that possible? This Spirit Pet”

This Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan person is shocked.

He did not expect that he was actually killed by a Spirit Pet, perhaps his Master, disdain to do it himself.


The corpse body divided into two, fell down.

Meow meow

Zhao Feng put the black short blade and a Storage Space together.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

Zhao Feng used Space Escape to catch up with Lu Wei in an instant.

“Senior, spare the life, I was forced to helpless, directed by the Clan”

Feeling that Behind was oppressed like Divine Thunder Heaven’s Might, Lu Wei immediately appealed for mercy.

Although he is Half-God, he is good at hiding, assassinating, and assaulting. Once approached by the enemy, the Battle Strength drops greatly.

And Zhao Feng majored in Dao of Thunder, and also cultivated the deep Body Tempering Cultivation Technique, which was a perfect match for melee. At this moment, Zhao Feng was faster than him, so Lu Wei did not have half odds of success.

“I only know that you were going to kill me. How can I be merciful to those who are going to kill me?

Zhao Feng sneered.

When killing others, be prepared to be killed.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a group of lightning purple golden flame seedlings emerged, accompanied by strong Eye Strength fluctuations.


Lu Wei was screamed by Zhao Feng Soul Eye Technique and was unable to continue to escape.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

Zhao Feng runs Wind-Thunder of Fire, and mobilizes a Divine Power to slap a stunning palm ray against Lu Wei.

Bang Bang

Lu Wei’s figure was struck by severals li, and finally in a burst of terrifying Thunder Calamity strength, it disappeared.

“Introducing the Thunder Calamity Strength in Saint Thunder Body, Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm’s strength is stronger”

Zhao Feng felt joy with the power of the palm of his hand.

Zhao Feng’s current strength is completely equivalent to First-Rank True God, whether it is defense or attack.

After Lu Wei was killed, Zhao Feng did not leave, but stood to.

Fangyuan ten thousand li, a piece of silence, as if everything was frozen.

“Phantom Assault”

Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly locked somewhere near ten thousand li.


A Purple Gold fantasy mist pierced directly into the forest.

call out

A flame of red blood rushed up into the sky and quickly flew in the direction of Trading Spirit Palace.

This person’s whole body is red and burning with blood-red fire, it is Chen Yuhai of Scarlet Yang Clan.

“Senior spare the life, I just happened to pass by here, without any intention”

Chen Yuhai said quickly as he flew quickly.

In fact, it was Xi Feng who asked him to follow Zhao Feng and resolve it by the way.

However, when following Zhao Feng’s, he found that the Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan man was also going to assassinate Zhao Feng, and he hid in the dark with a playful mentality. As soon as Zhao Feng died, his task was also equivalent to complete.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Zhao Feng killed all of the Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan people.

Although Chen Yuhai’s strength is stronger than Lu Wei, it can never be Zhao Feng’s opponent.

“It just so happened that I have been following me”

Zhao Feng’s joking voice came from behind.

Chen Yuhai suddenly laughed bitterly. It turned out that Zhao Feng had already discovered the Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan and him.

“Even if you happen to happen, I still have to kill people now”

Zhao Feng complexion was cold.

In the early morning, he found all the followers, so after leaving Xianzhen Tower, he left Trading Spirit Palace directly to cut all these troubles out.

In addition, Zhao Feng was also very fortunate that Xi Feng did not follow.

With Zhao Feng’s strength and various hole cards, you can kill Xi Feng, but the Sky Feather Island Lord behind Xi Feng, Zhao Feng really can’t afford to offend.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

After Zhao Feng indented and Chen Yuhai’s distance, he launched the Soul attack Eye Technique directly.


A ball of Purple Gold Thunder Light flame burst into the head of Chen Yuhai.

However, Chen Yuhai’s Soul Will is slightly stronger and can resist for a moment.

The point is, Chen Yuhai’s goal to find survival is the Trading Spirit Palace not far away.

Once enters into the Trading Spirit Palace, unless it is the Sky Feather Island Lord, no one in the entire Sky Feather Island dares to kill him.

Outside the Trading Spirit Palace, many ethnic experts are lining up to enter into the one.


There was a sound of fighting in the distance, followed by a terrifying flame and oppression from Lei Wei.

“Isn’t that Chen Yuhai Senior of Scarlet Yang Clan?”

An Alien Race expert from Mystic Light Great Accomplishment was surprised.

“Chen Yuhai Senior seems to be being pursuited”

“Which race’s expert is in Pursuit Chen Yuhai Senior?”

Not only the people in the queue, but even the guards of several Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan looked at the heaven and earth far away in amazement.

Scarlet Yang Clan is also a 4-Star force. Although not as strong as Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan, it can also be ranked in the top ten among the 4-Star forces on Sky Feather Island.

“Heaven Piercing Finger”

Zhao Feng releases the Immemorial Bloodline Power in the index finger, incorporating Wind Thunder Strength.

call out

A red thunder golden light, flashes quickly in void, and runs directly through Chen Yuhai’s head.

call out

The red ray of golden light continued to penetrate forward, and a weaker of another tribe who was not far away from the queue enters the Trading Spirit Palace, and spiked directly.

Zhao Feng instantly descended over Chen Yuhai and released a strong Thunder Calamity Soul strikes.

The weak Soul, Chen Yuhai who just wanted to escape, was directly smashed.

Zhao Feng thought of it and took away his Storage Space.


all around deathly stillness, at the entrance of Trading Spirit Palace, all experts 愣 on the spot, dumbstruck.

Scarlet Yang Clan’s second elder Chen Yuhai, was actually bombarded by such a simple, that blond youth, who are you?

Zhao Feng ignored this group of people and took out a messaging command token and said directly: “I’m outside the Trading Spirit Palace, just go straight out”

It didn’t take long for a gray silver line to flash over, and Small Thieving Cat appeared on Zhao Feng’s shoulder.

Then, the people from Azure Jade Sheep Clan came out of the entrance.

“what happened……”

As soon as Uncle Qing came out, he felt the atmosphere was wrong, but he didn’t think much.


Zhao Feng runs a Will strength, directly covering the body of Azure Jade Sheep Clan and the others.

A Divine Power runs into Bewildering Space Realm.

The figure of the crowd faded away in a shadow of empty silver.

“Who the hell is this? The bombardment of Chen Yuhai so lightly?”

“So don’t tell me is the space shuttle’s treasure?”

When Zhao Feng and the others left, the work at the entrance slowly resumed as usual.

Blazing Golden Sheep Clan, next to Zhao Feng’s Hall.


A layer of empty silver shadows overlapped in void, and the figure of Zhao Feng and Azure Jade Sheep Clan and the others slowly emerged.

“This is the space shuttle’s treasure?”

Uncle Qing was shocked.

Under the same quality, these treasures are more precious than ordinary Sub-Divine Tool and Divine Tool.

“Senior Zhao, we leave first”

People at Azure Jade Sheep Clan are afraid to continue to disturb Zhao Feng.

“Well consumed”

Zhao Feng spat a few words.

Zhao Feng uses Divine Power teleportation, and the consumption is still huge.

The three-person cultivation base of Azure Jade Sheep Clan is low and can be ignored. The key is that the space structure in the Wild God Region is different from the Continental domain, so it increases consumption.

In the Continent domain, Zhao Feng uses Divine Power to urge Bewildering Space Realm. The distance of teleportation is at least several times.

Zhao Feng moved his mind and took out the command token of the messenger.

“Zhao Feng little brother, come here with me, and I have something to discuss with you”

The voice of True God Sky Fire came out of it.

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