King of Gods

Chapter 1158

“Senior Zhao?”

Blazing Golden Sheep Clan was surprised by all clansman expressions. I didn’t expect Scarlet Yang Clan’s purpose of coming here was because of Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng”

True God Sky Fire brows slightly wrinkle.

During this time, Zhao Feng also visited Trading Spirit Palace. So, Zhao Feng must have offended Scarlet Yang Clan in Trading Spirit Palace.

If it was changed to the past, True God Sky Fire might hand over Zhao Feng under the intimidation of Scarlet Yang Clan.

After all, Scarlet Yang Clan is a powerful 4-Star force in Sky Feather Island, and Blazing Golden Sheep Clan is just the bottom 4-Star force here. It must be Blazing Golden Sheep Clan.

But now, Zhao Feng has just promised True God Sky Fire to participate in the battle for Trading Spirit Palace.

Once Zhao Feng was surrendered, Blazing Golden Sheep Clan was equivalent to lost an opportunity to rise and develop. I am afraid that I can only stay on the ground floor of Sky Feather Island forever.

“Patriarch, this Zhao Feng didn’t know what he did to do something unforgiving, so let him out so that we can avoid the disaster of my tribe”

Second elder Si Shuhan’s eyes flashed a cold, cold light, immediately told Patriarch.

“Patriarch, please focus on Blazing Golden Sheep Clan”

Third Elder echoed immediately.

“Hmph, give it up”

A red sky in the distance, next to True God Yang Yan, a middle-aged man, a slightly impatient coldly snorted.

This person is Scarlet Yang Clan’s True God Giant Flame, who was just promoted thousands of years ago. It is because of his appearance that Scarlet Yang Clan has moved from the bottom 4-Star power to the middle level.

“Zhao Feng is my noble guest. If I surrender him at this time, how will the rest of Sky Feather Island see me?”

True God Sky Fire’s eyes shot a sharp light, the momentum rose to a new level.


Above the sky, overlooking Scarlet Yang Clan’s high-rise on Blazing Golden Sheep Clan, the complexion was amazing.

Obviously, no one expected that True God Sky Fire would refuse

“Patriarch, Zhao Feng is just an outsider. How can you, for him, ignore the safety of Blazing Golden Sheep Clan …”

The second elder Si Shuhan complexion was shocked, and his eyes were astounded, immediately persuaded.

“To shut up”

True God Sky Fire sipped it and interrupted Si Shuhan’s words.

Making this decision, True God Sky Fire naturally thought about it.

As long as Zhao Feng has the strength of continue First-Rank True God, then this crisis can be passed, and then winning Trading Spirit Palace, Blazing Golden Sheep Clan can quickly develop and rise.

The key to keeping Trading Spirit Palace is still Zhao Feng.

True God Sky Fire bet everything on Zhao Feng body, bet on Blazing Golden Sheep Clan’s rise completely, and bet on wrong was consigned to eternal damnation.

“Okay, someone in Blazing Golden Sheep Clan, kill me Scarlet Yang Clan second elder Chen Yuhai, let me show you the anger of Scarlet Yang Clan today”

True God Yang Yan whole body Chiyan rises into the sky, exuding infinite majesty.

“You looking for me?”

At this moment, a sudden sound sounded at the moment when the battle was about to begin.

call out

A dark yellow Thunder Light flashed directly to the True God Sky Fire. On this person’s shoulder, there was a silver-gray Thieving Cat.

“Zhao Feng”

True God Yang Yan looked towards Zhao Feng, complexion was furious.

Trading Spirit Palace is well-informed and it is easy to find Zhao Feng’s features.

The second elder, Third Elder, and some of Blazing Golden Sheep Clan’s people also showed their hatred.

Blazing Golden Sheep Clan is facing such a crisis because of Zhao Feng, but at this time Patriarch was reluctant to surrender Zhao Feng, and they did not dare to say more.

“Zhao Feng, Scarlet Yang Clan has two First-Rank True God”

True God Sky Fire said directly when Zhao Feng arrived.

His meaning is very clear, as long as Zhao Feng can pin down a True God, this battle is a victory.

After all, True God Sky Fire brings only one Sub-Clan, and here is the base camp of Blazing Golden Sheep Clan, which has a dominant number of people.

“Two First-Rank True God, what’s to worry about”

Zhao Feng expression looked indifferent, looked at Scarlet Yang Clan as a whole, and smiled lightly.

Suddenly, all the experts in the two major races suddenly felt shocked.

“Two First-Rank True Gods, what is there to worry about.” If this sentence was spit out of Second-Rank True God or even more powerful True God, it would be nothing. But this sentence is just spit out from the human mouth of a Mystic Light Realm great accomplishment.

Blazing Golden Sheep Clan Many clansman wanted to laugh but couldn’t laugh because they were facing a huge crisis.

True God Sky Fire and Grand Elder complexion are stiff and barely squeeze a smile. Of course they hope that Zhao Feng is really not afraid of the two First-Rank True Gods, but is this possible?

On the top of Scarlet Yang Clan, complexion became deeper.

According to the information that Zhao Feng killed Chen Yuhai at that time, as a half-god, Chen Yuhai had no resistance in his hands, which shows that Zhao Feng’s really has the real material and strong strength.

“Don’t tell me he hides the cultivation base Realm?”

True God Yang Yan guessed.

Facing such a crisis, the human of the Mystic Light Great Accomplishment is still at ease and content with ease, which makes True God Yang Yan somewhat uncertain.

After all, he was also a True God who lived for hundreds of thousands of years, not a reckless person.

“Zhao Feng, acquaintance, obediently follow us”

At this time, the True God Giant Flame screamed.

“It depends on whether you have this ability.”

Zhao Feng showed a hint of scorn.

Meow meow

The Small Thieving Cat on Zhao Feng’s shoulder also made a face at True God Giant Flame, showing contempt.

“You … well, this Majesty will kill you personally today”

True God Giant Flame whole body Chiyan suddenly skyrocketed. Wherever I went, there was a glowing red light in the square.

“I want to see the strength of First-Rank True God too”

Zhao Feng whole body flickering The dark yellow and white Golden Pattern network, the figure pulled up a few points, like a heavy metal Thunder Mountain, directly rushed out.

None of the other members of the two races moved.

Second elder and Third Elder are thinking, if Zhao Feng act recklessly is directly dropped by True God Giant Flame, this matter will be resolved.

True God Sky Fire and Grand Elder want to take this opportunity to see Zhao Feng’s true strength.

“This kid, dare to play against True God Giant Flame”

Scarlet Yang Clan aside, True God Yang Yan complexion startled.

Mystic Light Realm great accomplishment, dare to First-Rank True God gets rid, this is originally unreasonable.

“Blazing Flames”

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist”

A dazzling fiery red and a burst of Dark Thunder collided directly.


There was a muffled sound between heaven and earth, and the terrifying inflammation, earth, and thunder swept away all around.

True God Sky Fire immediately runs Divine Power to block part of the aftermath, so as not to reach Blazing Golden Sheep Clan.

call out

In the center of the explosion, two groups of light burst out.

“Divine Physique”

Shocking True God Giant Flame complexion.

Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, actually owns Divine Physique of First-Rank True God.

In addition, Zhao Feng also cultivate the extremely high Body Tempering Cultivation Technique, which has a strong defense force.In addition, Zhao Feng’s physique and attack also contain the power of destruction by Thunder Calamity. Even if he is First-Rank True God, he is uncomfortable. .

On the other side, Zhao Feng’s chest had a burning pain, with a red flame burning on it, and kept drilling into his body without the body.

“Hmph, the Scarlet Yang Clan’s Bloodline feature, able to shoot special poisonous fire into the enemy within the body”

True God Giant Flame gloomy and cold smiled, from the fighting just now, he found that Zhao Feng had no Immemorial Bloodline.

In the Wild God Region, Immemorial Bloodline is a status symbol. If you have terrifying Bloodline, you may even be taken away directly by the 4-Star Peak forces and even the 5-Star forces’ experts.

But at this moment, a mass of blood-red glow suddenly appeared on Zhao Feng’s body.


Zhao Feng whole body was lingering in a layer of blood-yang-like glazed Flame Qi, which looked bright and red. The Bloodline aura, fanatic overbearing, swallowed that fire poison instantly.

Zhao Feng’s Immemorial Blood Devil Sun, after being strengthened by a large number of Precious Materials and Immemorial Bloodline, the alert has undergone a qualitative change, not inferior to the Chiyang Bloodline ranked more than 8,000 in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race.


The True God Giant Flame was suddenly surprised.

He didn’t perceive Immemorial Bloodline from Zhao Feng’s body just now, but at this moment, Zhao Feng suddenly showed a powerful Bloodline, unlike Immemorial Bloodline, but extremely powerful, even faintly surpassed Chiyang Bloodline.

“Divine Physique, special Bloodline, this person’s Battle Strength is probably on par with True God Giant Flame”

Aside, True God Yang Yan made a judgment based on these changes.

In other words, Blazing Golden Sheep Clan has two Experts with First-Rank True God strength at the moment. If this situation is forcibly started, it will only end on both sides.

“I didn’t expect Zhao Feng to hide bloodline strength.”

True God Sky Fire expression.

In the Wild God Region, not all experts have Immemorial Bloodline, and some experts do not have Immemorial Bloodline. Through their own efforts, they cultivate to extremely high Realm.

10 million years ago, there was such an existence.He did not have Immemorial Bloodline, but rose like a comet, swept across the domains, Chosen, defeated the domains, and eventually became the Great Dao. .

The other clansmans of both races were incredible.

Mystic Light Great Accomplishment can actually fight with First-Rank True God, how could this happen?

“Hmph, let me see your inflammatory Bloodline.”

Although I learned that Zhao Feng’s is really strong, True God Giant Flame is very interested in Zhao Feng’s special Bloodline.

In addition, in the fight with just now, he didn’t go all out. This time, he must put Zhao Feng into a weak position and save his face.


True God Giant Flame whole body The flames twitched like boiling water, emitting red rays of light.

“Then let you have a look”

Zhao Feng’s mouth was lightly raised.

Zhao Feng’s index finger, unlocked a trace of Ice Emperor Frozen Seal, and Immemorial Blood Devil Sun Bloodline Power.

“Chiyang Divine Fire”

“Wind Thunder Wild Finger”


The two red silhouettes, like the hot Sun, collided together.

At this time, there was only one red light shadow, which was instantly blown out, leaving a blood red flame road along the way.

“That is”

There are several blood holes in the chest of True God Giant Flame, and the red blood in them is pouring like spring water.

“Big Fire”

True God Yang Yan exclaimed.

Just now the Great Fire Already exhibited the God Level Battle Skill, but it fell into a disadvantage, which shocked Yang Yan’s heart.

“You have such strength, Chen Yuhai died in your hands is not wrong, we go”

True God Yang Yan said directly, and then took the fire and other clansman and quickly left the Blazing Golden Sheep Clan site.

Wild God Region, expert is respect, Zhao Feng’s strength, alert is not weaker than the ordinary First-Rank True God.

Moreover, Blazing Golden Sheep Clan has two Experts with True God strength, and Scarlet Yang Clan will not find it boring, and go against it.

After the people of Scarlet Yang Clan went away, all the clansmans of Blazing Golden Sheep Clan were still stunned on the spot. The shocking scene just now was always lingering in their minds.

Senior Zhao actually hurt the True God Giant Flame of Arrived Scarlet Yang Clan.

“Patriarch, it’s okay I’m leaving now”

Zhao Feng greeted casually and disappeared on the spot.

Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder of Earth and Immemorial Blood Devil Sun Bloodline have made great progress recently, and True God Giant Flame belongs to the new True God. It hurts him not at all to be proud of.

If Zhao Feng can seriously hurt an old-fashioned True God like True God Yang Yan, it would be worth the pleasure.


The True God Sky Fire drank abruptly, everyone suddenly sobered up, Blazing Golden Sheep Clan slowly recovered as usual.

No one expected that Scarlet Yang Clan, who was oppressed aggressively, retreated.

Every clansman of Blazing Golden Sheep Clan seems to feel that the entire Blazing Golden Sheep Clan is slowly rising, and all this seems to have started after Senior Zhao came here.

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