King of Gods

Chapter 1128

“Zhao Feng, how dare you attack the Nine Nether Palace in public?”

Saint King Yu Ling looked towards Zhao Feng, questioning coldly.

“What about it?”

Zhao Feng complexion was dull and asked coldly.

Saint King Yu Ling expression For a moment, Zhao Feng’s indifferent attitude made him feel a little afraid.

Saint King Yu Ling knows that he should not be Zhao Feng’s opponent, but behind him is the Supreme Emperor Palace. With this backing, why should he be afraid of Zhao Feng.

“Now that the two great dynastys are in constant friction, it is possible to start a war again at any time. At this time, Ruler Palace destroys the 3-Star Peak strength in the Great Heaven Dynasty and weakens the strength of the dynasty. Is it possible that you have a different heart?”

Saint King Yu Ling complexion ice-cold, pressing again.

Now that Nine Nether Palace is destroyed, Supreme Emperor Palace wants Secret Technique in the hands of Zhao Feng, and only imposes charges on Ruler Palace.

If Zhao Feng dares to resist, then Supreme Emperor Palace will get the right rid by then.

“I do n’t know about Saint King Yu Ling, but it is Nine Nether Palace who is indifferent.”

There was a smile on the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth.

“What do you mean?”

Saint King Yu Ling eyes reveal doubt.

“When we attacked Nine Nether Palace just now, we found that there was an Alien Race Half-God hidden in the small world of Elder in Nine Nether Palace. This can be proved by everyone present”

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

“Saint King Yu Ling, I can prove that”

“I didn’t expect Nine Nether Palace to collude with Alien Race. I was really blind when I waited. I didn’t see Nine Nether Palace clearly.”

Some of the forces present, immediately and Nine Nether Palace clarified the relationship, saying righteously.

Alien Race Half-God sneaking into the Great Heaven Dynasty is not a trivial matter, and there are too many people who have witnessed this picture, they ca n’t even admit it.


Saint King Yu Ling 愣 on the spot, I stopped for a while.

He also couldn’t imagine that Nine Nether Palace would collude with Alien Race.

In this way, Nine Nether Palace really deserves to be guilty.Ruler Palace destroys such a force.The Supreme Emperor Palace should not have any blame, but should be rewarded.

“How happened to Saint King Yu Ling?”

At this moment, Zhao Feng asked with a playful smile.

“This Majesty happened to pass here …”

Saint King Yu Ling suddenly lost heart.

“This matter, This Majesty must report it to Supreme Emperor Palace as soon as possible”

Having said this, Saint King Yu Ling took the other members of Supreme Emperor Palace out of here.

“Supreme Emperor Palace is sure to catch the Half-God diving into Great Heaven”

Before leaving, Zhao Feng’s voice pierced into Saint King Yu Ling’s ear.

“Zhao Feng …”

Saint King Yu Ling gnashing teeth.

This time, he will return without results.

After the members of Supreme Emperor Palace left, the atmosphere at the scene solidified again.

Many members of the power, looked towards Zhao Feng, were pleased.

“You are all forces associated with Nine Nether Palace, and Nine Nether Palace has suspicions of colluding with Alien Race. In order to elute your suspicions, you have only one way, which is to become a subsidiary of my Ruler Palace.”

Zhao Feng complexion was majestic, looking down at the crowd, his words were affirmative, and there was no room for refutation.

Many 3-Star forces were silent for a while.They did not expect that after solving the Nine Nether Palace, Zhao Feng was still so strong. They wanted to knock them out of the presence of nearly 3 3-Star forces and sect, including some XNUMX-Star Super Great Sect. , Jiang Family and Dong Family of Eight Great Aristocratic Families.

But in the eyes of everyone, there was deep helplessness.

If Originer is seriously injured after Ruler Palace breaks Nine Nether Palace, they will naturally dare to resist.

But this time, the Ruler Palace attacked only five people, and the five were hardly hurt. In addition, Ruler Palace annexed the residual power of Nine Nether Palace, it can be said to have grown unprecedentedly, and became another 3-star Peak power of To surpassed Nine Nether Palace.

There is nothing to be a subsidiary of such a powerful 3-Star force, but the most important thing is that there are also many contradictions between Ruler Palace and Supreme Emperor Palace.

“If you don’t agree, then only one after another will come to visit Ruler Palace”

Zhao Feng ice-cold’s voice sounded again.

All members present trembled with trembling spirits.

Nine Nether Palace came to an end after being visited by five people from Ruler Palace. Even Half God You Hai was helpless to self-destruction. Their little sect can stand Zhao Feng’s’ visit.

“Mountain Sea Sect is willing to become a subsidiary of Ruler Palace”

At this time, Supreme Elder, an ordinary 3-Star power behind, said.

“Earth Fire Sect is also willing to become a subsidiary of Ruler Palace”

Another voice sounded.

The first to bow to Ruler Palace were all ordinary 3-Star forces.

After seeing Zhao Feng’s strength, the end of Nine Nether Palace, they dare not.

“Earth Devil Religion, willing to cooperate with Ruler Palace”

At this time, the voice of Saint King Earth Ghost sounded.

The other major forces present were shocked. I did not expect Saint King Earth Ghost to surrender directly to Ruler Palace.

But nobody, Saint King Earth Ghost, is scared of Zhao Feng now.

In Divine corpse, Saint King Earth Ghost united with Saint King Yu Ling and the others and persecuted Zhao Feng.

Today, Saint King Earth Ghost is partnering with Nine Nether Palace against Zhao Feng.

At this time, Saint King Earth Ghost’s heart was still hanging in midair, for fear that Zhao Feng would bother him.

Seeing that Saint King Earth Ghost also surrendered to Zhao Feng, the other forces present did not have any different opinions, and all accepted Zhao Feng’s proposal.


Zhao Feng flew directly to Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei and the others, waved Bewildering Space Realm, and disappeared into this Space.

More than ten days later, members of the Ruler Palace near Nine Nether Palace occupied the Jiuyou Mountains and rebuilt the branch of the Ruler Palace. The owner of this branch is the Underworld Ghost Sect, a major subsidiary of the Nine Nether Palace.

The news that Nine Nether Palace was destroyed also spread throughout the Great Heaven Dynasty.

Ruler Palace crushed Nine Nether Palace and more than a dozen 3-Star forces with the power of five people. Nine Nether Palace Half God You Hai lost to Zhao Feng’s outrageous Self-destruction, but still failed to kill Zhao Feng.

This incident completely caused a sensation throughout the Great Heaven Dynasty, and became another hot topic after the war and divide corpse.

Ruler Palace’s high-level strength has shocked the world, and after annexing Nine Nether Palace and its dozens of 3-Star forces, the power of Ruler Palace has expanded wildly and has grown unprecedentedly

After that, in the Great Heaven Dynasty, more forces threw olive branches to the Ruler Palace, such as Tie Family, Ji Family, and Dark Secrets Corner.

Today’s Ruler Palace undoubtedly becomes the first force under the 4-Star force. Become a huge force capable of collaborating with Supreme Emperor Palace and Heavenly Floating Palace.

Three months later, the Half-God who had infiltrated the Great Heaven Dynasty was also killed by many forces, mainly the Supreme Emperor Palace.

Qianzhou, Supreme Emperor Palace.

In a giant and grand hall of gold and jade in glorious splendour, the atmosphere was extremely frozen.

“Ruler Palace has become a big trend. If it waits for thousands of years, Zhao Feng will be promoted to Half-God, and a 4-Star force will be born in the Continental domain.”

An old Saint King lamented.

In fact, at today’s scale of Ruler Palace, Already can compare with Supreme Emperor Palace and Heavenly Floating Palace, but there is no symbolic Half-God expert.

“Zhao Feng will definitely have the Secret Technique of Saint King Samsara in his hands. Ruler Palace will surely fight with me for the Supreme Heaven Dynasty in the future.”

Half God Tai Ji complexion sank and said directly.

As soon as this remark came out, he fell silent again inside the palace.

During the battle of True God, Supreme Emperor Palace’s high-level Battle Strength was greatly damaged. Previously, because of the Alien Race Half-God, Supreme Emperor Palace Half-God also had to go out in person, delaying some time.

Today, no one at the Half-God of the Supreme Emperor Palace is in its heyday.

It is rumored that in the battle between Ruler Palace and Nine Nether Palace, Zhao Feng single-handedly over Half God You Hai and another Alien Race Half-God. Even if Youhai and Alien Race Half-God’s injuries were not healed, Zhao Feng’s move seemed incredible.

In other words, even if Supreme Emperor Palace finds an excuse to target Ruler Palace, it needs to send at least three Half-God experts.

Moreover, doing so will seriously damage the strength of Great Heaven Dynasty. Once Serene Moon Dynasty takes the opportunity to counterattack, Great Heaven Dynasty will certainly fall into crisis.

“Supreme Emperor Palace needs to be recovered for a while, and when the time comes, I will go out myself”

At this moment, the Half God Dragon Emperor shrouded in a layer of dragon mark golden light at the top of the pavilion came out quietly.

Half God Dragon Emperor originally intended to repair the injury and then assault Heaven Rank God Position, but now he has to postpone the assault God Position plan.

Half God Dragon Emperor straight out

Many high-level complexion present were shocked and no objection.

Ruler Palace.

At this time, Zhao Feng was fighting the Half-God expert and felt a lot.

In the restricted area, Zhao Feng runs Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art, while cultivating many aspects.

For the first two ideas, Zhao Feng came to cultivate “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” and “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”.

The third and fourth ideas are used to cultivate “God Transformation Secret Art” and “Wind Thunder Wild Finger”.

In the battle with Half God You Hai, if Zhao Feng did not have the help of Divine Power, it would be difficult for his attack to cause half of the damage to Half God You Hai.

“Wind Thunder Wild Finger” with the power of the index finger is also shocking, proving that Zhao Feng’s road is not wrong.

The fifth idea is deducing “Soul Dividing Secret Art”.

“Soul Dividing Secret Art” Second Layer Zhao Feng already successfully cultivated, and he also has an Eye of Samsara in his hand, so he needs to promote the Third Layer as soon as possible, wait for the time to mature, and then start to shape the third clone.

Finally, Zhao Feng sinks into Left Eye Space, replays his battle with Half God You Hai, and learns some places worth learning from Half God You Hai body.

In addition, Zhao Yufei, who came back with Zhao Feng, also directly entered into the retreat.

The diamond-shaped crystal obtained by Zhao Yufei in the divine corpse was very mysterious, which further awakened her Spirit Clan Bloodline.

In addition, she seems to have gained other benefits, and it takes time to understand digestion.

With Nangong Sheng and Kun Yun, it seems that Already has begun preparing for the Assault God Position.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many Mystic Light Realm experts are blocked under the God Position, and even the threshold of the God Position cannot be touched, and how many Half-Gods have stayed on the spot for tens of thousands of years and cannot break through.

Even if Kun Yun has experience with Assault God Position, this time needs to be fully prepared and go all out.

one year later.

In Bewildering Space Realm, a sudden and powerful Immemorial aura emerged, and Zhao Feng was awakened from the retreat.

A colorful Mystic Light Holy Force, surrounding Zhao Wan all around, changes the nature of heaven and earth in Bewildering Space Realm.

“Realm and Will are at the level of the Arrived Mystic Light Great Accomplishment”

Zhao Feng was shocked.

He didn’t expect Zhao Wan’s advances to be so fast that already caught up with himself.

“It seems that I still underestimate this body”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Zhao Wan’s body is shaped from many precious blood crystals Precious Materials and Blood God Crystals in divide corpse, and at the beginning, Zhao Feng also incorporated some God Blood strength.

Although Zhao Wan is not a descendant of Giant God Clan Bloodline, his Bloodline and Giant God Clan can also have some relationship.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s idea shifted to Zhao Wang.

After Zhao Wang took control of the remaining forces of Nine Nether Palace, he used the huge resources of Nine Nether Palace and some special secret realm to successfully break through the Saint Lord level.

“My two clones, Already have grown up completely”

Zhao Feng rejoiced.

Just then, Bi Qingyue passed a word through Dark Heart Seal.

“Master, with some information about the traces of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon …”

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