King of Gods

Chapter 1127

“Half God You Hai, I didn’t expect you to collude with Alien Race”

Zhao Feng expression was shocked. The appearance of Alien Race Half-God was unexpectedly unexpected.

“Hehe, for the final victory, any means must be used”

Half God You Hai saw Zhao Feng’s eyes were attracted by the other side, sneaked, and quickly retreated.

“Want to run”

Zhao Feng complexion cold and severe, both eyes stare at Half God You Hai, ice-cold invisible killing intent diffuse void.


Zhao Feng’s behind, suddenly unfolded a layer of mist of nether purple, sweeping all around, covering Half God You Hai.


Half God You Hai for a moment.

At this time, Zhao Feng was so calm, regardless of Zhao Yufei’s side, he got rid of him directly?

But when his eyes turned to the side of the evil Heavenly Saint King, Half God You Hai stopped completely.

I saw, above the side of the evil Heavenly Saint King, an amber Golden Eye of Filling the Heaven appeared, as if inlaid between heaven and earth, moving Profound Mysteries deep into the golden glow, overlooking the indifference below.

The evil Heavenly Saint King, who was preparing to get rid, felt an unprecedented pressure under his entire body, and Soul shuddered for no reason.

The evil Heavenly Saint King Spiritual Sense swept away, and then looked towards the Eye of Filling the Heaven that looked down on itself.

“What’s going on? This is …”

The evil Heavenly Saint King body and mind trembled, and stood still, Soul Will was completely suppressed.

Alien Race Half-God of Evil Heavenly Saint King within the body is just lending his strength to Evil Heavenly Saint King. The main controller of this body is still Evil Heavenly Saint King.

The Soul Will of Heavenly Saint King was completely suppressed under the top view of Zhao Feng Cross-Space Eye, and even the idea of ​​resistance was difficult to arise.

“Yufei, hurry up”

Zhao Feng took a chance for Zhao Yufei.

But at this time, Zhao Yufei was standing on the spot, without reaction at all.

“Hmph, useless stupid”

In the small world of Heavenly Saint King, Alien Race Half-God coldly snorted, releasing the strong Soul Will.


A strong Soul Will belonging to Half-God suddenly radiated.

Alien Race Half-God, the Soul that totally suppresses Heavenly Saint King, temporarily controls this body.


The dark lances in void were immediately under his control.

“Go die, Spirit Clan Bloodline”

The evil Heavenly Saint King within the body, another evil looking gloomy and cold voice came out.

It is at this time.

The Eye of Filling the Heaven overlooking the Heavenly Saint King, a strong Eye Strength Will, the heaven and earth interface are faintly shocked.

In the heavenly gold pupil, a bottomless Purple Gold vortex is extended in an instant, as if it leads to a magic labyrinth with an endless head.

In a hurry, a forbidden strenght, pulling away from Soul’s taboo strength, shrouded the body of the evil Heavenly Saint King.

That taboo strength, like the power of Ruler, cannot be violated and cannot be contained.

Soul of Alien Race Half-God, who is going to start, directly gives this taboo strength to confinement, disable to move even a little bit.

“How is that possible? The kid’s Eye Technique …”

Alien Race Half-God of Heavenly Saint King within the body, complexion shocked, trembling.

You know, the Eye of Filling the Heaven in the sky, but Soul holding two people at the same time.

Great accomplishment Saint Lord, how can it be done?

But what he didn’t know was that Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique with Cross-Space Eye was even more powerful.

Moreover, Zhao Feng is in the projection strength of the fantasy world, and Soul Eye Technique has gained an increase in the fantasy world, which can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful.

At this time, Zhao Feng did not use the Gaze of God’s Eye to extract the Soul of the two, but only completely imprisoned their Soul, so the imprisoned strength was more powerful.

Jiuyou Qunshan all around, the other members of Nine Nether Palace and the various forces present were expert, shocked and shocked to witness this scene.

At this time, they naturally understand that within the body of the evil Heavenly Saint King seems to hide a Half-God expert.

But what they couldn’t imagine was that Zhao Feng restrained two Half-Gods with Single-handedly.

In Zhao Feng’s small world projection strength, the fragile Half God You Hai is imprisoned, and Soul Will is continuously bewildered by a powerful Illusion Technique. Coupled with the interference of Small Thieving Cat and Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, Half God You Hai cannot break through the illusion of this small world.

Outside 100,000 Li, the unknown Half-God expert of Heavenly Saint King within the body was imprisoned by Zhao Feng with some incredible magical powers.

At this moment, all the experts present were unable to calm the Stormy Sea in their hearts, both eyes stared at Zhao Feng.

“Damn, how could this be the case?”

Evil Heavenly Saint King within the body, Soul of Alien Race Half-God struggled hard, but could not escape this imprisoned strength.

And just then, another mutation appeared.

In front of Heavenly Saint King, Zhao Yufei’s within the body suddenly emitted a strong Divine Power wave.


In Zhao Yufei forehead, a diamond crystal is faintly visible.

This diamond crystal was obtained by Zhao Yufei in the head of a divine corpse, and she has never known how to use the strength of this diamond crystal.

But just now, at the time of the crisis of alive or death, this diamond crystal was connected to Zhao Yufei’s Bloodline.

Zhao Yufei whole body suddenly bloomed with purple golden glow that surprised heaven and earth.

The number of squares is ten thousand li, all heaven and earth Origin Energy are shaking at the same time, and quickly gather towards Zhao Yufei, as if worshiping a Spiritual God.

Such heaven and earth natural phenomenon once again shocked everyone present.

“Muffy, her Spirit Clan Bloodline, awakened further”

Alien Race Half-God of Heavenly Saint King within the body, distance Zhao Feng is extremely close, feeling Zhao Yufei within the body’s amazing Bloodline aura, the heart is shocked.


Zhao Yufei opened both eyes, a terrifying Divine Power coercion, crushed away to the evil Heavenly Saint King in front.


With a wave of Zhao Yufei jade hand, an invisible and strong strength struck the evil Heavenly Saint King.

Zi zi zi

The Mystic Light Holy Force of Heavenly Saint King within the body stopped directly and completely solidified.

Subsequently, the entire body of the evil Heavenly Saint King was frozen in the Consolidated Origin Energy crystal.

“Yufei’s bloodline strength, further Ancestor Transformation …”

Zhao Feng felt this amazing Immemorial Bloodline aura, rejoicing in his heart.

Just now, he also observed Zhao Yufei’s strange after careful observation. That’s why Zhao Feng imprisoned the two Souls so that they would not draw a trace of Will’s strength and affect Zhao Yufei.


A silhouette of the evil Heavenly Saint King within the body, sealed by a layer of Origin Energy crystals.

call out

The dark gray silhouette turned into a dim light, which instantly penetrated ten thousand li away and disappeared into the sky.

“That is, Alien Race Half-God”

Near Nine Nether Palace, members of other 3-Star forces were shocked.

“Nine Nether Palace colluded with Alien Race”

Saint King Earth Ghost complexion is extremely heavy.

If this Alien Race is not exposed, it is okay, but because of the existence of Zhao Feng’s, this Alien Race is fully exposed. This time, Nine Nether Palace is considered to be over.

“Hmph, Half God You Hai, today, Nine Nether Palace will be removed from Great Heaven Dynasty”

After Yufei’s crisis was lifted, Zhao Feng looked towards Half God You Hai in the maze of Purple Gold, coldly snorted.

Half God You Hai, body and mind

When Zhao Feng exhibited the Eye of Filling the Heaven, Half God You Hai realized that the situation was not good. Now that this Alien Race Half-God is completely exposed, Nine Nether Palace is difficult to get out of relationship.

If the situation is good, Nine Nether Palace completely kills Zhao Feng, but it can blame everything on the body of the evil Heavenly Saint King, and then hand the Secret Technique in the hands of Zhao Feng to Supreme Emperor Palace, maybe he can escape this catastrophe.

However, at this time, the Nine Nether Palace has gone, and those found that Nine Nether Palace colluded with the forces of Alien Race and was afraid to assist Nine Nether Palace.

Nine Nether Palace, already is completely over

“Then die together … Zhao Feng”

Half God You Hai looks terrific, both eyes stare at Zhao Feng with infinite resentment.

A fatal crisis of destruction emanated from within the body of Half God You Hai.

“Not good, distance is too close”

Zhao Feng faintly realized that it was not good.

With the distance between him and Half God You Hai, I’m afraid I can’t escape the self-destruction power of Half God You Hai.

In Zhao Feng’s hands, a black triangular iron block appeared, with the green glow fine lines of Profound Mysteries, suddenly flickering green golden light.


All the strength of Half God You Hai within the body suddenly exploded.

Between heaven and earth, the terrifying destruction energy swept away, and the entire Nine Nether Palace was completely destroyed under the Self-destruction of Half God You Hai.

Not far away, some members of the Nine Nether Palace and many other high-level members of the 3-Star Force did not have time to dodge and were killed by this Strength of Self-destruction.

“Dignified Nine Nether Palace Half-God, but this is the end”

“You can only blame her for collusion with Alien Race”

In the presence of other 3-Star forces, immediately and Nine Nether Palace clarified their relationship.

“But unfortunately, Zhao Feng distance Half God You Hai is so close that it is impossible to escape Half-God’s Self-destruction …”

A 3-Star force Elder hypocritical sighed.

But the next moment, the Elder stopped directly, the complexion turned white, and looked at the center of the explosion in horror.

The smoke dispersed, and the center of the explosion, Zhao Feng flew freely, without any injuries under the entire body.

“How is this possible? He’s safe and sound”

“That’s Half-God’s Self-destruction …”

Many members, including Kun Yun, Nangong Sheng and the others, are unbelievable, staring at Zhao Feng like watching monsters.

Zhao Feng expression It’s indifferent. If he didn’t have Divine Tool ‘Ancient God Seal, he would be affected to some extent even if he pulled it out with all his strength.

“Since then, Great Heaven Dynasty, no more Nine Nether Palace”

Zhao Feng floating stand midair, like Ruler, has an open and clear voice that spreads throughout heaven and earth.

All the people who survived the scene were shaken and looked blankly towards Zhao Feng, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

“People at Nine Nether Palace, if they do not return, kill without mercy”

Zhao Feng then looked down, and ice cold’s eyes swept across everyone in front.


Some surviving members of the Nine Nether Palace were on their knees.

Nangong Sheng, Kun Yun, Zhao Yufei looked towards Zhao Feng, with a smile.

The other 3-Star forces present stood to place as if Zhao Feng didn’t speak, and they dared not take any action.

At this moment, the distant sky streaks counted for Golden rays of light.

At the forefront of the entire group, Saint King Yu Ling’s gaze was fixed, and Spiritual Sense swept across the Jiuyou Mountains.

They are here today for a secret meeting held by Half God You Hai.

Judging by the situation, Ruler Palace seems to be at war with Nine Nether Palace.

At this moment, only a small part of the members of the Nine Nether Palace are present, and Nine Nether Palace Half God You Hai is missing.

Saint King Yu Ling’s head trembled, don’t tell me Nine Nether Palace lost to Ruler Palace? how can that be?

Nine Nether Palace is also the 3-Star Peak power of the Great Heaven Dynasty. It has a deep foundation. Even if it is not the Poperent of Ruler Palace, it is impossible to lose so quickly. And there were many 3-Star forces and sect experts who cooperated with Nine Nether Palace.

However, since Nine Nether Palace has failed, the agreement between Supreme Emperor Palace and Nine Nether Palace has no effect.

“Zhao Feng, how dare you attack the Nine Nether Palace in public?”

Saint King Yu Ling looked towards Zhao Feng, questioning coldly.

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