King of Gods

Chapter 1129

“Master, with some information about the traces of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon …”

Bi Qingyue sent a message through the Dark Heart Seal.

Zhao Feng expression was suddenly shocked. After so long, we finally got the news of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

However, Zhao Feng did not expect any very reliable information.

Otherwise, the intelligence organization of Supreme Emperor Palace may also have this information. Supreme Emperor Palace cannot ignore the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon regardless of it. If it is found, it will be immediately impounded.

“Border Sea Belt, Suspected of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Passing”

Bi Qingyue said directly.

The edge of the sea is where the Ruler Palace starts. Almost every inch of the Domain is under the control of the Ruler Palace. Even the intelligence organizations of the Dark Secrets Corner and Emperor Sky Network are difficult to penetrate.

“By the edge of the sea”

Zhao Feng was shocked, his eyes were slightly fixed.

“Master, this information is not very certain, after all, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Realm is too high for ordinary people to detect his presence …”

Bi Qingyue said again.

Intelligence organizations have strict requirements on the authenticity of information. Bi Qingyue dare not give Zhao Feng false information.

Only Zhao Feng urged this incident many times, so Bi Qingyue told Zhao Feng about this uncertain information.

“Bianhai, don’t tell me …”

Zhao Feng expression changed dramatically.

The combination of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and Bai Lin must have only one goal, that is, Zhao Feng.

However, Zhao Feng is too famous in the Great Heaven Dynasty recently, and in the Ruler Palace, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is definitely afraid to come to Zhao Feng’s trouble.

However, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is assisted by Bai Lin, and Bai Lin will definitely find ways to kill his breakthrough mouth.

With Eye of Destiny’s ability, it is not difficult to guess Liu Qinyin.

Therefore, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon must be trying to capture Liu Qinyin and then threaten himself.

“If Liu Qinyin returned to his hometown, wouldn’t Green Flower Continent suffer a devastating disaster …”

Zhao Feng was shocked and could not calm down.

According to Zhao Feng’s speculation, Liu Qinyin is likely to return to the Arrived Green Flower Territory. In this way, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon will definitely go there under the guidance of Bai Lin.

“World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Bai Lin”

Zhao Feng both eyes flashed a fierce light.

Since leaving Green Flower Territory, Zhao Feng has never mentioned his birthplace outside.

That’s because the Green Flower Territory is too low and small, any Great Emperor in the Deep Green Sea or Continental domain can completely destroy it.

“Bi Qingyue, how long ago was this information discovered”

Zhao Feng hurriedly asked.

“Ten days ago”

Bi Qingyue answered.

“Maybe the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon can be blocked”

Zhao Feng was lost in thought.

If World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon crosses the edge of the sea half a month ago, it is not difficult for Zhao Feng to catch up with him.

The point is, the vast Deep Green Sea, I don’t know which path the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon will go through.

“However, just go back to the Green Flower Continent before the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.”

Zhao Feng stood up suddenly, both eyes burst into sharp light.

“Green Flower Continent, it’s time to go back”

Zhao Feng whispering softly.

If you get God Position in the future, and enter the Wild God Region, you may not be able to return to the Green Flower Continent for a lifetime.

Later, Zhao Feng explained something to Bi Qingyue.

“The five disciplines of the Tie Family are also entrusted to you”

Zhao Feng gave some spare medicine pill to Bi Qingyue.

“I wonder if Zhao Yufei would like to return to Green Flower Continent”

After all, it is also the hometown of Zhao Yufei.

Zhao Feng’s Spiritual Sense swept towards the retreat of Zhao Yufei.

However, Zhao Yufei seems to be at a very critical stage and has not responded to the external situation at all.

In this case, Zhao Feng went back alone.

Zhao Feng waved his left arm, and his silhouette disappeared into a layer of overlapping silver shadows.

The next moment, Zhao Feng left Yu Province where Ruler Palace is located.

However, using the Bewildering Space Realm to get on the road, Zhao Feng also returned to the Sea Mist Pavilion at the border.

One day.

Zhao Feng unfolded a pair of Scarlet Thunder Saint Light Wings, speeding through the void Fog Sea.

Soon, Zhao Feng left the border area and entered into the South Overlook Sea.

At Zhao Feng’s current speed, in the void Fog Sea, it is ten thousand li away in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Zhao Feng mainly relies on the Void Sea Spirit Palace scattered in the void Fog Sea for teleportation.

With Zhao Feng’s Realm, you can scare the Palace Lord of Void Sea Spirit Palace by sending out a trace of aura at will, and personally welcome Zhao Feng to use teleportation great formation.

Of course, during the journey, Zhao Feng also used Bewildering Space Realm to leave a lot of Space coordinates in order to return.

After dozens of days.

Zhao Feng appears in the Void Sea Spirit Palace on the edge of the Floating Dream Spirit Terrirtory.


Zhao Feng’s God Eye, suddenly felt something.

“Master, are you coming?”

On the other side, Old Monster Xu’s surprise came.

Zhao Feng sensed it and found Old Monster Xu near Floating Dream Spirit Terrirtory.

“Liu Qinyin didn’t return to the Green Flower Continent?”

Zhao Feng asked directly.

“Yes, she came here for half a year ago, and enters into the Inheritance Holy Land of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, and never comes out again”

Old Monster Xu will report everything to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng expression was surprised.

Liu Qinyin actually entered into the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

Liu Qinxin died at the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, the 19th-layer.

Now, Zhao Feng finally understands that the end of the dream that Liu Qinyin said is the end of her memory, which is Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace. The memory of her previous life ended in Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

However, what really worries Zhao Feng is whether Liu Qinyin can successfully reach the fourth 19th-layer

At that time, Zhao Feng made it easier for people at Heavenly Saint Zither Palace to pass through the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, and the difficulty was naturally very clear.


What suddenly happened to Zhao Feng, complexion changed suddenly.

If the ultimate goal of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is Green Flower Continent, Zhao Feng will certainly be able to get back before the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

But if the goal of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, then it may not be necessary.

“Old Monster Xu, hidden aura, critical moment …”

Zhao Feng immediately gave Old Monster Xu sound transmission.

call out

Thinking of this, the wing behind Zhao Feng suddenly gave off the bright Wind Thunder light.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

Zhao Feng’s figure entered the void in the Dao of Medicine red thunder storm and disappeared.

Sky Zither Region.

A man with whole body black Dragon Scales, floating stand void.

“The person I’m looking for is here?”

On the face of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon cold and severe, a gloomy smile was drawn.

“This man’s place seems to be blocked by a strange strength”

The sound of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon within the body Bai Lin sounded.

“What? You now say you can’t determine where this person is?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon expression Furious.

“Well, aura of Immemorial Era?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon suddenly found something, and Spiritual Sense swept away.

His Spiritual Sense passed Heavenly Zither Saint Palace and swept towards an abyss.

Afterwards, an ancient mysterious Pang great hall appeared in his mind.

The temple was magnificent and magnificent, with fourteen 19th-layers, the whole body lingering in a layer of hazy color stream, exuding a strong Immemorial aura.

Even if it was the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, it was impossible to see the reality of the building for a while.

“It should be here”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon passed the picture of this building to Bai Lin.

In the entire Sky Zither Region, the only place where the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon cannot be seen is the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

“Maybe in it”

Bai Lin whispered.

Heavenly Zither Saint Palace with its tranquility, towering houses, Relics quaint, and faint Qinyin.

Suddenly, a terrifying Will came to this place.

Heavenly Zither Saint Palace In the ten thousand li, there are countless living creatures, shrouded in this Will’s mighty power like heaven and earth Ruler, the body and mind froze cold, and fell directly to the ground.

Even the palace master of Heavenly Zither Saint Palace, the Dignified Void God Great Emperor, are kneeling to the ground in this Will power, unable to move even a little bit.


Aside, Liu Xueyi was frightened.

The next moment, a shadow of Daoist appeared directly above Heavenly Zither Saint Palace.

“I wonder if Senior comes to Heavenly Zither Saint Palace, what’s the matter?”

Lyra palace master, difficult to speak out.

She could feel that with just one thought of this person, I am afraid that it would destroy the entire Heavenly Zither Saint Palace. She could not imagine how powerful this man was.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon ignored the Lyra palace master, figure flashes, and came to Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

“Don’t tell me, does this person have a relationship with the previous woman?”

Lyra palace master showed a bit of helpless bitterness.

Half a year ago, a beautiful woman came to Heavenly Zither Saint Palace, defeated all experts in the palace, and directly entered into the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace without the help of a command token.

Now, this Alien Race man must be looking for her.

“En? Cannot open”

Before the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was in Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, expression was a little sloppy.

With his Will strength, the entire Heavenly Zither Saint Palace can be destroyed in an instant, but the gate of this temple cannot be opened at this time.

“Senior, Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, this command token is required to open”

Heavenly Zither Saint Palace’s palace master took the initiative to hand over an ancient silver command token.

That command token came to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon in an instant.

The Will strength of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is directly poured into this command token.

On the ancient silver command token, a sky burst into bloom.

Hong long long

The metal gate of the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace opens directly.

The Spiritual Sense of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon swept into it and sank.

“Still going through the barrier?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was angry.


Heaven and earth Heavens faintly shake, within ten thousand li, all experts including Void God Great Emperor, a burst of thought, directly spurt a mouthful of blood.

With the Realm of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, it can be seen that the content of this Inheritance temple is Dao of Music.

And the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is completely irrelevant to Dao of Music, and it is impossible to make it smoothly.

“That being the case, I dig it out”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Will inching.


Suddenly, the entire Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace was uprooted by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.


Lyra palace master just wanted to make a sound, but stopped again.

For the sake of the entire sect, she could not cause the Senior to be dissatisfied at all.

At this moment, the extremely far edge of Heavenly Zither Saint Palace burst out with a strong Will strength.

“Huh? Is there Saint Lord here?”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon face was horrified, and Spiritual Sense swept away.

How can this low-level island area appear Mystic Light Saint Lord, and there must be something wrong with it.

At this time, Old Monster Xu turned into a white glow and fled directly.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon swept away the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, turned it into a black nether glow, and caught up with Old Monster Xu in an instant.

“Dignified Saint Lord, what’s the purpose of hiding here?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon furiously shouted, the infinite Will aura, and the Old Monster Xu is firmly confined to void, unable to move even a little bit.

In Heavenly Zither Saint Palace, some high-level Elders are shocked, shaking their faces, watching the scene of the distant sky.

“It’s Mystic Light Saint Lord expert”

“That is the peerless supreme being unique to 3-Star sect.”

In Heavenly Zither Saint Palace, many Elders are sighing.

Mystic Light Saint Lord, how could it be hidden near Heavenly Zither Saint Palace?

“But this Mystic Light Saint Lord, in the presence of the Alien Race man, was powerless”

The lyre palace master whole body trembled, taking in a cold breath.

On her side, Liu Xueyi, looked at this scene in horror.

A few ten thousand li outside.

“World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, you are really impatient, and you want to deal with my Master”

Old Monster Xu, completely imprisoned by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, suddenly laughed.

“What? Your Master … Zhao Feng”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon complexion.

Just at this time.

Among the Old Monster Xu top of the head and void Heavens, an amber Golden Eye of Filling the Heaven emerges, as if inlaid between heaven and earth, moving Profound Mysteries deep into the golden glow, overlooking the indifference below.

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