King of Gods

Chapter 1126

In the dim world of hell, the black glow of the five thorny thorns swept towards Zhao Feng.

This is the great attack exhibited by Half God You Hai using the Sub-Divine Tool under its small world strength increase. Under Half-God, there is no chance of survival.

“Half God You Hai is completely angry”

“Such a powerful move, even if Zhao Feng has a defense Sub-Divine Tool, it will definitely die.”

“Saint Lord is Saint Lord after all, how could it be possible to contend with Half-God expert”

Other experts present at the scene, see Half God You Hai exhibiting such terrifying moves, immediately relieved.

It seems that just a moment ago, Half God You Hai was neglected by Zhao Feng.

How can Half-God go all out that great accomplishment Saint Lord can resist.

“Hmph, you still have time to look elsewhere”

Zhao Wan disdains coldly snorted, and he is naturally very clear about Zhao Feng’s strength.

“Wind Thunder Blast”

Zhao Wan controlled all Wind Thunder Strength between heaven and earth, condensed in his hand, and rolled out a terrifying Wind Thunder tornado, and the roaring forward slammed forward.

“Good terrifying power”

“The Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment cannot be underestimated.”

When Zhao Wan gets rid, many experts in the presence only discovered that the owner of the Eye of Myriad Forms in front of him was not a general generation.

On the side, although Kun Yun, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei were a little worried about Zhao Feng, they saw that Zhao Wan was fighting at full strength, and without any anxiety, they felt relieved.

On the other side, facing Half God You Hai’s strong attack, Zhao Feng expression cold and severe, urged the God Blood strength in the index finger.

This time, Zhao Feng completely released the Bloodline power of the index finger.


A terrifying Immemorial Bloodline Divine Power was dispersed from Zhao Feng’s index finger. At the same time, Zhao Feng integrated the strength of Wind Thunder Small World and Thunder Soul Strength Domain into the upcoming moves.

“Earth Extinguishing Finger”

Zhao Feng’s fingers, blooming an unusually large Wind Thunder Strength, directly blasted out with an extremely overbearing Concept.


A huge and infinite finger light, carrying endless red gold thunderstorms, like the pillar of Holding the Heaven, burst out.


Heaven and earth are discolored, and the whole world seems to be destroyed. A devastating storm is sweeping away.

“This aura … is the aura of Immemorial Bloodline, with a hint of Divine Power”

Half God You Hai feeling the power of the explosion, expression shock.

call out

Just then, the destructive explosion center flashed a red golden light.


Suddenly, the red golden light ran through Half God You Hai’s chest.

A small hole appeared again in Half God You Hai’s chest, and dark blood flowed out.

“It’s the same trick just now”

Half God You Hai expression gloomy.

In today’s situation, Nine Nether Palace still has the advantage, and finally Nine Nether Palace will win, but the only uncertain factor on the battlefield is Zhao Feng.

Once Zhao Feng has any other cards, the situation may reverse.

“Evil Heavenly Saint King, lead one of them away and kill him”

Half God You Hai expression does not move, secretly gives evil Heavenly Saint King sound transmission.

“Yes, Supreme Elder”

The Heavenly Saint King complexion was startled, knowing the true intentions of Supreme Elder, and was a little nervous.

“Hmph, you Nine Nether Palace.

The Soul dimension of Heavenly Saint King sounded a sound of taunt.

But the evil Heavenly Saint King dare not refute this sentence.

Gradually, a group of high-level Nine Nether Palace began to shift the battlefield.

“Where to escape”

Zhao Yufei whole body flickering Amethyst holy light, just like Ice Crystal Fairy, carrying terrifying heaven and earth Origin Energy, chasing up.

“It seems that the Duanmu Family has been too peaceful recently. The lessons given by Nine Nether Palace were not enough.”

The evil Heavenly Saint King taunted, and secretly communicated with other Nine Nether Palace members all around to plan a strategy.

“Today, you Nine Nether Palace will be removed from the Continental”

Zhao Yufei complexion hit cold and hit several bright golden light lines.

Before Zhao Feng implemented the plan, he stated the ultimate goal: to remove Nine Nether Palace directly.

Therefore, Zhao Yufei was not afraid to involve the Duanmu Family and participated directly in the operation.

Near the Jiuyou Mountains, five battles, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

Kun Yun, Nangong Sheng, and Zhao Wan were very reluctant to deal with the enemy in front of them. They did not notice the battlefield of Zhao Yufei, and they were getting farther and farther away.

the other side.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

“Heaven Piercing Finger”

At this point, Zhao Feng was waiting for the fight. Soul Eye Technique and the powerful attack were performed at the same time, and Half God You Hai was suppressed for a while.

“Damn, this boy’s Eye Technique is too powerful.”

Half God You Hai complexion embarrassed, cursed in his heart.

Zhao Feng constantly uses Eye Technique attack to disturb him, and at the same time he uses Heaven Piercing Finger. The speed of Heaven Piercing Finger is extremely fast.

At this point, Half God You Hai body already has nearly ten holes.

What’s more, the damage caused by Heaven Piercing Finger cannot be treated for a short time, even if it is a half-length sea.

Zhao Feng, who urged the perfect Blood Devil Sun, approached Half God You Hai from time to time, absorbing his trace of Essence Blood Origin Energy.

“Somewhat wrong, Half God You Hai doesn’t seem to intend to beat me, but instead turns to defend”

At this point, Zhao Feng found something wrong.

Even if Zhao Feng showed a super strong Battle Strength, Opponent as Half-God, how could he be so patient and deal with Zhao Feng slowly.

“Not good, Yufei”

Zhao Feng expression was surprised.

At this point, Zhao Yufei fought with some members of the Nine Nether Palace, and Already was completely away from the range where the Nine Nether Palace was located.

But at this time, even if Zhao Feng found something wrong, he couldn’t rush over.

Once he goes to rescue Zhao Yufei, Half God You Hai will inevitably defeat Nangong Sheng, Kun Yun and Zhao Wan. Zhao Feng will definitely lose.

“Hehe, it’s late to find already”

Half God You Hai smiled coldly. In his opinion, Zhao Yufei already died, and Zhao Feng and the others could not run.

“If that’s the case, let’s kill you directly”

Zhao Feng’s momentum changed abruptly, and a sharp murderous aura erupted suddenly.

Zhao Yufei’s Spirit Clan Bloodline Attack and Defense in One, even if there are other special means at the top of Nine Nether Palace, Zhao Yufei can support it for a period of time.

Therefore, before this, Zhao Feng must kill Half God You Hai.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

Zhao Feng Left Eye suddenly flickering countless channels of Pure Crystal Thunder Light, a surge of Soul Profound Truth of Destruction, accompanied by strong Soul fluctuations, surged.


A twisted Thunder Calamity imprint, twisted and burned like a flame, carrying terrifying Soul aura, as if the strikes were on Soul at Half God You Hai.


Half God You Hai screamed, and he felt as if his Soul was going to be torn apart.

call out

Zhao Feng’s flickering behind the wings of amazing rays of light made his silhouette flash to the side of Half God You Hai.

“Earth Extinguishing Finger”

Under such a close distance, Zhao Feng without the slightest hesitation, urged the Bloodline Divine Power in the index finger, and performed a powerful Battle Skill.


Among the huge and incredible finger light, countless Wind-Thunder of Fire raged and bombarded the figure of Half God You Hai.

Still in the ‘Thunder Calamity Eye Flame, Half God You Hai in pain, the body is suffering the destruction of the infinite Wind-Thunder of Fire, supreme Bloodline Divine Power again.

“God Eye Breakdown”

After performing the Battle Skill, Zhao Feng without the slightest hesitation, urged the left eye, and cast the taboo Eye Technique.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, flickering a strange purple golden light wave, and then, the golden ripples of the transparent Void layer by layer, diffused from it, instantly penetrated Half God You Hai ten million times, and structured his whole body Analyze it.


Where Zhao Feng’s vision, Half God You Hai and everything around disappeared.

When Half God You Hai regained consciousness, he suddenly realized that his body, Soul, Holy Force, including Divine Power, were slowly disappearing, and his strength was gradually decreasing.

And he all around the heaven and earth Space, already reduced to a vacuum, everything there has completely disappeared

Half God You Hai expression suddenly, ready to immediately get rid, interrupt Zhao Feng’s taboo Eye Technique.

Suddenly, a gray gray line flashed behind the Half God You Hai.

Ding Dong

Small Thieving Cat holds a shovel in both hands, and fiercely strikes on the head of Half God You Hai.

At the same time, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly flew from the mouth of Small Thieving Cat, quickly releasing Cloud Silkworm Immortal Silk and Caimeng Pollen.

Half God You Hai was dizzy, lost his soul for a while, and lost control of his body.

During this period, Zhao Feng urged God Eye to break down, weakening the strength of Half God You Hai.

“Not good”

Half God You Hai felt an unprecedented crisis and finally realized that the situation was not good.

Negligently, he is likely to be killed by Zhao Feng, who gets rid of it.

In previous battles, he was constantly injured by Zhao Feng, and at the same time he was taken away by Zhao Feng for a portion of Life Essence.

Now, under God Eye’s decomposition, his overall strength is directly weakened by 20%.

“go to hell”

Zhao Feng saw Half God You Hai sober and stopped Gaze of God’s Eye.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

A bunch of purple golden flame seedlings, strikes on the head of Half God You Hai.

At this time, Soul was weakened, and his resistance to Zhao Feng Soul Eye Technique was even lower.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

Zhao Feng didn’t give Half God You Hai any respite, and condensed the last part of Thunder Calamity Strength.


A twisted Thunder Calamity imprint, twisted and burned like a flame, carrying terrifying Soul aura, as if the strikes were on Soul at Half God You Hai.


Soul of Half God You Hai was once again faced with such terrifying Soul Eye Technique strikes.

From Zhao Feng’s first ‘Thunder Calamity Eye Flame’, Half God You Hai has been suffering from Zhao Feng’s various attacks and has no chance to fight back.

“Zhao Feng, your sweetheart, aready life is coming soon”

Half God You Hai complexion was pale and aura was weak, but he showed a gloomy smile and looked away.

At this time, Already was not Zhao Feng’s opponent, and it was difficult to even escape from him.

Therefore, Half God You Hai facilitates other things to distract Zhao Feng.

“Nine Nether Palace colluded with Alien Race”

Zhao Feng’s eyes, passing through nearly 100,000 Li, looked towards the evil Heavenly Saint King fighting Zhao Yufei.

I saw that the evil Heavenly Saint King whole body was flowing with magical light, exuding terrifying divine might of Megatron Heaven and Earth.

No one knows how the evil Heavenly Saint King suddenly had such a powerful Battle Strength, only Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, through the body of the evil Heavenly Saint King, saw an Alien Race silhouette in his small world.

“Hehe, let’s die”

The evil Heavenly Saint King reached out and grabbed, a dark magic light mixed with a trace of Divine Power, forming a black lance.

In the head of crisis, Zhao Yufei had to spur Bloodline’s body, her whole body skin, like a crystal jade Goddess, with a layer of purple stream swaying on it.

Ding Dong

The black lance passed through Zhao Yufei’s body, arousing a layer of crystal light.

Zhao Yufei purple On the crystal-like flawless body, that mouth quickly healing.


Zhao Yufei complexion was faint, jade hand was pressed against his chest, and a spit of Purple Gold flowed out.

Even if it is the powerful Bloodline of Spirit Clan, it is not possible to live in a low-level half-god attack.

“Haha, Immemorial Spirit Clan Bloodline, died in my hands today”

The evil Heavenly Saint King was slightly surprised, and then a smile of excitement and madness appeared.


With a wave of his palm, the Devil Path strength in void is condensed again, forming several lances burning black flame light.

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