King of Gods

Chapter 1121

“You killed me Master”

Liu Qinyin’s face was dull, and the mist was flowing in his eyes, with a trace of sadness and helplessness.

Since Liu Qinyin was sensible, she has been with the Master.

To her, Master is her only relative in the world, like father.

Although the Great Emperor of Death said that Saint King Samsara sent him to kill herself, Liu Qinyin still didn’t believe it, and she didn’t understand why the Master did it.

“He wants to kill me, and he wants to kill you, so I must kill him”

I don’t know where to start, Zhao Feng can only explain it so simply.

Liu Qinyin was alone on the spot and did not speak.

At this time, I heard Zhao Feng said that Saint King Samsara was going to kill himself. Liu Qinyin didn’t know why, and wanted to believe it was true.

Because she didn’t want the man in front of her, she was lying to herself.

But once this is true, wouldn’t one of his relatives be gone in this world.

Sadness and helplessness like never before lingered in Liu Qinyin’s mind.

“It’s all true, I won’t lie to you anymore”

Zhao Feng thought Liu Qinyin didn’t believe it, and said again.

In fact, if you change to a normal person, you will definitely not believe this situation.

“Have you lied to me before?”

Liu Qinyin both eyes stared at Zhao Feng with a hint of resentment.

Zhao Feng 鎰?place to, looked at Liu Qinyin blankly.

At this moment, Liu Qinyin and Liu Qinxin in Zhao Feng’s memory completely overlap.

The two are so similar, regardless of appearance, temperament, or expression in that eye.

At this moment, Zhao Feng’s mood was deeply touched.

“In your last life, I lied to you”

Zhao Feng said decisively.

Regardless of whether Liu Qinyin believes it, he will answer truthfully. Zhao Feng won’t lie to her anymore, and she doesn’t want to lie anymore.

Zhao Feng could feel how bad Liu Qinyin’s life was, and he could almost appreciate how Liu Qinyin felt at this moment.

Zhao Feng was very distressed and wanted to help Liu Qinyin treat the scars in his heart and want to protect it. No matter if she remembered the past, he didn’t want to hurt Liu Qinyin a little bit.

“Last life?”

Liu Qinyin body shook slightly.

“This is your last life, when you were called Liu Qinxin”

Zhao Feng felt that what he said before was somewhat inexplicable and out of bounds.

Therefore, Zhao Feng waved his hand and extracted a dusty past from his memory.

Hua hua 鍝?/p>

All around Liu Qinyin, there are purple golden light screens, and flickering countless pictures in the light barrier.

In each picture, there is a white clothed woman, so similar to her.

At this point, even Zhao Feng was completely immersed in this past.

“This is a picture of my memory, impossible to fake”

Zhao Feng said again.

“Is this your memory?”

Liu Qinyin looked at all the pictures, both eyes flickering.

These pictures are all memories of Zhao Feng’s, but this is also the picture that appeared in her dream.

Liu Qinyin suddenly understood that the youngster in this picture was Zhao Feng, the youngster in the dream that she could not remember the name.

“It turned out that all this was real, it was my last life …”

Liu Qinyin whispering softly.

In fact, she had a premonition in this conclusion for this conclusion.

Zhao Feng expression frightened, Liu Qinyin seemed to know something about the previous life.

“Liu Qinyin, come with me”

Zhao Feng solemnly said.

From this point on, Zhao Feng wants to protect Liu Qinyin from letting her suffer.

“I can’t follow you”

Liu Qinyin’s eyes suddenly became clear.

“Why? You don’t believe that’s true?”

Zhao Feng Mind shaking.

“I believe, but I’m not Liu Qinxin, and you don’t have to fulfill your original promise.”

Liu Qinyin definitely said.

Actually, Liu Qinyin didn’t know herself how to face Zhao Feng.

Is the identity of today, or the identity of the previous life.

After speaking, Liu Qinyin passed by Zhao Feng.

“Where are you going?”

Zhao Feng immediately asked.

Already helpless Liu Qinyin, where will he go?

“I’m going to find the end of the dream”

Liu Qinyin said firmly.

At the moment when her memory was completely clear and awakened, she seemed to see some of the things that she had to figure out in any case.

Zhao Feng 鎰?on the spot, he did not know what Liu Qinyin was talking about, nor did he have the right to stop Liu Qinyin.

In this way, Zhao Feng watched Liu Qinyin slowly go away.

“Bi Qingyue, let all intelligence personnel in the Continental domain pay attention to this person’s whereabouts”

Zhao Feng contacted Bi Qingyue through the Dark Heart Seal, and transmitted Liu Qinyin’s current position and portrait to Bi Qingyue.

“That won’t work”

Zhao Feng said to himself.

“Old Monster Xu, now give you a task to protect someone for me”

Zhao Feng immediately contacted Old Monster Xu at a further distance.

Today, Zhao Feng’s Soul Will is up to Saint King Realm, and the range that Dark Heart Seal can perceive is extremely large.

Among Zhao Feng’s many subordinates, Bi Qingyue and Saint Lord You Ye have heavier tasks, and Zhao Feng cannot do as you wish to let one person protect Liu Qinyin in secret, so Zhao Feng chose Old Monster Xu.

After doing all this, Zhao Feng returned to Ruler Palace.

Originally, if there were no Nine Nether Palace and some secretly despised enemies, Zhao Feng would follow Liu Qinyin in secret.


Zhao Feng used Bewildering Space Realm, and figure disappeared in a shadow of empty silver.

It didn’t take long for Zhao Feng to return to Ruler Palace.

“Today, most of the great dynasty forces are concentrated on the Thunder Calamity Danger Land on the battlefield. It will take some time for my killing of Saint King Samsara to spread.”

Zhao Feng secretly speculated.

The killing of Saint King Samsara was a bad thing for Zhao Feng.

All the forces of the two great dynasty will definitely think that in order to obtain Saint King Samsara’s hands, Zhao Feng was able to gather the Secret Technique of God Eye descendant strength before beheading Saint King Samsara.

In this way, the two great dynasty will almost doubt whether Zhao Feng should have the Secret Technique.

The importance of the Secret Technique is too great. It is estimated that the Supreme Emperor Palace will not sit still and will take action.

Invisibly, Zhao Feng pushed himself up again.

But at the same time, they did not dare to offend Zhao Feng easily.

“Strength is everything, if my strength is so strong that both great dynasty are jealous, I don’t need to worry about what I do”

Zhao Feng’s determination to become stronger and stronger.

But a person’s strength, it is too difficult to think that the stronger is so big that both great dynasty are jealous.

Therefore, at this stage, Zhao Feng is stronger.


Zhao Feng sucked the last bottle of Hundred Source Saint Broth into Left Eye Space and copied it directly.

After God Eye’s small enhancement, Zhao Feng’s Copy Ability has been greatly improved.

Five days later.

“You take these resources, and in a short time, cultivate a group of potential Saint Lord.”

Zhao Feng gave Bi Qingyue a storage ring.

In addition to the Hundred Source Saint Broth, which increases the probability of breaking through the Saint Lord, the ring also has some resources obtained from Immemorial Dreamland and divide corpse.

Of course, those resources are almost unavailable to Zhao Feng, but they are treasures of great benefit to the top Great Emperor and ordinary Saint Lord.

Zhao Feng believes that Bi Qingyue will handle all this well.

After the command was completed, Zhao Feng immediately closed.

“My trip to the divine corpse, my harvest is great. If I fully digest the harvest, the overall strength will greatly increase.”

Zhao Feng said firmly.

After running “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, Zhao Feng is wholeheartedly versatile and cultivate many aspects.

The first idea is used as a cultivate “ God Transformation Secret Art ”. This method is an introduction to Zhao Feng already. It won’t be long before Zhao Feng can melt other Divine Power into his own Divine Power.

With Divine Power, Zhao Feng Matter’s strength will be improved qualitatively. At the same time, he can also use Divine Tool ‘Ancient God Seal, strength.

Zhao Feng looks forward to the true power of his first Divine Tool.

The second idea, Zhao Feng used to refine the method of making the second Clone.

Not long ago, Bi Qingyue passed to Zhao Feng many Clone Secret Skills and some theory books. Zhao Feng believes that it won’t be long before his second Clone can be shaped, and the Battle Strength of this Clone will definitely come in handy immediately.

The third idea, Zhao Feng used to absorb and integrate Thunder Calamity Strength.

First of all, Zhao Feng processed all the Thunder Calamity Strength in the head of the divine corpse.

鈥淭hunder God Crystal鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng took out a platinum pearl of Thunder Light flickering.

When Thunder God Crystal appeared, a terrifying effect, such as Heaven’s Might’s destruction of Thunder Calamity Strength, was radiated.

At that moment, everyone in the entire Ruler Palace, body, Soul, was a little shocked.


Zhao Feng instantly inhaled this God Crystal into Left Eye Space.

鈥淢any thanks, Xin Wuhen鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

He felt that this Thunder God Crystal was specially prepared by Xin Wuhen for himself.

Thunder God Crystal containing Thunder Calamity Strength is not comparable to ordinary Thunder God Crystal.

Moreover, the quantity and quality of Thunder Calamity Strength in this Thunder God Crystal are far beyond Zhao Feng’s imagination, which is enough for Zhao Feng to use.

During the retreat of Zhao Feng, the Thunder Calamity Strength in the ‘Thunder Calamity Danger Land’ on the battlefield gradually dissipated.

The entire dive corpse was almost smashed by Thunder Calamity explodes into waste, so there was no precious treasure left, but some good Thunder Calamity carriers were taken away by the two great dynasty experts.

After that, the top experts of the two great dynastys all returned to their respective nests to recover from injuries or break through Realm.

But at this time, a message of heaven shaking swept away like a storm: Saint King Samsara, who had the most success in resisting the True God expert, was killed by Zhao Feng.

This news instantly shocked all the top forces of the two great dynasty.

At the same time, in the Ruler Palace, Bi Qingyue picked out some members with potential and greater credit for giving the Saint Lord the resources.

For a time, the passion and passion of all members of the Ruler Palace and Disciple were aroused, and they even admired Supreme Elder Zhao Feng.

The expert of those breakthrough Saint Lord, under the shelter of such peerless Rare Treasures and Dragon Destiny Qi as Hundred Source Saint Broth, the success rate of breakthrough Saint Lord is as high as 80%.

Ruler Palace’s overall strength has grown rapidly again.

Decades later, Zhao Feng opened both eyes.


In Zhao Feng’s hands, a dazzling ray of platinum divide light appeared, exuding the Supreme divine might that deterred heaven and earth.

This is the first Divine Power that Zhao Feng has smelted using “God Transformation Secret Art” and ordinary God Crystal by initial accomplishment.


In Zhao Feng’s hand, a black triangle iron block appeared.

Zhao Feng already can’t wait to try his own Divine Tool.

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