King of Gods

Chapter 1122

In order to test the power of the Divine Tool, Zhao Feng intentionally entered into the Immemorial Dreamland.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng poured the first Divine Power smelted during this time into the Divine Tool ‘Ancient God Seal.

At an instant, Zhao Feng’s consciousness, as if enters into the Ancient God Seal, came to arrived a world of black steel operation, and countless information about this Divine Tool poured into Zhao Feng’s mind.

“Dozens of variations, with melee, long-range combat, defense, and various Ability capabilities”

Zhao Feng was so shocked that he did not expect that he would be such a versatile Divine Tool.


The triangular iron block in Zhao Feng’s hand was split from the center, and a long black blade extended from the center.

“Sword Form”

Zhao Feng holds the black iron sword in his hand, feeling extremely heavy, and it is difficult to control the strength in it

Jeer laugh

Zhao Feng slammed a sword, a black wave blade, and carried out the overbearing Divine Power.

The black wave blade penetrated the entire forest, destroying everything on the way, strikes to a small mountain peak in the distance and directly bombed it.

“Really strong strength”

Zhao Feng can’t help Marvel.

Keep in mind that Immemorial Dreamland is not the same space as the Continental domain.

Any strength here is suppressed by the immense Immemorial Space rule.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s blow directly penetrated the entire forest and leveled a few miles away.


Just then, a deafening roar came from the small mountain peaks in the rear.

Afterwards, the earth shook, and a giant gray Crystal Stone giant emerged from the earth or mountain peak, making an angry roar.

Several extremely strong airflow assault waves came towards Zhao Feng strikes.

“I’ll pack you up next time”

Zhao Feng looked towards the group of Earth Crystal Clan and left Immemorial Dreamland directly.

Although Zhao Feng has a lot of resources in his hands and can also copy, it is still difficult to significantly improve the overall Battle Strength of the entire Ruler Palace in the short term.

Therefore, Zhao Feng must plunder resources in Immemorial Dreamland, and Earth Crystal Clan is undoubtedly the best target.


The Ancient God Seal in Zhao Feng’s hands turned back into a triangular iron block.

“In the depths of this Divine Tool, there seems to be a seal”

With the powerful insight of Zhao Feng God Eye, he found this doubt.

“However, the power and Ability of this Divine Tool is almost enough.”

Zhao Feng set aside this doubt.

It ’s not too late to explore this Divine Tool thoroughly after your strength reaches a certain level in the future.

After experimenting and understanding the Ancient God Seal, Zhao Feng continued to retreat.

Divine Power smelted with “God Transformation Secret Art” cannot be restored by itself. Therefore, Zhao Feng should store as much Divine Power as possible.

Regarding the use of Divine Power, Zhao Feng also needs more practice.

For Zhao Feng today, Divine Power is an extremely powerful hole card.

“If I use Divine Tool, I’m afraid that half-God in general is not my opponent.”

Zhao Feng was very excited.

Divine corpse and his party made Zhao Feng’s strength change dramatically.

However, Zhao Feng was killed by two great dynasty for killing Saint King Samsara. Therefore, he owns the Divine Tool and still try not to expose it.

On the other side, in God Eye Space, Zhao Feng is branding and feeling Thunder Calamity Strength all the time.

After possessing Thunder God Crystal, Zhao Feng does not have to worry about the lack of Thunder Calamity Strength, so he can rest assured.

Thunder Calamity Strength is also a powerful hole card from Zhao Feng’s.

In addition, the perception of Thunder Calamity Strength will help Zhao Feng to cross Thunder Calamity in the future.

After dozens of days, Zhao Feng opened both eyes again.

“Clone body refining Secret Technique, already promotion comes”

Zhao Feng has a little expectation.

Next, Zhao Feng began to shape the Clone body.

After the Clone body has been shaped, the soul fragment is performed.

Shua shua

A stream of blood-red liquid, rolled with blood crystals Demon Spirit, which had not yet fully grown, came to Zhao Feng.

“First, erase the prototype Will of Blood Crystal Demon Spirit”

Zhao Feng proceeded according to his own method.

Six days later.

In Bewildering Space Realm, the floating stand is a whole body crystal white and red, emitting a strong Immemorial Bloodline aura body. The core of this body is exactly the blood God Crystal that Zhao Feng got at the beginning.

“Nice, life level, already far exceeds ordinary Saint Lord level”

Zhao Feng is very satisfied with this body.

The value of the resources consumed to shape this body is far more than the countless times of the first body, but it is all worth it.

In addition, Zhao Feng feels that the appearance between the ontology and Clone cannot be exactly the same.

Therefore, Zhao Feng changed the appearance of this body slightly, and shaped it into a rough and strong man.

“Clone is done, then the soul fragment is coming”

Zhao Feng complexion Solemn.

Although the soul fragment will reduce Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, once the second Clone is successful, Zhao Feng will have an equivalent to Battle Strength, which is far beyond the help of ordinary Saint Lord.

Moreover, the second Clone’s body is relatively special. As long as you continuously add powerful Bloodline energy resources, you can quickly improve.

In addition, after experiencing a soul fragment, Zhao Feng has experience and can guarantee that this soul fragment will not weaken his Soul Will too much.

After making the decision, Zhao Feng started “Soul Dividing Secret Art” to start the soul fragment.

With the last experience, this time soul fragment was completed in less than twenty days.

This soul fragment, Soul Will, has reached the level of Saint Lord, but compared to Soul Will of Zhao Feng Saint King level, it is completely worthless.

“Soul Will not at all weakens too much”

Zhao Feng said after perceiving carefully.

This time soul fragment does not weaken Zhao Feng Soul Will much, and Zhao Feng has the vine fruit obtained from the divine corpse, which can be fully recovered soon.

A nether purple Soul body, enters into the body shaped by Zhao Feng.

“Breakthrough Saint Lord small accomplishment as soon as possible”

Zhao Feng sorted out some resources and gave them to the second Clone.

The level of Myriad Forms Saint Lord is as high as small accomplishment Peak, so after all levels of the second Clone have reached Saint Lord small accomplishment, and then smelt Eye of Myriad Forms, the success rate is higher.

After the explanation, Zhao Feng began to restore Soul Will.

Zhao Feng’s showed three crystal red leaves in his hands.

These leaves were obtained by Zhao Feng from the huge vine in the divine corpse, which contained the powerful Concept power and Bloodline Divine Power aura.

“These leaves, although far less effective than the vine fruit, are very suitable for my current level.”

Subsequently, Zhao Feng put one of the leaves into the Left Eye Space and copied it to absorb and appreciate the effect of the other two leaves.


A solid earth, Wood Attribute and Concept strength poured into Zhao Feng’s mind.

At the same time, a refreshing fragrance and Bloodline essence made Zhao Feng exhausted and exhausted.

Two months later.

Zhao Feng consumed a dozen crystal red leaves and restored Soul Will, weakened by the soul fragment, to Peak state.

At the same time, feeling the concept strength of these crystal red leaves, Zhao Feng’s Concept Realm also improved.

At this time, Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei, and Kun Yun returned to the Arrived Ruler Palace, along with the Tie Family entire group.

“Zhao Feng, your kid won’t lie down, right?”

Kun Yun rushed to Zhao Feng.

But thinking of Zhao Feng’s performance in divine corpse, he still held back the anger in his heart.

On the way back, he also heard that Saint King Samsara was killed by Zhao Feng.

This makes Kun Yun a little more afraid of Zhao Feng.

“Just because there’s something urgent, so come back first”

Zhao Feng handed over the storage ring that had been prepared to Kun Yun.

Kun Yun expression Slightly, Zhao Feng’s so-called urgent matter is to kill Saint King Samsara and get that special Secret Technique.

Subsequently, Kun Yun consciously dived into the Storage Space, expressing great joy and preparing to leave.

“Kun Yun, do you want higher resources?”

Zhao Feng gave Kun Yun sound transmission directly.

Today, the situation in Ruler Palace is not good. The main reason is that Ruler Palace lacks top battle strength, and Kun Yun is a good choice.

“Who am I afraid of Kun Yun? As long as you can afford it, I will accompany you to the end”

Kun Yun expression hid, bragging about his strength.

Zhao Feng smiled helplessly. When Zhao Feng and Kun Yun talked for the first time, Kun Yun heard that the opponent was Nine Nether Palace and directly rejected Zhao Feng.

However, today Kun Yun strength is really strong, I am afraid that Already has the ordinary Half-God strength.

Nangong Sheng complexion was deep, staring at Zhao Feng, with unwillingness in his heart.

He paid Evil God’s Power at the cost of mind and reason, but still couldn’t keep up with Zhao Feng’s.

“Brother Feng, are you having any trouble?”

Zhao Yufei stepped forward and felt that Zhao Feng beheaded Saint King Samsara, there must be other reasons.

Zhao Feng hesitated for a moment about Liu Qinxin’s affairs. He didn’t know where to start talking to Zhao Yufei.

In the Tie Family entire group, Tie Hongling looked towards Zhao Yufei, his heart was trembling.

Zhao Feng is wearing such a peerless noble Fairy, no wonder she won’t be emotional about her.

Just then, Tie Family Elder on the side, took a step forward.

“Old man Eight Great Aristocratic Families Tie Family Tie Kun, according to the original agreement, sent five excellent Tie Family disciple with innate talent, and I hope Brother Zhao will cultivate them for the Tie Family

Then, five geniuses from Tie Family stepped forward and worshiped Zhao Feng slightly.

Of the five, Tie Lingyun and Tie Hongling Zhao Feng both knew each other, and the other three Tie Family disciple Realm were lower, but Bloodline’s potential was not weaker than the former.

Tie Lingyun looked towards Zhao Feng at this time, feeling mixed.

After the first battle with Zhao Feng, he made up his mind, and next time he must decide with Zhao Feng again.

But in just a few years, Zhao Feng was ready to reach a level he could not reach, and it is rumored that Saint King Samsara, who owned Eye of Samsara, was killed by Zhao Feng.

The other three younger Tie Family disciple, knowing the purpose of coming to Ruler Palace, seemed a little nervous.

“This is nature”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

Now that Ruler Palace is despised by two great dynasty, it is definitely worth paying for the great power of Tie Family.

Zhao Feng then asked members of the Ruler Palace to arrange residences for the Tie Family, Kun Yun, and Zhao Yufei.

To help Tie Family disciple wake up the perfect Blood Devil Sun, Zhao Feng also needs to think carefully about customization, so there is no rush to implement it.

Zhao Feng enters into the enters into the Immemorial Dreamland.

In the forest, Golden Wing Red Tiger, Earth Rupturing Wild Ox, Five Poisonous Unusual Bees and Sky Fire-Thunder Ape were sensed, and immediately rushed to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng has never forgotten to cultivate them while using these Immemorial Races to plunder resources.

At this time, Zhao Feng ’s Spirit Pet’s strength has been greatly improved.

“Offensive, Earth Crystal Clan”

Zhao Feng gave an order and led a huge team to rush out of the forest range.

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