King of Gods

Chapter 1120

“How can this be?”

Saint King Samsara turned pale.

He has survived to this day, but has never encountered such a situation.

At this moment, without the Immortal Samsara Body, how could he be Zhao Feng’s opponent without protection.

If during the heyday of Saint King Samsara, he had several Saint King, great accomplishment Saint Lord, countless other Mystic Light Realm experts, and two inferior grade Divine Tool, even if it was Half-God, it would be impossible to transfer him. Kill.

And Saint King Samsara itself has Eye of Samsara, which has a very strong life-saving ability, otherwise he offends two great dynasty that many forces, how can he survive to this day.

But for now, Saint King Samsara looked towards Zhao Feng, a hint of fear rose in his heart.

“Zhao Feng, you can’t kill me, Liu Qinyin, you saved it, and the inferior grade Divine Tool is yours, so it’s better to have an enemy than a friend.”

Saint King Samsara looked towards Zhao Feng, clenching one’s teeth said.

Zhao Feng expression is indifferent. His killing intent towards Saint King Samsara has never diminished.

Deceiving himself was second. Saint King Samsara actually blinded Liu Qinxin and wanted to murder him to break through Realm.

Zhao Feng cannot tolerate this.

Liu Qinxin managed to reverse his fate and rebirth, but was almost killed by Saint King Samsara without knowing anything.

“Samsara Starting Point”

Seeing Zhao Feng indifferent, Saint King Samsara performed Samsara Eye Technique again.

This time, Saint King Samsara recalled all the rest of Immortal Samsara Body.

The next moment, in the Left Eye of Saint King Samsara, shot black silhouettes. These Immortal Samsara Body are as many as eventy-eighty. Among them, there are more than twenty experts in Mystic Light Realm, and the rest are all Void God Realm.

Many of these Immortal Samsara Body were suppressed by the Small Thieving Cat and Myriad Forms Saint Lord. They also fought against Earthquake Golden Ape, and were scattered outside to perform certain tasks for Saint King Samsara.

Among these people, Zhao Feng watched the Arrived Great Emperor of Death, who assassinated Saint Lord Black Shark of Ninth Prince …


Zhao Feng looked towards Saint King Samsara.

It’s hard to imagine how many experts were killed in Saint King Samsara’s life.

But at the same time, Zhao Feng was also alert.

Although Zhao Feng is not afraid of these lackeys at all, Saint King Samsara will definitely not do anything meaningless.

“Samsara bondage”

Saint King Samsara both eyes works, releasing a powerful Samsara Profound Truth, pouring into the bodies of these Immortal Samsara Body.

Hu hu

All Immortal Samsara Body, figure and Soul began to fall apart, turning into a dim mist, surrounding Zhao Feng all around.

“Abominable, tens of thousands of years of hard work”

Saint King Samsara can’t bear it.

Using the restraint of Samsara, while restraining the enemy, also let these Soul imprisoned by him be completely relieved.

“Shadow Transient”

Saint King Samsara performed the escape Secret Technique, turned into a gray light, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

“This strength…”

Zhao Feng’s all around, shrouded in an inexhaustible dim mist.

This dim fog cuts off everything, shackles Zhao Feng’s strength, Spiritual Sense and Will.

Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm

Zhao Feng struck a red light holy light palm shadow, but found his attack, disappeared into the dim fog, and disappeared completely.

The next moment, Zhao Feng’s behind, issued a red thunder palm shadow, and came towards Zhao Feng strikes.

Zhao Feng immediately operated strength to block the injury.

“Strength of Samsara does not belong to the Soul level or the Matter level. It is the same as the power of destiny, but it is a strange strength that is difficult to touch in the deep.

Zhao Feng expression Sinking.

“Hmph, then I will use strong strength to break all restraints”

Zhao Feng will kill Saint King Samsara today. He will not allow himself to be trapped here.

Zhao Feng raised his right hand and stretched out that Purple Gold blood-red finger, his finger lingering in the cold air.


Zhao Feng unlocked a part of the frozen force, and suddenly burst into a finger.


A long Desolate overbearing Bloodline Divine Power, transformed into a purple blood phantom beam of light, like an incomparable gigantic finger, runs through everything.

Zhao Feng all around the dim mist, instantly dispelled

Zhao Feng had some heartaches. He had consumed more than XNUMX% of God Blood’s energy with that blow.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

Zhao Feng agitated Wind Thunder Holy Force, turned into a red thunder storm arc, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

In the sky, Saint King Samsara escaped desperately.

“There are so many experts dead in the divine corpse. When I restore Origin Energy, it won’t be long before I can create more and more powerful Immortal Samsara Body. At that time, everyone who is related to Zhao Feng will definitely wait Forged into Immortal Samsara Body, let them live forever, never release … “

Saint King Samsara feels grievance and shame like never before.

As the owner of God Eye’s descendant, Mystic Light Saint King of Continental Peak, when he was so embarrassed.

But the next moment, Saint King Samsara, who had escaped nearly thousand thousand li away, had a cold figure, as if locked by an invisible spirit.

Jeer laugh

A red golden light arrow, as if pierced through a gap in Space, runs directly through the body of Saint King Samsara.

“what happened?”

The Saint King Samsara complexion was shocked.

Hong long long

An overbearing Profound Truth of Wind and Thunder came over him.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

The moment Zhao Feng approached, he immediately performed a note of Eye Technique.


A ball of Purple Gold thunder power flame exploded on Saint King Samsara’s head, and severe pain stopped him for a moment.

“You actually escaped”

Saint King Samsara turned pale.

Zhao Feng actually broke his Samsara bondage in such a short time

“Spiritual Thorn”

“Phantom Assault”

Zhao Feng saw his Soul Eye Technique, which had little effect on Saint King Samsara. He directly operated Eye Strength Will and continuously performed other Soul Eye Techniques.

“Ah … Zhao Feng, anyone can make mistakes”

Saint King Samsara, tortured by Zhao Feng’s Soul Eye Technique, will not die, it is impossible to escape.

But Zhao Feng’s Soul Eye Technique, it is difficult to kill him. Owning Eye of Samsara, being an Immortal Samsara Body, Saint King Samsara Soul’s level of defense power and restoring power are beyond the scope of Saint King.

“It’s really hard to kill”

Although Saint King Samsara’s Soul defense ability is not as good as Zhao Feng with God Eye, his Soul’s recovery ability is extremely powerful.

Zhao Feng put all remaining Thunder Calamity Strength into the Left Eye.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a group of Thunder Calamity imprints appeared. Each Thunder Calamity imprint was glowed with a trace of Soul pupil flame, and finally formed a crystal purple Thunder Calamity Soul flame.


A twisted Thunder Calamity imprint, twisting and burning like a flame, carrying terrifying Soul aura, strikes on the head of Saint King Samsara.


Saint King Samsara screamed in agony.

He lost Soul defense’s secret treasure, and withstood all Feng Feng’s Thunder Calamity Strength bombing attacks. Even if it was the resilience of his Immortal Samsara Body, he couldn’t continue with it.

Fully withstood ‘Thunder Calamity Eye Flame, after Saint King Samsara, the figure was broken and extremely weak.

“Zhao Feng, let me go, I’d like to give you the strength of God Eye’s descendant in one.”

Saint King Samsara believes that Zhao Feng will not reject this request.

Today, Zhao Feng owns Myriad Forms Saint Lord and Eye of Death. As long as he gets a Bloodline descendant of God Eye, he can use that secret technique.

The terrifying strength of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth, any expert in the Continent domain cannot be rejected.

Zhao Feng, who has a heart for Saint King Samsara, is also slightly moving.

“Hmph, die for me”

Zhao Feng complexion cold and severe.

He wanted to have Secret Technique in the hands of Saint King Samsara.

But he is a principled person, whoever kills must kill


Zhao Feng continuously performed Soul Eye Technique, tormenting Soul of Saint King Samsara.

For ordinary people, at this time, Zhao Feng can directly cast Gaze of God’s Eye and suck his Soul away.

But the opponent is Saint King Samsara, with Eye of Samsara, Soul Will is powerful. If you suck Saint King Samsara Soul, the other party will take Self-destruction directly. With such a close distance, even Zhao Feng may fall.

“Ah … let’s die”

Saint King Samsara’s face twisted for a while, Samsara Profound Truth, Soul and Holy Force from his whole body all poured into Eye of Samsara.


Saint King Samsara detonated the compressed strength directly with Eye of Samsara.

Between heaven and earth, the Profound Truth energy of terrifying swept away, heaven and earth shook, and the mountains and rivers burst.

call out

Zhao Feng had already taken precautions and used the Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique to avoid the explosion range.

“Hmph, where do you want to escape”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, locked on an object, chased away.

Zhao Feng had long noticed that Saint King Samsara just detonated one of the pupils.

Eye of Samsara is divided into Samsara of Life and Samsara of Death, and the eye pupil of Samsara of Death is detonated. But at the critical moment, the eyes of Samsara of Life carried Soul Will, part of Saint King Samsara, and fled.

Zhao Feng took out Heaven Locking Bow and flicked several arrows continuously.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

Between the red gold Wind Thunder, a Soul Strength was carried through the dim Soul body.

“Zhao Feng, I admit you are strong, but you can’t kill me”

Saint King Samsara said suddenly when Zhao Feng already caught up.

“Samsara reincarnation”

Saint King Samsara’s Soul Will pours into the eyes of Samsara of Life.

Saint King Samsara hated and regretted it. He hated Zhao Feng for driving him to such a desperation, and he regretted that he should not provoke Zhao Feng.

Now that he has launched the final secret technique of the eyes and pupils of Samsara of Life, he will lose everything, start again, and be born again.

“You sinner, want to be born again”

Zhao Feng approaches directly and runs Eye Strength Will.

“Gaze of God’s Eye”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a deep bottomless purple vortex is extended, leading to a magic mist labyrinth surrounded by a purple mist and an endless head.

At this time, Saint King Samsara, only the weak and broken Soul Will, even if he Self-destruction, can not produce much power, so Zhao Feng directly cast Gaze of God’s Eye.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s Gaze of God’s Eye at this time, combined with Illusion Dao Eye Technique ‘Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain, has a stronger ability to confuse and control.

“Do not”

Saint King Samsara’s Soul Will, who just entered into the Samsara of Life, lost his resistance.

The eyes of Samsara of Life were inhaled into Left Eye Space by Zhao Feng.

And the broken and weak Soul Will of Saint King Samsara lost the connection with the eyes and pupils of Samsara of Life at the critical moment of Samsara’s rebirth, and eventually rebirth failed, and was eliminated by a heaven and earth Samsara rule.

“Close call”

Zhao Feng is a bit lucky.

If he was a little slower just a moment ago, or the power of Gaze of God’s Eye was a little weaker, Saint King Samsara might have successfully reborn Samsara.

Fortunately, Saint King Samsara has been completely eliminated, and Eyed of Samsara who has owned the Samsara of Life has to be arrived.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng moved slightly, and realized what he was looking towards far back.

I saw that in the distant sky, there was a woman with a beautiful appearance, like a lotus in a landscape painting.

“You killed me Master”

Liu Qinyin’s face was dull, and the mist was flowing in his eyes, with a trace of sadness and helplessness.

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