King of Gods

Chapter 1107

A thick and thick crystal wall was destroyed by Zhao Feng’s God-Slaying Arrow, exposing the blood red crystals on the inside.

And inside that blood red crystal, there is a drop of glass of Purple Gold

When approaching this blood red crystal, Zhao Feng within the body’s Bloodline couldn’t stop trembling, and Zhao Feng himself was under immense pressure from Immemorial Bloodline.

This is still the case when the blood is sealed by the Divine Power crystal wall.

If this drop of blood is completely exposed to the outside world, Zhao Feng is afraid it will be extremely difficult to even approach.

“This is the blood of divine corpse, and it looks like it is not ordinary blood, it is most likely divine corpse Essence Blood”

Zhao Feng spiritual A tremor.

I didn’t expect to use God-Slaying Arrow to kill Half God Ju Meng, but unexpectedly opened up this opportunity.

At this time, Divine Power aura and energy in various parts of the divine corpse are still flowing toward the head of the divine corpse.

The crystal walls in divine corpse are relatively fragile compared to the original. The stronger Saint King expert can break some of the crystal walls.

Therefore, Zhao Feng’s God-Slaying Arrow has such terrifying destructive power and easily destroys some crystal walls.

“How can I get this God blood?”

Zhao Feng encountered a problem.

Although at this time the crystal walls everywhere are relatively fragile.

But the crystal wall surrounding this drop of God Blood is abnormally hard. Unless the damage at Zhao Feng Matter level can reach Half-God level, it is difficult to break the blood red crystal.

At this moment, in this crystal ruin, the destruction storm caused by God-Slaying Arrow gradually disappeared.

Outside, some experts, feeling an amazing Bloodline aura, started to approach here.

“Not good, this God Blood, will definitely be found by other experts”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

“All for me”

Zhao Feng suddenly runs the Saint Thunder Body, urges Blood Devil Sun, and releases the strong Eye Strength Will.

The peripheral those who were preparing to approach the human or Alien Race to see the situation were suddenly shocked.

“Really strong boldness, and Eye Strength Will, he is only afraid that Already has Saint King strength.”

“He killed Half-God, this person must have a strong hole card in his hand”

These ordinary Saint Lords were shockedly shouted by Zhao Feng.

The only strong point there was Saint Lord Mo Yuan, but Saint Lord Mo Yuan dared to get closer to Zhao Feng.

He and Zhao Feng can be regarded as hatred deep like sea. Just now Zhao Feng ignored himself for pursuit Half God Ju Meng. At this time, if he took the initiative to run over, would it not be courting death?

“Frightened them temporarily”

Zhao Feng is slightly relaxed.

But this aura of God Blood is so terrifying that it can’t be kept hidden forever.

Moreover, if there is Saint King or Half-God, if you happen to be here, this God Blood will also be exposed.

So, the most important thing right now is that Zhao Feng will hide this God Blood or use it.

鈥淪mall Thieving Cat鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng summoned Small Thieving Cat.

Small Thieving Cat both eyes brightened, staring at a drop of Purple Gold in that blood red crystal, and the saliva was almost flowing out.


Small Thieving Cat holds a black dagger and pokes down.

Suddenly, Small Thieving Cat poked half an inch deep.

However, the more you dig down, the more difficult it becomes.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat explained to Zhao Feng that it can’t urge the Divine Tool now. At the moment, it is fully tapping the sharpness of the Divine Tool itself.

Soon, the Small Thieving Cat dug a small hole two inches deep, God Blood under distance, less than half an inch deep.

But this half-inch crystal wall seems to contain the strength of this drop of God Blood, which is extremely hard.


Small Thieving Cat dug down a bit again.


A terrifying Bloodline aura of Great Desolate overbearing suddenly burst out.

Zhao Feng crossed his knees, and the complexion was shocked.


Zhao Feng said nothing, spurred Saint Thunder Body and the perfect Blood Devil Sun.

At the same time, Zhao Feng runs a strong Holy Force to try to cover God Blood’s aura.

Some Saint Lord in the distance were suddenly attracted by the movement of Zhao Feng.

“What happened just now? Well terrifying the ancient Bloodline aura”

“Don’t tell me is Zhao Feng pregnant with certain babies, making his perfect Blood Devil Sun mutate again?”

Some Saint Lord far away, the complexion was horrified, looked towards Zhao Feng, but did not dare to approach.

And here is too far away from Zhao Feng, there are too many crystal ruins in the center to stop them, and their Spiritual Sense cannot penetrate it.

Above God Blood, Zhao Feng’s heart was beating.

Today, the experts who are confused about those outside are Saint Lord Realm. They are bluffed by Zhao Feng and dare not approach.

But once more powerful experts are attracted, this drop of God Blood will be exposed

“It seems to absorb the strength of God Blood”

Zhao Feng said with joy.

“That being the case, just start absorbing it”

Zhao Feng resolutely decided.

Even Small Thieving Cat was unable to fully dig out this drop of God Blood, and Zhao Feng’s Void Matter Transfer was not available.

Simply began to absorb God Blood’s strength directly, and even if other experts were attracted by that time, Zhao Feng also gained some benefits.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat gets back to Bewildering Space Realm.

Zhao Feng held out a finger and put it into the tiny crystal cave.


A faint Purple Gold aura was slowly led out by Zhao Feng and merged into his Bloodline Physique.

Hu hu

The Bloodline of Zhao Feng within the body is running frantically in trembling, absorbing the aura of this Immemorial Bloodline.

In a moment, Zhao Feng’s Bloodline Physique and level of life were improved to a certain degree.


At this time, a small string of Purple Gold blood was drawn by Zhao Feng and integrated into the Zhao Feng whole body.


Zhao Feng urges Saint Thunder Body to digest this Purple Gold bloodline.


Zhao Feng Saint Thunder Body’s simple and unadorned dark gold Thunder Marks, flickering for a while, a red gold divide splendor, a majestic overbearing invisible aura, emanating from Zhao Feng within the body.

“Can be faster”

Zhao Feng stepped up the extraction.


More Purple Gold blood was drawn by Zhao Feng.

For a moment, Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, Mystic Light Holy Force, Bloodline Physique increased rapidly, and even Zhao Feng’s heart Soul Strength also increased.

“Well, just use this drop of God Blood, breaking through Mystic Light Great Accomplishment”

Zhao Feng showed a hint of madness.

Zhao Feng’s Concept Realm has already reached the standard of breaking through the Mystic Light Great Accomplishment in the Divine Corps experience.

In addition, using this drop of God Blood to enhance Realm not only does not have bottleneck and foundation stability, but also allows Zhao Feng to absorb God Blood’s strength more quickly.

Having decided, Zhao Feng began to prepare.

Similarly, in order to cover up this aura of God Blood, Zhao Feng fully urged Bloodline and Saint Thunder Body.


Zhao Feng’s Essence, Qi, Spirit The rapid climber, the invisible terrifying aura, keeps going towards all around assault.


Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, the brighter and brighter it is, the strength of terrifying pressure, covering all around heaven and earth.

Although Zhao Feng is running “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, he helps himself to break through Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.

However, the strength of this drop of God Blood constantly moisturizes Zhao Feng’s Bloodline Physique, which is very beneficial to Zhao Feng Saint Thunder Body.

Peripheral area.

“What’s going on? So Great Desolate Bloodline aura”

At this time, an Alien Race man with double-horned head and whole body dark green complexion came here.

“Saint King, that’s Zhao Feng. Not long ago he used a hole card to kill Half God Ju Meng, and has been here ever since.”

An Alien Race Saint Lord, immediately illustrates the source.


Saint King expression was shocked and couldn’t believe that Half God Ju Meng was actually killed by Zhao Feng.

“The kid showed his hole cards that could kill Half-God. He must be very weak at this time, and he stayed there all the time. I’m afraid I found something treasure.

Saint King’s eyes turned once, then his eyes burned, looking towards the distance.

call out

Saint King flew directly to Zhao Feng.

鈥淰ery powerful Immemorial Bloodline aura鈥?/p>

Saint King feels his Bloodline trembling.

He even wondered if Zhao Feng had a very advanced Immemorial Bloodline.


Zhao Feng whole body momentum suddenly increased, all around Wind Thunder of Earth Holy Force surging heaven and earth, a magnificent boundless gravity, suddenly descended between heaven and earth.

Saint King grunt made a sudden sound of overbearing gravity that suddenly came down, out of breath.

“He broke through…”

Saint King expression is shocked.

At the same time, Zhao Feng opened his eyes suddenly, and a powerful overbearing spiritual idea was released.

Saint King was once again under an invisible assault.


Saint King of Bi Li was not close to Zhao Feng before returning directly.

Originally, he thought that Zhao Feng was extremely weak, but he did not expect that Zhao Feng had broken through at this moment.

And such terrifying strength and momentum, by no means can he continue.

“Blue King Saint King …”

An Alien Race was a little speechless.

Saint King of the Blue Lizard passed aggressively and ran back before approaching the target.


Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he used the breakthrough momentum to cooperate with the underground God Blood to release the strong boldness and strength, and successfully scared an Alien Race Saint King away.

But next time, this method may not work.

“At this time, the strength of God Blood has been consumed by me by 20%.”

It’s hard to imagine that just 20% of the effect of God Blood makes Zhao Feng breakthrough a small level.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, with huge gains, leapt directly to the great accomplishment Peak

If Zhao Feng can store this drop of blood and use it when he reaches the great accomplishment Saint Lord, I’m afraid he can directly break through to Half-God.

It’s hard to imagine how terrifying this drop of God Blood contains.

“This remaining God Blood strength, how should I absorb”

Zhao Feng was a little speechless.

Today, there is such a precious treasure in front of Zhao Feng that Zhao Feng can’t take it away, and it is extremely slow to absorb.

“No matter how much it can absorb”

Zhao Feng made this plan, using his fingers to draw the God Blood strength below again.

God Blood’s strength was absorbed by Zhao Feng, and it continued to weaken. The Divine Power aura of this blood red crystal wall was also gradually lost.

Maybe after a while, Small Thieving Cat will be able to fully dig out this drop of God Blood.

A black silhouette appeared in the crystal wall a few ten thousand li away.

鈥淟ooking for arrived鈥?/p>

With the eyes of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon very ruthless, looked towards Zhao Feng who is cultivate in the distance.

“That is, a drop of God Blood”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon expression.

“A group of idiots were actually frightened by Zhao Feng, but that was a drop of divine corpse Essence Blood”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is cursed.

According to the speculation of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, this divine corpse must have the Giant God Clan Bloodline, and this divine corpse must be a stronger Spirit God than he and the Ancient God Xie Yang.

“Although I do n鈥檛 know how long this drop of Essence Blood has passed, it has also been partially absorbed by the mysterious strength of the head of the divine corpse, but such a drop of Essence Blood is enough to help me recover from First-Rank True God Realm 鈥?/p>

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon scorched his eyes, looked towards Zhao Feng, and then showed a gloomy smile.

In his opinion, this drop of God Blood, already is his.

And Zhao Feng must die.


World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is ready to leave.

Just then, World Lining Black Flood Dragon’s within the body came to Bai Lin’s hasty words.

“No, you can’t kill Zhao Feng now, hurry up, otherwise you and I must all die here”

Bai Lin uttered panic-speaking words, as if predicting an extremely terrifying event.

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