King of Gods

Chapter 1108

“No, you can’t kill Zhao Feng now, leave here …”

Bai Lin’s panic sound came.

“Hmph, did you just let me give up that Inheritance opportunity, and now stop me from killing Zhao Feng?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon brows slightly wrinkle.

There are still many opportunities in that place of Inheritance. Before the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is explored, it leaves in a hurry.

As a result, now looking for arrived Zhao Feng, and also found a drop of divine corpse Essence Blood, Bai Lin persuaded him to leave.

“Relax, it’s easy to kill him”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was excited, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes.

Half-God’s Essence Blood, Ninth God Eye

Looking at the two treasures at your fingertips, how can the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon give up?


The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon turned into a dark flame light, and swept away towards Zhao Feng.

In the crystal ruins, Zhao Feng is putting the right hand index finger into the crystal cave, and he is fully absorbing the God Blood strength.

“The body is unable to absorb the strength in this God Blood”

Zhao Feng felt a headache.

So far, Zhao Feng has absorbed more than 20% of God Blood strength, but his body has reached saturation status.

The main reason for being able to absorb so much God Blood strength is that Zhao Feng used God Blood strength to breakthrough Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, and at the same time greatly improved the level of life, condensing Saint Thunder Body.

Through the breakthrough Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, Saint Thunder Body reached the great accomplishment Peak. Even if Saint King Yu Ling does not use Thunder Calamity Eye Flame at this time, Zhao Feng also has a great odds of success.

Although, Zhao Feng can integrate this strength into Left Eye.

But now he is not in a good position. Once God Blood’s strength enters into the Left Eye, which causes a mutation in Left Eye, it is not good.

After all, after using God-Slaying Arrow, God Eye has become Zhao Feng’s biggest dependency. Now, at this critical moment, how can Zhao Feng use God Eye to absorb the strength in God Blood?


Zhao Feng, who was thinking, suddenly noticed something different.


An unclear blurry flame light has come to Zhao Feng.

鈥淕ood fast World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng expression was shocked.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is still following him, and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is much stronger than it was at the time.

Great accomplishment Saint Lord, it is estimated that he can’t even take a trick, and the ordinary Saint King is not his opponent at all.

“That’s too late”

Zhao Feng expression Anxious.

The Thunder Calamity imprint in the Thunder Soul Body has only recovered a small amount and cannot cause damage to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Earth Thunder Saint Armor

Zhao Feng urged Saint Thunder Body to the maximum extent, and also performed the defense Secret Technique in Ninth Layer Wind Thunder of Earth.


Zhao Feng body surface surging a dark yellow Thunder Holy Force, instantly forming a pair of Sparkling and translucent armor surrounded by Wind Thunder, the armor all around also surrounds an invisible gravity suppression.

“Hehe, you will be abolished in one move”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon laughed evilly and stared at Zhao Feng with a greedy look.


The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon extended the black claws surrounded by the black Dragon Flame, a taboo that destroyed everything Dragon Flame, and came towards Zhao Feng assault.

鈥淩eally strong鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng complexion was shocked.

Facing such a powerful blow from the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Earth Thunder Saint Armor cannot resist it.

At the same time, he saw from the eyes of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon that the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon already found God Blood.

鈥淪aint Thunder Shield鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng suddenly held out his right hand, holding a huge Wind Thunder of Earth Holy Force, forming a thick dark yellow thunder shield in front of him.


World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s inky Dragon Flame claws collided with Zhao Feng’s right hand.


Zhao Feng right hand The agglomerated Saint Thunder Shield suddenly shattered.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s Earth Thunder Saint Armor was subject to an invisible assault.

But the next moment, in Zhao Feng’s right hand index finger, a magnificent and powerful Bloodline Power was released, and along with Zhao Feng’s Holy Force, strikers went forward.


I thought that this strike would break Zhao Feng defense’s World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and was hit by this sudden Bloodline Power.

“what happened?”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was blown off several ten zhang, his body suffered a certain injury, and the complexion shocked looked towards Zhao Feng.

“My finger …”

Zhao Feng also looked at his index finger in wonder.

Zhao Feng whole body is surrounded by a dark yellow Wind Thunder Strength, only his right hand index finger, showing a trace of purple blood golden glow.

In the index finger, a trace of Purple Gold is connected to Zhao Feng’s palm and leads to the whole body.

“My index finger, gathered too much God Blood strength”

Zhao Feng instantly understood the cause and effect.

From beginning to end, Zhao Feng has been using the index finger to slowly extract the God Blood strength in the red crystal wall.

Today, Zhao Feng’s body is unable to absorb excess God Blood strength, so this strength is almost condensed in the index finger.

In the fight with the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon just now, Zhao Feng virtually released the God Blood strength in the index finger.

“This boy is so wasteful”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon looked towards Zhao Feng, and understood the reason, can’t help scolded.

That is, this Divine corpse’s God Blood, even for True God, has great benefits, and Zhao Feng actually released this God Blood strength for use in battle.

Far away from this ruin, some humans, Alien Race Saint Lord, were attracted by the terrifying energy fluctuations of Zhao Feng.

“That’s, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon”

An Alien Race Saint Lord screamed, his body shivered.

“Heavens, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is here.”

“Look, is there any treasure in the crystal wall next to Zhao Feng?”

A sharp-eyed Saint Lord noticed the drop of God Blood on Zhao Feng side.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were attracted by the huge terrifying Bloodline aura next to Zhao Feng.

However, where the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is, Zhao Feng is not a good stubble. Even if they find a treasure, they are afraid to approach it.

Crystal ruin center.

“Hehe, God Blood already exposed, Zhao Feng, you still give it to me”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has a wicked and insidious smile.

Even if Zhao Feng’s index finger contains some God Blood strength, Zhao Feng can’t control and use this strength after all, just release it.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Just be careful, killing Zhao Feng is still with no difficulty.

But at this time, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon within the body, Bai Lin’s anxious voice came again.

“Go away, you fool, do you want to die here?”

Bai Lin is in the source space of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon. He can’t do anything, he can only keep shouting.

“Aura of God Eye descendants?”

Zhao Feng expression twitched and noticed a familiar aura.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon body, how can there be aura for God Eye?

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon brows tightly frowns, he didn’t understand what crisis was here.

But Bai Lin is so nervous and fearful, maybe there are some variables that are about to happen.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was a bit tangled. It was that Ninth God Eye and divide corpse Essence Blood attracted him too much.

But suddenly, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon seemed to feel something, and the whole body shuddered.

“How can it be”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon suddenly showed a terrifying expression.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon watched Zhao Feng and God Blood a glance. Fiercely closed her eyes and fled.

“what happened?”

Zhao Feng expression

As long as the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon goes all out, it is likely to kill itself.

But at this critical moment, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon gave up the treasure and chose to leave, which shocked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng also seemed to perceive a bad feeling.

Meow meow

Just then, Small Thieving Cat got out of Bewildering Space Realm, and his two claws hurriedly gestured.

“You just had a divination. Is it dangerous to approach?”

Zhao Feng expression is tight.

There is nothing wrong with the Divination of Small Thieving Cat, and Small Thieving Cat deliberately came out to remind itself that the crisis is definitely not small.

don’t tell me Any Alien Race Half-God coming soon?

However, let Zhao Feng give up this drop of God Blood just like this, he is very unwilling.

“Small Thieving Cat, help me”

Zhao Feng shouted directly.

Small Thieving Cat understood what Zhao Feng’s meant, took out a black dagger, and cut a few holes into the tiny crystal hole.

At this moment, God Blood and the crystal wall’s strength are weaker than before, so Zhao Feng wants to try it and take this drop of God Blood away.

In addition, Zhao Feng also observed the situation around all around. Once Alien Race Half-God approached, Zhao Feng could only give up God Blood and escaped by using Bewildering Space Realm.

“World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is gone”

“Zhao Feng has treasure there, it should be a drop of God Blood”

Suddenly, Saint Lord, who had been stunned by Zhao Feng, flooded immediately. Even Saint Lord Mo Yuan couldn’t resist the attraction of that drop of God Blood.

Right now

Over the battlefields of the two states, heaven and earth void suddenly twisted, and a terrifying powerful space wave aura spread out.


Suddenly, void was torn directly, forming a deep black hole with no bottom.


A terrifying storm of Space energy burst out from the space slits next to the black hole.


All Matter blown by this Space Divine Power aura is destroyed.

The black hole all around the void, shakes violently.

Weng Hongbang

The sand and stones flew away, heaven and earth was dim, and a heart-breaking taboo, Divine Power aura, came suddenly, and stared at heaven and earth.

“what is that?”

“A black hole appears in the sky, what’s going on?”

On the ground, there are many great experts of two great dynasty experts who are waiting for the return of the Mystic Light Realm expert in the Divine Corps, but unexpectedly, this mutation appears in the sky.


Among the black holes, suddenly a whole body flickering divine light man came out.

The man complexion ice-cold, wearing black gold dragon mark armor, a terrifying aura deterring heaven and earth, like Paragon Spiritual God, suddenly descended between heaven and earth.


Black Golden Dragon A man is located in a certain area, void twisted, showing an unstable trend.


On the battlefields of the two states, tens of thousands of experts from major forces, whether Venerable Lord, King, Great Emperor, and Quasi-Saint Lord, or a small amount of Saint Lord, all spurt a mouthful of blood. On the ground, like worshipping the Paragon Spiritual God.


The space black hole in the sky gradually shrinks and eventually dissipates.

“Have to suppress some strength again”

Black Golden Dragon A man whispering.

Immediately, the mighty aura between heaven and earth was slightly faint, and all around Space slowly returned to stability.

But on the ground, all the experts of the two great dynasty, whole body Bloodline, True Yuan, and Soul, were suppressed by death, their whole body was shaking, and their heads could not even be lifted

The black Golden Dragon A man slowly fell down, his eyes flickering a bit of golden light, looked towards below.

“Master Wuhen, you died in such a dusty place”

The man in the black Golden Dragon armor chuckled.

In the skull of a divine corpse, a platinum palace, Xin Wuhen was a little conscious.

“After all, here it is”

Xin Wuhen expression Helpless, lamented.

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