King of Gods

Chapter 1106

In a scented room, Saint King Samsara was picking up some very special Golden brushes from a desk.

“This writing brush ranks up to Heaven Rank High Level, can increase Concept strength, and can be combined to form a set of Killing Array …”

Saint King Samsara both eyes looked at the writing brush in his hand, and then set his eyes on the other items on the desk.

At this moment, the eyes of Saint King Samsara suddenly jumped.

His ordinary both eyes suddenly became dim, and a circle of black fine lines appeared on it.

“Aura of God Eye, once again awakened …”

Saint King Samsara was surprised.

“Grow up a little bit so that it has the value of being an Immortal Samsara Body”

Saint King Samsara smiled immediately.

In an ancient temple.

A man covered in whole body black Dragon Scales, crossed his knees on a black flamed altar.

“God Eye’s aura is enhanced again”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon within the body, Bai Lin’s voice came.

“When my strength recovers, killing him is easy.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon coldly snorted.

“Taking your strength, it’s not difficult to kill him now”

Bai Lin continued.

Zhao Feng’s grew up, and Bai Lin kept watching.

The difficulty of killing Zhao Feng’s, Bai Lin is very clear, otherwise Bai Lin would have killed Zhao Feng virtually, and would not have cooperated with the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

At this moment, she cannot let go of any chance, otherwise she will have no chance.

“Get out of this place of Inheritance quickly to kill Zhao Feng”

Bai Lin’s firm voice came again.

“it is good”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon agreed impatiently.

Although this place of Inheritance is very precious and rare, the killing of Zhao Feng and Annihilating God Eye source Space is also an irresistible temptation for the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Inside a piece of Void’s metal heaven and earth.

“Divine Tool Recognizes Your Own Success”

After the metal platform heard the sound, it fell completely to the ground.

The black triangle iron block, flickering countless mysterious cyan rune, flew in front of Zhao Feng.


Half God Ju Meng’s eyes widened and his face was shocked.

Obviously, before the winner is decided, how can Divine Tool recognize the Lord?

And it is rumored that it is very difficult for Divine Tool to recognize the master. Zhao Feng has not contacted Divine Tool from beginning to end. How did Divine Tool recognize the master?

Even Zhao Feng was stunned and felt a little inexplicable.

Suddenly, a message emerged in his mind, “Divine Tool Ancient God Seal”


In front of Zhao Feng, the black triangular iron block all around extended black metal pieces of various shapes, which instantly changed into a black metal shield with complicated cyan fine lines.


Half God Ju Meng’s Sky Cleave was directly blocked by this black shield.

At the same time, a wonderful backlash appeared on the black shield.


The power of Half God Ju Meng Sky Cleave was immediately rebounded, and a dark red energy of terrifying rushed to Half God Ju Meng.


The Shocked Half God Ju Meng, after taking part of the injury, spit out a lot of blood.


The black shield changed into a triangular iron block in a burst of deformation and fell into Zhao Feng’s hands.

“Divine Tool, protected me”

Zhao Feng expression Dull, motionless stand to place, Spiritual God Left Eye shrinks, the powerful Immemorial Origin Aura slowly dissipates.

“Divine Tool actually confessed its own initiative and inspired strength to protect me?”

Zhao Feng couldn’t believe it at this time.

You know, in the eyes of all experts in the Continent domain, the Divine Tool is a legal taboo Divine Tool.

If you think about it, how does Zhao Feng feel, this Divine Tool is actively seeking to please himself.

The all around scene began to distort and blur.

The next moment, Zhao Feng and Half God Ju Meng appeared directly somewhere in the divine corpse.

“What’s going on? How did I get here?”

Half God Ju Meng expression.

He thought that even if Divine Tool was acquired by Zhao Feng, he still had the opportunity to find other treasures and opportunities in it.

Today, he actually left the head of the divine corpse to come to somewhere in the diverved vine.

“Sure enough, the opportunity is over and I will return to the divine corpse”

Zhao Feng already knew this.

Then, Zhao Feng both eyes stared at Half God Ju Meng, an ice-cold killing intent permeated.

“Not good”

Half God Ju Meng feels this ice-cold’s killing intent, and the whole body is chilling.

Originally, even if he was seriously injured, Zhao Feng was killed with no difficulty.

But now, Zhao Feng has a mysterious Divine Tool that is arrived, and he also knows that Zhao Feng is wearing a God-Slaying Arrow.

These two methods of terrifying make Half God Ju Meng without Fighting Intent.


Half God Ju Meng ran away without thinking.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

When Half God Ju Meng was leaving, Zhao Feng cast a Soul Eye Technique.

Boom pu …

I saw that a group of Purple Gold Thunder Fire burst into the head of Half God Ju Meng, and a Purple Gold Thunder Flame continued to spread and burn.


Half God Ju Meng screamed.

In his heyday, this degree of Soul Eye Technique did not hurt him at all.

But just now, Soul Will of Half God Ju Meng was subject to the backlash of terrifying aura in Zhao Feng God Eye, plus the previous Zhao Feng’s Thunder Calamity Eye Flame and God Eye disintegration. At this time, Soul Will of Half God Ju Meng can be said to be Weakness like never before.

“Divine Tool”

Zhao Feng tried to communicate with the triangular iron block in his hand, but found that the fine cyan lines on it were dim and dull, and there was no reaction at all.

“Forgot, you need your own Divine Power to use the Divine Tool”

Zhao Feng pats head.

However, Zhao Feng itself does not have Divine Power at all, and Divine Power transferred from outside cannot urge Divine Tool.

“But never let Half God Ju Meng run away”

Zhao Feng expression Once condensed, the killing intent has been decided.

First of all, Half God Ju Meng pursuit Zhao Feng and the others all day, forcing them into a desperate situation, and even nearly killed Zhao Yufei.

Secondly, you should never let Half God Ju Meng leak the information about getting Divine Tool yourself.

Today Zhao Feng’s strength is not enough to keep this special Divine Tool, so Half God Ju Meng must die.

“Heaven Locking Bow”

A dark silver Ancient Bow appeared in Zhao Feng’s hands, and a bang, a purple golden light arrow flew out.

The next moment, the purple golden light arrow of Soul Strength penetrated Half God Ju Meng’s chest.

Zhao Feng’s Thunder Calamity Strength has been exhausted, so he can only rely on Soul Strength to attack the weak God Soul of Half God Ju Meng.


Half God Ju Meng runs strength and flies away.

“Where to escape”

Zhao Feng immediately performed the Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique, catching up.

Half God Ju Meng was seriously injured, but still slightly faster than Zhao Feng.

However, Zhao Feng kept on chasing, and constantly used Heaven Locking Bow to release the Soul light arrow. Among these light arrows attack, it also contained Zhao Feng’s understanding of Dao of Illusions, which had a certain obstacle to Half God Ju Meng.

divine corpse somewhere.


A layer of platinum nether shadow suddenly filled with void, and then a Daoist shadow appeared inside.


Saint Lord Mo Yuan lamented.

He didn’t even pass the light path, and finally Criss head, he left the light path and was teleportation out.


Just then, a terrifying coercion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, passed quickly from him.

“Half God Ju Meng”

The Saint Lord Mo Yuan expression is shocked, and immediately hides aura. I hope I won’t be noticed by this Alien Race Half-God.

Just then, a red Thunder Light arc flew from behind, followed by Half God Ju Meng.

“Where to escape”

Zhao Feng loudly shouted, pulling Heaven Locking Bow.

call out

The soul of Half God Ju Meng is once again penetrated by a Soul light arrow.

“How can this be?”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan stands to, dumbstruck.

Zhao Feng was actually in Pursuit Half God Ju Meng, and at this time Half God Ju Meng was seriously injured and was afraid to resist at all, but just fled.

Like Saint Lord Mo Yuan, on the way, there were many humans, Alien Race Saint Lord, shocked by the huge heaven shaking aura, and found such an amazing scene.

However, those ordinary Alien Race Saint Lords, seeing Half God Ju Meng, were all pursued by the blonde youth, and they naturally hide away.

“Zhao Feng, don’t bully intolerably”

Half God Ju Meng is deeply ashamed, furiously shouted.

He dignified Alien Race Half-God, and is now given a pursuit by a human Saint Lord.

Zhao Feng’s eyes were dimmed and he didn’t speak.

If it was normal, even if the opponent was a seriously injured Half-God, Zhao Feng would not be chasing after him.

But at this time, Zhao Feng must not let Half God Ju Meng, he can not let Half God Ju Meng leak the secret of holding the Divine Tool in his hand.

“Not good, Alien Race Saint King”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, who felt far ahead, had an Alien Race Saint King.

If Half God Ju Meng teamed up with this Alien Race Saint King, he could definitely escape Zhao Feng.

“That being the case, I still need you”

When Zhao Feng complexion sank, a red golden arrow appeared in his hand.

Originally, when the Divine Tool was competing, Zhao Feng planned to use God-Slaying Arrow, but Zhao Feng was afraid that he would not get the Divine Tool in the end.

At the time of pursuit just now, Zhao Feng had thought about using God-Slaying Arrow, but he was still reluctant.

But at this time, Zhao Feng had to use God-Slaying Arrow.

Never let Half God Ju Meng run away


Zhao Feng’s eyes are ice-cold, without the slightest hesitation, putting God-Slaying Arrow on Heaven Locking Bow.

In the moment when Holy Force is infused, the God-Slaying Arrow seems to be awakened, blooming all-knowing Jin Rui divide splendor, an infinite power that weeps, descends on heaven and earth, and merges into the red gold divide arrow.

“This feeling”

Seeing Alien Race Saint King, the fleeing Half God Ju Meng thought he could escape successfully, but his body, Soul, suddenly felt a sharp sting.

“God-Slaying Arrow”

Half God Ju Meng Spiritual Sense swept away, complexion suddenly turned white.

Bang bang

The endless Jin Rui divide light, cut through Heavens, tore everything, and immediately came to Half God Ju Meng, swallowing his body directly.

At the same time, this terrifying energy storm continued to move forward, submerging another Alien Race Saint King.

On the other side, far away from Zhao Feng, several humans who followed the show Saint Lord were completely dumbfounded.

“Kill Alien Race Half-God”

“Zhao Feng already has such a terrifying strength?”

Somewhere, Saint Lord Mo Yuan was stunned and said dumbly, “This is God-Slaying Arrow”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan did not expect that Zhao Feng really had a God-Slaying Arrow. At this time, when he recalled his behavior at the time, he felt that he was really courting death repeatedly.


The storm at the center of the God-Slaying Arrow explosion slowly weakened, and Zhao Feng proudly floated on it, looking down at the body fragments of Half God Ju Meng below.

“Half God Ju Meng is dead”

Zhao Feng indifferently said.

“Storage Space”

Zhao Feng found a Storage Space that was unstable and about to burst.

Zhao Feng said nothing and put all the savings of Half God Ju Meng into Bewildering Space Realm.

At this time, the power of God-Slaying Arrow aura gradually disappeared.

“Well? Where is it?”

Zhao Feng suddenly noticed an amazing Immemorial qi blood Qi breath, both eyes condensed, looked towards somewhere.

I saw that the more solid crystal wall was damaged by Zhao Feng’s God-Slaying Arrow, exposing the red blood crystal on the inside.

And inside that blood red crystal, there is a drop of glass of Purple Gold

(I ask for a monthly pass —)

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