King of Gods

Chapter 1088

“Saint King Earth Ghost, let me help you”

Saint King Earth Ghost, who was constantly cutting the crystal wire, suddenly heard this sentence, and the whole body shuddered.

“It’s Zhao Feng”

Saint King Earth Ghost complexion is complicated and somehow is good.

He was very puzzled. Even such a tiny crystal filament, his dignified Saint King, could not be destroyed. Now, it was discovered by Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng, what do you want?”

Saint King Earth Ghost complexion sank and said directly.

The arrival of Zhao Feng’s, not at all attracted the attention of other experts here. After all, the area here is huge, the Concept strength is thick, and the strange Profound Truth rule is very disturbing. Moreover, the experts who came here at this time only About ten people.

Some people are already to find what they think are opportunities, while others are attracted by the battle between the two Half-Gods in the sky.

“Of course I want the fruit in front of you”

Zhao Feng tells the truth.

“Don’t think”

Saint King Earth Ghost immediately said.

Even if he was frightened of Zhao Feng, but for this yellow fruit, Saint King Earth Ghost can exclude everything.

“Don’t worry, if it attracts the attention of others, this fruit may be the thing in Half-God’s pocket.”

Zhao Feng said with a slight smile.

Saint King Earth Ghost immediately stopped attacking the tiny crystal filament. At this moment, even if he cut the crystal filament, the owner of this fruit may not be him.

Unless, when Saint King Earth Ghost gets the fruit, he can instantly kill Zhao Feng, otherwise, Zhao Feng will spread the matter and he will not be able to protect the fruit himself.

Similarly, if Zhao Feng got this fruit, if he did not kill Saint King Earth Ghost in an instant, Saint King Earth Ghost would publicize the matter, and Zhao Feng would definitely not be able to keep this fruit.

Saint King Earth Ghost believes that Zhao Feng understands this truth.

“What do you want to do?”

Saint King Earth Ghost asked.

“We can share this fruit”

Although Zhao Feng wanted the whole fruit, he also understood that it was unlikely.

Even if Zhao Feng took out God-Slaying Arrow and beheaded Saint King Earth Ghost, so much movement would attract all experts here.

And God-Slaying Arrow is Zhao Feng’s biggest life-saving hole card. Once used, Zhao Feng dare not stay in divine corpse.


Saint King Earth Ghost complexion gloomy.

As Saint King, and this fruit was first discovered by him, now he has to share this fruit with a Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment, which makes him intolerable

However, this seems to be the only feasible solution at present.

Otherwise, neither he nor Zhao Feng could get this fruit.

Although Saint King Earth Ghost hated Zhao Feng, he wanted this fruit more. If that half of the fruit can help him touch God Position, it will be with no difficulty to kill Zhao Feng at that time.

“it is good”

In the end, Saint King Earth Ghost agreed with Zhao Feng’s proposal.

It is better to get half the fruit than to get nothing.

“I cover for you, you take the fruit”

Zhao Feng volunteered his plans.

If the two people harvest the fruit together, it will definitely attract the attention of other experts, and it will be troublesome at that time.

“Okay, that’s it”

Saint King Earth Ghost froze slightly, then said with a smile.

If Zhao Feng said that let Saint King Earth Ghost be a cover, and Zhao Feng would take the fruits, Saint King Earth Ghost would be somewhat uneasy.

“Then start, enters into the people, more and more”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were dimmed, looked towards the entrance, and there were two Saint Lord enters into the.

Many Saint Lord fainted outside the huge crystal objects are slowly regaining consciousness and waking up, and there will be other teams just passing here, enters into the here.

Although there are only a dozen people in this space, there will be more and more soon.

If this fruit is not captured earlier and found by other experts at that time, it will evolve into a big fight.

Zhao Feng opened a certain distance with Saint King Earth Ghost, leaned on the huge vine, and began to realize the Concept strength emanating from the vine.

Since it is a cover, Zhao Feng naturally wants to be powerful and cover up the movement of Saint King Earth Ghost when cutting fruits.

Zhao Feng runs “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” to send out countless ideas, integrate into this space, and feel the concept strength of Great Desolate’s long and heavy overbearing.

Instantly, the concept strength precipitated in the nearby air was stirred by Zhao Feng.

I saw a huge light red vortex, centered on Zhao Feng, slowly rotating, and an invisible Concept strength poured into Zhao Feng’s Soul consciousness

“Really strong Concept strength”

Zhao Feng lifted the XNUMX-point spiritual and ran God Secret Art.

A nearby Alien Race Saint Lord from Zhao Feng, seeing Zhao Feng’s movements around him, the complexion froze, and then sneered.

“This kid is really terrible, so crazy to absorb the surrounding Concept strength …”

The other Saint Lords here are all running Will, resisting the influence and invasion of this Concept strength, because this Concept strength is too large and profound, so that people can’t help will be immersed in the perception and forget the outside .

“I see this person class, it’s impossible to leave here”

Another Saint Lord noticed Zhao Feng’s behavior and immediately said with a smile.

Zhao Feng’s behavior at this time was equivalent to a King, taking Precious Materials, which has an effect on Saint Lord, and its huge medicine efficacy is by no means unbearable for King.

“I’m not afraid of death, but that’s fine.”

Saint King Earth Ghost also mocked Zhao Feng’s behavior slightly.

If Zhao Feng’s consciousness accidentally fell into this Great Desolate Concept and fell asleep completely, then this fruit is his own.

However, as the party’s Zhao Feng, he naturally knew the terrifying concept strength.

But at the same time, he also quickly realized a brand new heaven and earth Profound Truth and Rule Concept. These strengths quickly condense Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, and part of it can be integrated into Zhao Feng’s Holy Force’s light circle and enhance Mystic Light. Power of Holy Force.

At a certain moment, Zhao Feng activated the Thunder Calamity imprint in the Thunder Soul Body to keep Soul highly active, which not only kept Zhao Feng awake, but also increased his level of perception.

Of course, at the time of Cultivation, Zhao Feng was able to share some ideas to observe other situations.

Above the sky, the two Half-Gods couldn’t make friends for one fruit. Because of this, not many experts dared to fly up to explore the treasure.

“Half God Ku Si, this fruit you and I each person gets half, otherwise no one wants to get it”

Alien Race Half God Mi Fa, threatening to speak.

Although he is slightly weaker than Half God Ku Si in strength, he does not seek to defeat Half God Ku Si, as long as he can be contained and disturbed.

“Half God Mi Fa, you had a chance to find other opportunities here, but now you have no more.”

Half God Ku Si’s cloudy both eyes suddenly burst into a strange light glow.

Half God Mi Fa expression suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Heavenly Floating Palace used to be the ancient overlord of Territory within, Sect world in the Great Heaven Dynasty. Later, Supreme Emperor Palace rose, united many forces, and established a dynasty, making Heavenly Floating Palace gradually lonely, but that is the case, Heavenly Floating Palace is still 4 -Star sect, the second largest force of the Great Heaven Dynasty, has a huge heritage, and has a fight with the Supreme Emperor Palace.

At a certain moment, a simple and unadorned white glove appeared on the right hand of Half God Ku Si, which was as thin as dead wood. The glove was covered with strange rune.

The moment this glove appeared, the rich Origin Energy in heaven and earth shook and moved closer to it.

A splendid array of Pure Crystal vacancies, wandering in void, condensing a huge crystal-shaped claw of Void, emitting a terrifying Heaven’s Might that suppresses heaven and earth.

“Sub-Divine Tool, Heaven’s Scar”

Half God Mi Fa, his eyes glared slightly.

If Half-God owns a Sub-Divine Tool, his strength must be increased by at least four to 50%.

Same as Half-God, Half God Mi Fa does not have a Sub-Divine Tool.

Bring ‘Heaven’s Scar, and then Half God Ku Si with a right hand wave, the heaven and earth Pure Crystal suddenly surging, forming a crystal scar hurricane, crushing everything, heading for Half God Mi Fa assault .

At this moment, the sky seemed to be ripped apart by a crystal crack, and the terrifying power, 睥睨 Ba Huang, shocked the universe.

“Not good”

Half God Mi Fa immediately took out a defense Heaven Rank Divine Weapon, and at the same time burned a trace of Divine Power to perform the defense Secret Technique.

“Heaven and earth”

Half-God Secret Technique appears throughout the body, and numerous black feathers appear, forming a black protective cover …

Below some Saint Lord, stood still to watch the battle scene of Half-God using the Sub-Divine Tool.

Some Saint Lords who are realizing the strength of this Space Concept are interrupted by this huge Heaven and Earth coercion.

“The strength of the complete Sub-Divine Tool”

Zhao Feng sighed.

Only in the hands of Half-God, the Sub-Divine Tool can exert its full power. With Half-God, which has the Sub-Divine Tool, its battle strength has definitely risen to the next level.

At this time, Zhao Feng could be regarded as a close distance to observe the battle of Half-God.

However, at this time, the harvest of watching the Half-God battle is far less than that of Zhao Feng’s concept strength.

In this state, Zhao Feng’s Soul Will improved significantly after a while.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng’s consciousness began to be confused, as if he was about to fall into the vast earth, Mount Huang, Lie Kong composed of Concept strength …

“The Concept strength here is too strong”

In general, Saint Lord, if, like Zhao Feng, a lot of Concept strength between heaven and earth is absorbed and contained, it has long completely lost consciousness, and it will go silent.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye is running, in which the amber light glow constantly refracts the gorgeous light beam, as if it is a beautiful artwork.

After running God Eye, Zhao Feng’s mind became clear instantly, and realized that the efficiency of this Concept strength is getting bigger and bigger.

The light gold ripple scattered in Zhao Feng Left Eye can analyze everything and help Zhao Feng understand Profound Truth and rules in depth.

Zhao Feng felt that his mind and consciousness seemed to be fully integrated into this space, and he could more clearly feel the natural strength of heaven and earth.

“This boy, very powerful Will strength …”

Zhao Feng cultivated Saint King Earth Ghost, complexion not far away.

Although the attention of most people today is attracted by the battle of Half-God in the sky, but Saint King Earth Ghost distance Zhao Feng is so close, it is natural to perceive the state of Zhao Feng at this moment.

After using God Eye’s strength, Zhao Feng was sober-minded, and spread his mind again to observe the outside world.

Above the sky, Half God Mi Fa already is not the opponent of Half God Ku Si and is completely in a passive situation, but Half God Mi Fa fully defends, and Half God Ku Si has no way to take him for a while.

Subsequently, Half God Ku Si let Half God Mi Fa use the Sub-Divine Tool Heaven’s Scar, and attacked the fruit covered with crystal walls.

Half God Ku Si turned to defend. When Half God Mi Fa attacked, he appropriately resisted and put most of his mind on that fruit.

嘭 click

Soon, the cracks on the crystal wall of the red fruit widened a little.

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