King of Gods

Chapter 1089

In the face of ‘Half God Ku Si,’ Alien Race ‘Half God Mi Fa, who turned to the defense, for a while, I don’t know what to do.

Half God Mi Fa can defend Half God Ku Si using the Sub-Divine Tool, and Half God Ku Si can certainly defend his offense.

嘭 click

Seeing that the cracks on the red fruit were getting bigger and bigger, Half God Mi Fa was extremely anxious, but couldn’t help it.

The only two Alien Race Saint Kings here do not dare to help Half God Mi Fa, because there are more human experts here than Alien Race experts.

“Half God Mi Fa, always worse than Half God Ku Si”

Zhao Feng has a new understanding.

Half-God also has an obvious strength gap, and Half God Ku Si, as Heavenly Floating Palace Supreme Elder, should be the expert behind Supreme Emperor Palace Half God Dragon Emperor.

“If there is no unexpected, this red fruit should be the Heavenly Floating Palace Half God Ku Si”

Zhao Feng said slowly, then turned his eyes to other directions.

Zhao Yufei is cultivate at a corner of the wall at the moment, and in her behind the crystal wall, there is a crystal jade stone plate, which is divided into many rings. They slowly rotate to emit a strange thin god of thinness. aura, poured into Zhao Yufei’s body.

In Zhao Yufei’s purple crystal-like flawless body, flickering was a heartbreaking light purple light halo. One party, heaven and earth Origin Energy, was affected by it, and merged into her within the body at an extremely fast speed.

“Aura of God?”

Zhao Yufei Not far away, a human Saint Saint of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, complexion startled.

He knew Zhao Yufei’s identity and Bloodline, so he didn’t bother.

“It seems that Yufei is also finding some opportunities”

Zhao Feng said with a slight smile.

Zhao Yufei Spirit Clan Bloodline has a special response to heaven and earth Origin Energy.

Although she could not dig out the treasure in the crystal wall, but across a layer of crystal wall, Zhao Yufei’s Spirit Clan Bloodline was able to absorb the energy in the crystal jade stone plate.

It is estimated that the side of the crystal jade stone plate also has some relationship with Spirit Clan.

Zhao Feng then turned his attention to the direction of Nangong Sheng.

What surprised Zhao Feng was that Nangong Sheng actually found a place to consolidate Concept and shape Clone.

Just then, Nangong Sheng suddenly ended the cultivate state.

The strength of his small world projection all around disappears, revealing a Clone that has not yet been shaped.

“Evil God, it’s up to you”

Nangong Sheng said eagerly.

Later, I saw Nangong Sheng within the body flickering with a purple blood light shadow. This purple blood light shadow differentiated and flowed into the incomplete Clone.

“Jié jié, let’s get started”

Nangong Sheng’s Clone, both eyes flashed a gleam of purple blood, a smile of evil.

Nangong Sheng’s Clone is not complete, and its Will strength is relatively incomplete.

But at this moment, part of the idea of ​​Evil God’s mind body poured into the Clone, combined with Will strength in the Clone, affecting the thought of Will strength, and transmitting a strong spiritual energy.


Subsequently, Nangong Sheng and the incomplete Clone simultaneously attacked the boulder that Nangong Sheng had just cultivated.

It can be seen that there are some cracks in the crystal walls of Nangong Sheng and Clone attack, and a black fruit is faintly visible in the cracks, but this fruit has no light glow, unlike the fruit hanging on the vine, it emits a shining light.


Nangong Sheng is the same as Clone’s strength, and both can use a trace of God’s strength.

“After Nangong Sheng enters into the place, Concept Realm has improved, so the overall strength has grown very rapidly.”

Zhao Feng slowly analyzed.

And at this time, Nangong Sheng and Clone assisted him, and his Clone was also very out of the ordinary under the influence of the Evil God ideation.

Like Nangong Sheng, other experts here have begun to focus on some crystal blocks here.

Because they found that in these crystal blocks, almost all Divine Weapon or treasures were sealed, but the crystal wall isolated all auras, making it impossible to determine the quality grade of Divine Weapon or Precious Materials.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s idea, felt a strange wave, and this hidden wave, only Zhao Feng can perceive.

“Small Thieving Cat”

Zhao Feng changes his vision to where the Small Thieving Cat is.

At this time, the Small Thieving Cat is hidden in void and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

In front of the Small Thieving Cat, there is a huge crystalline stone.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, covered with a layer of pale gold ripple, wherever it passes, everything penetrates.

At this point, Zhao Feng could clearly see the item in the huge stone in front of the Small Thieving Cat, which contained a black short blade, and a group of amethyst blood clots.

On the black short blade, Zhao Feng could only see the wavy pattern flowing on it, and a part of the purple blood crystal block was also buried in the subterranean crystal, which seemed to be connected to some underground strength.

“What does Small Thieving Cat think of?”

Zhao Feng was a little confused.

He naturally knew that the Small Thieving Cat liked the black short blade and amethyst crystal block in the huge crystal stone.

However, these two items are deeply hidden in the center of the crystal stone, and there are no cracks in the crystal. Even if a dozen of Half-God join forces, they cannot break the huge crystal stone.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat’s mouth is slightly open, only Zhao Feng can understand the meaning of Small Thieving Cat.

“Only one chance?”

Zhao Feng stated this sentence in his mind, but did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Suddenly, the Small Thieving Cat hidden in void, within the body, a vague mysterious silver gray undercurrent emerged. After the undercurrent flowed around the Small Thieving Cat body, the small Thieving Cat under Zhao Feng’s left eye became more transparent. It seems that his stealth technology has improved several levels in an instant.

From Zhao Feng’s point of view, at this time, Small Thieving Cat, not only hidden in Space, but hidden in deeper source rules.

Even Zhao Feng could not detect the existence of Small Thieving Cat without using the gold pupil perspective ability, but he could feel the position of Small Thieving Cat according to the Spirit Pet contract.


In this hidden state, the Small Thieving Cat turns into an invisible Void Glow that is invisible to ordinary people. It is swept a little in void and disappears.

The next moment, Zhao Feng was surprised to find that the Small Thieving Cat actually penetrated into which huge crystal stone.

Small Thieving Cat is sitting on the amethyst crystal block with his left paw up and resting on the black short blade.

“How can this be?”

Zhao Feng’s mind was so shocked that he almost broke away from the state of understanding.

“what happened?”

Saint King Earth Ghost was slightly surprised, ten giant crystals looked towards Zhao Feng, but could see nothing.

Zhao Feng looked at a glance Saint King Earth Ghost, but he hadn’t destroyed the crystal.

However, this is also extenuating, after all, Saint King Earth Ghost cannot be like the unscrupulous attack of Half God Ku Si in the sky.

In order to avoid being noticed by others, Saint King Earth Ghost is very careful to attack the crystal filament, and dare not show too strong strength. In addition, it didn’t take long for the two to cooperate.

Zhao Feng did not care about Saint King Earth Ghost, again looked towards Small Thieving Cat.

Small Thieving Cat I don’t know what method to use, but actually entered into the huge crystal stone

But the body of the Small Thieving Cat, however, cannot be moved for half a minute and is completely fixed in the crystal stone.

Small Thieving Cat’s eyes turned, looking towards Zhao Feng.

Although it couldn’t speak at this time, Zhao Feng could perceive the meaning of Small Thieving Cat, and it was showing off to Zhao Feng.

The Small Thieving Cat is hidden deep in the crystal stone, its within the body, once again flowing out of a dark and undercurrent, through its left claw, poured into the black short blade.

The wonderful wavy pattern on the black short blade suddenly flickering into a silver gloss.

“You’re careful you can’t get out of it forever”

Zhao Feng cursed.

At this point, Zhao Feng realized that he underestimated the Small Thieving Cat again, but he did not expect it to hide such a mysterious and powerful means.

However, this abominable Spirit Pet does not seek benefits for the Master, only for its own sake.

The black short blade that Small Thieving Cat sees must not be anything. You must know that Small Thieving Cat itself has powerful Divine Weapon such as Shadow Killing Emperor Blade and Dark Gold Dragon Snake Whip.

Small Thieving Cat glanced at Zhao Feng and conveyed a message. Zhao Feng’s complexion only moderated slightly, then ordered nodded, and agreed with Small Thieving Cat’s plan.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng’s eyes looked towards the far entrance.

I saw, the shadow of Qi Daoist, came straight in.

These seven are the Saint King Yu Ling, Saint King Admiring Sea, and Saint King Bi Guang teams that chased Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng”

Saint King Bi Guang immediately discovered Zhao Feng’s.

After all, Zhao Feng’s position is very conspicuous, and it also emits exceptionally strong spiritual energy fluctuations, stirring the concept strength of heaven and earth.

“We have arrived late. The treasure here is easy to dig. Already is obtained by others. It is better to kill him now.”

Saint King Yu Ling observed all around and said immediately.


Saint King Admiring Sea looks around the situation and agrees with Saint King Yu Ling.

The remaining Saint Lords, although they are jealous of the treasure and Concept strength here, want treasure hunt or cultivate, but they dare not disobey the meaning of the three Saint Kings.

sou sou sou

The seven ran straight to Zhao Feng.

“The Saint King Earth Ghost, the Supreme Emperor Palace, killed me. You have to stop first and lead them away with me.”

Zhao Feng talked directly to Saint King Earth Ghost sound transmission.

“What? Your kid, even the people at Supreme Emperor Palace have offended”

Saint King Earth Ghost, who was cutting the crystal filaments, looked sad.

But Zhao Feng was very reasonable. At this time, these people must be led away, or the red fruits they sought will be completely exposed.

“Zhao Feng, you have nowhere to run today, you must die”

Saint King Yu Ling, who flew forward, smiled arrogantly.


Zhao Feng immediately closed the retreat and fled away.

Seven Supreme Emperor Palace executives followed him away immediately, trying to kill Zhao Feng.

After Zhao Feng led the seven away, Saint King Earth Ghost, who was hiding behind, suddenly chased him out.

“I do n’t know why Brother Yu Ling and Brother Xi Hai want to pursuit Zhao Feng little brother?”

Saint King Earth Ghost suddenly asked.

Everyone at Supreme Emperor Palace turned around and looked towards Saint King Earth Ghost, complexion startled.

They all know that there should be a certain contradiction between Earth Devil Religion and Ruler Palace, and at this time Saint King Earth Ghost would actually come forward to speak for Zhao Feng.

“That’s it. When I came here, my team and the Zhao Feng team temporarily joined forces to conspire here …”

Saint King Earth Ghost had no choice but to explain.

He and Zhao Feng’s are indeed conspiring for interests, but the interests are only the same, that is, the yellow fruit.

Saint King Earth Ghost is Earth Devil Religion Supreme Elder, and Earth Devil Religion is the Great Heaven Dynasty one of the very best Devil Path Super Great Sect. It is in alliance with Nine Nether Palace.

Although the three Saint Kings are high-level Supreme Emperor Palaces, they do not represent the meaning of Supreme Emperor Palace Half-God. For Saint King Earth Ghost, they have not shown how tough they are.

“Saint King Earth Ghost, Zhao Feng, kidnapped me from the resources of the Supreme Emperor Palace, or the murderer of Thirteenth Prince …”

At this time, Saint King Yu Ling slowly told Zhao Feng’s crimes.

He believes that as long as everyone at the Supreme Emperor Palace expresses his intention to kill Zhao Feng’s resolution, the Earth Devil Religion Supreme Elder will retreat.

But at this time, Zhao Feng didn’t care what the Supreme Emperor Palace and Saint King Earth Ghost were talking about, but divided some ideas and observed the situation on the Small Thieving Cat side.

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