King of Gods

Chapter 1087

Between heaven and earth, a stream of terrifying Concept stream of light, like the Great Desolate beast, collided back and forth, unbridled.

Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, who are under the protection of Zhao Feng’s fantasy world small projection, still feel that Soul is constantly being hit with fierce hammering, and his consciousness is dizzy.

Zhao Feng’s situation is slightly better. He is strong in Soul. He cultivate Soul and other Souls like Secret Technique, and with the protection of God Eye, Zhao Feng is basically unaffected.

After a long time, the Concept assault strength of the entire Space slowly weakened.

And all the experts present were over 70%, lost consciousness, and fell to the ground, alive or death unknown.

The remaining Saint Lords and Saint Kings with strong Soul Will or other means are also uncomfortable. After this round of violent Concept strength assault, their Soul consciousness is very weak.

The two Half-God experts, because standing at the forefront, although Soul Will is powerful, have also been affected to some extent.

At this point, the expert here understood that too much Concept strength had been accumulated in that huge crystal, and a gap had suddenly opened, and all the strengths in it poured out naturally, and it became like this when caught off guard.

But at this moment, all the conscious people, who would care about other things, immediately rushed into the huge crystal.

Zhao Feng immediately operated a Soul Strength to stimulate Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei.

“Thank Brother Feng”

Zhao Yufei thanked Zhao Feng immediately.

Her Soul Will is arguably the weakest of the three. Fortunately, she is able to maintain a clear sense at this moment.


Zhao Feng said that the two were in good condition, and said directly.

sou sou sou

The three rushed directly to the broken small Channel.

“Well, you three are all right”

Xiao Tian Saint King, preparing to enter into the one, was slightly surprised to see the three of Zhao Feng in good condition.

Some of the Saint Kings present were unprepared for some losses, and the three human Saint Lords remained sober-minded.

“In that case, let’s all die”

Xiao Tian Saint King looked blank.

In his opinion, even if the three Mystic Light Saint Lords resisted the fierce Concept assault just now, their condition was not much better.

Especially Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei are still Mystic Light small accomplishment.


In the hands of Xiao Tian Saint King, a dark green long halberd appeared, flashing light blue water on it, as if it could mobilize the strength of all water.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

Before waiting for Xiao Tian Saint King to launch the attack, Zhao Feng took the lead in getting rid.

At this time, Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng were weak, and naturally they were not the opponent of Xiao Tian Saint King, so Zhao Feng used Soul Eye Technique directly.


I saw a twisted Thunder Calamity imprint, twisted and burned like a flame, carrying a terrifying Soul aura, as if the strikes were above the Soul of Xiao Tian Saint King

Xiao Tian Saint King, who had just taken out Heaven Rank Divine Weapon, hadn’t had time to get rid, was suddenly interrupted.


Xiao Tian Saint King feels his Soul, as if he is in Hell of Thunder Fire, bearing the Wanlei strikes that destroyed everything.

Zhao Feng’s blow only mixed 30% of his Thunder Soul Body’s Thunder Calamity Strength, but because Xiao Tian Saint King just experienced the assault of Concept strength, Soul is relatively weak, so 30% of Thunder Calamity Strength is also enough to cause some trauma to Xiao Tian Saint King.

After releasing this blow, the three Zhao Feng took the opportunity to enter into the huge crystal.

“Abominable, Zhao Feng!”

Xiao Tian Saint King had to admit that he had underestimated the enemy just now.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s growth far exceeded his expectations.


The moment when Zhao Feng enters into this huge crystal object, it is like coming to another mysterious world.

Inside the space, there are many colors, beautiful and extremely mysterious, clear Concept strength, floating in every inch of space, a thick rule strength, suddenly hit

Just moments later, the three felt their Soul Concept, faded, and got a brief promotion.

But then, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei felt that with their current Soul Will, they could not withstand this Concept strength baptism for a long time.

If you don’t mention the XNUMX-point spiritual at all times, their Will will gradually become unsupported, immersed in this strength, unable to extricate themselves, and sink deeply.

This situation is the same as that of Zhao Feng’s Soul directly entering into the Immemorial Dreamland.

However, with these strengths slowly draining out, the people inside this huge crystalline object may be slightly better.

“That is?”

Zhao Yufei raise one’s head looked towards the sky.

Around the huge vine, a colorful fruit condensed, emitting a strange halo.

Just look at a glance, anyone can judge, this is definitely Supreme Treasure.

But at this moment, there are endless fruits like this, like countless stars.

“Well, what’s going on?”

Nangong Sheng was just about to fly, but felt the rules Profound Truth he couldn’t understand, limiting it.

His Saint Lord Will is here and it’s hard to fit into Space.

“Heaven and earth Profound Truth rules are completely different from Space in the Continental domain.”

Zhao Feng a glance noticed it.

This space is somewhat similar to Immemorial Dreamland, but Profound Truth’s rules seem to be more solid.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat emerged from Bewildering Space Realm, but it seemed to be completely unaffected, with black eyes and a strange look all around.

At this moment, the two Half-Gods and Already walked around the huge vines for more than half a circle in the sky, looking for possible opportunities.

Several other Saint Kings, great accomplishment Saint Lord, are also scattered in various places in this space, looking for opportunities.


Xiao Tian Saint King also came in, but instead of managing Zhao Feng and the others, he flew straight up and observed around the huge vine, looking for his own opportunity

The first enters into the here, occupying the first opportunity, may get a greater probability of treasure, and naturally he will not waste time with Zhao Feng body.

At a certain moment, Half God Ku Si in the sky stopped and a slight wave of palm like a palm.

A mysterious crystal mark, flickering strikes on a certain red fruit.

The crystal wall covering the surface of this red fruit was very weak and there was a trace of cracks, but when Half God Ku Si released this blow, the crystal wall above the fruit seemed to be completely unaffected.

“Withered, what did you find?”

At this time, Alien Race Half God Mi Fa had a wicked smile, spread a pair of black wings behind, and came to Half God Ku Si.

“courting death”

Half God Ku Si complexion congealed, all around Space suddenly appeared numerous crystal light marks, rolled towards Half God Mi Fa.

“The two big Half-God already fought”

Nangong Sheng was shocked.

The two major Half-Gods quickly adapted to this Space. In the sky, Already became the battlefield of Half-God and became a restricted area.

Zhao Feng and the three were also temporarily separated from each other, each relying on their ability to find treasure opportunities.

Zhao Feng first came to a blue fruit, and an amazing Eye Strength Will emerged from Left Eye, and then a light gold ripple radiated from it, penetrating the whole fruit.

After a while, the beam emitted from Zhao Feng Left Eye disappeared.

“It’s too difficult to break down this crystal wall”

Zhao Feng gave up breaking down the crystal walls on the blue fruit.

With Zhao Feng’s ability to decompose, I want to decompose the crystal wall produced by mixing this Divine Power with other Matters, which is somewhat whimsical.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat stood on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, beating, and making a gesture.

“You mean that the Concept strength of this Space is leaked from this vine, so there must be cracks in the crystal wall on the surface of the vine?”

Zhao Feng instantly understood the meaning of Small Thieving Cat.

In fact, indeed, the moment when enters into the place, almost everyone put their eyes on the colorful fruit.

But how difficult is it to get those fruits? Half God Ku Si over the sky finds a fruit with cracks on the surface of the crystal wall, but it is difficult to destroy the crystal wall

After pointing at Zhao Feng, the Small Thieving Cat disappeared in a flash, so Treasure Land, it is naturally impossible to stay honest.

Zhao Feng didn’t manage it, spreading Will strength and integrating into Space.

The rules of this space Profound Truth are somewhat similar to Immemorial Dreamland, so most of Zhao Feng’s Will strength can be quickly integrated into this space.

Soon, Zhao Feng felt the concept strength in Space, which was extraordinarily strong.

call out

Zhao Feng came to somewhere in the huge vine and found that there was no small crack there.

And just now, from that crack, a branch and leaf extended.

The branches and leaves are crystal red and transparent, and the dark green meridians can be clearly seen.

As he approached this branch, Zhao Feng felt an exceptionally clear, solid earth, Wood Attribute and Concept strength.

Taking a deep breath, a fragrance and power that clears the heart and the spleen, surges from Zhao Feng within the body.

At this moment, the exhaustion and exhaustion of Zhao Feng body were all restored, and even some hidden dangers left by forcibly breaking through Realm completely disappeared.

“Good magic effect”

Zhao Feng was shocked and expressed great joy.

Before anyone noticed, Zhao Feng quickly picked this leaf and took it away.

Zhao Feng then went to the next place.

At this time, the cracks on the crystal wall are small and there are no exposed leaves.

However, if there is a crack, you can feel the heavy and wonderful Concept strength between heaven and earth, obviously the result with half the effort.

Zhao Feng found Alien Race, a Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, sitting on a small crack in the vine and entering into the retreat.

But Zhao Feng obviously won’t stop there. From the leaf he got just now, it seems that any item obtained in this Space is extremely precious.

Somewhere here, there must be hidden treasures and resources available.

Later, Zhao Feng acted again, looking for vines, cracks in the crystal wall, and successfully obtained two leaves.

“Well, Saint King Earth Ghost?”

Just then, Zhao Feng’s gaze caught a glimpse of Saint King Earth Ghost in a certain corner.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye appeared a layer of pale gold ripples, penetrating the vine and the crystal wall.

“Quick, disconnect me”

Saint King Earth Ghost complexion said suspiciously, anxiously.

A vague gloomy Wind Blade was condensed in his hand, and it was quickly cut on a yellow fruit.

If you look closely, you can see that the yellow fruit, already, is detached from the vine, but it is hanging on the vine because of a crystal of crystal.

At this time, Saint King Earth Ghost was constantly attacking the hair-like crystals.

Once the crystal wire breaks, the yellow fruit covered with the crystal wall naturally comes out.

At this moment, Zhao Feng flew quickly.

“Saint King Earth Ghost, let me help you”

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

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