King of Gods

Chapter 1086

“What’s in the end?”

On Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a layer of light gold ripples permeated. Zhao Feng’s eyes penetrated the crystal wall and extended inward.

At that moment, Zhao Feng seemed to see another heaven and earth, where there was an incomparable gigantic vine, whose diameter might be larger than that of Great Heaven Imperial Palace.

The vines are crystal red, spiraling upwards from the ground, like a huge vortex, straight into the top crystal wall.

The vines are filled with colorful fruits of various colors, like a starry sky, permeating the entire Space.

However, the vine and the fruit are filled with a layer of crystals on the surface, and even the colorful surface of the fruit cannot be penetrated.

In addition to this huge vine, Space all around, there are huge crystal incomparable giants, and there seems to be something inside.

Of course, this is what Zhao Feng saw. Zhao Feng felt any other aura or coercion.

“It’s just a little world”

Zhao Feng took a breath.

The vine is arguably the largest plant Zhao Feng has seen so far, and it is almost like another mysterious kingdom.

“The light red Soul Concept strength should be emitted from the vine.”

Zhao Feng has come to a conclusion.

However, a layer of white crystals condensed on the surface of the vine that was red. This strength should have leaked from some cracks.

However, the leaked aura has such an amazing effect, making Mystic Light Realm expert calm down, feeling the power of their respective concepts, it is difficult to imagine, what kind of effect will be realized in Cultivation, even that The magical effect of the fruit hanging on the vine.

However, a layer of platinum crystals has condensed on the surface of the various fruits. Even Half-God is difficult to break.

At this moment, Heavenly Floating Palace Half God Ku Si, slightly raise one’s head, with a little doubt in his eyes, looked at Zhao Feng a glance.

Zhao Feng immediately withdrew the Light of Transparent Beaking on the Left Eye, and no longer observed the inside of the huge crystal object.

“What’s wrong? Senior withering?”

Next to Half God Ku Si, a Saint King at Heavenly Floating Palace asked.

Of course, he also noticed that Half God Ku Si was watching Zhao Feng, but he just didn’t understand why a Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment would get Half-God’s attention.

Zhao Feng’s eyes immediately glanced in the other direction.

“That is?”

Zhao Feng expression startled, his eyes narrowed, looked towards somewhere in the distance.

He found that there was such a huge crystal in the distant margin.

“It seems that there should be very many huge crystals like this, but there is a crack on the surface of this huge crystal.”

Zhao Feng’s insights were once again expanded.

The great opportunities in this divine corpse are endless, but everyone here does not have that strength to tap.

This time, Zhao Feng decided to stay here with the two parties and wait for the opportunity.

The big opportunity inside the divine corpse is definitely far beyond some resources and treasure several times in the marginal area.

Even if you can’t get the fruit on that vine, if you can enter into it, and feel the aura emanating from the huge vine near distance, it is a rare Cultivation opportunity for Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng slowly closed his eyes and entered into the cultivated state.

After all, it’s hard to have the time to cultivate with peace of mind. Zhao Feng naturally can’t be wasted. While feeling this Concept strength, Zhao Feng runs “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” wholeheartedly, and cultivate others.

Zhao Feng directly took out the inferior grade God Crystal and precious resources obtained in the Divine Corps for cultivate.

“Zhu Mystic Light small accomplishment, use inferior grade God Crystal cultivate”

“This kid is so extravagant that he is not afraid to die”

Some Saint Lord saw Zhao Feng so wasteful, can’t help scold.

Some of the resources they obtained in the divine corpse are reluctant to use, and they will increase the success rate when they break through the bottleneck in the future.

There are even some Saint Lord and Saint King here, and Already followed Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s Cultivation next to him.

In fact, Zhao Feng also has some rare and special resources such as Immemorial Precious Materials, Immemorial Bloodline, but those resources are not produced by divide corpse and are not suitable for taking out

Time passed slowly, and some Precious Materials and inferior grade God Crystals in Zhao Feng’s hands were completely consumed.

Zhao Feng within the body’s Holy Force light rotation has increased a bit, and the rays of light are more brilliant.

At this point, from a distance somewhere in the crystal wall Channel, another team came.

“Alien Race is here for an old Saint King”

In this area of ​​Zhao Feng, many people said in astonishment.

A Saint King is not enough to reverse the disadvantages of the Alien Race, but if a few more follow-ups, the situation is different.

After all, Half-God just touches Saint King with God Position strength. They are not True God, and the gap with Saint King is not as large as expected.

A sweep of Zhao Feng Spiritual Sense, complexion startled.

This Alien Race Saint King was actually Xiao Tian Saint King who had pursuited Zhao Feng and the others.

I remember when Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei, and Saint Lord Gao Huang joined forces, they couldn’t get rid of this Saint King’s pursuit.

Finally, Saint King Yu Long of Supreme Emperor Palace came to rescue Zhao Feng and the four.

Of course, Xiao Tian Saint King also quickly found the three Zhao Feng, and then showed a slight disdain and ridicule, “I didn’t kill you that day. I have a chance this time and will never let you go.”

Among the two parties, many people know that Xiao Tian Saint King is talking about Zhao Feng and the three.

After all, there were not many Saint King Battle Strengths on the battlefield, and the appearance of each Saint King attracted much attention.

Not long after, the human side also came to a Saint King, Earth Devil Religion Saint King Earth Ghost.

“I actually met this kid”

Saint King Earth Ghost looked towards Zhao Feng, brows slightly wrinkle.

For Zhao Feng, Saint King Earth Ghost still has some fears, because he concluded that there are still many imitation God-Slaying Arrow or real God-Slaying Arrow in Zhao Feng’s hands.

Otherwise, the three Saint Lords, who dared to enter the divine corpse, would not be courting death.

“Ghost Senior, please here”

“Saint King Earth Ghost, let us tell you what’s going on here”

The arrival of Saint King Earth Ghost immediately attracted many warm greetings from Saint Lord and Saint King on the human side.

Saint King Earth Ghost avoided Zhao Feng and went straight to the forefront with some high-level Heavenly Floating Palace and asked for the situation.

At a certain moment, a white haired old man next to Half God Ku Si emerged from his own small world.

“Withered Senior, ready”

The old man came up with some white formation flags, the formation flags were large and small, and the structures above were different.

“Half God Mi Fa, let’s get started”

Half God Ku Si said suddenly.

“it is good”

On the side of Alien Race, a middle-aged man with a pointed mouth with black wings on his back, suddenly stood up.

All the people present were awakened from the retreat, and they worked hard and were eager to try.

“Finally starting to conquer”

“The two Half-Gods joined forces and together with Master’s formulation, we will certainly be able to overcome the opportunities here”

In fact, when the two Half-Gods came here for the first time, they tried it once, but with little effect.

Nowadays, more and more experts gathered here, coupled with the help of Qi Master’s refined formula, everyone believes that this time will definitely overcome this huge crystal and explore the big opportunities in it.

Hu hu hu

Qi Master suddenly threw all the formation flags into the sky.

And Qi Master himself, quickly running the law and making countless marks.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

The formation flag in the sky, flickering Holy Force, was shining, and constantly moved in a certain pattern, and finally formed a huge formation.


Qi Master spit out the word.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

After all the formation flags hurried through the space, they were fixed in the air and the formation of the formation flag.

“Have troubled everyone here, control the formation flag of each location separately, do their best, and only in this way can we break through the great opportunities here”

Qi Master said with a smile.

Sou sou

Suddenly, all the teams got up and came to each of the formation flags.

In the end, humans and the Alien Race squad filled all the formation flag positions.


The two major Half-Gods spoke directly.

Led by the two major Half-Gods, the entire attack great formation is operating.

Bang Bang

I saw that the entire great formation flickering produced numerous terrifying energy fluctuations, and everyone simultaneously operated the Mystic Light Holy Force to release the Battle Skill and Secret Technique attack.

A group of colorful assault waves of energy suddenly strikes at the crack location of the huge crystal.

“This formation is wonderful”

Zhao Feng holds a formation flag in his hands, and feels that he has a subtle connection with everyone here.

And everyone’s attack, led by Half-God’s attack, merged together, the power can be raised to a level, terrifying, far beyond Zhao Feng’s imagination.

Even so, the cracks on the surface of the giant crystals only slightly diffused.

At the same time, the tremendous concept strength suddenly increased, so that all the experts present, not help want to feel the concept strength.

“Come back”

Half God Ku Si, speak directly.

All the experts on the scene, worked hard, run Mystic Light Holy Force, and launched another round of attack


At this time, a slightly larger crack appeared on the surface of the huge crystalline object, and small cracks all around spread.

A great Desolate’s long and heavy Concept strength suddenly flowed out, even the two Half-Gods in the front of the formation were in a while.

In the eyes of everyone, flickering was shining, and through that crack, he wanted to see the scene inside.

“Last attack”

Half God Ku Si, the words are firm.

The humans and Alien Race present were unprecedentedly excited. They believed what Half-God said, and they could break through here with just one final blow.

Bang Bang

Everyone, eager to launch the last round of offensive, directly dropped the formation flag and was ready to rush in.


The crack on the surface of the huge crystal object in front of it directly expands several times, and a small Channel appears.

Suddenly, the concept strength of a flooding red light ze, like a torrent flooding the dam, poured out, and a terrifying Great Desolate overbearing aura suddenly came under pressure.

“Be careful”

Zhao Feng runs Soul Will, releases the magic world small world projection, and wraps Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng in it.

Bang Bang

The terrifying Concept stream of light rushed out of that Channel and ran through the entire space, like the Great Desolate beast, colliding back and forth.

In the presence of some unsuspecting Saint Lord, in this terrifying Concept assault, they even lost consciousness directly.

Some of the remaining Soul Will are powerful, or Saint Lord with the secret treasure of Soul defense, feels wrong, and immediately operates the means to resist.

Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, who are under the protection of Zhao Feng’s fantasy world small projection, still feel that Soul is constantly being hit with fierce hammering, and his consciousness is dizzy.

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