King of Gods

Chapter 1069

“what is this?”

Zhao Feng looked towards the terrifying sight in front of me, stagnation.

In front of him, the ground cracked a ditch wide up to ten thousand li, and Pure Crystal Void divine light radiated from it. It was forbidden to terrify the extinction of all strengths, covering the square number ten thousand li.

Where this taboo divide light diffuses, everything becomes Void.

Zhao Feng distance This aura of God is still ten thousand li away, but his body still cannot withstand the aura of this divine light.

“Xin Wuhen him?”

Zhao Feng immediately thought of Xin Wuhen.

According to Zhao Feng’s observation at the time, this heaven and earth natural phenomenon seems to be caused by Xin Wuhen.

But Xin Wuhen is in the center of the heaven shaking gully, how can he resist the assault of the strength of this god?

On Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a layer of pale gold ripples permeated.

Zhao Feng’s eyes looked towards the huge gully still spitting the divine light.

“Even Divine Power can penetrate”

Zhao Feng complexion was delighted and shocked.

Now, he can understand the power of his Golden Left Eye.


Zhao Feng’s eyes continued to penetrate, but this huge ditch seemed to extend to the deepest part of the subterranean, ten thousand li long.

Zhao Feng pushed the perspective ability of his left eye to the limit. Finally, Zhao Feng’s eyes penetrated the subterranean 100,000 Li. Although his sight was blurred at this time, Zhao Feng still saw something, which made him feel strange.

“this is?”

Zhao Feng has erratic breathing.

In his field of vision, the outline of an incomparable gigantic palm appeared, next to the palm, obviously the body.

However, the size of the palm of our hand is huge and shocking, let alone the size of the body.

“How big should this be”

Zhao Feng stood to, took a deep breath.

Under the subterranean 100,000 Li, a body is lying, and the size of this body can not even be estimated by Zhao Feng’s Left Eye. There may be millions of feet, millions of feet …

For such a huge body, Zhao Feng can only think of Giant God Clan, which is ranked fifteenth in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.

However, under the subterranean in the Continental domain, how can there be a body with a God Position strength.

“God’s body, and not just True God”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were dimmed.

He didn’t know enough about the true Divine Power amount, he couldn’t guess at all, what was the strength of the strength emitted by the crystal body in the depth of the subterranean.

However, it is certain that this strength, To surpassed ordinary True God, is above everything in the Continental domain.

It can be said that this is the most shocking hidden treasure since the birth of the Continental domain. It can be a crazy hidden treasure for everyone in the Continental domain. Even Saint King and Half-God cannot resist this temptation. Eight-nine will die, and they will not hesitate for a moment and want to run into it.

But at this time, Zhao Feng couldn’t even approach that gully on the ground, let alone go deeper into the subterranean, approaching the crystal body buried under 100,000 Li.

Zhao Feng immediately sensed the Dark Heart Seal and switched his vision to Old Monster Xu.

“Sure enough, the place where Half-God is at war is also alarmed”

Zhao Feng shakes his mind.

Sudden cracks on the road traverse Lan Province Ling Province, reaching 100 Million Li …

At this time, on the battlefield of Ling Province Half-God, all the experts of the two great dynasty retreated backwards, even Saint King and Half-God were no exception.

Experts in the two warring states on the battlefield also hurriedly stopped fighting and evacuated quickly.

However, some Realm’s lower and slower Experts eventually died under the aura of the strength of the god.

“How is this going?”

On the Great Heaven side, a Half-God of Supreme Emperor Palace felt the strength of the mighty god, and his heart was shocked.

Above the earth, how can such a terrifying god suddenly rise

“There seems to be something under the subterranean battlefield”

Nine Nether Palace ‘Half God You Hai ,, complexion Yin, both eyes flickering purple Youguang.

On the other side, Alien Race also evacuated quickly, retreating to 100,000 Li.

In the crowd, a whole body black scale armor, a figure translucent Alien Race, a midair standing, a terrifying spiritual coercion, and awesomeness in all directions.

This person is the most expert of Serene Moon Dynasty Entire Nether Cult, Half God Hidden Dragon.

But at this time, he seemed insignificant compared with the aura of Void divine light in the battlefield center.

“Don’t tell me Is this why the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon inspired me to attack Great Heaven?”

Half God Hidden Dragon, both eyes gloomy.

For World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Half God Hidden Dragon is always on guard.

Half God Hidden Dragon released Spiritual Sense and swept into the subterranean, but before it was too far, it was destroyed by the terrifying Pure Crystal Void divine light.

“What’s hidden below?”

Half-God, another 3-Star Peak force from Serene Moon Dynasty, asked in shock.

The final period of the war between the two dynasties was interrupted by this sudden situation.

At this time, the consciousness of everyone on the battlefield, the whole body and mind, was concentrated on the powerful God Position strength, and there was no thinking about war-related matters at all.

Far side of the horizon.

Half God Dragon Emperor, who was chasing the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, also stopped.

Not far ahead of him, the huge body of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was shattered.

“How is that possible? The strength in the dive corpse actually leaked out.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon both eyes was shocked, some couldn’t figure it out.

According to his previous observations, the vitality of the divine corpse buried in the Great Heaven subterranean 100,000 Li was completely extinct and should be Dead.

But at this moment, the strength in this divide corpse was leaked for no reason.

He strongly encouraged Serene Moon Dynasty to attack the Great Heaven Dynasty, and he hoped to win back this territory, and then the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon took a chance to sneak into the subterranean alone.

If we can get the strength in the dive corpse and restore the strength in the heyday completely, there will be no problem.

But now, the strength of the dive corpse is leaked, and the entire Continental domain will almost know the existence of the dive corpse.


While the Half God Dragon Emperor was shocked and dull, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon turned into a black smoke and disappeared directly into the sky.

“God Position strength”

Half God Dragon Emperor whole body trembles, and alert no longer cares about World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

The Dragon Emperor stayed at Half-God already Eighty thousand years and could not prove the God Position.

Now, the Pure Crystal Void divine light that flows from the distant ground is not God’s strength

This will be his last chance

Seeing the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon already fled, Half God Dragon Emperor didn’t manage it, and couldn’t wait to return to the Great Heaven camp directly.


The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon who escaped the birth day is burning in anger.

The original plan was unsuccessful, but now it has been heavily damaged by the Great Heaven Dynasty Half God Dragon Emperor.

However, he still has the hope of revenge, that is, the divine corpse deep in the subterranean.

However, the divine corpse was exposed, and Serene Moon Dynasty also understood the intent of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon. Nowadays, no matter whether it is Serene Moon Dynasty or Great Heaven Dynasty, seeing World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon will directly get rid.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is very headache. In this situation, how can he go deeper and get closer to the divine corpse? Today he is very badly injured. If he encounters other great experts of the great dynasty, he may really die here.

“That is?”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, who was seriously injured, looked towards the front with suspicion.

This is still the battlefield zone, but there is a bland, slender woman, probably only the Realm of the Great Origin Core.

You know, this is the late stage of the war, even if it is ordinary King, you dare not come to the battlefield easily, not to mention the Origin Core Realm Venerable Lord.

“World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon?”

Bai Lin was also surprised.

According to the deduction of fate, she came here, but did not expect that the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was waiting.

But the next moment, she smiled.

“Eye of Destiny?”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon saw how high it was, and quickly determined the true identity of the little girl.

“Do you want to cooperate?”

Bai Lin smiled very simply.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was a little stunned, even if he was seriously injured at this time, he could kill the ordinary Origin Core Realm, just between his fingers.

However, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was extremely serious for a moment.

“Go, go.”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon runs a mighty Will, rolls up Bai Lin, and disappears into the sky.

On the front line, God Position strength emerged from the subterranean news, and immediately swept two great dynasty.

The center of the outbreak of God Position strength is still a taboo area that even Half-God cannot approach.

This taboo area traverses the battlefield for hundreds of millions of miles. Like the same nature, it separates the two great dynasty.

In the remote areas of this taboo area, the two great dynasty sent countless experts to guard each other.

On the other hand, two great dynasty also set up dedicated surveyors, hoping to dig out the secrets of the subterranean as far as possible

At this point, the two great dynastys still had no time to go to war.

The real leaders of the two great dynasty are half God Level characters, and the lifetime wish of the half God Level expert is to prove God Position, enters into the Wild God Region.

Now in the Continental domain, such terrifying huge God Position strength has emerged. It is hard to imagine what kind of secret is hidden in the depth of the subterranean.

But no matter what, all Saint King and Half-God firmly believe that deep in the subterranean, there is definitely an opportunity to break through God Position.

The most important thing right now is to wait for the God Position strength in this earth ditch to gradually fade, and the two great dynasty can confirm the situation inside or enter into it.

The Lan Province battlefield, also has a large part of the area, is the envelope of God Position strength.

However, Zhao Feng returned to Lan Province directly after knowing that the war between the two dynasties stopped halfway.

At this point, Zhao Feng was wandering on the battlefield in Lan Province, the light of taboo covering the distance of the range.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a layer of pale gold ripples emerged.

Zhao Feng swept towards the rich platinum Void divine light in the distance.

“Good complex higher strength”

Zhao Feng originally intended to analyze Divine Power.

But the particle structure of Divine Power, see Zhao Feng’s scalp feeling numb, completely confused the idea, I do not know where to start to understand.

Unable to understand Divine Power thoroughly, Zhao Feng lowered his head again, crossed the earth and God Position strength, penetrated the distance of 100,000 Li, and looked towards the deepest part of subterranean.

Although Zhao Feng can penetrate Divine Power and the earth and see the scenery below the 100,000 Li earth, he can only see very limited and the scene is blurred.

However, even if the vision is blurred, Zhao Feng already is very satisfied.

You know, of the two great dynasty, I am afraid that only Zhao Feng knows what the 100,000 Li subterranean is.

Regarding this, Zhao Feng naturally would not say it.

“This is the skull of the divine corpse”

Zhao Feng’s eyes swept away, it was difficult to penetrate a large number of obstacles, and with many fuzzy scenes, he speculated.

And the head of this divine corpse is so huge that it is hard to imagine that there would be such a huge race in this world.

Zhao Feng’s eyes gazed at the head of the divine corpse, mysterious golden sphere, and a wave of Golden ripples continued to emerge, permeating the surface of Zhao Feng Left Eye.

For a moment, Zhao Feng’s eyes faintly penetrated the surface of the head of the divine corpse.

“Inside, there is movement”

Zhao Feng shocked

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