King of Gods

Chapter 1070

“Inside, there is movement”

Zhao Feng incredible, shocked

The taboo God Position strength on the battlefield can easily kill Half-God experts in the Continental domain, let alone talk about the source of this God Position strength in the subterranean depths. I am afraid that even the God Position expert cannot be approached.

Now, Zhao Feng finds that there is movement in the skull of the divine corpse.


Zhao Feng shook the head.

God Position expert cannot exist in the Continent domain Space.

In other words, this divine corpse is absolutely dead.

So what is the fuzzy motion that Zhao Feng just saw?

Peerless Divine Weapon? heaven and earth Rare Treasures?

Zhao Feng was so excited that he was curious and eager for the subterranean 100,000 Li’s divide corpse.

“God Position strength is waning”

Zhao Feng is witnessing the emergence of this God Position strength.

At this time, this surging God Position strength on the battlefield was significantly weaker than it was at the beginning.

Someday, this taboo Pure Crystal Void divine light will disappear completely. At that time, the expert in the Continent domain can go deeper and explore.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat threw a few bronze coins and waved his claws.

“Opportunity, the good side?”

Zhao Feng was shocked inside, and his heart was boiling.

Even the Divination of Small Thieving Cat shows that the subterranean divine corpse is definitely a treasure opportunity.

“However, with my strength today …”

Zhao Feng shook the head.

When this God Position strength emerged, the war between the two great dynastys was directly suspended.

Zhao Feng knows that Saint King and Half-God are several times stronger than Zhao Feng in their desire for secrets in subterranean.

If one day, this God Position strength disappears and it will be able to go deeper into the subterranean for exploration. Almost all the experts in the Continental domain will flood into it, including the two great dynasty Half-God and Saint King.

With Zhao Feng’s strength, in front of Saint King, if you want to protect yourself, you can only rely on the inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow of Copy.

In the face of Half-God, even Zhao Feng took out the real God-Slaying Arrow. Zhao Feng could not use the true power of God-Slaying Arrow. In front of Half-God, Zhao Feng was like a dust, so small and insignificant.


The armband in Zhao Feng’s hand waved on the spot, and his silhouette suddenly faded and disappeared in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow.

The next moment, Zhao Feng returned to his stronghold city.

At this time, a large number of members of the forces were gathered in the strongholds near the battlefield, mainly intelligence members.

As soon as there is any change in the taboo diode light on the battlefield, they will send the message to the sect forces behind them as soon as possible.

But there are also some forces of Supreme Elder, who despise the hidden treasure of the battlefield subterranean and settle near the battlefield.

Zhao Feng’s appeared and immediately attracted some attention.

Although most people’s minds are on the taboo area on the battlefield, Zhao Feng’s prestige of pursuit Saint Lord Mo Yuan some time ago still keeps Continent.


Zhao Feng ignored it and went straight to his residence.

“Zhao Feng, are you interested in the secret under this God Position strength?”

As soon as Zhao Feng came in, Nangong Sheng ice-cold’s voice came out. Obviously, Nangong Sheng has been waiting here for a long time.

“This is nature”

Zhao Feng answered yes.

Today in the Continent domain, anyone is interested in it. Zhao Feng understands the meaning of Nangong Sheng.

“Even if you and I join forces to explore the subterranean secrets, it is too difficult”

Nangong Sheng said again.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded, and Nangong Sheng was right.

Nangong Sheng’s recent aura has been enhanced, but in the face of Saint King, there is still no resistance.

What’s more, in the future, it is not only Saint King, but also the Half-God that is the most Peak of Continental.

“It will take some time for that God Position strength to dissipate. I am confident that during this time, I will raise the strength to another level. I wonder if there will be a chance to cooperate with you?”

Nangong Sheng showed a cold and arrogant smile.

Zhao Feng is startled, Nangong Sheng has Evil God’s Power, and strength is very strangely quick. Before that divine light is completely dissipated, it should not be a problem to upgrade to the Realm of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.

But this also comes with certain risks. One is that the Realm is unstable, and the other is that the temperature is once again distorted.

At the same time, Zhao Feng was surprised.

In order to explore the hidden treasure of the subterranean, Nangong Sheng is willing to actively absorb Evil God’s Power and promote Realm, to a certain extent, it must be the confusion of Evil God’s ideation.

The original Master Xie Yang of the Evil God conception body is the Ancient God above the Sixth-Rank in True God Ninth-Rank. Even the Evil God conception body strongly encouraged Nangong Sheng to explore the hidden treasure of the subterranean.

It can be seen that the divine corpse buried in the subterranean is definitely not simple, and even exceeds Zhao Feng’s prediction.

At this time, the meaning of Nangong Sheng’s sentence was very obvious.

Nangong Sheng is sure to take strength to the next level, but if Zhao Feng’s strength hasn’t made great progress, he may not even cooperate with Nangong Sheng.

Zhao Feng was silent for a moment.

He can see through subterranean, seeing the divine corpse below 100,000 Li, coupled with the Divination of Small Thieving Cat, the inspiration of Nangong Sheng within the body Evil God, prove that the subterranean divine corpse is absolutely extraordinary.

How could it be possible for Zhao Feng to give up the opportunity in that divine corpse?

Moreover, the war between the two great dynasty is temporarily suspended and Nine Nether Palace Half-God already out of the mountain.

Zhao Feng felt that Nine Nether Palace Half-God was not far away from Ruler Palace gets rid.

The opportunity in divine corpse may be an opportunity for Zhao Feng’s, a chance to counter Nine Nether Palace.

“I will definitely explore the divine corpse”

Zhao Feng fixed his eyes and answered directly.

With the resources in Zhao Feng’s hands, plus Left Eye’s Copy Ability, it’s not too difficult to improve Realm.

Moreover, in order to explore the secret of the divine corpse, Zhao Feng is also willing to speed up the Realm, even if the foundation is unstable.

However, even if Zhao Feng’s Realm, a little higher level, want to explore the secret of the divine corpse, it is still far from enough.

Therefore, Zhao Feng is very willing to cooperate with Nangong Sheng to conspire the opportunity in that divine corpse.

Nangong Sheng froze for a moment, but did not expect Zhao Feng to give such a positive answer.

“it is good”

Nangong Sheng evil looking with a smile.

The destruction of Nine Nether Palace was when he and Zhao Feng battled against each other.

If Zhao Feng can’t keep up with him, the decisive battle will be meaningless.


Nangong Sheng left a group of evil looking aura, and then disappeared in Zhao Feng’s palace.

“Hehe, this kid is really to boast shamelessly, what confidence does he have that he can keep up with you”

Nangong Sheng within the body, Evil God disdain said with a smile.

Meow meow

After Nangong Sheng left, Small Thieving Cat appeared and made a gesture to Zhao Feng.

“Yes, isn’t it a problem with resources?”

Zhao Feng without the slightest hesitation, agreed to Small Thieving Cat’s request for resources.

In divine corpse, it is difficult to predict what kind of crisis and difficulties will be encountered. The improvement of Small Thieving Cat strength will undoubtedly help Zhao Feng greatly.

At the beginning, some of Zhao Feng’s opportunities in Divine Illusory Space mainly depended on Small Thieving Cat.

“It’s time for me to go back again”

Zhao Feng whispering.

According to the situation at this time, this taboo divine light will not completely disappear in a short while.

The two great dynasty went to war inadvertently, the end of the war altered disguise, or, in other words, evolved into another mode, the battle for the subterranean divine corpse.

The harvest of the two great dynasty can basically determine the final victory.

Therefore, Zhao Feng continued to stay on the battlefield, it was of no use, and he might encounter some crises.

Today, regarding the cause of Thirteenth Prince’s death, Saint Sovereign and Saint Empress are still trying to draw relationships and conduct searches, and Half-God of Nine Nether Palace is on the battlefield.

In addition, Zhao Feng used Bewildering Space Realm to shuttle back and forth to the battlefield. It was very simple, so Zhao Feng decided to return to Ruler Palace.

Before leaving, Zhao Feng came to Zhao Yufei’s residence.

The huge divine corpse fluctuations on the battlefield, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, who will retreat, were all awakened.

鈥淏rother Feng鈥?/p>

Zhao Yufei immediately sensed the arrival of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng enters into the palace, and finds Master Duanmu Qing is also here.

“Yufei, I have a trip back to Ruler Palace.”

Zhao Feng said directly.

“I will go with you”

Zhao Yufei thought for a moment and said directly.

“No, now that Ruler Palace is at war with Nine Nether Palace, you better stay here”

Zhao Feng immediately said.

According to Zhao Feng, Duanmu Family has been lonely so far, the main reason is Nine Nether Palace.

Therefore, Nine Nether Palace should not want Zhao Yufei to rise, but the Bloodline of Zhao Yufei Spirit Clan is of great significance to the Great Heaven Dynasty, and Nine Nether Palace dare not start.

“Also, if I guessed well, Yufei’s cultivate speed should be faster here.”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Spirit Clan Bloodline feeds on heaven and earth Life Essence. The higher the area, the faster the cultivate.

On the battlefield today, because of the God Position strength, heaven and earth Origin Energy has been improved, it is extremely rich, and it can be said that it is an excellent cultivate place for Zhao Yufei. Zhao Yufei’s Bloodline Ancestor Transformation.

If Zhao Yufei is in God World, with her Spirit Clan Bloodline, now the lowest is Saint King or Already to get the God Position.

“Yufei, here are some resources I unexpectedly got”

Zhao Feng took out a storage ring, which contained some of the pond water in Immemorial Dreamland, some Bloodline from Earth Rupturing Wild Ox, also to have one Immemorial Precious Materials that he identified

Zhao Feng believes that these precious resources of Immemorial will be of great help to Zhao Yufei’s cultivate.

In addition, compared with the huge resources in his hands, Zhao Feng’s output is really insignificant, but Zhao Feng should not take out too much.

Later, after Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei and Duanmu Qing bid farewell, they left the battlefield directly.

“Junior Sister Yufei, still cultivate with peace of mind. With your Spirit Clan’s Bloodline, it is just a matter of time and you don’t need to take this risk.”

After Zhao Feng left, Duanmu Qing immediately persuaded.

On the battlefield, the taboo Divine Power is gradually weakening, and everyone knows that this strength will disappear one day.

At that time, it was the moment of the expert in the Continental domain to explore the subterranean treasures of this battlefield.

But at that time, even the two great dynasty Half-Gods would be dispatched in person.

Duanmu Family does not have Mystic Light Realm expert strong enough to guarantee and protect Zhao Yufei.

Therefore, Duanmu Qing strongly disagreed with Zhao Yufei’s decision.

“No, I must enters into the”

Zhao Yufei refused directly, his words affirmed.

She knew that Zhao Feng would enter into it by then, and she wanted to help Zhao Feng.

“Yufei, why are you here?”

The voice of Saint Lord Purple Night sounded at the level of Soul.

“At this time, I will work hard to cultivate, and then I will be able to protect myself”

Zhao Yufei whole body is clear and clear, flickering light purple crystal glow, an invisible heaven and earth Life Essence, integrated into Zhao Yufei’s body.

Spirit Clan Bloodline, Immemorial Ten Thousand Race ranked nineteenth terrifying Bloodline. Its cultivate speed is arrogant to the past and present. As long as there is enough heaven and earth Life Essence, Spirit Clan can directly devour and quickly improve the strength of the Matter level.

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