King of Gods

Chapter 1068

Above void, two great dynastys dispatched three Half-Gods.

On the Alien Race side are Half-God Annihilation at Devil Heavenly Palace, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and a Half-God at Entire Nether Cult.

In the Great Heaven Dynasty, Half God Tai Ji, Half God Ling Xu of Heavenly Floating Palace, and the last expert of Supreme Emperor Palace, Half God Dragon Emperor.

“Haha, today is when your humans perish”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, with very ruthless face, arrogant smile.


The black scale man waved his claws, and a light black Flame Qi wave flow immediately destroyed the invisible Will attack of the Half God Dragon Emperor.

At the same time, the Flame Qi wave, twisted into a burning black Dragon Qi flame, flew towards the Half God Dragon Emperor.

“Even if there was a black loach in Serene Moon Dynasty, it would not be the opponent of Great Heaven.”

The Half God Dragon Emperor complexion changed, and he waved the gold stick in his hand and made a stroke.

A dragon’s dragon shape wave blade directly struck out, terrifying the huge strength Profound Truth, instantly destroying the Black Dragon Qi of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

This golden dragon shape wave blade issued a majestic Dragon’s Roar, cutting to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“Hmph, if this Majesty recovers the strength and destroys the Dragon Flame, you can destroy your humanity”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s eyes are fierce.

However, in the face of the blow from the Half God Dragon Emperor, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is also an immediate operation of the Dragon Yuan Divine Power, releasing a layer of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth.

Bang Bang

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon feels terrifying Divine Power assault, expression grave.

“This is Human’s Strongest Half-God”

Facing Half God Dragon Emperor, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon had to go all out.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon would never go to war at this time unless it was to speed up the pace of war.

At the beginning, he was besieged by the human Half-God, was seriously injured, and the strength plummeted, even the source space was greatly traumatized.

Helpless, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon went to Alien Race and reached an agreement with Entire Nether Cult.

Serene Moon Dynasty proactively provided resources to help the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon restore the strength, and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon helped Serene Moon Dynasty to destroy the Great Heaven Dynasty.

Today, the Realm of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is less than Half-God, but has the Battle Strength of Half-God.

But he and Supreme Emperor Palace are still the most expert Half God Dragon Emperor, there is still a certain gap.

Bang Bang

On the other sides of Skyrim, two great dynasty semi-God Level experts are also ready.

Half-God fights far below the War Zone, and the two sides Quasi-Saint Lord and Saint Lord Battle Strength fight together.


The sky and clouds change suddenly, the energy of terrifying Profound Truth, let heaven and earth change, Sun and Moon upside down.

If it is not the place where Half-God fights, the distance ground is very far away. Do as you wish can wipe out the experts of Quasi-Saint Lord and Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment with a lingering aftermath.

Ground War Zone, only Saint King Grade’s expert, can occasionally spy on terrifying battles on distant sky.

At the same time, the Peak Level experts of the Great Heaven Dynasty and the Serene Moon Dynasty before and after Ling Province turned the War Zone on were paying attention to this battle that might affect the fate of the two dynasties.

On the human side, in response to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Supreme Emperor Palace dispatched the strongest Battle Strength, Half God Dragon Emperor.

But Serene Moon Dynasty Entire Nether Cult’s highest leader, Half God Hidden Dragon, has yet to show up.

On the Great Heaven Dynasty side, everyone was worried and had an unknown feeling.

However, if Half God Dragon Emperor can defeat the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon with an overwhelming advantage, then the situation is completely different.

At this point, the rapidly flying Zhao Feng, Already left Lan Province and came to the edge of Ling Province.

Through the Dark Heart Seal, Zhao Feng transfers an Eye Strength Will, Cross-Transfer to the Old Monster Xu body. Therefore, Zhao Feng can see everything through the vision of Old Monster Xu.

“To surpassed Mystic Light Realm’s strength, Divine Power”

Zhao Feng was agitated and somewhat anxious.

Through the eyes of Old Monster Xu, Zhao Feng can only see the battle of Half-God, but cannot use the analysis ability of Left Eye, and can not capture the battle scenes of Half-God.

With the battlefield, two great dynasty, six Half-God gets rid.

Zhao Feng body and mind was shocked, and his thoughts floated on a distant battlefield. He seemed to be standing in the position of Old Monster Xu, watching the Half-God battle in the sky.

“Half God Dragon Emperor, Half-God of the Great Heaven Dynasty”

Zhao Feng ordered Old Monster Xu to focus on the battle between Half God Dragon Emperor and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Everyone can see that this battle is a key point of the two great dynasty.

After all, the most expert of Serene Moon Dynasty, Half God Hidden Dragon, has not yet appeared.

Once the Half God Dragon Emperor fights the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and suffers no injuries, the most expert of Serene Moon Dynasty, Half God Hidden Dragon, may immediately get rid

However, the Half God Dragon Emperor, worthy to be called is the strongest Half-God of the Great Heaven Dynasty, and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is obviously not the opponent of the Half God Dragon Emperor, and soon falls into a passive situation.

“The strength of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has just returned to Half-God.”

Zhao Feng suddenly raised a hint of doubt.

Why doesn’t the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon wait, wait for his strength to return to a higher level, then start

“Perhaps Serene Moon Dynasty doesn’t trust World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon either”

Zhao Feng said to himself.

The World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, a terrifying race born for destruction, turns into a Void wherever it goes.

The belief of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan is to destroy the entire Brahma Universe Space. Therefore, World Extinguishing Dragon Clan is hated by all the remaining Immemorial Ten Thousand Races.

Serene Moon Dynasty should also understand the dangers of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and will not fully trust the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and let him improve the strength.

Of course, this is just Zhao Feng’s guess.

“This is Half-God’s little world projection”

Zhao Feng’s heart shook, wave after wave.

Through the vision of Old Monster Xu, Zhao Feng discovered that Half-God’s small world almost contained Five Elements Profound Truth.

This proves that Zhao Feng’s guess was correct at first. If he wants to gradually shape the small world into a real space, the power of Five Elements must be included in the small world.

“What’s going on, is this?”

Zhao Feng, who was flying, stopped his pace, his eyes were dull, and his thoughts drifted to the other side.

“Half God Dragon Emperor?”

“That’s God-Slaying Arrow”

“Half God Dragon Emperor, took out God-Slaying Arrow”

Great Heaven Dynasty watching the War Zone, a burst of tumult.

In the giant palace, another Half-God of Supreme Emperor Palace has a deep look and looks towards the sky.

“The Dragon Emperor had planned to use this God-Slaying Arrow to recreate the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.”

This Half-God, slightly smiled.

The strongest Half-God of the Serene Moon Dynasty has not yet appeared, wouldn’t Half God Dragon Emperor know how important it is and play at will.

in fact, Half God Dragon Emperor had a plan.

Above the horizon.

In the hands of Half God Dragon Emperor, a Void Ancient Bow constructed by Divine Power appears on top of Void Ancient Bow, and a golden light arrow enveloped by a golden sharp divide splendor appears.

Sub-Divine Tool God-Slaying Arrow, God Position expert can play its ultimate strength.

At this time, the one-time Sub-Divine Tool God-Slaying Arrow, in the hands of Half God Dragon Emperor, blooms the world’s most amazing rays of light, Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth Profound Truth of Metal, surrounding one side heaven and earth .

A strong strong one cannot overcome Divine Splendor, which penetrates all things, directly breaks all the rules on the sky Profound Truth, like Bright Sun rising in the dark, to dispel everything.

“This is, God-Slaying Arrow”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is covered with a slap, both eyes shocked.


Half God Dragon Emperor expression Indifferently, Divine Sense firmly locked the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

This God-Slaying Arrow, the princes of Great Heaven Imperial Clan, got it hard in the Divine Illusory Space.

With the strength of Half God Dragon Emperor, using this God-Slaying Arrow is enough to re-create the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon. If possible, this time, he will completely kill the dragon.

“You old fellow, Sub-Divine Tool, you should keep it against Half God Hidden Dragon.”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon suddenly cursed.

He knew about the Great Heaven Dynasty’s possession of the God-Slaying Arrow, but he determined that the Great Heaven Dynasty would definitely leave this arrow to Serene Moon Dynasty’s most expert, Half God Hidden Dragon

If it was the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon during the heyday, he didn’t blink his eyes in the face of God-Slaying Arrow, but now he cannot resist the power of God-Slaying Arrow.

The Black Flood Dragon whole body suddenly surrounded the dark black flames, and then turned into a black giant dragon with the length of a number of hunted zhang.


The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon floated around a small world projection surrounded by a dark black Dragon Flame. His giant tail fluttered and dragged the terrifying Dragon Flame, which instantly disappeared between heaven and earth.

Bang laugh

And just then, Half God Dragon Emperor loosened the bowstring, a golden arrow light phantom with a length of hundreds of miles, shining endless golden sharp divide light, breaking Heavens, tearing everything.

At the same time, Half God Dragon Emperor broke through and chased the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

At the edge of Ling Province, Zhao Feng was sluggish on the spot, and in his mind, the moment when Half God Dragon Emperor shot the God-Slaying Arrow.

“This is the true power of God-Slaying Arrow, enough to rebuild Half-God expert”

Zhao Feng trembled for a long time, and spoke slowly.

Compared with Half God Dragon Emperor, the power of Zhao Feng’s God-Slaying Arrow was negligible.

And it is at this time.

Zhao Feng’s eyes, as far as ten thousand li, saw a familiar silhouette.

“Xin Wuhen? Why is he here?”

Zhao Feng was a little surprised.

Now that God and level experts are at war between the two dynasties, Xin Wuhen is not watching the War Zone, but actually ran to the edge of Ling Province.

Xin Wuhen’s eyes flickering in white crystal light, he stretched his arms and got his palms down.

Not even Zhao Feng found out that on the palm of Xin Wuhen, a complex Pure Crystal pattern was drawn.

“Is this here? Who is calling me?”

Xin Wuhen expression is a little confused.


Xin Wuhen slaps on the ground suddenly.

Zhao Feng, who counted ten thousand li, looked at Xin Wuhen’s movements in amazement, wondering what he was doing.


Zhao Feng’s God Eye, suddenly beating, Zhao Feng’s mind emerged from an unprecedented omen of crisis.

On Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a layer of pale gold ripples permeated and looked towards the ground.

“Not good”

Zhao Feng’s heart jumped suddenly, revealing fear.


Zhao Feng directly applied Thunder Wing Spatial Flash, turned it into a red holy light, flew backward, and disappeared between heaven and earth in a blink of an eye.

However, Zhao Feng exhibited Thunder Wing Spatial Flash. After crossing a few miles, he still did not stop, but continued to escape, as if behind has a death crisis that cannot be rid of it.

Bang bang bang

Just then, in the depths of the subterranean, a deafening terrifying tremor came, as if the countless Great Desolate Giant Beast roared angrily.

The earth cracked a huge gully like Star River, a Pure Crystal Void divine light, with aura that wiped out everything, soared into the sky.

At that moment, all beings of the square number ten thousand li were directly annihilated.

With the shining of that Pure Crystal Void divine light, heaven and earth twisted, void shattered, and from that dark and icy void crack, a terrifying death suction came.

At this point, Zhao Feng finally stopped and felt the energy behind him to kill Half-God in an instant.


Zhao Feng complexion is white, his heart is still beating fiercely.

At that time, if half the interest time is late, even if you have God Eye, God-Slaying Arrow, Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng will be destined to be soul destroyed.

“How is this going?”

Zhao Feng looked towards the fascinating sight in front of him, and he was stunned.

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