King of Gods

Chapter 1043

Saint Lord Mo Yuan 愣 on the spot, looked towards the picture presented in that light barrier.

Your content in this video is a small meeting started by the forces behind Thirteenth Prince to discuss how to deal with Zhao Feng.

The characters appearing in the picture are representatives of the forces behind Thirteenth Prince, including the Black Armor Saint Lord of Nine Nether Palace.

How did Zhao Feng have this image? Saint Lord Mo Yuan was surprised.

“The aura…”

After Saint Lord Mo Yuan was shocked, immediately noticed something.

The cold gloom that just shot from Zhao Feng’s arm protects the powerful Devil Path aura.

With this aura, Saint Lord Mo Yuan can conclude that the master of this aura, cultivate is the secret of the cultivation technique of Nine Nether Palace.

don’t tell me Nine Nether Palace has Spy placed by Zhao Feng?

Saint Lord Mo Yuan complexion gloomy is incomparable, no wonder the last interception operation will fail.

It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for Zhao Feng to escape with the three Saint Lords and the Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation.

“Zhao Feng, hand over that person”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan’s eyes were cold and severe, within the body The powerful Mystic Light Holy Force started to work, and seemed to explode.

In this video, those forces only discussed how to deal with Zhao Feng, without mentioning Crown Prince.

But if that Spy had the evidence that Nine Nether Palace intended to deal with Crown Prince, it wouldn’t be great.

Zhao Feng’s calm expression calmed Saint Lord Mo Yuan for the first time.

“Saint Lord Mo Yuan, the participants in this assassination, seem to be the forces behind Thirteenth Prince.”

Zhao Feng ignored the words of Saint Lord Mo Yuan, hinting with a hint of threat.

“Hmph, this is my personal resentment between Nine Nether Palace and you. Those forces are also drawn by my Nine Nether Palace.”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan immediately said.

As long as it is not related to Imperial Clan, Nine Nether Palace is really not afraid of it in the Continental domain.

“Since you admit that it was all planned by Nine Nether Palace, then this matter can’t be ignored.”

Zhao Feng smiled.

“Haha, you are not qualified to negotiate with me”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan laughed.

Zhao Feng’s discourse was as if negotiating with Saint Lord Mo Yuan, and the implied meaning of the sentence was to ask Nine Nether Palace to compensate for the assassination.

“Besides, I’ll say it again, hand over that person”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan complexion is cold, a killing intent permeates.

From the phenomenon just now, he can see that the Spy housed in Nine Nether Palace is at this time in Zhao Feng’s Bewildering Space Realm.

If Zhao Feng does not want to surrender Bewildering Space Realm, he can only get rid to snatch Bewildering Space Realm, or kill Zhao Feng.

Inside the palace hall, extremely depressed, glomy is like night.

“Saint Lord Mo Yuan, do you guys at Nine Nether Palace think that I used the last God-Slaying Arrow?”

Zhao Feng expression ice-cold, looking directly at Saint Lord Mo Yuan, asked coldly.

Saint Lord Mo Yuan froze slightly.

According to a lot of intelligence and analysis, many high-level leaders speculate that Zhao Feng has used God-Slaying Arrow.

However, no one has seen it with his own eyes, so this conclusion is not absolutely valid.

“With your strength, it is impossible to repel Myriad Forms Saint Lord”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan did not answer Zhao Feng’s.

Myriad Forms Saint Lord, the Alien Race Saint Lord with Eye of Myriad Forms, its true strength, and even Saint Lord Mo Yuan contend of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.

“Then try it yourself”

Zhao Feng smiled grimly.


The hall was extremely quiet.

Without Zhao Feng’s reminder, Saint Lord Mo Yuan has already got rid.

It may be that Zhao Feng only mentioned God-Slaying Arrow.Although he did not admit that he still has God-Slaying Arrow, Saint Lord Mo Yuan was agitated at this moment, I do n’t know how.

After finally cultivating to Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, it is even possible to touch God Position, Saint Lord Mo Yuan doesn’t want to joke about his life.

“Zhao Feng, right with Nine Nether Palace, you can’t live long …”

The next moment, the silhouette of Saint Lord Mo Yuan disappeared, leaving only a voice echoing in the Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion.

In Bewildering Space Realm, Black Armor Saint Lord has sweated for Zhao Feng.

“Master, do you still have God-Slaying Arrow?”

Black Armor Saint Lord asked, and he was also curious.


Zhao Feng did not hide.

Black Armor Saint Lord was stunned and relieved.

“At this time, Nine Nether Palace will not come to the trouble of the Master. If the Master can break through the Saint Lord early, he will have more control over the Nine Nether Palace.”

Black Armor Saint Lord suggested.

He believed that after Saint Lord Mo Yuan returned, as long as he thoroughly investigated the matter, he would know that he was Spy.

After all, there were not many members of the Nine Nether Palace who had participated in that meeting. Since he failed to intercept Zhao Feng last time, he has not returned to Nine Nether Palace.

“Hmph, now I’m looking for trouble with Nine Nether Palace”

Zhao Feng’s eyes narrowed.

Today’s Sea Mist Pavilion is no longer the weak 2-Star force.

At this time, the forces of the Sea Mist Pavilion include the assassination forces of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Saint Lord You Ye, and Ghost Fire Sect. In addition, the forces of the border sea are, to a certain extent, controlled by the Sea Mist Pavilion.

Coupled with the resources constantly given by Zhao Feng, the guardian of the Imperial Clan Dragon Destiny Qi, in just a few years, the Sea Mist Pavilion already developed to a very terrifying position, its power extended from the edge of the sea to almost the inland center.

Moreover, the total power of the Sea Mist Pavilion, already, was transferred from the border sea to the inland and was established in Ji Family Yu Province.

The side sea where the Sea Mist Pavilion and Ten Thousand Saint Sect are located has completely become a large rear.

At this time, the Sea Mist Pavilion, already can be regarded as one of the very best forces in the Continental domain.

Decades later, Bi Qingyue and Saint Lord You Ye arrived, and Old Ghost Xu remained in Yu Province.

“I didn’t expect the Master to have arrived long ago and settle everything”

Bi Qingyue was ashamed.

Zhao Feng’s original intention in establishing this force was to serve himself.

So far, Zhao Feng has spent a lot of resources to cultivate this force, but like Zhao Feng’s cumbersome, Zhao Feng is rescued everywhere.

“Master, my assassination organization is becoming more and more famous and named ‘Silent Killing Hall, …”

Saint Lord You Ye reports to Zhao Feng about the assassination.

The assassination organization is very easy to develop based on the intelligence of the Sea Mist Pavilion.

Coupled with the professional killer control in Dark Secrets Corner, and the resources given by Zhao Feng, they quickly stood out from the many assassination forces.

Next, Bi Qingyue also explained to Zhao Feng some of the recent developments of the Sea Mist Pavilion, as well as future goals.


Zhao Feng said after listening carefully.

Because of the Crown Prince Trial, the Sea Mist Pavilion became famous, and the war between the two dynasties brought most of the attention of many forces on the battlefield. Sea Mist Pavilion took this opportunity to develop rapidly.

What Bi Qingyue said was more accurate and detailed than what the green robe Elder of Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion said.

“In the future, this power will be called Ruler Palace”

Zhao Feng thought for a moment and said.

His initial goal was to build a superpower that would spread throughout the world, Ruler, and deter the ages.

“Yes, Master”

Bi Qingyue and Saint Lord You Ye, hearing this name, felt the strong ambition in Zhao Feng’s heart.

In addition, the forces under their control today are too cluttered and do need a collective name or a supreme management team.

“Bi Qingyue, Palace Lord is still you”

Zhao Feng is quite satisfied with Bi Qingyue’s performance.


Bi Qingyue was shocked.

She did not expect Zhao Feng to trust her so much that she pinned her ultimate goal on her body.

In this regard, Bi Qingyue is very excited and willing to serve Zhao Feng wholeheartedly.

“Black Armor Saint Lord, you will be a killer in the future and develop ‘Silent Killing Hall,”

Zhao Feng waved with his left hand.

A strong man in black scale armor appeared here.

“Saint Lord”

Bi Qingyue was at a loss with Saint Lord You Ye.

And this Saint Lord they all know, it is Black Armor Saint Lord of Nine Nether Palace, its Battle Strength may be stronger than Saint Lord You Ye.

I didn’t expect their Master, even the Saint Lord of Nine Nether Palace could control, receive and use for oneself.

‘Ruler Palace, the strength, will become stronger and stronger

“Many thanks Master”

Saint Lord You Ye said.

Although the assassination organization is developing rapidly, if it wants to rise further, it is really lacking such Peak Level expert.

“The next task is more difficult”

Zhao Feng’s eyes looked towards the distance.

The forces he wants, almost ready to take shape, and want to reach the ultimate goal of Zhao Feng’s, it is not just boring development.

The rise of one powerful force must accompany the decline of another.

“Please Master command”

Inside the palace, the other three were in unison.

They can all feel that Zhao Feng is playing a big game next.

And they also faintly realized that Zhao Feng’s next direction.

“This is a reward for your hard work”

Zhao Feng threw out two storage rings.

Saint Lord You Ye and Bi Qingyue both have great potential, so Zhao Feng will cultivate them while using them.

The Black Armor Saint Lord has just joined the Zhao Feng camp and has made a small contribution, so there is no reward.

“Many thanks Master”

Bi Qingyue and Saint Lord You Ye worship deeply again.

There is only one thing in Bi Qingyue’s storage ring, but she has excited her.

That is a copy of Harered Source Saint Broth, Rare Treasures that can increase the probability of breakthrough Mystic Light Realm.

What Zhao Feng gave to Saint Lord You Ye was also some Peak Level’s Secret Technique and cultivation resources.

The expressions of Bi Qingyue and Saint Lord You Ye made the Black Armor Saint Lord curious. What exactly did Zhao Feng give the two, so they were so excited and pleased.

“Bi Qingyue, next, the intelligence organization focuses on the Nine Nether Palace …”

If you want to deal with Nine Nether Palace, you must pay attention to it and learn more secret information.

Later, Bi Qingyue left here and rushed back to Yu Province.

“Saint Lord You Ye, your mission is greater than Bi Qingyue”

Zhao Feng smiled.

Later, Zhao Feng and Saint Lord You Ye communicated separately.

The assassination organization ‘Silent Killing Hall’ wants to grow stronger. One is its own strong killer and the other is its reputation.

The scale of ‘Ruler Palace’ is enough to back up ‘Silent Killing Hall’.

“I want you to grab business with Dark Secrets Corner”

Zhao Feng expressed his thoughts.

Dark Secrets Corner is one of the three major organizations in the underground world, and it is also the most powerful assassination force in the Continental domain.

Saint Lord You Ye was taken aback by Zhao Feng’s idea, but he was just grabbing business, not trying to mess with Dark Secrets Corner, that’s fine.

As a member of Dark Secrets Corner, he knows the terrifying of Dark Secrets Corner.

“So the goal …”

Saint Lord You Ye guessed the idea of ​​Zhaofeng’s assassination, assassination of the organization to grab business, it was naturally an assassination.

So the assassination target of Silent Killing Hall is naturally Nine Nether Palace and related forces.

Zhao Feng and Nine Nether Palace are enemies. If they want to develop themselves, they must continue to weaken Nine Nether Palace.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Saint Lord You Ye discussed the implementation method of the plan.

“I will post many high-priced assassination missions in Silent Killing Hall anonymously. At the same time, I will post the same missions at Dark Secrets Corner to attract the attention of the killers …

Since it is a business grab, the rewards for these assassination missions must be rich enough to attract the overwhelming majority expert.

In this regard, Zhao Feng already wanted a brilliant idea.

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