King of Gods

Chapter 1042

Golden Wing Red Tiger Clan, Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List More than XNUMX Bloodline races.

But at this moment, the real strength of this Golden Wing Red Tiger in front of Zhao Feng was a match with the Earthquake Golden Ape, which has a typical strength diamond family.

You know, the Bloodline of the tyrannical strength diamond family ranks XNUMX.

Obviously, the bloodline ranking gap between the two is so large, but this Golden Wing Red Tiger gives Zhao Feng’s a feeling of even more mighty overbearing, showing the Deadly Beast spirit.

“It should be the relationship between physique and Bloodline”

Zhao Feng both eyes Yi Ning.

In Immemorial Dreamland, common biological flesh and blood has extraordinary benefits for experts below King.

In terms of bloodline, the person or Demon Beast in the Continent domain absorbs or awakens the Bloodline factor and obtains the Immemorial Bloodline with a very weak Bloodline concentration.

But in front of the Golden Wing Red Tiger, within the body may flow the complete Golden Wing Red Tiger Bloodline. This Immemorial creature cannot exist in the Continental domain.

“I wonder how this Golden Wing Red Tiger meat is?”

Zhao Feng thought that at the beginning, he killed the first creature, a spotted snake in Immemorial Dreamland.

At that time, the ordinary piebald snake flesh caused the Small Thieving Cat to compete with Little Kun Yun.

What about the Immemorial Bloodline race right now?

Zhao Feng’s eyes flashed with excitement.


The Golden Wing Red Tiger stroked a red gold afterimage in the sky and flew towards Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng fully operates Saint Thunder Body and no longer caress.

“Holy Thunder Palm”

Zhao Feng took a pat, and made a Daoist-shaped red gold palm shadow.


Golden Wing Red Tiger was repelled by Zhao Feng again.


Golden Wing Red Tiger flashed a dread, but then turned into a ferocious.

Golden Wing Red Tiger whole body flickering for a while Golden Golden brilliance, as if at this moment, all his strengths were sublimated.

“Really strong Bloodline Power”

Zhao Feng can’t help Marvel.

Continent domain has Immemorial Bloodline expert or Demon Beast, and launching Bloodline Power can only increase certain Battle Strength.

The Golden Wing Red Tiger, Immemorial Races ranked more than XNUMX, and the Bloodline Power that erupted nearly doubled his Battle Strength.

Even Zhao Feng, who urged the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, increased his Battle Strength by four to five at most.

But the more this Golden Wing Red Tiger surprised Zhao Feng’s, the more Zhao Feng became interested in it and wanted to taste it.


A bright red burning flame light, like a blood-red red glow, haunts Zhao Feng whole body.

Zhao Feng urged Blood Devil Sun Bloodline to collide with the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

Bang puci

Golden Wing Red Tiger’s body was partially ignited by Zhao Feng’s sun inflammation. Similarly, after Golden Wing Red Tiger activated Bloodline Power, his claws left a scratch on Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body.

“Soul Mess”

Zhao Feng Left Eye emerged a powerful spiritual eye strength.

Suddenly, Soul of the Golden Wing Red Tiger started to be confused, and his control of the body was also messy.

“Phantom Assault”

Zhao Feng casts an Illusion Dao Eye Technique again.

In the private collection of Ji Family Saint Lord Star Devil, read books such as Massive Soul, Dao of Illusions, and Eye Pupil.

Some of the slightly easier Soul Eye Techniques can be said to be Zhao Feng.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

In Zhao Feng’s left eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame emerges, amethyst light glow flows, and a trace of faint Thunder Calamity ripples.


A group of completely transparent dim Thunder Fire, with aura destroying Thunder Calamity, strikes on the skull of Golden Wing Red Tiger.

At the same time, Zhao Feng immediately rushed forward, running True Yuan with a smash.

This time, the Golden Wing Red Tiger sent a bitter sorrow, and the complexion was miserable.


Suddenly, in the deep forest, there were a few howling anger howling, terrifying roar came to Zhao Feng assault like a golden sound.

“Not good, Golden Wing Red Tiger is Immemorial Races, then there should be other Golden Wing Red Tigers here”

Zhao Feng was shocked.


Zhao Feng immediately performed Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm, and cooperated with Wind-Thunder Eye Fire to destroy the Golden Wing Red Tiger in front of him.


Zhao Feng grabbed the Golden Wing Red Tiger with one hand and disappeared on the spot.

At this time, two Golden Wing Red Tigers with a larger figure descended nearby, but found nothing. After exchanging for a while, the two Golden Wing Red Tigers roared angrily.

Inside Bewildering Space Realm.

Meow meow

When Zhao Feng appeared, the Small Thieving Cat immediately rushed in, a pair of black gemstone eyes flickering thief light, and in his hands, a sharp knife appeared immediately, drooling at the corners of his mouth.


Zhao Feng immediately stopped Small Thieving Cat.

Inside Bewildering Space Realm, a transparent glass bottle floated to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng found a wound on this Golden Wing Red Tiger, and filled the blood of Golden Wing Red Tiger with a glass bottle.

After the glass bottle was filled with red gold blood, Zhao Feng stopped.

“It will be left to you to cook, not allowed to eat”

Zhao Feng stared at Small Thieving Cat.

When fighting the Golden Wing Red Tiger just now, Zhao Feng’s Wind-Thunder Eye Fire caused a great burning effect on the flesh of Golden Wing Red Tiger, not at all. It can be seen that the flesh of Golden Wing Red Tiger is very Difficult to bake.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat waved the sharp knife in his hand for a while.

Small Thieving Cat recommends cutting the creature’s meat and roasting slowly.

“Okay, that’s it”

Zhao Feng agreed.

Immediately, this Golden Wing Red Tiger was handed over to Small Thieving Cat to cook in person.

Zhao Feng came to Bewildering Space Realm another place, both eyes gazing at the Golden Wing Red Tiger blood in his hand.

This Bloodline Power is very rich and exudes the simple and unadorned aura of the Great Desolate source.

Zhao Feng took out a few drops, put it on the body, and then started Saint Thunder Body.


Zhao Feng found that his body absorbed this Bloodline Power very quickly, nourishing Zhao Feng’s physique, blood, and even internal organs, but the effect was not weak.

Zhao Feng took out XNUMX% of the Golden Wing Red Tiger Bloodline and wiped it on his body.

This time Zhao Feng did not run Saint Thunder Body, but activated Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.


Golden Wing Red Tiger’s Bloodline slowly infiltrated into Zhao Feng’s Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.


Suddenly, the Scarlet Blood burning by Zhao Feng whole body suddenly increased a few degrees of heat.

“It seems to promote and condense blood refinement!”

Zhao Feng was delighted.

After a few hours.

Small Thieving Cat came to Zhao Feng with the meaty and tangy pieces of meat.

Zhao Feng immediately took a piece and ate it slowly.

“The effect is more than four times that of the dream fruit, and it contains very powerful flesh and blood.”

Zhao Feng expression trembles, urges True Yuan, and absorbs the energy in it.

Zhao Feng has absorbed too much Immemorial aura, and Essence Blood Precious Materials are innumerable. Therefore, the effect of this tiger meat is greatly reduced.

In addition, Zhao Feng estimates that the effect of this tiger meat is overwhelming majority on the Bloodline Power of the Golden Wing Red Tiger body.

“Although the effect is discounted, it is also many times better than the Precious Materials I redeemed at the Battle Hall of Lan Province.”

Zhao Feng knows contentment.

Hunting this Golden Wing Red Tiger, he risked a certain amount of already. If he hunts again next time, it may be more difficult.

In addition, the powerful Battle Strength of the Golden Wing Red Tiger made Zhao Feng also think of enslaving him, but it was immediately eliminated.

In the case of an enslaved Golden Wing Red Tiger, the Dark Heart Seal disappeared due to an unexpected condition, such as the case of Half-God Kun Yun.

Once this Golden Wing Red Tiger was obtained by other Beast Taming Masters, the secret of Zhao Feng Immemorial Dreamland was exposed.

Therefore, Zhao Feng once enslaved the demon birds, black eagles, and pythons. Zhao Feng never let them out to fight.

On the other side, the Small Thieving Cat swallowed up almost all the remaining meat while Zhao Feng wasn’t paying attention, then hid aside and slapped his belly hu hu to sleep.

A month later.

Zhao Feng’s “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” was built on the accumulation of precious medicine ingredients, and the Eighth Layer Wind-Thunder of Fire cultivated to Peak.

The flesh and blood of Golden Wing Red Tiger was eaten by Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat, and the strength of both has been greatly improved.

On this day, Zhao Feng noticed something strange and left Bewildering Space Realm.

“Nine Nether Palace is finally here”

Zhao Feng felt the depressing Devil Path aura of heaven and earth.

“Nine Nether Palace Saint Lord is here, but here is the Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion, please also converge aura”

Zhao Feng’s words sounded in the hall of silence.

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared directly inside Zhao Feng’s palace.

Zhao Feng felt the pressure of terrifying Devil Path aura. In his body, a powerful blood power was instantly stimulated, and the figure remained motionless.

In these days, the life Essence of Golden Wing Red Tiger and Zhao Feng’s physique have been greatly enhanced.

“Zhao Feng, how dare you dare to threaten me sect of Nine Nether Palace”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan’s deep voice came out.

“Dark Sky Sect Supreme Elder confessed his mistakes and compensated the Sea Mist Pavilion. This is as it should be by rights.”

Zhao Feng had his eyes fixed, and he heard King Nan Feng and Bi Qingyue say it.

Saint Lord Mo Yuan was the Nine Nether Palace executive who blocked members of the Sea Mist Pavilion that day.

At that time, if it were not for the white beard swordsman of Heavenly Floating Palace, the forces behind Zhao Feng would have been destroyed by Nine Nether Palace.

“Zhao Feng, hugh sophistry, if you did not threaten the underworld Saint Lord, how would he confess this unfounded charge?”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan both eyes stared at Zhao Feng, the invisible spiritual coercion spread out.

But Zhao Feng, expression in front of him did not change.

“This junior”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan heart slightly startled. In just a few years, Zhao Feng’s strength has increased a lot.

Regardless of Matter level or spiritual level, Zhao Feng can ignore his invisible oppression and calm down.

“Hehe, this is not an unnecessary charge. I have in my hand the absolute evidence that he framed my Sea Mist Pavilion.”

There was a smile on the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth, and he looked like he was in the right position.

“Criminal evidence”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan expression.

Dark Sky Sect slandered the Sea Mist Pavilion incident, and all of its related personnel, already, were removed.

And Zhao Feng was rushed back from the battlefield, how could he be guilty?

“It’s nonsense, Zhao Feng, you don’t want to distort the facts.”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan suddenly angered, the invisible Devil Path aura suddenly dispersed, and heaven and earth were dark.

Rao is Zhao Feng’s powerful physique, and they can’t bear this Will aura like Heaven’s Might.

call out

Inside the Bewildering Space Realm, the Black Armor Saint Lord cast a cold gloom, which was projected from Zhao Feng’s armguards, forming a light barrier in the air.

On the light barrier, there are many pictures of Quasi-Saint Lord and Saint Lord-level characters.

“It’s up to me to do this, do as you wish to arrest a few members of the Sea Mist Pavilion, and then slander them in turn to slander them.”

In the picture, the voice of Dark Sky Sect, Saint Lord, is heard.

Zhao Feng with a smile, looked towards Saint Lord Mo Yuan.

The scene in this light barrier is the memory image of Black Armor Saint Lord.

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