King of Gods

Chapter 1044

Grabbing Dark Secrets Corner’s business and rewarding assassination missions are the focus.

Zhao Feng’s task rewards must be rewards that other forces cannot come up with, and countless experts are rushing to win them.

After the departure of Saint Lord You Ye and Black Armor Saint Lord, Zhao Feng’s silhouette disappeared on the spot.

In Immemorial Dreamland, Zhao Feng cautiously near the forest.

The original perspective ability of Zhao Feng’s left eye was greatly hindered in Immemorial Dreamland.

But now, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye mutates into Golden, plus the ability of Light of Transparent Beaking, Zhao Feng can penetrate the barriers of these Immemorial plants and see the scenes in the depths.

In the center of the forest, there is a pool of water. The clear and pure water flows from the mountain stream in the back.

All around this pool, there are dozens of Golden Wing Red Tigers.

At this time, Zhao Feng found out that the Golden Wing Red Tiger that he had killed in the beginning was the weakest one in this Golden Wing Red Tiger Clan.

Two of them were the most massive Golden Wing Red Tigers. Zhao Feng looked at them from afar, and felt the ancient beast domineering of their body terrifying.


One of the Golden Wing Red Tigers seemed to perceive something, and looked in the direction of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng immediately looked away and converged on aura.

“The strength of this Golden Wing Red Tiger is at least equivalent to Mystic Light Great Accomplishment”

Zhao Feng whispering in his heart.

But in fact, this Golden Wing Red Tiger Realm is just Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment.

Zhao Feng looked around the habitat of the Golden Wing Red Tiger Clan, and finally started to act.

Zhao Feng aimed at a Golden Wing Red Tiger body leaving the community.

At a certain moment, Zhao Feng leaked an aura.

Suddenly, the Golden Wing Red Tiger noticed this strangeness and flew in the direction of Zhao Feng, gradually away from the ethnic group.

“It’s you this time”

Zhao Feng runs Saint Thunder Body directly, activates the perfect Blood Devil Sun, and rushes to this Golden Wing Red Tiger.

With the last battle experience, this time Zhao Feng can more easily deal with this Golden Wing Red Tiger, master the rhythm of the battle, and attack the weak points of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

When the Golden Wing Red Tiger noticed that Zhao Feng’s was strong and was about to escape, Zhao Feng’s left eye, a strong Eye Strength wave emerged.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

In Zhao Feng’s left eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame emerges, purple golden light flows, and a trace of the dark Thunder Calamity ripples.


A ball of fully transparent Purple Gold Thunder Fire, with aura destroying Thunder Calamity, strikes on the skull of Golden Wing Red Tiger.

At this time, when the Golden Wing Red Tiger was the weakest, Zhao Feng immediately assault up and gave it a fatal blow.

Dragging the Golden Wing Red Tiger to death, Zhao Feng returned to the Bewildering Space Realm.

Meow meow

The Small Thieving Cat, who was sleeping, immediately jumped in, his eyes shone and his mouth drooling.

“No, this Golden Wing Red Tiger is useful.”

Zhao Feng interrupts the delusion of Small Thieving Cat directly.

In the end, Zhao Feng asked the Small Thieving Cat to cut this Golden Wing Red Tiger into pieces of meat, and he gave a small wing of this Golden Wing Red Tiger to the Small Thieving Cat.

And Zhao Feng, leaving Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion, began to rush.

On the way, Zhao Feng used Bewildering Space Realm and the teleportation formation in the big city, and soon reached his destination.

Changhong City Immortal Medicine Pavilion

“Welcome, what medicine ingredients or medicine pill do you need?”

An elegant woman wearing a blue silk gown greeted directly.

Zhao Feng then went directly to the Immortal Medicine Pavilion Eighth Layer.

In the Eighth Layer, several Great Emperors are selecting medicine ingredients, medicine pill …

“Zhou Su’er, I’m here”

Zhao Feng spoke directly, then set foot on the stairs leading to the Ninth Layer.

“Who is this young man? Can he go directly to the Ninth Layer?”

“Here is the cabinet owner, but the Imperial Clan staff.”

“Blond gold pupil, is it Zhao Feng?”

In the Eighth Layer, several Great Emperor were shocked.

In the war between the two dynasties, almost all the forces and experts of the Imperial Court will pay attention to the front battlefield, and the overwhelming majority have personally participated in the battle.

Therefore, Zhao Feng’s reputation for defeating Myriad Forms Saint Lord is even higher than his performance in the Crown Prince Trial.

As soon as Zhao Feng boarded the Ninth Layer, Zhou Su’er’s voice came.

“I thought you wouldn’t come to me in the future”

There seems to be a complaint in Zhou Su’er’s words.

“Come here, please help me”

Zhao Feng bluntly.

Zhou Su’er frowned immediately, both eyes stared at Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng’s words clearly hit her.

“what’s up?”

Zhou Su’er sighed.

He also knows that Zhao Feng, as a great force, Supreme Elder, is very busy. Some time ago it was still on the battlefield campaign.

Moreover, Zhao Feng has a feud with Nine Nether Palace. Zhao Feng’s free time is really not much.

“I have a flesh of Demon Beast and want to make it into a medicine pill”

Zhao Feng said.

“a piece of cake”

Zhou Su’er agreed easily.

Most Demon Beast body is the most precious, some materials and Crystal Nucleus.

But there are some Demon Beasts with very special flesh and blood, which contain the powerful Life Essence, but they are undoubtedly made into medicine pill, which is more suitable for Cultivator.

“I have the quality of medicine pill”

Zhao Feng plans to use Golden Wing Red Tiger’s flesh and blood medicine pill as a reward for assassination missions.

These assassination missions are targeted at a wide range of crowds, including King to Saint Lord, so medicine pill has the best quality.

“So troublesome, give me Demon Beast’s body”

Zhou Su’er is very curious, Zhao Feng got a rare Demon Beast.

After all, Zhao Feng is a Body Tempering expert, and the level of life is ready to step into the threshold of Mystic Light Realm. Generally, the flesh of Demon Beast has little effect on him.

Zhao Feng handed out a storage ring.

If the flesh and blood of Golden Wing Red Tiger is taken out directly, the Immemorial aura emanating from it may be felt by other experts.

Zhou Su’er looked towards mysterious Zhao Feng, Spiritual Sense plunged into the storage ring.

“this is……”

Zhou Su’er froze immediately.

As a physician, she can naturally feel the powerful essence of blood Qi emanating from the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

But this Demon Beast already has been cut in advance, and she can’t judge the identity of this Demon Beast.

“So rich Immemorial aura …”

Zhou Su’er said immediately.

This strong and powerful Immemorial aura is several times stronger than the aura in the Imperial Family Tomb.

“There is also aura of Immemorial Bloodline on it. You killed the Original Race of Immemorial Bloodline?”

Zhou Su’er asked in amazement, feeling that the body Bloodline was shaking.

The Immemorial Bloodline’s Original Race, such as Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, is undoubtedly valuable. No one will kill these Rare Treasures Precious Beasts for alchemy.

“Just over XNUMX Immemorial Races”

Zhao Feng explained.

Zhou Su’er calmed her mood, and the Immemorial Original Race, which ranked so low, was really not very useful, but this rich Immemorial Bloodline and powerful Life Essence blood still surprised her.

“You live here for a while, I have never refined the Original Race of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, and it also contains the Immemorial Bloodline. I’m going to ask the Master.”

Zhou Su’er explained it to Zhao Feng, and then left the Immortal Medicine Pavilion.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded, this Golden Wing Red Tiger’s Bloodline, Zhao Feng only took a small part, most of the Golden Wing Red Tiger Bloodline remained in its within the body, this is also to improve the quality of medicine pill .

After Zhou Su’er left, Zhao Feng temporarily resided in the Immortal Medicine Pavilion Ninth Layer.

“A Golden Wing Red Tiger is not enough”

A golden pill made by Golden Wing Red Tiger may temporarily attract the attention of the killers, but they cannot be retained.

Therefore, from time to time, Zhao Feng enters into the Immemorial Dreamland, looking for opportunities, or trying to seduce one or two Golden Wing Red Tigers.

Half a month passed.

Zhao Feng successfully killed two Golden Wing Red Tigers.

But at this time, Golden Wing Red Tiger Clan already noticed Zhao Feng’s behavior. All Golden Wing Red Tigers were almost gathered around the pool, and there were only a few of them out. Zhao Feng’s hunting difficulty increased greatly.

“I wonder what is magic about that pool?”

Zhao Feng in the forest, through the ability to see through, looked towards the crystal clear, flickering green glow pool.

Dozens of Golden Wing Red Tigers can inhabit there, and the pool must have its out of the ordinary place.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng seemed to notice and left Immemorial Dreamland to return to the Immortal Medicine Pavilion.

Soon, the two Daoist shadows walked down the stairs to the Immortal Medicine Pavilion Ninth Layer.

One of them was Zhou Su’er, beside which was an old woman with white hair and kind eyes.

“Zhao Feng, medicine pill has been refined”

In Zhou Su’er’s hand, two white jade bottles appeared.

Zhao Feng opened the medicine bottle after taking it, and Left Eye swept away.

The two bottles of medicine pill are indeed divided into high and low, but the quality of these medicine pills is still beyond Zhao Feng’s expectations.

“One of them is’ Spirit Blood Essence Pill, which is made from flesh and blood, and the other is Jingxuedan, which is based on Bloodline and mixed with a small amount of flesh.”

That white-haired old woman explained for Zhao Feng.

“This is my Master, Saint Doctor Yu Ling”

Zhou Su’er introduced.

“I wonder what happened to Senior this time?”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, looked towards this white-haired old woman.

Saint Doctor Yu Ling, one of the top Dao of Medicine saints in Continental. This type of people is mainly Dao of Medicine Cultivation, but the cultivation base Realm still reaches Saint Lord.It can be seen that their innate talent in these two aspects is How high.

If nothing happens, how can a generation of Dao of Medicine sages come here in person.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also guessed that these medicine pills may be refined by Saint Doctor Yu Ling himself, otherwise the quality would not be so high.

“I don’t know Zhao Feng little brother, is there any such Bloodline, the old man is willing to exchange at a high price”

Saint Doctor Yu Ling spoke directly.

You must know how precious the humanity of Dao of Medicine in the Continent domain is.

Behind a saint of Dao of Medicine, there are countless forces and experts involved.

Next to Zhou Su’er curl one’s lip, she knew that Zhao Feng’s what flesh and blood was not simple on the surface.

“The Original Race of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race is too rare”

Zhao Feng answered directly, but did not refuse.

“Zhao little friend don’t tell me No other needs?”

Saint Doctor Yu Ling continued to ask.

She made the medicine pill by herself, and she could naturally notice that another part of Bloodline was taken away by Zhao Feng.

Although she has also refined some Bloodline, it is very rare. After all, as the Dao of Medicine saint who is well-known to Continent, she will not do obvious things such as cutting corners.

But a little Bloodline from this refinement made Saint Doctor Yu Ling shock for a long time.

The concentration of Immemorial Bloodline is really high, even if this Demon Beast is the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race Original Race that survived in ancient times, it is impossible to have such a pure Immemorial Bloodline.

“Yes, I want to invite Saint Doctor Yu Ling for ‘Ruler Palace, alchemy for ten years”

Zhao Feng smiled.

The value of Dao of Medicine for ten years is much higher than the value of a Saint Lord expert for a century.

Zhou Su’er was surprised and shook her head slightly. Her Master Saint Doctor Yu Ling has not lost to any force yet. Even the invitation of Imperial Clan, she directly refused.

“Hehe, I don’t know what chips Zhao Zhao friend can offer?”

Saint Doctor Yu Ling slightly smiled.

She hadn’t heard of Ruler Palace, but it didn’t matter much.

Zhou Su’er expression startled, if it is said by ordinary people, Saint Doctor Yu Ling will naturally refuse directly, and even in the future will not be his alchemy.

At this time, her Master did not refuse, and she still seemed interested.

Zhao Feng handed out a storage ring and asked, “Senior should know, what kind of Demon Beast did the flesh come from?”

Saint Doctor Yu Ling took the storage ring, and took a look at Spiritual Sense. She suddenly lost sight of both the spot and both eyes. Obviously, all her consciousness was entered into the Storage Space.

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