King of Gods

Chapter 1038

“Hehe, Ninth Prince’s estimate is indeed correct”

Zhao Feng laughed, looked towards the first piece of stele, ranked third.

Back in the early days, Ninth Prince made a rough estimate of Zhao Feng’s combat achievements, which is the top ten.

In the first war, Zhao Feng’s accumulated military merits, in an instant To surpassed Lan Province War Zone, nearly one million people, ranked within two thousand, caused a sensation.

In the second battle, Zhao Feng directly rose to the top ten and ranked third.

Although there are not many gaps between the merits of less than XNUMX in the merits list, the merits of the top one hundred are still very different, and the top ten are almost all Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord.

You have to know that a Saint Lord, who only defends the city, can obtain a large amount of military power every month, and the war has not yet reached the point of siege, so the difference between the number of military power of Saint Lord and the Mystic Light Realm is below. Very big.

And amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, such as Zhao Feng, surpassed the Saint Lord’s merit points, naturally attracting countless people to watch.

Zhao Feng also looked at a glance, and then followed the guard to the resource exchange office.

There is a lot of contact in the Resource Exchange Office. Except for the expert who exchanges military resources for the expert, the rest are internal personnel who collect, distribute and organize the military resources and resources.

“What is your name?”

A white-haired old man asked at the pile of cases.

“Zhao Feng”

Zhao Feng answered directly.

The old man looked at Zhao Feng a glance, and then moved out of a pile of thick booklets, ready to look through.

But the old man suddenly stopped, both eyes rounded and stared at Zhao Feng.

All around, contact, and the busy insiders who redeemed the battle, also suddenly stopped, looking towards Zhao Feng with suspicion.

“He is Zhao Feng, who jumped directly to the third place in the field?”

“I really don’t know what he did on the battlefield, but he won so many battles.”

“It looks so young and I don’t know if it is me”

Next to Zhao Feng, some King and Great Emperor who exchanged resources whispered.

Although they were very curious about Zhao Feng, they were more suspicious of the true identity of the person in front of them.

“Please prove your identity”

In front of Zhao Feng, the white haired old man had a solemn expression.

It is not a small sum to exchange resources with Zhao Feng’s achievements, so the old man is afraid to carelessly. They have not contacted Zhao Feng, and it is not ruled out that someone impersonates Zhao Feng and comes to exchange resources.

“Verify your identity?”

Zhao Feng for a moment, how can he prove himself?

A four-way Golden Dragon warrant appears in Zhao Feng’s hands.

The old man took the command token in Zhao Feng’s hands and felt it a little.

“His Royal Crown Emperor Heavenly Writ”

The old man was slightly trembled with both hands, and then returned the command token to Zhao Feng.

“Please follow me inside”

The old man got up and said.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng followed the old man and came to the inner level of the palace.

Zhao Feng was a little puzzled. It wasn’t just exchanging resources.

“The higher the ranking, the more rare items you can exchange”

Old man explained.

“In your ranking, you can even redeem some items that are not in the redeemable range, but you need more points of merit.”

The old man continued to explain for Zhao Feng, and seemed to be leading Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng followed the old man to an enclosed hall of Aura.

A golden book suddenly appeared in the hands of the old man.

call out

There are several Golden Dragon stream of lights in the gold book, interwoven in the midair, forming a huge light barrier. The light barrier has densely packed items and the required combat power points for redemption.

The more advanced the name is, the more combat skills are required.

Zhao Feng saw a glance. In the exchange of battle, the front end of the name is basically some rare treasures or Heaven Rank Divine Weapon. If it is the same, it will cost Zhao Feng 70% of the battle.

At present, the number one is the Duke of the dynasty. It seems that it took all Zhao Feng’s military achievements to convert it.

The duke, the highest knight under the Great Heaven Dynasty Saint Sovereign, is basically a single province ruler.

“As the war continues, there may be more items that can be exchanged”

The old man was surprised when he saw Zhao Feng, and then said with a smile.

“It turned out to be…”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

The duration of the war between the two great dynasty is not as short as Zhao Feng imagined, it may be as long as ten or even a hundred years.

For the Great Emperor or Saint Lord, hundreds of years are only a short period of time, but the military achievements accumulated over the centuries are exceptionally rich.

After looking at this resource exchanged item, Zhao Feng became more persistent in the battle.

After a period of screening, Zhao Feng exhausted all his military merits.

The redeemed resources are mostly attribute cultivation resources, refined Soul, Precious Materials that enhance the level of life, etc …

The same Precious Materials, if you take too much, the medicine efficacy will be greatly discounted. If some Precious Materials with a lower medicine efficacy are used for the first time, they can achieve good results.

The old man reported all the resources needed by Zhao Feng.

The next day, the old man sent a storage ring, “Zhao Feng, all you want is in it.”

At a sweep of Zhao Feng Divine Sense, he placed all items in Bewildering Space Realm and left the Battle Hall of Lan Province.

call out

Zhao Feng took the Wind Flame Chariot and started on his way.

After flying for a while, Zhao Feng stopped and the map information of Great Heaven Dynasty appeared in his mind.

“This distance should be able to use the Bewildering Space Realm Space shuttle ability”

When Zhao Feng headed to the battlefield, he left many space marks along the way.

The armband in Zhao Feng’s hand waved on the spot, and his silhouette suddenly faded and disappeared in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow.

The next moment, outside Spirit Palace.


A layer of empty silver shadows overlapped in void, and a blond silhouette emerged from the inside, accompanied by a wave of space fluctuations.

The moment Zhao Feng appeared here, he made many experts and forces passing by him be surprised.

“More expensive”

Zhao Feng estimated distance and consumption.

At present, Zhao Feng can directly teleportation across two big cities, and it is still very difficult to cross the state.

However, directly crossing the two cities is also equivalent to saving dozens of days of travel.

In this way, Zhao Feng used the space of teleportation Spirit Palace and Bewildering Space Realm to shuttle to his destination.

When flying on the way, Zhao Feng will instantly recover True Yuan consumption.

The Black Armor Saint Lord in Left Eye Space, gradually surrendered under Zhao Feng’s long-term torture, was planted by Zhao Feng’s Dark Heart Seal.

After being enslaved by Zhao Feng, the Black Armor Saint Lord told Zhao Feng all the causes and consequences of this interception.

“There are so many forces …”

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

This time was aimed at Zhao Feng’s interception. The main leaders were Thirteenth Prince and Nine Nether Palace, but many of the forces behind Thierteenth Prince were involved, but there seemed to be no Duanmu Family.

All these forces believed that Zhao Feng had used the God-Slaying Arrow, so they created contradictions with the development forces of the Sea Mist Pavilion, which caused Zhao Feng to leave the battlefield and then set an ambush on the way.

The three Saint Lords and one Quasi-Saint Lord came from different forces.

Although the war between the two dynasties was at this time, there was only two Saint Lords in a city.

The interception of the three Saint Lords is awful.

The four experts, as well as the Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation at the top of Nine Nether Palace, killed Mystic Light small accomplishment with no difficulty.

“This hate, this Zhao will remember it”

Zhao Feng expression ice-cold.

The forces behind him need to develop, the resources required are too huge, and Zhao Feng’s goals are not ordinary.

If given the opportunity, Zhao Feng would not mind going to these hostile forces and charging some resources.

“At the speed of the Master, it may be possible to rush back to Lian Province before Nine Nether Palace takes action”

After Black Armor Saint Lord was enslaved by Zhao Feng, he served Zhao Feng practically.

Today, he is betrayed by Nine Nether Palace. Once Zhao Feng fails, he will also face severe punishment from Nine Nether Palace.

However, in the process of rushing along with Zhao Feng during this time, Black Armor Saint Lord has seen Zhao Feng’s many skills and cards, and has some confidence in it.


Zhao Feng ordered nodded, speeded up and rushed to Lian Province.

The operation of intercepting Zhao Feng’s failed, and the escaped Deep Green Hair old man could not be faster than Zhao Feng even if he rushed back or passed the letter at the fastest speed.

And Lian Province, it is the Great Prefecture where Sea Mist Pavilion expanded farthest to the Continental domain, but was hindered by the forces behind arrived Thirteenth Prince.

Lian Province, branch pavilion of Sea Mist Pavilion.

Dozens of Ghost Dao experts surrounded the Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion.

The head is a skinny middle-aged man with both eyes flickering and dark green Ghost Fire.

“Today, you Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion, if you don’t give a word, don’t blame our Dark Sky Sect. You’re welcome.”

The skinny middle-aged man had a cold voice.

In the palace hall, many high-level officials gathered.

“Dark Lord Saint, you know this thing, Dark Sky Sect, what else do we need to say?”

The owner of Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion, a green robe old man, helplessly said.

The Lian Province distance is too far away, and Bi Qingyue and Old Monster Xu will be here in a few months.

But even if the two came, the effect was not great.

This Dark Sky Sect is one of the large affiliates of Nine Nether Palace. It is in charge of intelligence exploration of Nine Nether Palace.

Needless to say, the secret of Saint Lord ’s strength is the Nine Nether Palace at the back. If the Sea Mist Pavilion rushes to get rid, Nine Nether Palace may directly intervene in this matter.

“Haha, you members of the Sea Mist Pavilion sneaked into my Dark Sky Sect to steal information and killed me Dark Sky Sect Core Disciple, this is the truth”

Underworld Saint Lord laughed, his face emaciated.

“Supreme Elder, when do we start?”

Aside from Saint Lord, an Elder asked impatiently.

Today, this incident mainly forced Zhao Feng to rush back and then intercepted him halfway.

Once Zhao Feng dies, the forces behind him will belong to Nine Nether Palace.

“No news from above”

Said the underworld Saint Lord sound transmission.

Zhao Feng didn’t die. They rushed to solve the Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion, and once it was investigated, things would be bad.

However, in the eyes of the saint Saint Lord, Zhao Feng was dead, but Nine Nether Palace said that only by confirming that Zhao Feng was dead can he start.

“However, we can play first”

The ghost of Saint Lord glare darkly, a powerful force of Saint Lord unfolds suddenly, infiltrating into the space below.

I can see that the sky within a few thousand miles is slowly falling into the dark world of the dark green Ghost Fire.

Inside the palace, all the people are quiet, countless disciples, members feel a sense of depression and suffocation, Bloodline and True Yuan are rigid, completely speechless.

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