King of Gods

Chapter 1037


Zhao Feng expression startled.


The silhouette of Small Thieving Cat suddenly appeared on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, throwing a few ancient copper coins, watching a glance, shook the head.

“what happened?”

Liu Qinyin felt that Zhao Feng paid more attention to these two words.

“Nothing, this name matches the girl”

Zhao Feng laughed, immediately said.

Small Thieving Cat just conducted a divination, saying no conclusion was reached.

If the woman in front of her is Liu Qinxin, Small Thieving Cat should be able to divination.

“Wow, so cute cat”

Liu Qinyin both eyes blinked, staring at Small Thieving Cat, showing a touch of affection.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat heard this, and immediately swallowed the copper coins, making a circle around Zhao Feng’s shoulder, posing in a very handsome posture.


The behavior of Small Thieving Cat immediately amused Liu Qinyin.

Zhao Feng looked at such a lively and cheerful Liu Qinyin, dispelled the idea that she was Liu Qinxin.

“Young Master Zhao also came to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make contributions?”

Liu Qinyin and Zhao Feng walked into the wood house and they started chatting.

From the discourse line, Zhao Feng learned that Liu Qinyin has been walking around with her Master since she was very young.

Liu Qinyin was also very interested in Zhao Feng and asked Zhao Feng’s things.

Zhao Feng occasionally talks about himself, and will also make some strange things between heaven and earth.

“Does Young Master Zhao have a fiancée?”

Liu Qinyin was surprised.

Zhao Feng looks like he is in his twenties.

You know, ordinary Great Emperor has Lifespan close to ten thousand years, so few people start thinking about marriage so early.


Zhao Feng thought about it and didn’t know how to answer.

It stands to reason that he had a marriage contract with Liu Qinxin, but Liu Qinxin is dead. Her life may have been forgetting everything in the previous life, and is it still related to Zhao Feng?

Liu Qinyin looked puzzled. Fiancée is still right?

“Actually, I haven’t found her yet”

Zhao Feng explained.

“Girl Qinyin should have heard of Eight Great God Eyes. The Eye of Samsara has the ability to reverse alive or death and other anti-sky abilities. If he helps, I can find arrived smoothly …”

Zhao Feng started to shift the subject.

He believes that Liu Qinyin should be more interested in Eight Great God Eyes.

“Do you need the help of Eye of Samsara?”

Liu Qinyin asked in surprise.

At this time, in the woods outside, an old man in gray clothes came slowly.

Zhao Feng can’t help startled, immediately stood up.

Unexpectedly, when he was chatting with Liu Qinyin, an outsider approached, but he didn’t find it.

But this also proves the strength of the gray-clad old man.

“Senior, the juniors came here by accident, the teleportation great hall Senior gets rid help that day, the juniors are grateful.”

Zhao Feng immediately said.

After all, the old man was unfathomable, and Zhao Feng broke into his place, and first explained things better.

“Master, this Young Master Zhao said, can you help him find him fiancée”

Liu Qinyin immediately walked over and said with a trace of plea.


Zhao Feng suddenly stunned on the spot, his mind was struck by lightning, his eyes looked towards the old man.

He can be sure that the girl Qinyin will not lie to him like this, so to speak, this gray man, the owner of Eye of Samsara

Zhao Feng, the owner of the alert and Eye of Samsara, missed it once.

But the old man’s eyes were normal and did not show the related Samsara Profound Truth. Zhao Feng didn’t find it. It was purely normal.

However, happiness is one thing. At the same time, Zhao Feng’s expression calmed down immediately.

He did not forget the Great Emperor of Death incident

If Eye of Samsara instructs the Great Emperor of Death to kill himself, in that case, the situation in front of him is very bad.

However, if Eye of Samsara wanted to kill himself, why didn’t he do it last time?

Kill the Zhao Feng with the strength of the gray man, with no difficulty.

Zhao Feng suddenly fell into silence, and thoughts poured into Bewildering Space Realm.

If things are not right, Zhao Feng will use God-Slaying Arrow directly

The gray man’s old man expression remained unchanged, and slowly walked into the wood house.

“You know what my Eye of Samsara is capable of?”

The old man in a gray coat sat on a wooden chair and asked.

“Saw some in Ji Family”

Zhao Feng expression For a moment, I didn’t expect the old man in gray clothes. The first thing he said was this sentence.

In fact, it was impossible for Zhao Feng to learn about Eye of Samsara from Ji Family’s “Samsara Death Eye”, which could help him find the whereabouts of Liu Qinxin.

But now it seems that Eye of Samsara does have this ability, and it seems that Sage Liu Wu is right.

“The person you’re looking for is somehow reborn?”

The old man in gray continued to ask.


Zhao Feng expression Natural.

Although the gray-clad old man talked calmly with him at this time, Zhao Feng still raised a XNUMX-point spiritual.

After all, he is not very clear about Eye of Samsara’s ability. If the other party suddenly gets rid, Zhao Feng must get the first time and use God-Slaying Arrow.

“Eye of Samsara is divided into Samsara of Life and Samsara of Death, and the eyes of my ‘Samsara of Life’ can indeed be deduced to obtain the specific position of the reborn person in some way.”

The gray man did not ask any more questions, but said some secrets of his Eye of Samsara, and showed willingness to help Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng’s eyes were frozen and he didn’t speak.

Now that Already has found Eye of Samsara, it also confirms that Eye of Samsara has this ability.

But Eye of Samsara should not be able to help Zhao Feng unconditionally.

After all, at this time, Zhao Feng didn’t know yet whether this gray man was an enemy or a friend.

“The person you’re looking for, how long have you died?”

Asked the old man in gray.

“More than sixteen years”

Zhao Feng expression Sad, unconsciously, already so long.

Liu Qinyin complexion aside for a moment, and said nothing.

“After such a long time, unless her body is well-preserved, I will be able to figure out where she was born.”

The old man in gray is always bland.


Zhao Feng expression startled.

Liu Qinxin’s body, when he entered into the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, the fourth 19th-layer, was allayed.

Sure enough, this ability to withstand the sky also has many limitations.

Even Eye of Samsara, it is impossible to calculate a place without a basis.

“Many thanks Senior informed”

Zhao Feng cup one fist in the other hand.

Even the Great Emperor of Death is related to the gray man.

But at this time, the gray man told the secret of Zhao Feng Eye of Samsara, and also resolved the doubts in his heart. Zhao Feng would not have to think of looking for Eye of Samsara in the future.

“Little brother, you must still be wondering about the Great Emperor of Death incident”

The old man in gray clothes suddenly smiled.

Zhao Feng’s eyes narrowed and he was vigilant again.

“A thousand years ago, when I met him, I marked Samsara. After he was resurrected, the Great Emperor of Death repeatedly asked me to give him a chance to complete his wish. Free him once “

The old man in gray coat narrated slowly, as if explaining.

“I didn’t expect the little brother, but once again defeated the Great Emperor of Death, which gained strength from death, your eyes have the potential that is not weaker than Eight Great God Eyes”

Gray man old man looked towards Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, affirmed.

“Many thanks Senior”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

From the words of Eye of Samsara, Zhao Feng didn’t detect the slightest malice, but the old man in the gray coat was explaining the Great Emperor of Death incident.

Moreover, Zhao Feng also observed that the gray man was only interested in his Left Eye.

“The junior wish is over, and there is an urgent matter, so leave. If the Senior needs anything in the future, the junior will do their best to help”

Knowing everything, Zhao Feng made it easy for Grey Man to leave.

If Eye of Samsara is not hostile to Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng will be happy to make friends with him.

“The old man will not give it away”

The gray coat old man said.

“Girl Qinyin, I hope to have a chance to listen to your music in the future”

Zhao Feng looked towards Liu Qinyin, bid farewell to it.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat also waved his paw vigorously.

“Master, Young Master Zhao are those who hate the Great Emperor of Death?”

After Zhao Feng left, Liu Qinyin asked.

The gray-clad old man ordered nodded.

Liu Qinyin looked towards Zhao Feng, and his eyes suddenly changed.

“Master, Qinyin feels like something bad is going to happen”

Liu Qinyin immediately came to the gray man.

Since she was a child, Liu Qinyin has an extraordinary understanding and accomplishment in Dao of Music and Dao of Destiny. Therefore, she believes in her feelings very much.

“Relax, there is a teacher”

The gray man’s eyes startedled, and then he seemed to have a profound smile.

call out

Zhao Feng took Wind Flame Chariot and flew quickly between heaven and earth.

After leaving Eye of Samsara’s residence, Zhao Feng was inexplicably sentimental.

“No matter, there is something important”

Zhao Feng calmed down.

After a delay, Zhao Feng discovered that at this time, that Deep Green Hair old man distance had a long distance, and the direction was different from Zhao Feng’s current goal.

“Take his fate anytime”

Zhao Feng expression Indifferently, instead of pursuing Deep Green Hair old man in pursuit, he flew to the Battle Hall of Lan Province.

After all, in the body of the Deep Green Hair old man, God Eye Mark was shot. If Zhao Feng wholeheartedly wants to kill him, he cannot escape.

Decades later, Zhao Feng came to the Battle Hall of Lan Province

The Lan Province Battle Hall is a white jade palace revealing the ancient vicissitudes of Aura, which is completely different from the Ling Province Battle Hall.

Outside the battle hall, there are countless experts and crowds coming from contact.

But to enter into the hall of war, you need Proof or enter into the under the leadership and supervision of the guard.

Zhao Feng did not have Proof, and under the supervision of the guard, entered into the inner layer of the battle hall.

Zhao Feng’s eyes glanced slightly, and then he saw a huge towering stele with innumerable flickering golden light fonts on it.

On one side, stele displays a list of less than a thousand points of battle in the Lan Province. The more advanced the name, the more golden light.

“See, the top of the first stele, the name that suddenly appeared a few days ago”

“It’s Zhao Feng, but others are not anonymous. In the Crown Prince Trial, his performance has been recognized by many forces.”

“I naturally know this, but do you know? He had jumped here at a position of more than XNUMX.”

“I heard he defeated Myriad Forms Saint Lord of Alien Race”

All the achievements in the battle list are always around many crowds, most people yearn for this piece of stele, and constantly inspire themselves.

Others compare themselves with their rivals. Of course, there are also specialized intelligence organizations that arrange personnel to stay here and pay attention to the data on them.

“Hehe, Ninth Prince’s estimate is indeed correct”

Zhao Feng laughed. He was very satisfied with his rankings.

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