King of Gods

Chapter 1039

I can see that the sky within a few thousand miles is slowly falling into the dark world of the dark green Ghost Fire.

Inside the palace, all the people are quiet, countless disciples, members feel a sense of depression and suffocation, Bloodline and True Yuan are rigid, completely speechless.

“Dark ghost Saint Lord actually started directly”

Inside the palace hall, the green robe old man whole body trembled, expressing shock.

From this move by the underworld Saint Lord, the green robe old man had a bad hunch.

It stands to reason that Sea Mist Pavilion is the force behind Crown Prince today, and its Supreme Elder Zhao Feng is a person whom Crown Prince is extremely trusted. The secret ghost Saint Lord starts directly, and don’t tell me not to be afraid of the question between His Royal Highness Zhao Feng and Crown Prince ?

Even Nine Nether Palace has to give Imperial Clan some face.

“Elder, some members can’t resist this Saint Lord’s power”

A black clothed middle-aged said.

Although the saint Saint Lord is only a part of Saint Lord ’s mighty power, the members of the Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion are mostly True Spirit Realm and Small Origin Core Realm.

“Dark ghost, you dare to hurt Sea Mist Pavilion members”

The green robe old man suddenly shouted.

In the sky, dozens of Dark Sky Sect executives laughed.

“Haha, Sea Mist Pavilion can hurt me Dark Sky Sect Core Disciple, why can’t I hurt Sea Mist Pavilion members?”

The ghost, Saint Lord, was playful.


The might of Saint Lord that enveloped the palace suddenly strengthened.

“who is it?”

The underworld Saint Lord seemed to have a sense and turned back suddenly.


I saw a red thunder storm arc directly coming from him assault. As we approached, the terrifying holy thunder power of the horror caused dozens of Dark Sky Sect executives to spit blood, and figure backwards.

“You Flower Ghost Fire”

Dark Lord Saint Lord felt the strong aura of each other, and immediately got rid.

all around The numerous dark green Ghost Fires gathered to form a huge dark green ghost flower, carrying the terrifying evil evil Ghost Dao strength and drifting forward.

“Get me out”

Zhao Feng keeps the speed, running Wind Thunder True Yuan and Sheng thunder power cohesion in the palm of the hand, directly shooting a huge red gold Thunder Marks palm shadow.


Under the sacred thunder power and the Lightning Strength, the dark green ghost flower that contained the evil Ghost Strength was instantly dissipated.


Zhao Feng’s remaining palm power shot the ghost Saint Lord directly away from several li.

Inside the hall below, members of the Sea Mist Pavilion were clearly aware of the outside world.

“This is, Supreme Elder”

The green robe old man groaned for a moment, showing surprise.

As far as he knows, Zhao Feng should go to the front battlefield, and with the Ninth Prince campaign Alien Race, even if he knows the contradiction between this and the dark Ghost Sect, it is impossible to come back so quickly.

“You are, Zhao Feng”

The dark ghost Saint Lord spurt a mouthful of blood, horrified, staring at Zhao Feng.

how is this possible? How did Zhao Feng appear here? The ghost of Saint Lord turned up heaven overflowing giant wave.


Zhao Feng coldly snorted, and the powerful force Wei Li immediately unfolded.

Zhao Feng, a member of the Dark Sky Sect, feels asphyxiated, his body seems to be pressed against a towering mountain, and he has difficulty breathing, unable to move even a little bit.

“Surprised to see me?”

Zhao Feng sneered.

“No, I just heard of your campaign in the tri-state battlefield. I didn’t expect to be back.”

The ghost, Saint Lord, almost showed his feet, and his heart was empty.

However, even if Zhao Feng learns what happened here, how could it be so fast?

Moreover, the interception planned by the forces behind Thirteenth Prince failed, don’t tell me?

According to his knowledge, that interception, but the terrifying Battle Strength of three Saint Lords was dispatched

All kinds of questions appeared in the heart of Saint Lord, his body and mind can’t help chill.

“Today, Dark Sky Sect hurt me Sea Mist Pavilion disciple, if you don’t give a word, you don’t have to go back”

Zhao Feng’s strength and power, suppressing dozens of members of the Dark Sky Sect, chilly, looked towards Saint Lord.

“Zhao Feng, this is the case. Some time ago, the intelligence member of the Sea Mist Pavilion clashed with my Dark Sky Sect member, and killed my Dark Sky Sect Core Disciple …”

The underworld Saint Lord spoke slowly, with a negotiating tone.

Of course, those members of the Sea Mist Pavilion who killed Dark Sky Sect Core Disciple were killed by Dark Sky Sect long ago, so dead men tell no tales.

“Since Zhao Feng you are back, I believe you will give me a fair return to Dark Sky Sect”

The dark ghost Saint Lord has a generous tone and trusts Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng’s Battle Strength made the saint Saint Lord very afraid.

Doing something with Zhao Feng here, not doing anything to please, after he returned, immediately reported this matter to Nine Nether Palace, he believes that Nine Nether Palace will certainly not let Zhao Feng go.

“Supreme Elder, this is all made up by Dark Sky Sect, and there is no such thing at all”

At this time, in the lower hall, the green robe old man immediately flew in, respectfully said.

“I also listened to what Elder said in the door. It may be true, which is different from what I just said”

Under such circumstances, the underworld Saint Lord continued to fabricate.

“Since there are discrepancies and you haven’t investigated it, come here to get members of the Sea Mist Pavilion?”

Zhao Feng looked angry and questioned immediately.

“Zhao Feng, what do you want?”

Dark Lord Saint Lord complexion grave, asked directly.

He didn’t expect Zhao Feng to be so tough, don’t tell me, he didn’t know that Dark Sky Sect was an affiliate of Nine Nether Palace?


Zhao Feng fully operates the Saint Thunder Body, a burst of overbearing force that smashes Gu Hong’s wasteland.

The dozen or so members of the Dark Sky Sect under the coercion of Zhao Feng physique had blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, and the sound of broken bones came from within the body.

“you dare?”

The ghost Saint Lord suddenly shouted.

He took the initiative to bow his head to Zhao Feng, but did not expect Zhao Feng to donate such a face, and actually threatened him with these members.

These dozens of people are all middle and high level of Dark Sky Sect. If all of them die, these losses will be enough to make Dark Sky Sect lonely for thousands of years.

“You really don’t remember much”

Zhao Feng complexion sank and ran Wind-Thunder of Fire, uniting the palms.


I saw a huge red Thunder Thunder Marks like the palace pagoda, pushing forward.

The dark ghost Saint Lord complexion suddenly changed, and Zhao Feng’s palm was stronger than before.

call out

A ghostly black shield appears in the hands of the Underworld Saint Lord.

On the black shield, heaven shaking black glow suddenly surged, a huge sloppy face condensed out.


black Grimace face collided with Zhao Feng’s red gold palm shadow.

“really strong strength…”

The saint Saint Lord felt a terrifying force, his hands trembled, and the scum face on the black shield gradually faded.


The stinging grimace suddenly shattered, and the dark ghost Saint Lord was shot again several dozen li, and his whole body was black.

“Zhao Feng, you are so arrogant and unreasonable?”

The underworld Saint Lord immediately climbed up, his face stern.

“Do you also make sense?”

Zhao Feng figure suddenly rushed out, terrifying pressure and Wind Thunder Strength, running.

There was depression in the Saint Lord whole body below, looking towards Zhao Feng that mighty overbearing, and a fear rose in his heart.

After two brief encounters, Saint Lord knew that he would never be Zhao Feng’s opponent.

“Zhao Feng, this is wrong with Dark Sky Sect, and Dark Sky Sect is willing to bear all the losses of the Sea Mist Pavilion”

Said Saint Lord immediately.

In the face of such a powerful Zhao Feng, the secret Saint Lord can only do this.

However, when he returns to Sect, he will definitely report the matter to Nine Nether Palace.

“Hmph, you will regret it, Zhao Feng” Ghosting teeth in the heart of Saint Lord.

“The loss will be compensated with Primal Crystal Stone resources. In addition, you slander the members of the Sea Mist Pavilion to steal the Dark Sky Sect information, in that case, let the Sea Mist Pavilion, the Elder, visit the Dark Sky Sect Information Office.”

Zhao Feng’s words were tough, and he directly stated the content of compensation.

“it is good……”

The dark ghost Saint Lord spoke for a moment, and after a long time, he agreed with his teeth.

“Many thanks Supreme Elder”

green robe old man cup one fist in the other hand thanks.

Let professional intelligence personnel such as him enter the intelligence department of the Dark Sky Sect, and naturally can get a lot of confidential information from it.

Subsequently, the green robe old man followed Dark Lord to Dark Sky Sect.

Zhao Feng temporarily stayed at the Sea Mist Pavilion branch pavilion in Lian Province because he knew that Nine Nether Palace would definitely act.

In Bewildering Space Realm, several precious medicine ingredients appeared in Zhao Feng’s hands. The power of three attributes of fire, wind, and thunder overflowed from these medicine ingredients, and they were incorporated into Crystal Nucleus Space by Zhao Feng.

Any Quasi-Saint Lord has the ability of assault Saint Lord, and Zhao Feng’s True Yuan Space has the requirements of assault Saint Lord, but only Realm Concept is a little bit worse.

However, if Zhao Feng’s other two achievements have reached a very high level, Zhao Feng can ignore Realm Concept and take Hundred Source Saint Broth assault Saint Lord directly.

While cultivating “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, Zhao Feng was also studying Eye Technique and Soul theory, and absorbed Thunder Calamity Strength.

“Thunder Calamity Strength in Half-God’s skull, only XNUMX% left is not arrived”

Zhao Feng faintly sighed.

Thunder Calamity Strength, which has always been Zhao Feng’s trump card, has helped him through numerous crises.

A few days later, the green robe old man returned with joy.

“What’s the gain?”

Zhao Feng took the initiative to ask after exiting the customs.

As the exclusive intelligence agency of Nine Nether Palace, Dark Sky Sect, even if the members inside deliberately hide and obscure some confidential information, but the time is too hasty, the green robe old man should be able to get many important information.

“With regard to the distribution of Nine Nether Palace’s forces, many secret bases, as well as some current activities of Nine Nether Palace, have to be given a little relevant information …”

The green robe old man did not disappoint Zhao Feng’s high hopes, and the stolen information was equivalent to rich.

“In addition, one year ago, Nine Nether Palace seemed to have sent two Saint Lords who had Mystic Light small accomplishment to the Deep Green Sea area.”

green robe old man continued.

You know, Thirteenth Prince planned to kill Zhao Feng behind him, and only sent three Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment.

However, Nine Nether Palace did not know what the two Saint Lords were for.

“Deep Green Sea …”

Zhao Feng is slightly contemplative.

“It is estimated that the origin of checked Nangong Sheng, Nine Nether Palace is bound to get Evil God’s Power …”

At this time, the voice of Black Armor Saint Lord in Bewildering Space Realm came.

“Not good, True Martial Holy Land …”

Zhao Feng expression changed.

Deep Green Sea, True Martial Group Terrirtory

Two silhouettes of the dark ice-cold, floating stand void Fog Sea.

“This is the True Martial Group Terrirtory”

A red-haired man in a black robe, with an ice-cold gaze, spreads out the Spiritual Sense.

“I didn’t expect this low-level Sea Territory, there will be genius like Nangong Sheng”

Another cool and elegant woman of black Gong Chang, said indifferently.

“If it wasn’t for Zhao Feng, the kid who seized the Sea Mist Pavilion and dominated the edge of the sea, the power of Nine Nether Palace could also expand to here …”

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