King of Gods

Chapter 1021

On the Garbo side, Tie Hongling and two Quasi-Saint Lord-level Commanders rushed to the skies.

“Haha, you humans actually sent a woman to compete with me”

Lord Heavenly Saint laughed aloud, his voice was soaring.

“But this human woman is in line with this Majesty’s appetite.”

Heavenly Saint’s fiery eyes turned to Tie Hongling.

Even as an Alien Race, he felt that Tie Hongling was better than many Alien Race beauties.

“It’s up to you? The ugly monster”

Tie Hongling’s eyes were cold and arrogant, and the blood-red Crescent Blade in both hands was burning, and a hot air wave swept across all directions.

鈥淲orthy to be called is Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, really strong鈥?/p>

“Tie Hongling is in the Tie Family, and it is the only peerless genius after Tie Lingyun”

Tie Hongling behind, the two 3-Star Commanders were amazed.


Behind Tie Hongling is a blood flame light curtain that blends into heaven and earth to form a blood-red world.

From a distance, it looks like a blood red Bright Sun, burning fiercely, deterring heaven and earth.

Faced with Alien Race Saint Lord, Tie Hongling dare not care.


Tie Hongling carried the power of the small world and exhibited the Body Movement Secret Skill, which quickly appeared in front of the mad Lord Heavenly Saint. The blood-red Crescent Blade increased the power of the small world with greater power and two huge blood flames. crescent moon cross.

At the same time, two other Quasi-Saint Lords came to both sides of Lord Heavenly Saint, released the small world, and launched a full-scale attack on Lord Heavenly Saint.

鈥淧rimordial Tyrant Body鈥?/p>

The mad Heavenly Saint Lord saw Tie Hongling’s out of the ordinary, and suddenly released a domineering power, the body doubled, and the dark green scale armor outlined a mysterious golden texture, terrifying the extraordinary physical power Pressing, making the three worlds of Tie Hongling tremble.

“come on”

The Heavenly Saint runs the Primordial Tyrant Body. Afterwards, the physical strength is amazing, colliding with the three top Quasi-Saint Lords who released the small world.


“Really strong”

Tie Hongling exhibited the Tie Family Body Tempering Cultivation Technique ‘Red jade glass body, and after that, the strength of the defense was still worse than that of Heavenly Saint.

Heavenly Saint’s unique physical advantage can better reflect the power of Body Tempering Cultivation Technique.

“Tie Family girl, you are very nice”

The Heavenly Saint host smiled, and there was constant friction between Alien Race and humans. They were naturally familiar with the Blood Devil Sun Bloodline of the Tie Family.

The Tie Family woman in front of him is indeed very powerful, but it is still not his opponent.


A claw wrapped around the lord Heavenly Saint, the dark green saint halo, slaps directly on Tie Hongling’s small world.

Hong long long

The battle of Saint Lord at the top, a trace of aftermath, can trigger a storm in the battlefield below.

Originally, the number of Commander in Garbo City was less than that of Alien Race. Now two 3-Star Commanders and Tie Hongling have pinned the Lord Heavenly Saint, and the situation on the battlefield below is one-sided.

Ninth Prince stood on the city wall, looking far into the distance.

“General in the Alien Race, Instant Lord Saint Lord hasn’t got rid yet”

Instant Shadow Saint Lord is the leader of Moon Dragon City, the powerful Saint Lord of Scorpion Human Race, the overall strength is one order higher than that of Heavenly Saint, and he is good at speed, critical strike, and defense physique.

Ninth Prince is not afraid of the twinkling Saint Lord, but hopes to be able to sweep the two Alien Race Saint Lord in one shot, of course, this is his best idea.

Within Garbo City, the dome Saint Lord hides aura, and looks at the situation on the battlefield.

He is only sent by Imperial Clan to protect Ninth Prince, and will not campaign for Ninth Prince.

But even if he doesn’t play, Ninth Prince will not lose the battle.

“Ninth Prince does a good job”

The sky Saint Lord slightly smiled.

Let Tie Hongling, the powerful Quasi-Saint Lord, perform and reduce the suspicion of Alien Race.

When Zhao Feng gets rid, at least he can leave the mad Heavenly Saint Lord. As for the twinkling Saint Lord, it is impossible for Saint Lord to kill him.

“However, the middle battlefield is in a weak position and it will lose a lot of troops.”

Battle between Saint Lord looked towards Commander.

“Damn, you kid!”

The snake man Alien Race who fought with Zhao Feng was completely suppressed by Zhao Feng and his body was bruised.

In contrast, Zhao Feng, walking in the court, aura is stable.

“Our Commander really strong”

“I didn’t expect Commander Great Emperor Realm to suppress Quasi-Saint Lord like this”

Among the soldiers led by Zhao Feng, many experts paid close attention to the situation of Zhao Feng’s and were shocked.

Originally, they were not very optimistic about the new Commander. After all, Zhao Feng looked too young and did not have the prestige of Tie Hongling.

Now that they have seen Zhao Feng’s strength, they have no complaints.

“Old man, come and help me”

Helpless, the snake-man asked for help.

“It’s really useless. It was actually beaten by the Great Emperor.”

A thick-skinned Alien Race with a sharp horn on his nose arrived immediately.


After the two Quasi-Saint Lord Alien Races joined forces, they immediately reversed the situation.


Suddenly, the Zhao Feng body surface and the red gold Thunder Marks lightened slightly. Now, the strength of Zhao Feng Saint Thunder Body is 60%.

“Well, this kid’s strength”

The sharp horn’s Alien Race was a little surprised.

Zhao Feng punches out again


Two Alien Race Commanders, running the defense Secret Technique, were still repelled, of which the Snake Man Commander was more injured.

“How is it possible that this kid is playing a real strength now?”

Snake Man Commander was a little shocked.

He called a companion, but was still beaten by Zhao Feng, and his heart was hard to tell.

Bang Bang

Zhao Feng, carrying terrifying thunder power, collided with two Quasi-Saint Lord.

The two Quasi-Saint Lord’s attacks, which land on Zhao Feng body, will be shaken by a force of Wind Thunder, and Zhao Feng himself is not hurt.

“You two idiots, he is a Body Tempering expert, and he distances himself from him”

At this time, another Alien Race Commander came.

The three Alien Race Commander and Zhao Feng pulled away from the distance to fight a distance.


Behind Zhao Feng’s, a pair of red Thunder Light wings are deployed.

call out

Zhao Feng directly approached the Snake-Man Commander, and the thunder power repelled.

At the speed of Zhao Feng’s, this snake-man Commander couldn’t escape if he wanted to escape. The only two commanders were helpless. The other two Commander were helpless.


The three Alien Race Commander were getting more and more frightened. Among them, the Snake Man Commander who initially fought with Zhao Feng was exhausted.

Zhao Feng used Single-handedly to contain three Commander, two Quasi-Saint Lord, and one Great Emperor.

Such a move naturally attracted commanders who fought nearby.

“Is this our Commander? It’s so powerful”

“Very good fighting skills and speed defense are impeccable”

On the side of Garbo City, a lot of Kings were shocked. They finally admitted that His Royal Highness was indeed a Super Battle Strength. It is no wonder that Crown Prince did not panic when facing the Alien Race attack.

The Alien Race, on the other hand, felt complexion gloomy, and it really couldn’t stand it. In the end, another Quasi-Saint Lord joined Zhao Feng in the battle.

Four Commander, one against Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng body surface Thunder Marks flashes again, the invisible thunder power coercion increases a few lines.

At the same time, Zhao Feng shot

Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm

A huge red gold palm shadow, filled with numerous scarlet thunder and lightning, cracked forward.

Zhao Feng’s palm is only a pure thunder power, and does not integrate Wind Thunder Strength.


The four Commanders were running True Yuan at the same time to resist Zhao Feng’s palm, and they still felt whole body paralysis, and their arms were split.

“What a great battle skill, this guy has a trump card.”

Shouted Alien Race with a sharp horn.

Above the skies, Spiritual Saint 鈥檚 Spiritual Saint Sense noticed something strange on the battlefield.

“The strength of this person …”

The Lord of Heavenly Saint was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, on the human side, although there is no Saint Lord expert, Quasi-Saint Lord-level genius is extremely powerful.

Suddenly, the mad Lord Heavenly Saint seemed to have a sense, looked towards behind.

“Instant Saint Lord is out”

On the side of Garbo City, many Commanders trembled.

The original weakness was improved because Zhao Feng held four Commanders alone, and at this time, the strongest Saint Lord in Moon Dragon City was about to get rid.


Instant Shadow Saint Lord turned into a beam of extremely black light, and came to the battlefield in an instant.

“Killing humans”

Instant Shadow Saint Lord’s voice was low, then he glanced at Zhao Feng.


Alien Race Two Saint Lords play, and Alien Race soldiers within the body are boiling and their momentum is greatly increased.

call out

The shadow Saint Lord did not attack Ninth Prince, but went straight to Zhao Feng.

According to the intuition of Shadow Saint Lord, this youngster is even more tricky.

鈥淶hao Feng Commander鈥?/p>

“Not good, Instant Lord Saint Commander gets rid to us”

In Zhao Feng’s team, many Venerables and Kings were shocked.

No matter how strong their Commander is, it cannot be the opponent of Saint Lord.

“Master Instant”

The four Commander who fought with Zhao Feng were happy and fearful.

Happiness is because of the instant shadow Saint Lord gets rid, this youngster will surely die, and the fear is that after this time of war, several of them will still be punished.


The wings behind Zhao Feng fluttered quickly, avoiding the attack of Saint Lord in the instant shadow.

“Predict in advance?”

Instant Shadow Saint Lord heart startled, a Great Emperor, can actually escape his attack

After avoiding the main attack of Instant Shadow Saint Feng, Zhao Feng fled to the distance. It seemed that he wanted to escape Instant Shadow Saint Lord. In fact, he was approaching the crazy Heavenly Saint Lord.

“Don’t think”

The four Commander’s hearts had been sullen for a long time, and immediately stopped them.

But the next moment, the red gold Thunder Marks on the Zhao Feng body surface suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and an unparalleled and overbearing holy thunder power courage spread out.


The four Alien Race Commander seemed to be oppressed by giant mountains, simultaneously spits out blood, and the tired and wounded Snake Man Commander was directly killed by the Saint Thunder Body of Zhao Feng sixth layer.

Thunder Wing Spatial Flash

The next moment, Zhao Feng displayed the Space Escape Secret Skill, turned into a red thunder storm arc, and appeared directly in the sky behind Lord Heavenly Saint.


The mad Heavenly Saint Lord, who is fighting with Tie Hongling and the others, feels an alive or death crisis.

Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm

Zhao Feng runs the whole body force, integrates Wind-Thunder of Fire, and shoots directly with one palm.

This time’s Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm, but Zhao Feng struck out in full strength, while integrating Wind-Thunder of Fire.

I saw a red gold palm shadow, appearing on the top of the head, terrifying Wind-Thunder of Fire.

Hong long long

The Primordial Tyrant Body of the Lord Heavenly Saint was cracked by the palm of Zhao Feng, and it was directly dropped.

“how can that be”

The Heavenly Saint Lord spit blood and was shocked inside, all this came too fast.

The Heavenly Saint Lord immediately runs True Yuan to dispel the body’s paralysis ache and prepare to stabilize the figure.

But the next moment, Zhao Feng appeared on his right.

In Zhao Feng’s Light Gold Left Eye, a Purple Gold thunder crystal was suddenly shot, stabbing into the soul of Lord Heavenly Saint.


The mad Lord Heavenly Saint suddenly screamed, and at the level of Soul, it seemed as if he was suffering from Wan Lei’s horror and was desperate.

At the same time, a red palm print oppressed him again


Lord Heavenly Saint’s body shattered, and Yuan Soul dissipated.

The whole process, but three interest.

The twinkling Saint Lord is still stunned below. Tie Hongling and the other two Commanders in the sky are jumping heartily, looking towards Zhao Feng, surrounded by the whole body and the red golden pattern, below.

(Introducing this promising new book, “Sword Breaking Heavens”: When the invincible national art Grandmaster descended on the continent of the immortal, and a golden Fire Eyes god monkey was suppressed under the hundred thousand Zhang Five Finger God Mountain, this generation of invincible legend On.)

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