King of Gods

Chapter 1020

“Saint Thunder Body sixth layer”

There was a surprise on Zhao Feng’s face.

After a few breaths.

Zhao Feng returned to calm, his body size returned to normal, and his whole body’s strength, Lightning Marks, also quickly converged.

After the Saint Thunder Body breakthrough six layers, Zhao Feng did not use True Yuan or Eye Bloodline, and could rely on pure physique strength to continue with ordinary Saint Lord.

If Immortal Saint Thunder Body is cultivated to great accomplishment, Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body will be more powerful, and the strength, defense, and repair are impeccable.

In addition, after the “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” reaches the sixth layer, the Secret Technique Battle Skill of Cultivation includes Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm, ‘Thunder Soul Strength Domain, etc.

Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm: It is more overbearing than Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist. It is very destructive. Attack Battle Skill, it has very strong restraint on Domain ability and small world.

Thunder Soul Strength Domain: It is mainly the application of Saint thunder power and Wind Thunder True Yuan. It can be a unique Saint Thunder Soul Strength Domain in week figure. It has strong restraint and restraint on the enemy, and Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body. Great increase.

‘Thunder Soul Strength Domain, similar to the method of Domain and small world, once it is completed, Zhao Feng equivalent to Yu adds a large Domain.

In addition, according to Zhao Feng’s knowledge, he should now have the conditions for cultivate Blood Rebirth, which is just the cultivate method that is not at all in “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”.

“Cultivate Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm first …”

Zhao Feng had a resolution in his mind.

‘Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist, although it has been cultivate to Perfection, under the powerful Saint Body of Saint Lord, this Fist Technique is difficult to cause much damage.If you encounter Body Tempering Saint Lord, Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist, it is estimated that it is not painful and itchy .

Of course, the requirements of Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm are much higher than Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist. Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm pays more attention to words and destroys everything. The more complete and large the object, the stronger the destruction effect.

Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm and Zhao Feng’s attributes of Wind-Thunder of Fire, which are now cultivate, are very consistent, and can be used vividly and thoroughly.

In Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng suppresses the Saint Thunder Body to a certain extent, and constantly exercises Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm.


I saw a huge Void golden red palm print shot by Zhao Feng, palm print all around spreading countless thunders and lightnings, invisible force pressure, shocked in void.

As the Master of Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng can feel any subtle changes in this small world.

“Sure enough, it is extremely destructive to Domain Space.”

Zhao Feng heart startled.

This Palm Technique is extremely destructive to Domain and the small world, but it is also very destructive to Saint Lord Saint Body, only slightly lower than the former.


Zhao Feng did not dare to practice this Fist Technique, otherwise it would affect the small world in Bewildering Space Realm.

Cultivation Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm, at the same time, Zhao Feng also completely adapted to the Saint Thunder Body of the sixth layer.

During this period, three disciples and Tie Hongling of the Ji Family had been there, and found that Zhao Feng had not bothered after retreating.

“This Zhao Feng only knows cultivate all day long”

In front of Zhao Feng’s residence, Tie Hongling chopped his feet and left angrily.

When Ling Province contacted Lan Province, Zhao Feng was in cultivate. After coming to Lan Province, Zhao Feng was still in cultivate, which gave her no chance to contact Zhao Feng.

On this day, Zhao Feng felt that there was a force of Will in his residence.

Zhao Feng comes out of Bewildering Space Realm.

“Senior Zhao, gather”

Ji Tianming immediately said.

Disturbing others is a very dangerous behavior, but the situation is urgent.

“what happened?”

Zhao Feng froze slightly.

He remembers that after the last meeting, Ninth Prince said that some powerful soldier members had to be transferred from other places.

Most of these forces belong to the faction of Ninth Prince.

According to Zhao Feng’s knowledge, the members of the Sea Mist Pavilion who came to the battlefield also happened to be in Lan Province. This is good news, at least Zhao Feng can protect his power members.

However, it has only been three days since his retreat, and he should not mobilize his troops so quickly.

“Enemies Strike”

Ji Tianming’s eyes are both exciting and grave.

“Oh? ”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Garbo City is ten thousand li away, and Moon Dragon City is home to Alien Race.

Although Moon Dragon City’s overall strength is higher than Garbo City, Alien Race has been standing still and is in a defensive state.

According to map information, the area where Ninth Prince is located was heavily invaded by Alien Race, and Moon Dragon City was almost alone.

Therefore, Moon Dragon City needs to wait for the surrounding Alien Race, slowly attack, and then attack all round.

That’s why Moon Dragon City has two Saint Lord Battle Strength.

It can be seen how difficult the task assigned to Ninth Prince above is.

But for Zhao Feng, this is a good thing.

“Two Alien Race Saint Lord is XNUMX battles”

Zhao Feng grinned.

A Great Origin Core Realm is ten-point battle, King is a hundred-point battle, Great Emperor is a thousand-point battle, and Saint Lord is XNUMX-point battle.

Moreover, there are only two great dynasty and Saint Lord. It is very rare for a city to have two Saint Lords.

These Saint Lord strengths are naturally weaker than Saint Lord and Saint Lord Black Devil in Crown Prince Trial.

“Moon Dragon City was stronger than us in the past, but they have never attacked.”

“It seems that Alien Race in Moon Dragon City knows that Garbo City has changed its generals”

Inside Garbo City, the True Spirit Realm Martial Artist responsible for logistics, discusses spiritedly.

On the Garbo city wall, Ninth Prince gathered with many Commanders.

Outside Garbo City, densely packed Alien Race soldiers exude heaven shaking Evil Fighting Intent.

“Your Highness, how are we good?”

A 2-Star Commander, heavy face.

Moon Dragon City’s Alien Race attacked, it must be that the only Saint Lord in Garbo City had left.

Without Saint Lord’s Battle Strength, Garbo City is in a critical situation.

But the general did not order a retreat, and if they left, they were considered deserters.

“Stop the attack”

Ninth Prince said yes.

In the eyes of others, Garbo City may not have Saint Lord Battle Strength, but the children of Ninth Prince and Ji Family are very clear that Zhao Feng is not weaker than the average Saint Lord.

Defending a city is easy to attack, even if Ninth Prince was assisted by Zhao Feng, he didn’t have much confidence to capture Moon Dragon City.

Now Alien Race in Moon Dragon City is directly attacking, which surprises Ninth Prince Old Ying.

“Zhao Feng, don’t expose strength first”

Old Ying and Ninth Prince gave Zhao Feng sound transmission.

At this time, they did not rush to take out Zhao Feng’s hole card.

You can defend first and continue to kill the Alien Race strength. When the time is right, you can counterattack in one fell swoop and completely attack Moon Dragon City.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded. At the same time, he also knew from the mouth of the crowd that the two Saint Lords of Moon Dragon City were Saint Lord, a crocodile Human Race, and Saint Lord, a scorpion Human Race.

Among them, Shadow Saint Lord is the enemy’s general.

“Attack on defense?”

Many Commanders listened to Ninth Prince and almost fell off the city wall.

Now that they are inferior, they should be defending with all their strength.


A lot of Commander sighed, His Royal Highness Crown Prince was too young to understand the strength of the enemy and us.

In this battle, they may lose the city.

“Girl Hongling, this battle is up to you”

Tie Hongling side, a Commander, told her.

Tie Hongling Quasi-Saint Lord-level Battle Strength, plus some manpower, should be able to contain a Saint Lord opposite.

“Zhao Feng, let’s compare our achievements in this battle.”

Tie Hongling completely ignored the words of that Commander, beautiful eyes looked towards Zhao Feng, different colors.

The Commander complexion sank, but did not dare to say anything, but glanced at a glance Zhao Feng with sneer.

The expert who guarded the Alien Race in the northwest did not know much about the news from the dynasty, so only a few people knew about the performance of Zhao Feng Crown Prince Trial.


Zhao Feng answered briefly.

“I won’t show mercy this time”

Tie Hongling smiled charmingly.

Although the last three tentative trials, it was her loss.

But Tie Hongling believes that if you really fight, you will lose Zhao Feng.

Now, it is also the opportunity for her to perform in front of Zhao Feng.


The enemy forces in front suddenly shook.

“Give me Garbo City and chop the humans inside”

The enemy camp, a whole body dark green scale armor, a tall figure alien man, growled suddenly.

This Alien Race is just one of Saint Lord’s Battle Strength in Moon Dragon City.


Infinite endless Alien Race soldiers and Commander, with bloodthirsty madness, like black clouds squeezing.

“Haha, you really think this Majesty will not attack Garbo City, but you will replace Saint Lord and move to a general of Quasi-Saint Lord”

Madness Saint Lord can’t help laugh.

Although their main task was to guard Moon Dragon City, waiting for the pace of the surrounding Alien Race.

However, Gabo City actually withdrew the Saint Lord’s Battle Strength. After reporting the situation with the shadow Saint Lord, he attacked directly.

Continue to occupy the site, there may be a crisis, so this attack was only to kill all the experts in Garbo City.


On the side of Garbo City, the remaining Commanders flew out, restraining the Commander-level figures on the one hand, and commanding the forces they led.

Zhao Feng followed the Great Emperor Gui Lin and the others, simultaneously.


The Alien Race army came down instantly, like a Great Desolate beast, rushing towards the defense line of Garbo City.

Garbo City soldiers and Commander tried their best to defend, and humans and Alien Race fought fiercely.

At the moment of the battle, countless ice-water Water-Thunders, filled with sky …

At this point, Zhao Feng suppressed Saint Thunder Body by 50% and slaughtered with a Quasi-Saint Lord-level snake-man.

“Little doll, you will reach the Great Emperor Realm at such a young age. It must be the genius of a big Clan. It is a pity that you should not come to the battlefield.”

This whole body, the dark red scale snake, laughed wildly.

Zhao Feng didn’t say anything. After suppressing the Saint Thunder Body by 50%, he drove outside to the Great Emperor Realm.

Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist

Zhao Feng both fists kept blasting out, and a mass of metal Thunder Mountain rolled towards the snake-man Alien Race.

“This kid, so deep Fist Technique Concept”

Dark red scale snake man complexion gloomy.

He who fought with Zhao Feng did not take advantage at all, and even felt tied up. His own moves were restrained by this youngster and he could not exert his power.

Suddenly, the sky in the distance was dark, and a fierce malevolent aura came crashing in.

“Haha, who dares to fight me in Garbo City”

Fanatic Saint Lord stood on the sky overlooking Garbo City.

Saint Lord, who was originally guarding here, left. He would like to know who else in Garbo City can fight with him.

“Follow me”

At this point, Tie Hongling suddenly rushed out, and the whole body Bloodline was burning, as if the morning sun was dazzling on the battlefield.

Seeing Tie Hongling being so brave, the Commander on the Garbo side was slightly relieved, and two 3-Star Commanders stood up to the sky, and together with Tie Hongling, challenged the Saint Lord Battle Strength.

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