King of Gods

Chapter 1022

The two sides battle, Saint Lord is the highest Battle Strength, thousands of soldiers in the eyes of unattainable existence.

Saint Lord’s battle, Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth, but the conflict between the two great dynasty so far, there is rarely a case of Saint Lord falling.

After all, each city is also one or two Saint Lords. If the strength gap is not very large, Saint Lord will not be killed.

At this time, Alien Race, which had an overwhelming advantage, fell to a Saint Lord.

“Crazy Lord”

“Mad Lord Heavenly Saint has fallen”

“How can this be?”

On the battlefield, countless Alien Race soldiers and Commander were shocked and couldn’t believe it.

They couldn’t imagine how it would be possible to kill the crazy Heavenly Saint Lord in Garbo City, which did not even have the Saint Lord.

All Alien Races were overshadowed by a shadow of fear, and the original turbulent morale fell suddenly.

The Alien Race Commander who had just been entangled with Zhao Feng was even more frightened and feeling numb on the scalp.

“Is this his true strength?”

“Even if he is Quasi-Saint Lord Realm, how could it be possible to kill the mad Heavenly Saint like this”

The three Alien Race Commander couldn’t believe it, they had been playing against such terrifying humans.

Obviously, the real purpose of this human hidden strength is not to kill them, but to kill Saint Lord

On the other hand, the original downturn of the human side suddenly disappeared, and countless excitement cries, heaven shaking.

“Alien Race Saint Lord falls”

“Is this expert a secret weapon to follow Crown Prince?”

“It turns out we have a Saint Lord Battle Strength.”

Countless human soldiers are extremely excited. Some Commander who has heard of Zhao Feng’s deeds, even if they saw Zhao Feng kill Saint Saint, they still can’t believe it.

“Zhao Feng”

Tie Hongling stood in the air.

She originally thought that, with the two Quasi-Saint Lords, it wouldn’t be long before she could wreak havoc on Heavenly Saint and even use some hole cards to kill him.

However, Zhao Feng easily snatched her prey and killed her instantly.

Moreover, the strength shown by Zhao Feng is completely different from that of her three attempts at first, and the physical strength is at least twice as strong.

“Don’t tell me he’s been hiding strength?”

Tie Hongling was horrified. If Zhao Feng showed such strength at that time, she would definitely lose.

Such a strong and excellent man, also has the Tie Family perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, Tie Hongling’s unprecedented heartbeat

“This human”

Instant Lord Saint Lord’s gloomy pole, looked towards the heavenly soul destroyed crazy Heavenly Saint Lord, and the expression cold youngster.

At this moment, Instant Lord Saint Lord finally understood that this was a trick on the human side. He deliberately transferred the Saint Lord Battle Strength to seduce them. In fact, humans have long been prepared to send a Battle Strength not weaker than the top Saint Lord. Quasi-Saint Lord.

However, why did this youngster not kill the mad Heavenly Saint Lord at first, but had to wait for his gets rid before he revealed the true strength?

“It’s your turn”

Zhao Feng’s eyes looked towards the moment below Saint Lord


The twinkling Saint Lord suddenly had a Clear Comprehension, and his heart was shaken.

This youngster has never revealed the reason for the true strength, he actually wanted to kill him

“Hmph, to boast shamelessly human”

Instant shadow Saint Lord coldly snorted.

Even if Zhao Feng thunderclap killed the crazy Heavenly Saint Lord, it was unexpectedly added with a sneak attack. On the battlefield, no one expected that such a change would occur. Therefore, the crazy Heavenly Saint Lord is too careless, so it will be so easily Off.

However, the situation at this time was really bad.

Instant Shadow Saint Lord believes that it is impossible for Zhao Feng to fight him alone, but now it is a battlefield, and the opponent also has a strong Super Tie Family woman.


Above Garbo City, Ninth Prince held the Qinglei ancient sword, ran Dragon Destiny Qi, and rushed out.

“Full Retreat”

Instant shadow Saint Lord loudly shouted, issued a military order.

The Alien Race at war, hearing the general’s order, desperately desperate, fled to the side of Moon Dragon City.

There are generally two types of withdrawal orders. One is basically to evacuate while counterattacking, and the other is to ‘retreat with all strength, giving up resistance, and desperate to retreat.

At this point, Alien Race is retreating with all his strength.

call out

Instant Shadow Saint Lord turned into a beam of lacquered black light and fled backwards.


Zhao Feng’s silhouette flashes rose to the limit behind Zhao Feng’s dazzling Wind-Thunder of Fire, which pushed his speed to a limit, and came to the front of Saint Lord in the twinkling shadow. Block.

“Human thief, get away. If you fight alone, you thought this Majesty would be afraid of you.”

Instant Shadow Saint Lord gnashing teeth. Although he is good at speed, the speed of this person is not lower than him.

Instant Shadow Saint Lord turned his hands into a pair of huge scorpion pliers and stabbed at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng didn’t hide, let’s run Wind-Thunder of Fire. Under the whole body, Red Gold Thunder Marks simultaneously shined.

Ding Dong

Zhao Feng screwed down the attack of Saint Lord, and shot it with one palm.

“This physical defense”

Instant Shadow Saint Lord felt a tingling of scorpion clamps.

The youngster in front of him actually relies on physique to resist his attack. We must know that the Scorpion people are good at fatal blows. The attack is extremely powerful and has certain restraint on the Body Tempering expert.

“Slay Alien Race”

Ninth Prince held up the thunder ancient sword and ordered it.

Booming …

On the human side, the Commander immediately went out in a pursuit.

And Ninth Prince Tie Hongling headed for Saint Lord.

“Can’t hang on with him”

Instant Shadow Saint Lord immediately crushed a piece of amulet, then fled through the slit of Zhao Feng’s attack.

“Zhao Feng, stop Instant Lord Saint Lord, don’t let him escape”

Ninth Prince turned into a blue Thunder Light and came quickly.

The Saint Lord of Alien Race, can kill one is one, if you let it escape, someday, the Instant Saint Lord will return again and kill humans.


Zhao Feng coldly snorted, and there was a black cloud of thunderbolt extending behind him, which instantly merged into heaven and earth Heavens.

The next moment, Instant Lord was in a space ravaged by Wind Thunder, terrifying the rule of strength, suppressing him and slowing down.

“This person curious little kid”

In the shadow of Saint Lord’s heart, he had never seen any Quasi-Saint Lord’s little world with such power.

He can feel that there is an extraordinary Immemorial aura in the small world of this person youngster.


Shadow Saint Lord did not dare to carelessly, and immediately released the power of the small world projection.

A layer of lacquered black water rushes into the damp Space, blasting towards Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder Little World.

The small world of Saint Lord has a completely different strength. Although it is only the power of projection, it can easily smash the small world of the Great Emperor.

But at this moment, the small world projection of Shadow Saint Lord and the small world of Zhao Feng Wind Thunder have only a little advantage.

The shadow Saint Lord can’t control that many, as long as he is not obstructed by Zhao Feng’s little world, he can escape smoothly. The speed of Ninth Prince and Tie Hongling in the rear is slightly slower, and he cannot catch up in a short time.

“Hehe, just try it out”

Zhao Feng smiled.

After all, it is Saint Lord’s small world projection, and Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder small world can fight against it, and it’s already very good.

Zhao Feng whole body Wind-Thunder of Fire is surrounded by madness, and the power of Saint Thunder Body is slowly gathered in his right palm.

At the same time, Wind Thunder small world also brought a certain strength increase to Zhao Feng.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

The moment Zhao Feng blasted out, his Saint Thunder Body was weak.

I saw a huge golden red Palm Strength phantom, flickering infinite lightning, pushed forward, everything on the way was destroyed.


Zhao Feng’s Palm Technique, hit directly on the small world projection of Saint Lord.


The powerful Saint power and Wind Thunder Strength were released through Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm, Profound Truth, and penetrated into the small world projection system.

“How could … my little world architecture”

Instant Lord Saint Lord’s heart beat.

He suddenly felt that the small world within the body was shaking, and the foundation structure in it was destroyed.

At the same time, the power of the small world projection that he released also began to appear chaotic, the strength weakened, and the strength of Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm strikes to the instant shadow Saint Lord body.


Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder small world immediately rushed in, suppressing the power of the small world projection of Saint Lord.

“It turns out that the weaker the infrastructure of the small world, the more easily it can be destroyed.”

To test the effect of Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm in person, Zhao Feng had Clear Comprehension in his mind.

In fact, many Great Emperors rushed to shape the small world because they had no experience or guidance from their elders.

Some Saint Lords will spend a lot of time and energy to strengthen the transformation of the small world, and even some Saint Lord will recreate the small world after it is destroyed.

“If I change to the small world of the ordinary Quasi-Saint Lord, I’m afraid I can make it Annihilation in one hand”

Zhao Feng has comptnt.

Instant Shadow Saint Lord is obviously a very senior Saint Lord. The small world system is relatively stable.

“This person thief”

Instant Shadow Saint Lord scalp feeling numb.

He did not expect that a Quasi-Saint Lord could actually cause damage to his small world.

You know, as long as the basic system of the small world is not destroyed, even if it is completely destroyed in other places, it can be restored by strength source.

Instant Lord Saint without the slightest hesitation, turned into a huge scorpion surrounded by black light, and performed the escape Secret Technique.

Behind Zhao Feng’s Tie Hongling, scared.

If Zhao Feng kills the mad Heavenly Saint Lord, there are unexpected reasons and sneak attacks, but now, Zhao Feng is actually chasing Instant Shadow Saint Lord. If Instant Shadow Saint Lord is not good at speed, I am afraid of early Ended with Lord Heavenly Saint.

“Heaven Locking Bow”

On the Dark Silver Ancient Bow in Zhao Feng’s hands, a red Wind Thunder light arrow condensed, and he uttered a bang, leaving it empty.

Jeer Poof

The next time Golden Wind Thunder Light Arrow appeared, it penetrated directly into the chest of Instant Lord Saint Lord.

The instant shadow Saint Lord after becoming a black scorpion, the defense strength has become stronger, and the body size has become larger, which has divided the damage of Heaven Locking Bow, but it is ultimately useless.

嘣 xiu …

Zhao Feng flipped a few bowstrings in succession, one red light arrow, one shuttled quickly to void, and inserted directly into the body of Saint Lord.

“Abominable, human thief”

A huge scorpion transformed into a flash of Saint Lord, screaming in the sky.

Zhao Feng’s attack is extremely destructive to his body and can affect his speed.

“For the sake of battle, you can’t let the seriously injured you die in the hands of others”

The wings of Zhao Feng shook behind him, catching up with the instant shadow Saint Lord and shooting with one palm.

“Give me to die”

The scorpion tail of Instant Lord Saint Lord turned into a deadly black poisonous mang and stabbed at Zhao Feng.

He was seriously injured, and his speed could not be faster than Zhao Feng.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

Zhao Feng cast a note of Soul Eye Technique, a group of Purple Gold Thunder Fire, burst into the Saint Lord body instantly.

At the same time, with his super maneuverability, Zhao Feng avoided the scorpion tail attack of Instant Lord and came to Instant Lord Saint Saint, and the Thunder Thunder Body suppressed it.

Bang Bang

Zhao Feng shot several palms in succession, destroying the massive body of Instant Lord Saint Lord into countless pieces.

Instant Shadow Saint Lord’s weak Soul was killed by Zhao Feng’s Soul Will before he could escape.

Another Alien Race Saint Lord falls

(Recommended monthly ticket recommendation —)

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