King of Gods

Chapter 1019

“The old man is planning to let Hongling experience her in the battlefield. Now, she will give her to Little Friend.”

white robed old man said with a smile.

“The battlefield of Alien Race is extremely dangerous, and the younger generations are incompetent and insecure, for fear that they cannot protect the safety of Hongling Girl”

Zhao Feng complexion was shocked and finally understood the meaning of white robed old man.

Let Tie Hongling be with you, isn’t it the relationship with the Tie Family, is it getting more and more complicated?

If something unexpected happens to Tie Hongling, Zhao Feng is afraid that he will never get rid of the Tie Family.

“Young Master Zhao hates Hongling so quickly?”

Tie Hongling smiled slightly, looking towards Zhao Feng.

“Zhao little friend, don’t be humble anymore, this is the deal.”

white robed old man Le Hehe’s way.

Zhao Feng, however, is a complexion. The appearance of Tie Family Supreme Elder reminds Zhao Feng of the Great Lake City City Lord in the Green Flower Territory.

Contrary to Tie Family Supreme Elder, obviously there will be no results.

“Tie Family just wants to match me with Tie Hongling. As long as I completely ignore her and even ignore her, I believe Tie Hongling will gradually hate me …”

Zhao Feng thought of countermeasures, as long as Tie Hongling hated Zhao Feng, then this matter was doomed to fail.

In the end, Zhao Feng didn’t say anything, so the matter was settled.

After Zhao Feng left, some silhouettes slowly appeared in the great hall.

“Hong Ling, how do you feel about Zhao Feng?”

white robed old man asked with a smile.

“Grandfather, Hong Ling’s mind, can’t you see?”

Tie Hongling pretty face slightly red, showing an imperative look.

“Haha, let me just say, Zhao Feng’s potential is definitely more than any genius on the Sovereign Dao list, no need to test”

Tie Hongnan’s voice sounded.

After returning to the residence of Ninth Prince and the others, Zhao Feng said everything.

“Brother Zhao, this is a good thing. I heard that the natural talent of Tie Hongling is not weaker than Tie Lingyun. It is only because the elders of Tie Lingyun have too much power in the Tie Family that Tie Hongling did not compete for the place of the Crown Prince Trial.”

Old Ying smiled, said immediately.

“Haha, in addition, Tie Hongling is also a good Battle Strength, which will be very helpful for your trip”

The sky is Saint Lord laughed.

Eight Great Aristocratic Families, all major forces, many genius did not succeed in pursuing Tie Hongling, and now the Tie Family actually posted Tie Hongling to Zhao Feng, which made Great Heaven’s younger genius, what a pity.

“Yes, Tie Hongling is a good Battle Strength”

Old Ying agrees.

Later, Zhao Feng learned from Old Ying’s mouth that Saint Lord was only sent by Imperial Clan to protect Ninth Prince and would not campaign for Ninth Prince.

In this way, the Battle Strength on Ninth Prince’s side is indeed lower.

Fortunately, after arrived Lan Province, Ninth Prince can mobilize the members of the forces behind him.

For example, if members of the Sea Mist Pavilion where Zhao Feng is located, if they are also in Lan Province, they can directly transfer to the base where Ninth Prince is located.

In addition, Zhao Feng also knew Ninth Prince’s main mission-to seize the city.

Great Heaven, the land of the three states, occupied half of the territory, and now it is natural to retake it.

Defending a city is easy to attack and difficult. Almost every city or stronghold has a Saint Lord-level Battle Strength. If you want to seize the city, you need a stronger Battle Strength.

So to speak, Tie Hongling is indeed very useful. Although she is Quasi-Saint Lord Realm, the strength already can rival the ordinary Saint Lord, and it is impossible to defeat the Saint Lord of the Alien Race. At least she can restrain and deal with it.

The next day, Tie Hongling set off with everyone and went to Lan Province.

“Isn’t this His Royal Highness Crown Prince?”

The crowd had not yet left the palace, and a voice came from the next convenience.

“It’s 13th Brother.”

Ninth Prince smiled.

There were a hundred followers who followed Thirteenth Prince. There were five extremely powerful aura beside Thirteenth Prince.

“I heard that Your Highness is going to Lan Province. Maybe I and the Imperial Brother will meet on the same battlefield. Please take care of me when that happens.”

Thirteenth Prince doesn’t smile.

The hearts of everyone were stunned. As soon as Thirteenth Prince came here, he knew the goals of Ninth Prince and the others, and it happened that Thirteenth Prince was also going to Lan Province. It was self-evident.

“This is nature. As with Imperial Clan, we must all strive to regain the territories occupied by Great Heaven.”

Ninth Prince immediately said.

After becoming Crown Prince, Ninth Prince also learned a lot. In front of some people, he must wear a mask.

“Good luck to Crown Prince”

Thirteenth Prince left after speaking.

Afterwards, everyone took Wind Flame Chariot and rushed to Lan Province.

There is one more person. Flying War Chariot is very crowded. Tie Hongling is naturally entangled with Zhao Feng, but Zhao Feng has been retreating into insight and ignores it.

“Brother Zhao is so calm”

Great Emperor Gui Lin secretly sighed in his heart.

Dozens of days later.

The crowd came to a city in Lan Province, Garbo City.

“His Royal Highness, I’ll leave it to you”

Saint Lord, who originally guarded the city of Garbo, left the area with a confidant and rushed back to Lan Province ‘Battle Hall.

‘The hall of war, like everyone settled in Ling Province, is the headquarters of all wars in a single province.

Of course, the battle hall of Ling Province has the highest power.

Many Commanders and soldiers were somewhat reluctant to guard the departure of Saint Lord in Garbo City. After all, this Saint Lord has been camping with them for a year.

The level of members in the city is very simple. It is divided into generals, commanders and soldiers. Natural generals are Ninth Prince.

The commander is from Great Emperor Realm to Quasi-Saint Lord. According to the record, it is divided into 3-Stars. The higher the star, the more soldiers can lead.

The minimum standard for soldiers is True Spirit Realm.

“Hey, this time is over. How could Crown Prince Crown fight?”

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, since your Lord Prince Prince is beside you, there is no Saint Lord-level expert to sit around, there are people who have a plan.”

“You’re right, Moon Dragon City, but there are two Alien Race Saint Lord, it seems impossible to capture them, maybe they will lose the city.”

Many Commander and their soldiers are not optimistic about the new Crown Prince and even hold a negative attitude.

The second day.

Ninth Prince convened a number of Commanders to hold meetings. First, they are familiar with each other, second, they understand the current situation, and third, they discuss strategies.

Although Commanders are not optimistic about Crown Prince, they dare not show any obvious performance.

As soon as many Commanders entered the hall, they were attracted by Tie Hongling.

A few Commanders naturally recognized Tie Hongling’s identity and dispelled the thoughts in their hearts. At the same time, they wondered why Tie Hongling of the Tie Family would be with Ninth Prince.

“The main targets of Garbo City are Moon Dragon City. There are 43 Commanders in Moon Dragon City and two Saint Lords …”

At the beginning of the meeting, a 3-Star Commander began to introduce the situation to the newly arrived Ninth Prince and the others.

Compared to Moon Dragon City’s Battle Strength, after the departure of Saint Lord and several Quasi-Saint Lords in Garbo City, the overall Battle Strength was slightly insufficient, with only 3 Commanders, of which XNUMX-Star Commander only had four.

After being familiar with the situation, Ninth Prince re-appointed four Commanders, namely Old Ying, Zhao Feng, Gui Lin King and Tie Hongling.

According to the regulations, all four must start with 1-Star Commander, and they can only rise to the stars after their commanding ability and a good record.

“Senior Ying, take care of it in the future”

“Girl Hongling, I didn’t expect to see you again”

The remaining Commander exchanged with the new Commander.

The newly appointed Commander is almost all the powerful Battle Strength brought by Ninth Prince. The rise to 3-Star is sooner or later. The hottest nature is Tie Hongling.

But Tie Hongling ignored the commander’s friendship, always looking at Zhao Feng, causing some Commander complexion to be unhappy.

After the meeting, Zhao Feng left with Ji Family disciple and Great Emperor Gui Lin.

Originally Ji Lan, Ji Wuye and the others were also able to take up the position of Commander, but the three were too young to hold the position of Commander.

Moreover, Zhao Feng needs to be responsible for the safety of the three people, so the Ji Family three people are divided into the Zhao Feng team.

“Great Emperor Gui Lin, it won’t be long before you will rise to 3-Star Commander”

Zhao Feng comforted.

At the meeting, other Great Commanders of the Great Emperor Gui Lin performed indifferently.

Upon returning to his residence, Zhao Feng immediately closed.

Inside the Bewildering Space Realm, a bottle of colored agar appeared in Zhao Feng’s hands.

“You can upgrade Saint Thunder Body to the sixth layer”

After the Crown Prince Trial was over, Zhao Feng had been busy cultivating with Soul and Eye Bloodline, and later he was shaping the small world of the fantasy city.

It’s finally stabilized now.

In addition, before the Crown Prince Trial, Zhao Feng had taken a portion of Hundred Source Saint Broth. If the interval between the second dose was too short, it would reduce the medicine efficacy of Hundred Source Saint Broth.

In order to maximize the medical efficacy of this Hundred Source Saint Broth, Zhao Feng has been dragging.

“After the Saint Thunder Body breakthrough sixth layer, I can continue to be a Saint Lord just by physical strength.”

Saint Thunder Body sixth layer corresponds to the Saint Lord level.

Quasi-Saint Lord refers to aspects such as the strength level and Concept. It is comparable to Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, but its transformation level is not enough, and it has not been fully promoted to Saint Lord.

Zhao Feng’s strength, Tosurpassed the Quasi-Saint Lord long ago. Once the physical aspect reaches the threshold of Mystic Light Realm, Zhao Feng can be called Quasi-Saint Lord.

Zhao Feng immediately swallows a copy of ‘Hundred Source Saint Broth’, feeling a smooth and holy aura, penetrating within the body internal organs, limbs and bones until the Crystal Nucleus Space, Thunder Soul Body.

Zhao Feng felt that the whole body was nourished by Hundred Source Saint Broth and received a brief sublimation.

However, the medical efficacy and absorption efficiency of this copy of Hundred Source Saint Broth are lower than the first time.

Zhao Feng immediately runs Saint Thunder Body.


His figure suddenly rises, whole body blue gold, brilliant halo, and subtle Thunder Marks faintly discernible on the body surface, occasionally blooming Thunder Light.

After running the Saint Thunder Body, the absorption of Hundred Source Saint Broth medicine efficacy has been doubled, and the efficacy of medicine has been applied to the physical casting to the greatest extent.

At this time, Zhao Feng intends to use the medicine efficacy of Hundred Source Saint Broth all to enhance the level of life.

Zhao Feng both eyes closed tightly, and the whole body lingered in a layer of Wind-Thunder of Fire, with constant zi zi sound.


At a certain moment, Zhao Feng whole body skeleton, a crisp sound, the golden pattern on the skin floated, extended, and bloomed golden brilliance.


Zhao Feng’s skeleton physique, at that moment, straightened up and expanded half, just like a real giant, physically, beyond the ordinary person class.

A layer of faint golden red electricity’s power light pattern appeared in Zhao Feng’s whole body, and the invisible thunder power was spreading out.

Hong long long

At the place where Zhao Feng was located, Fangyuan Fang sank suddenly, and it was black inside.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng was in Bewildering Space Realm, otherwise his residence would be completely destroyed.

Zhao Feng ’s body of light gold and reddish power Lightning Marks has become brighter and almost materialized. Finally, these new red gold Lightning Marks shrink and condense on the Zhao Feng body surface.

“Saint Thunder Body sixth layer”

There was a surprise on Zhao Feng’s face.

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