"Don't say it, Zhang Daxian is about to die of anger, he is more anxious than any of us now!"

. . . 0

"Hey... I don't know what to say, so I had to brush up a wave of gifts to comfort President Yu."

Gift information: Thank you "I don't have a husband" for the magic book x20!

Gift information: Thanks to the "Border Girl" for the No. 1 Meow Tooth x[-]!

Gift information: Thanks to "Mr. Yu's Lazy Cat" for the treasure map x1!

Just when the afterglow live broadcast room was swiped by gifts.

The five enemies also completely lost their patience and began to assemble to attack the high ground in the middle!

Look at the five people with the tyrant BUFF on them.

Yu Hui also slowly frowned.

I began to frantically calculate the possibility of two to five in my mind!

The final result is.

Not without hope.

But the success rate is minimal, less than five percent!

"Dude, are you ready?"

"This wave won't last, but it's really gone."

Hearing that Yu Hui finally spoke, Han Han was also relieved.

"Fuck him!"

"It's only [-] points if you lose, it doesn't matter!"

"Anyway, the game can be lost, and Xiao Qiao must die!"

"I've already seen it, Xiao Qiao on the opposite side must be the boss of these dog sons!"


Magic City, in a gorgeously decorated hall.

"I finally won again tonight."

He looked at the word victory that appeared in front of him.

The girl finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After putting down the phone, she looked at the computer screen in front of her.

A glance at Yu Hui's live broadcast room.

"Have you not fought yet? Then I'll wait for him."

Seeing Sunset is still in the game.

She was also quietly watching Sunset's live broadcast, patiently waiting for him to finish the game.

After watching for about half a minute.

She seemed to sense something was wrong.

Immediately open the barrage and take a look.

After roughly understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

Her eyes became cold a little bit at once!Knife.

Chapter 127


At this moment, in the Canyon of Kings.

When they saw the five men of the enemy were aggressive, they brought the dominant vanguard and prepared to forcibly press into their own high ground.

Han Han's eyes narrowed, and he immediately became nervous.

"Second brother, I can make the opposite Xiao Qiao evaporate in an instant. I can also solve Na Ke Lulu and Sun Bin. You just need to help me temporarily restrain Ma Ke and Lu Bu."

"Can it be done?"

I heard Yu Hui's question.

Han Han's eyes were also burning with fire.

"Just give me two people, and ask me if I can do it?"

"I think you look down on my second child Han!"

"Don't talk about restraining Ma Ke and Lu Bu, let me kill them all!"

Feel the determination in Han Lao Er's tone.

Yu Hui glanced at the five enemies who were about to break through the heights, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

Anyway, there is no way out.

Then just let it go!

Just when the two of them were about to start.

Teammate Baili's voice of keeping the promise rang at this moment.

"Don't worry, you still have us!"

"With me here, no one wants to step on our high ground!"

"I said!"

Hearing Baili's promise, Han Han sneered and was about to give a yin and yang agitation.


Something unexpected happened to him at this moment!

"On the matter of taking the enemy's life, I never miss an appointment!"


I saw that Baili kept his promise with a direct snipe!

The bullets of the second skill [Breath of the Wind] swept past like meteors, causing layers of air waves!

It was followed by a loud cracking sound.

The enemy Marco was caught off guard.

The fatal shot that was directly kept by the six gods Baili destroyed nearly half of the blood!

"Pretend there again."

Watching Baili Shouyue once again crouched down in place, and began to target and lock on the enemy.

Han Han snorted in disdain.

But what surprised him was.

This time, Baili's promise seems to be real!

"Break down the blind spot!"


The sound of bullets into the flesh sounded!

The second shot hits again!

Looking at the amount of blood that was almost emptied.

The opposite Marco Polo was also stunned!

Quickly opened the microphone and asked.

"Xiao Qiao, what's going on! Didn't you say that Baili is yours?"

"This is too ruthless!"

"Two shots knocked me out, so how can I play a group?"

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao also frowned.

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"I don't know, it's probably to act more like it, so as to prevent the official people from leaving a handle."

Marco Polo nodded in annoyance and wanted to say something.

But suddenly felt the red line symbolizing danger and death.

Swept over myself once again!

Immediately felt a scalp tingling!

"Grass! This hundred miles is really coming!"

Seeing that Baili Shoucheng was still aiming at him, he quickly pressed the second skill [Roaming Gun].

The figure disappeared instantly and flashed to the upper right!

But what he didn't expect was.

The opposite Baili Shouyi directly predicted his displacement!

"Give me a goal and give you silence!"



Under the fifth layer of passive.

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