They couldn't keep the mad iron with a huge shield in front of them!

"Damn, that knife just now was dodged by Kuang Tie with Dodge!"

"Without an enchantment, he can't be beaten at all!"

Lu Bu sighed and could only watch Yu Hui's mad iron walk back to the tower!

And the other side.

Seeing that Yu Hui's mad iron managed to escape.

His teammates were also excited.

"As expected, even the second child of Han is optimistic about the sidewalk! Our family's mad iron, this is really amazing!"

"This wave of blood loss team battles that should have been one-for-three, was forcibly beaten by President Yu into three-for-three!"

"Fortunately, our family's side lane is President Yu! Otherwise, this wave of team battles will even lose two towers in the middle!"

Hearing Baili's repeated compliments for keeping his promise.

Han Han, who had been watching the entire team battle in silence, sneered at this moment.

"You two just stop pretending, it's really boring."

Hearing Han Han's words, Baili's expression suddenly changed.

Was trying to explain something.

However, at this time, Yu Hui started the mic.

"And Zhang Fei too."

"There are three actors in a game, I didn't expect it.".

Chapter 126

I heard the conversation between Yu Hui and Han Han.

Their live broadcast room was also eerily quiet.

follow closely.

In the live broadcast room, various barrages of fragrant mouths and greetings to family members rushed like a volcanic eruption!

"I'm just saying that this game is getting more and more wrong. It turns out that there are actors!"

"Three actors? Crazy! How can people play with this!"

"Although I still don't understand what happened, it doesn't stop me from greeting the families of these three teammates!"

"Diamond player said he was confused, can someone explain why the anchor said his teammates are actors?"

"Indeed, I'm also curious. I don't think there's anything wrong with other people except Baili! And I think Baili is pretty accurate, and they've crippled Marco! I'm just a low-star boy, don't worry. Kong, you are considered to win!~”

"It's so obvious that you can't see it? Upstairs, it seems that there is a reason why you can't score. Let me, the [-]% boss in the peak competition, analyze it for you-."

In front of the computer, this afterglow fan who claimed to be the boss of the peak game.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he typed quickly on the keyboard.

"This Baili keeps his promise. Although he usually shoots very accurately, his marksmanship will suddenly change at critical moments every time. The second rhythm is to blow him up, and everyone who understands understands it."

"As for this national costume Wan'er, her performance is even more obvious than Baili's promise. When Zhang Feikai yelled and stunned the three, she was so stunned that she didn't kill anyone, can you believe it?"

"Just like the fear that the damage of the ink explosion will make him three people in seconds, only dare to put the [-]st skill to the side of the crowd, and only use the last part of the damage to output?"

"Even one of me who doesn't play Wan'er knows that the main source of damage for Wan'er playing in a group is the explosion of her big move when she touches the brush and ink, not the goddess scattered flowers after heaven. Wouldn't he, Wan'er in a national costume, know about this?"

"As for this Zhang Fei, to be honest, I'm not quite sure, probably his ultimate move could have sprayed the three together and let President Yu get three kills, but he just changed the angle and sprayed the opposing formation. And it was sprayed in the direction of the defensive tower!"

Hear the explanation from the top ace.

The water friends in the afterglow live broadcast room also responded one after another.

Instantly became more angry and angry!

"Understood! It seems that these three teammates are really likely to sell points!"

"Damn, this kind of actor is too disgusting. I don't know how to act. I usually play well, and my record is no problem. Just drop the chain at a critical moment and disgusting teammates!"

"Indeed, this kind of actor is really terrifying! There is no evidence left at all, all faults can be perfectly explained by the word "error", even if the game is over, there will be no problems from the record, even if it is reported, there is no problem at all. Useless!"

"It's over, I feel desperate for President Yu. If there is only one inner ghost, it's okay to say, three inner ghosts? It's still a hammer!"

"It can only be said that Mr. Yu was unlucky, and there were three actors in the line at the same time. The most sensible way to do it now should be to shoot the next one with six points immediately. After all, it would be a waste of time to fight again."

"Don't worry, brothers, this matter has been submitted to the official for handling by Zhang Daxian, and it is estimated that there will be a result soon, everyone can wait for the good news!"

"I vomited! I thought that President Yu might lose tonight, but to an actor? This is too disgusting! I feel wronged for President Yu!"

"Well... I smell a conspiracy theory! Someone deliberately sniped at President Yu to prevent him from reaching the top of the country, right?"

"In short, thousands of words are combined into one sentence. It's a big night, and the sky is getting cold. The parents of these actors are probably cold in the wilderness. Hurry up and buy a bag of cement to make them new clothes."

The water friends in the live broadcast room greeted the actor's family scoldingly.

While watching the live broadcast in front of him worriedly.

There were even many warm-hearted fans who began to frantically collect gifts, trying to comfort Sunset!

The line of sight returned to the Canyon of Kings.

Even though Han Han and Yu Hui have already discovered their actors' identities.

Baili Wan'er and Zhang Fei were still grinningly calling Yu Hui and Han Han their brothers.

Not even admitting to being an actor.

A real brother is more affectionate than anyone else.

It can be said that the more shameless you are, the more shameful you will be.

And as the so-called stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiling face.

Han Han and Yu Hui also have no way to use these three professional actors.

after all.

All their actor behaviors can be described as "mistakes"!

"I vomited, Mr. Yu! Just throw this one! Don't waste your time."

"Even if we stay for a long time, it's useless, it's a waste of time!"

"After all, the three of them are in a group. As long as we make two deliberate mistakes in the most critical team battle, we can ruin a whole wave of team battles and let us lose all our previous achievements!"

Han Han complained there, and had long had the idea of ​​surrender.

However, Yu Hui remained silent.

The operation is full again and again.

After all kinds of grabbing orders.

Look for opportunities to single-kill the enemy hero and let the opponent keep dropping points!

Time and time again to slow down the rhythm of the opposing attack.

But unfortunately.

There are three inner ghost teammates singing one and one in there.

No matter how hard Yu Hui worked, no matter how many people he got, it would be of no use.

Headwind or Headwind!

Stay home or stay home!

Even his teammates don't know what Sunset Hui is still obsessed with.

He wouldn't be naive enough to think that if he met three actors, he still had a chance to come back and win, would he?

Maybe people like them who don't have any e-sports spirit will never understand Sunset.

after all.

In Sunset's dictionary, there is never a word for surrender!

He can lose, he can accept defeat.

But never accept to give up hope and choose to surrender!

I saw Yu Hui's persistence.

Han Han also has complicated eyes.

In the end, when all three of his teammates passed the surrender, he silently rejected him.

He didn't even know what he was expecting.

Because in this case, unless the five people on the opposite side are collectively dropped.

Or the three actors and teammates of their own suddenly found out in conscience and started to play the game well.

0 ??? Asking for flowers??? ??

Otherwise, there is absolutely no chance!

Miracles also depend on the occasion!

"Woooooo! President Yu is still operating there, and he still refuses to surrender. It hurts me so much!"

"Those who believe in miracles are as great as miracles themselves!"

"I can really feel President Yu's unwillingness through the screen! If it were me, I would definitely be pissed off!"

"Husband! Don't keep it in your heart when you are angry, it will be bad. If you want to scold you, scold it out loud! It won't destroy your perfect image in our hearts! What a tweet!"

"Didn't it say that Zhang Daxian has contacted the official! Why hasn't there been any movement yet! I'm so anxious to wait!"

"That... The official said that the evidence is insufficient. These actions of his teammates may be due to poor state or feel, and they cannot be regarded as evidence of actors..."

"I'm going? Are Tianmei's eyes blind? This is not an actor, what exactly is an actor!"

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